Oh yes, I'm still doing things. I'm always doing something... And sometimes I have stuff to show for it!
Legends insist that the Five Great Desert Temples are guarded by nine dragon siblings; two to each directional temple, the eldest one in the center. They are fair dragons, now, and certainly would not do harm to anyone who approached without mallice in their heart; but they will defend their land and each other from fools. The treasure, you see, is what changes with every telling. Is it gold? Jewels? Knowledge? Power beyond human comprehension? No one has ever managed to return to tell.
Last time I was in Georgia, I went dragon hunting. Which is to say that my (very patient, supportive) partner in crime and I spent 15 minutes combing through a huge bin of cloisonne beads just to find these tiny articulated dragons that I had never seen anywhere before. I had to have them! They were all just a touch beat up, and I kept one that had been broken (he's fixed now, though). The ones used in the necklace were cleaned up a little and reinforced, but all of the little nicks and bends were kept. They've got more personality that way.
The one problem with having a scrawnier neck than anyone you know is trying to model a collar that's technically just a little too big for you even on the tightest setting. Ah well, I tried.
There are plenty more pictures and more information on
the gallery page, and it's also currently
available for sale. Thanks for looking!