Stepping up the job search.

Aug 16, 2009 19:44

So my new manager turns out to be a monster. I simply can not stand this person, and it bothers me even more that they sent her to run the "flagship store" for our state. This isn't me being an immature highschool kid working at a burger joint complaining because their boss wont give them saturday night off. This is me being an adult who understands when management just isn't making the cut. The fact is, I've been working at that store for over 2 years now. I know many people have worked there longer and so on, but still! 2 years is a good amount of time. Now, considering that I've worked there for over 2 years, I find it a little disconcerting that I'm being told that everything I do is wrong. She has made it abundantly clear to myself and everyone at our store that everything we've been doing is completely and utterly wrong, because we're not like her old store (which is now out of business).

On top of that, she was rude to me. Like, actually spitefully mean! She asked where we stored a certain item. I explained how usually we kept it in one place, but if there was room we kept it in another and she cut me off! "Look, I don't need you flapping your gums! I just need to know where it goes!". It's not like we were busy, and there were customers needing attention. It was completely dead!

To make things even worse, she's doing things that aren't really "up to code". For example: usually we brew our own iced coffee. It's a special blend that we brew double strength so that way it doesn't taste weak when you add ice to it. But according to her, it's way simpler to keep OLD COFFEE that's been sitting around past its prime and chill it! When hot coffee reaches a half-hour, we dump it and make fresh stuff. She wants us to use the coffee that's no longer fresh enough to serve hot to make our most popular item in the summer. Her theory is that customers wont notice the taste and it saves us money. Um, not really! The kicker is, she doesn't even drink coffee, so how can she tell what the customers will like?

She's snippy with EVERYONE! Even the customers! The thing that keeps our customers coming back to our store is our friendly staff! Seriously! Most people don't live or work near our store, but they'll still stop in because they like our staff. Kind of hard to project a warm and inviting image when our manager is being cold and cruel. I watched as several customers walked away from the register with worried/confused looks on their faces. "Did she seriously just give us attitude?" was what I read on their faces.

I'm sure she'd be a great manager at a slower store, but that is not the case for ours. She needs to step it up, or step off! Or maybe I just need to get the heck out of there! I'm thinking #3 is my best bet, because the district manager obviously doesn't give a damn.
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