fuck, what else do i have to lose??

May 23, 2005 02:04

Okay FYI to people who think i'm fucking trying to ruin their lives, don't fuckin worry about it i'm too busy ruining my own thank you very much. YEAH i've got a lot of rage, but i think i have a fuckin good reason to. I have put up with and put myself through a fuck load of shit lately and i think i deserve to deal with it. FUCK why does this biggest pile of shit always seem to come my way?
My arm hurts, and so does my liver, but fuck it, Guiness is playing with his squckey toy
I don't quite understand where i get it all from, all i understand is that i came home from the bar crying tonight and i know why, but since the person who induced the non-sence that is going on right now doesn't even have the balls to come out and say it to me then fuck,. what am i supposed to do???

i can't mend bridges that i didn't understand were broken.
Me going home all swollen eye'd with no reasonable excuse. I don't even care, all i want is to make things right with those i truely care about.
You know who you are.

Fuck apparently i have really messed things up this time.

I don't know what to do about any of the so called situations in my life. FUCK!! If only i had an unbiased third party to make the judgement calls, cause as of right now, i don't trust any of them.......

Oh by the way......

I'm out here again, with my back to the wind, hoping that someone comes to save me and pick me up from this spiral that i seem to be heading towards. Please. I have very little hope otherwise...

Seeing everyone i know close with a sig make me feel sick. I'm going to wollow in my pit o self pitty know.

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