So I went into Babies R Us friday night to pick up a roll of the border we are using in the baby room. Yep we are doing a cheesy "ABC" border. I was quite annoyed however to find that the border only went to E. I'm going to be teaching my son the alphabet, and he's only going to know the first five letters. That's was cute
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I wouldn't write a letter saying "oh you guys hate non-christians" but I would send a letter saying "Hey, why do you need to play those songs when there are many other neutral choices out there?"
I'm not going to quit shopping there because of it, and I wouldn't write a rude letter. I would just a letter saying "Hey this is offensive, because not everyone shopping here is christian, so maybe you should play more general music."
...and when I say letter, I mean email. I wouldn't go much further than that.
I guess I am curious that if it would have been any other religion besides christian, would it have been offensive? Pagan? Muslim? Jewish?
And this comment:
"I wonder if the Babies R Us tape nazi is a dedicated, conservative Christian trying to get at "us" one song at a time."
Now THAT is offensive. I'm still waiting for that open-minded left to blow me away with their tolerance.
Geeze, Craftygeekette, why do you need to hold these personal opinions when there are many open-minded conservative choices out there?
HA! I said "open-minded conservative." I am a funny cheese.
I completely respect Holly's views, and she catches me on a lot of my heated statements and challenges me. I went to bed last night thinking about her. I had something brilliant to say and now I can't remember it. *sniffle*
If I really didn't want to hear what Holly had to say, I'd filter her, but I care so I don't.
I would NOT take offense if they did a holiday tape in December and had the Dradel song (one of my favorites btw) along with christmas songs, along with muslim songs (although I don't know any admittedly).
These songs were over and over again Christian aimed songs. Maybe I just got the bad end of the tape, but it's what I heard.
Anyhoo, I am shocked that ANY corp would be ballsy enough to play anything religious at all. While I'm not offended, I am suprised by it.
And I guess I find religions like radical islam to be more oppresive than christianity by far. Yeah, the crusades were a loooong time ago, and radical jihadists are STILL blowing themselves and other innocent people up daily. And thats RADICAL islam, not all of it. And I think any religion in any form of a radical type is bad, including radicals in christianity. But even they don't hold a candle to the radical islamists.
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