Happy Picture Post ...was not too happy with cam at first..but that is rapidly fadin' ...
This is a night time 30 second exposure...hoping to catch a good bolt...I got one on the first try.....20 others all really whimpy...but I did take some other time-exposures I'll post later... Across from me used to be 22 acres of meadow for grazing cows. It is a suburban area so the guy held out and made a fortune selling to developers...Anyway crappy 'high-end' developers came in and cookie cuttered the whole neighborhood you see. Its green because it has a disease. The people seem to come from nowhere...I cynically refer to them as "cut n' pasters"..Their detention/retention pond is pretty well groomed and draws hundreds of geese (that's a whole nother saga I'll save for later...the geese issue ...gees z ) It also has a lighted fountain...thats the light blob on left...streaks are cars moving tween....cloud structure was only visible during the lightning flash...