Working on my tail was frustrating and depressing at the same time so far. Two weeks of my holiday is over and I thought I'd be almost through the tail project by now. Oh was I wrong. But before I talk about all the problems I stumbled so far let's have a closer look at the supplies I bought.
The most important supply of all (I thought!) - the acrylic. Since we don't have an all purpose caulk like
ALEX Plus, I had to find an alternative. Really - a combination of acrylic and silicone? You won't find that in Germany. Believe me. I needed three weeks, endless calls and visits at our local building centres to finally accept the truth!!! Germany has nothing like that. Not even something comparable.
Decoration netting for the scale effect.
Createx acrylic colours. I decided to set a course with pink.
Applicators for the acrylic.
A shower curtain for some special effects. *g*
Needles, thread, decoration stuff.
And more decoration stuff like shells and, of course, a bra. Mermaids are supposed to be topless, I know, but - well, times change...
Link list of recent entries:
The Monofin-
The Fabric---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Für meine deutschen Leser (for the German followers)
Bevor Ihr irgendetwas von dieser Auflistung kaufen wollt, bitte ich Euch den nächsten Eintrag abzuwarten! Ich musste leider einige Rückschläge einstecken und möchte meine Erfahrungen teilen. Also bleibt dran! ^_^
- Debratec HDD Acryl von 1,89€/Kartusche
- Dekonetz für 3,70€ von idee. War um 50% reduziert
- Createx Acrylfarben gibt's im jeden Airbrush Onlineshop. Kosten ca. 12,-€/120ml
- Spatel um das Acryl zu vertzeilen. 4,-€ inkl. Porto bei ebay
- Duschvorhang von Ridder von ebay für ca. 15,-€ inkl. Porto
- viiiiel Dekokram. Hier sind Euren Fantasien keine Grenzen gesetzt...
Next time on crafty_nerhegeb: the catastrophe begins!