Four Things (but no Lizard)

Jul 25, 2008 22:52

Hi. Um. Quoting the ninth doctor, this group is absolutely, amazingly fantastic.  I’ve been lurking, and seeing all these Daleks pop up, I finally decided to share what I’ve made.

Rose’s Wrist-warmers:

This is the result after doing battle with cables and double-pointed needles, both new challenges. After starting the first one around a dozen times, I finally got the hang of it. The second one went much faster.

Oh! This is the pattern I used.

I’m particularly proud of the thumbs, for some reason. ^__^

A Spiffy Hat of Rassilon:

Knit in Cascade 220, from this pattern. I can’t wait for the right weather to wear it, so that if I can see if there any other unrevealed Doctor Who fans lurking around!

From the side:

And a Dalek (!) from the Extermiknit pattern, which is absolutely wonderful. (To anyone else making one: stuffing it with rolled quilt batting worked way better than fiberfill. They turn out less....pudgy.) I carried it downtown to show my mum’s knitting group - one lady who watched Doctor Who in the Tom Baker days thought it was neat. Other than that, I probably just got some strange stares.

That’s all for now. Though I do have yarn ready for a start on a Season 12 scarf all set aside for a family trip. (That's my fourth thing - still in the planning stages.)

I’ll post it up as soon as I’ve got a start on it! Thanks for all the inspiration!

crochet, daleks, rose, rassilon, knitting

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