My Travel Art Kit

Nov 14, 2009 19:00

I'm leaving for a 3 week trip bright and early tomorrow morning, and in preparation, today I gathered the supplies for a fun travel art kit. I went to Art and Soul, my local arts and crafts shop in Sebastopol (where our Craft Intern Lindsey works!). I found some great things there. All the kit needs is water, and my creative energy. With just it, I can draw, color, paint, and blend. It's a simple and compact collection of tools, including: Moleskins, 6 shades of watercolor crayons, paintbrushes for blending, a fine point ink pen, and two very intersting pencils. One is a graphite pencil that blends with water, and the other is a blue ink pencil.

If you have a great travel art kit, share a list of the contents in the comment section! Bon Voyage!
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