Stupid perfectionism

Mar 16, 2017 15:43

I don't know how many of you work with plastic canvas, but I'm in a crisis here...

I cut out a MASSIVE piece of plastic canvas that's supposed to be the side of a pirate ship. (This pirate ship, to be exact.) I very carefully followed the pattern to cut the piece out just right, then carefully started cutting out the holes for the railings... and somehow, right at the end of the whole lengthy process, I SCREWED ONE UP. Big time. I went one cut too many and DIDN'T REALIZE and KEPT GOING and ugh, it's traumatic. Traumatic! They're supposed to be identical, all in a row, but one is way too big!

The way I see it, I have 3 options -

1. Scrap the piece? *cries* I luckily do have another sheet this size, but ohhhhh the thought of cutting this piece out all over again and trying to avoid another mistake... *shudder*

2. Superglue? I don't know, is that even possible with plastic canvas? I want it to be possible!!! But I don't think I have any, so I'd have to buy it just for that.

3. Throw my perfectionism out the window and roll with it?? I mean, it's a pirate ship, right? Maybe one of the railings was damaged by cannon fire or something... but augh, the imperfection!!!

Anybody have advice? Or moral support, that would be appreciated, too!


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