
May 04, 2004 22:20

Have You Ever...

Fallen for your best friend? yes
Been rejected? yes
Been in love? yes
Been in lust? yes
Used someone? not sure....maybe
Done something you regret? yes
Had a crush on someone but thought they didn't like you? yes

Who was the last person...

You touched? Emily
You talked to? verbally: Emily, online: Emily
You hugged? Emily

Have you/are you/do you....

Considered a life of crime? nope
Considered being a hooker? no
Considered being a pimp? no
Split personalities? No, yes, no, yes....
Obsessive? not with animate things
Obsessive compulsive? sometimes....
Panic? no
Anxiety? sometimes
Depressed? thought i have been but never..
Obsessed with hate? it's amusing
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? yeah once in awhile
Understanding: most of the time
Arrogant: heh....sometimes....i suppose
Insecure: in some areas...mostly no...
Interesting: i've heard yes and no from others, i consider myself rather boring
Hungry: not right now
Friendly: for the most part
Smart: yes
Moody: extremely
Childish: very rarely
Independent: yes
Hard working: yes
Organized: yes/no
Healthy: yes
Emotionally Stable: yes
Shy: sometimes
Difficult: extremely
Attractive: I think so
Bored Easily: yes
Thirsty: nope
Responsible: yes
Sad: we all are sometimes
Happy: for the most part
Talkative: depends on my mood
Original: not really
Different: yes
Unique: yes, no one is the same
Lonely: sometimes, and i love and hate it that way...
Color your hair? no...i will soon though....hahaha!
Have tattoos? no
Piercings? yes
Had a girlfriend? nope
Floss daily? i try
Own a webcam? no
Ever get off the darn computer? yes
Sprechen sie deutsche? no
Habla espanol? si, me gusta
Current Clothes: short tank top and shorts...
Current Mood: bored/calm
Current Taste: umm....nothing
Current Hair: dirty from practice....ewww
Current Annoyance: those friends who i don't cherish as much as others
Current Smell: my house
Current thing you ought to be doing: nothing...laundry
Current Desktop Picture: a bleeding heart
Current Favorite Group: group? wtf.
Current DVD In Player: none
Current Refreshment: ice water
Current Worry: subliminal thought of loosing all of those who are important to me
Current Crush: I have no idea.....ryan maybe....who knows...
Current Favorite Celebrity: Dani Filth & Bam Margera


Food: mashed potatoes and gravy
Drink: ??
Snack: the good stuff
Color: blue, it always will be
Shoes: hooker boots
Candy: sex(haha yea...i wish)
TV Show: almost anything on Adult Swim, viva la bam, south park
Movie: Donnie Darko
Vegetable: steamed brocolli
Fruit: fresh strawberries

On crushes...

Long or short hair? depends on head shape, either are hott.. doesn't matter
Dark or blond hair? black
Tall or short? tall
Dark or light eyes? icey green eyes, blue

On preferences....

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? depends on the weather
McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? i don't think i'm mature enough to answer, lol
Sweet or sour? sour
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? comedy
Cats or dogs? dogs
Ocean or Pool? pool, salt water is gross
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Doritos haha, nacho cheese
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? summer!!
Vanilla or Chocolate? neither sound good right now
Gloves or mittens? uh no idea
Fly or breathe under water? fly
Bunk-bed or waterbed? waterbed
Chewing gum or hard candy? chewing gum
Motor boat or sailboat? i've never been on either
Lights on or off? off
Chicken or fish? Chicken

What's your favorite:

Number? I don't have one
Holiday? halloween
Radio station? 106.5 The Zone, 89x
Place? with the people who love me :)
Flower? Lily
Scent? A&F Fierce (mens cologne)
If you could be anywhere, where would you be? New mexico or England
What would you be doing? hanging out
What are you listening to? Soilwork- Rejection Role
Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? dogs, and koalas are very cute....Teddy Bears! haha
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