Hi there!

Sep 05, 2008 22:14

Hi guys,
I discovered your lovely comm today and knew I just had to post these, pictures of the Doctor Who themed Monopoly markers I made.

These are about a year old now and the original pictures were taken on a bad camera. So I've re-taken the pictures on a decent camera.
The story behind these was that my Mother wanted the new "Here and Now" edition of Monopoly. She wanted the Australian version (since that's where we live) but my Father and I bought the UK edition instead by accident. And as Canary Wharf is one of the top two properties on the board I thought Dr Who markers (and rules) would be a treat. Thus I set forth boldly and made some. I used modelling clay (all my art supply store had), Acrylic paints, a sealing paint and clear nail polish (because the sealing paint ran out 2 markers in). They haven't aged all to well, owing to the fact the humidity has caused them to expand and they've stuck to each other and the plastic in the monopoly box interior. But enough rambling, onto the pictures.

The Group Picture (ft. Master's TARDIS; Toclophane (bonus marker); Bronze Dalek; Cyberman; Tardis, Sonic Screwdriver and K-9):

The Good Guys close up:

The Bad Guys close up:

And Size comparing to show how tiny these things were (Australian 5 cent coin is approx 1.9cm in diameter):

I sculpted these with only a needle, fingernails, fingers and a ruler. The Cyberman didn't quite turn out the way I wanted him too, nor did the sonic screwdriver. I am proud of the TARDIS and K-9. I chose the column for the Master's TARDIS because it was the easiest choice for me to do, and ultimately there weren't any pictures of the darn thing for me to use, so I used my imagination. The Dalek has the anti-grav bits painted on underneath as well.

So I hope you like 'em. I certainly had fun making them and using them. I have the marker rules lying about in a notepad file somewhere, If anyone's interested I can post them.

EDIT: Some of you have asked for the rules, so I give you a link to my Deviant art where they are:


Hope they make some sense ><

sonic screwdriver, k-9, daleks, sculpey clay, pottery, cybermen, tardis

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