The Terani Legacy - Generation 01.5

Apr 01, 2010 23:43

Last time... Miki had a baby girl, Alaina; Larry proved to be a sweet but malicious father. Before little Alaina had even grown into a toddler, Miki was with child again. Shortly after Alaina's birthday, Miki finally gave birth to yet another baby girl named Penelope.

Today we come in on potty training it would seem... I love the face; so priceless XD

Somebody got a promotion... =D

Look at you Larry, all successful and sophisticated o.O You've come a long way from the deadbeat paperboy we met.

This picture is here for no other reason other than the fact that I adore it. Miki and Alaina look so cute <3

"No, no... The other blue one"

Does anyone else feel as though the skill bar always seems to ruin what would be a lovely picture? I actually get quite peeved with them when it comes to teaching your little ones to walk and talk -grumble-

Nobody cares... Get back to the story; if you wanted to dish out opinions go write an article, not a legacy


It's Miki's birthday!! No longer a young adult, but just a plain old adult... Old being the key word here...

She looks happy enough though...

... And out of her mind o.O

♪Every time I come around your city bling bling♫

And she looks no different... What's with the diva pose?

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you Jewell Augustine. I love this tress-challenged teen!! Why? Because he is a babysitter that actually DOES his job o.O No, I mean it... When the baby is hungry, he feeds her, when she's lonely he snuggles her, when she soils herself he changes her; And the most wonderful part is all of this happens promptly, not after TV, video games, and the annoying ear plugging =D

I think you've written more about the babysitter than you have the entire family

Shut up Greg...

Who the hell is Greg?

Awww Alaina looks so cute curled up reading her book with Miki. I'm pretty sure it was a Jimmy Sprocket book.

It's Penelope's birthday today!! And of course since I forgot to check her mood before I had her blow out the candles, she ended up wetting her diaper right as Miki got to the cake with her... The face is priceless XD

"Oh no! What if I drop the baby in the cake?"

I think you'll manage...

Oh dear...

Before we can get to toddler facial reconstruction, Larry needs to blow out his birthday candles too.

Just think happy thought Lar, maybe you can fly >:D

Alaina has absolutely NO care about what's going on downstairs. She's too busy playing with her toys up in her room. Kawaii!!!!

For whatever reason it is, Larry absolutely LOVES Penelope

Toddlers on Potty Chairs = total adoreableness!!!

Just some random cute toddler spam of Alaina and Penelope. They're so cute!! Did I ever mention I actually named Penelope after Penelope Pitstop?

And Alaina's birthday creeps around pretty quickly as she and Miki blow out the candles on her birthday cake, but you'll have to wait until next time to see how it turned out ♥

Also I'm starting to upload Sims, so take a Terani home with you today.

the sims 3, legacy: terani, !&_legacy

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