Not for me, for the Mrs. The minivan had 8 years and 130k miles and was telling us that it would not be prudent to depend on it for reliable transportation for any length of time. With school, soccer, piano lessons and whatnot coming up, it seemed a good time to listen to its advice. Such an analysis was upheld by the paltry sum the dealer gave us for it. Did I mention the non-functional fuel gauge? Makes travel interesting, yessiree. The trip odometer becomes your best friend.
Anyway, we got a red one, for those for whom such things matter. And the red on the web site is too bright. The real red is more like this: So far, we are both very happy with it, considering we took it home Saturday evening. Yes, now that you mention it, we did spend most of Sunday learning how all the bells and whistles worked. Lots of cool features, the foremost being it is NOT an 8 year old worn out mommy bus. We had our time in that. Now we get something more fun.
And for those who routinely curse SUVs, I remind you I have three kids.
Who all have stuff.
That needs to be carried with them.
When we are all in the new vehicle together, I get more passenger miles per gallon than a scooter.