(no subject)

Feb 08, 2006 11:24

what is what if

you can't walk through your hood without bert, ernie and sesame street

mossie trying to give the snuffleupagus?

old jazz song fingers twisting at my hair near my scalp
pull my hair a little hard so I get that prickly feeling.
maybe a... tickling feeling.
maybe a... tingling feeling!
quite possible you may experience the sensation of... HEAT.
maaaaaayybe oofff CcooOOOOoOoollD
MAYbe you will feel the senSATION of PREssurrre.
maybe a FEELing of WEEEIIIiight
THEN AGAIN maybe you are experiencing the sensation of lightness ALL OVER the BOdy right Now!
VERY possible you may experience pain...

RAS Records has assembled Jamaica's top recording artists to perform a delightful variety of children's classics-recorded in fresh Jamaican style.

I'm looking Califoooornia
And feeling Minnesoooootaaaa

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