Zappy-happy scorponok

Nov 05, 2007 19:27

In which scorponok trapped Lazerbeak and was very mean to him, on behalf of Blackout:

scorponok (7:12:56 PM): *is rolling toward the box, practically singing*

Drone Lazer Beak (10:19:09 AM): * is still squawking and trying to get out*

Drone Lazer Beak (10:19:23 AM): * is not a happy drone and rather cranky to boot*

scorponok (7:15:27 PM): *Rolls out of ball form, peeks in through the small slot*

scorponok (7:15:40 PM): Hello, smelly Lazerbeak!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:15:45 PM): *Glareglareglare*

scorponok (7:15:51 PM): scorponok catch you!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:15:59 PM): Laserbeak not smelly! Scory is!

scorponok (7:16:15 PM): *hits cage with tail stump, rattling it*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:16:22 PM): *SQUAWKS*

scorponok (7:16:46 PM): scorponok punish Lazerbeak for hurting Master, then give to Master. Then he punish.

Drone Lazer Beak (7:17:06 PM): *glares even more*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:17:18 PM): Scorpy is mean!

scorponok (7:17:32 PM): Lazerbeak mean first! *not really but whatev*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:18:12 PM): NO! Scorpy the meanie forst!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:18:25 PM): *ttly sounds like a sparkling here*

scorponok (7:18:25 PM): *hits side of cage again, then puuuuulls the box to Blackout's room, where no one goes*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:19:09 PM): *rather not be rattles around - is not made to be on the ground, damnit!*

scorponok (7:19:24 PM): *pull pull, arrives*

scorponok (7:20:09 PM): *locks door and waddles over to Blackout's "special" tools, grabs the neuro-disrupting one and thrusts it through the bars*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:20:30 PM): *Squarks, jumps back, falls*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:20:45 PM): *really, really wishes that he could still fly RIGHTABOUTNOW!

scorponok (7:21:26 PM): *fire*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:21:39 PM): * is zaped*

scorponok (7:21:42 PM): Hee

Drone Lazer Beak (7:22:27 PM): *feels like something - rumble maybe - just used his hole neuro-net as a pummling thing. please cheack back latter?*

scorponok (7:22:48 PM): *zap*

scorponok (7:23:00 PM): Lazerbeak should not have hurt Master.

Drone Lazer Beak (7:23:28 PM): *@___@* *please come back later - Laserbeak is experiancing tempory disruptions to the neuronet.*

scorponok (7:24:20 PM): *watches him....ehh, not yelly enough. Goes for something else and waits for his CPU to sort this one out*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:25:11 PM): *@___@*

scorponok (7:25:24 PM): *hits him over the head with new thing* HEY!

scorponok (7:25:39 PM): scorponok not done yet

Drone Lazer Beak (7:25:43 PM): DONT HIT BEAKS!

scorponok (7:25:49 PM): Ah! =D

scorponok (7:26:51 PM): *prepares new little weapon, Blackout liked to use it to shock scorponok when he was younger and more naughty. But he only used the very mild setting...not the really bad one...but scorpy is going to use that one noa, ktthnx*
Drone Lazer Beak (7:27:38 PM): * uh oh. CPU, now would be a good time to get unscrambled plzkthx, damnit!*

scorponok (7:27:46 PM): *fire, zaaaaaaaaap*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:28:26 PM): *SQUARKS!* DO NOT WANT~*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:28:39 PM): *laserbeak now feels like freied chicken*

scorponok (7:28:56 PM): *zaaaaap* Beaky say sorry, now!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:29:46 PM): beak feel.... woobly.

scorponok (7:29:51 PM): *ZAP*

scorponok (7:29:53 PM): Now!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:29:57 PM): *SQUARKS!*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:30:04 PM): beaky sorry! no zap!

scorponok (7:30:09 PM): *ZAP*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:30:15 PM): NO ZAP!

scorponok (7:30:17 PM): Never say no zap!

scorponok (7:30:30 PM): *ZAP* Beaky stupid too! say Beaky stupid!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:30:44 PM): *Squarks*

scorponok (7:30:48 PM): say!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:30:55 PM): *feels like really fried chicken now

Drone Lazer Beak (7:31:05 PM): beaky not stupid!

scorponok (7:31:43 PM): *ZAAAAAAAP, directed at his left wing* Beaky say he stupid! NOW!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:32:11 PM): *and cue the shriek of pain* beaky stupid!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:32:19 PM): *says it just to spare his wings*

scorponok (7:32:31 PM): *Wow that was a nice shriek*

scorponok (7:32:36 PM): *Zaps there again*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:32:45 PM): *Shrieks again*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:33:04 PM): *really, really doesnt like this! his wings are sensitive thanks!

scorponok (7:33:40 PM): Beaky regret being mean to Master now! *raises setting to highest it will go, and fires again*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:34:47 PM): * cue the pained screaming shrieking squawk and the birdie trying to hid from the zapper*

scorponok (7:35:33 PM): *watches him flop around inside the cage. Fires into the corner where he isn't currently hiding just to watch him bounce around some more*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:36:29 PM): *Squarks and hops away as best he can* Laserbeak no like this!

scorponok (7:37:06 PM): No supposed to like! *fires at him again, doesn't relent on the trigger*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:37:48 PM): * shrieks, writhing in pain, trying to find somewher safe* beaky not like this!

scorponok (7:38:53 PM): *finally lets up once he's satisfied* *puts the thing down and skitters right up to the box* scorponok going to give you to Master learn to fear humans, yes....

Drone Lazer Beak (7:39:34 PM): not fear Squishies! Squishies stupid and squishy!

scorponok (7:39:41 PM): *hits box*

scorponok (7:39:56 PM): Beaky be very afraid! Will never be real bot after that!

scorponok (7:40:11 PM): No one will want Beaky!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:40:36 PM): BEAK ALWAYS REALBOT!~

scorponok (7:40:53 PM): Not after this....scorponok tell everyone how Master make Beaky cry, too

scorponok (7:40:59 PM): Beaky going to cry

Drone Lazer Beak (7:41:05 PM): Beaky not cry!

scorponok (7:41:23 PM): Beaky will. *puts instrument away, it'll be too big for Master to use*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:41:42 PM): Beaky not cry! beaky is not weak!

Drone Lazer Beak (7:42:28 PM): *will not cry no matter what the silly drone says - yes, is ignoring the fact that he is a coward and will cry - but whatever floats the birdies boat. >__> *

scorponok (7:43:27 PM): *pressing on, wanting to make him suffer the anticipation* Beaky break for scorponok easy! Will break for Master, and never get fixed. *replays recorded audio from session* "Beaky sorry! No zap!"

Drone Lazer Beak (7:43:59 PM): * Angry squarking!*

scorponok (7:44:36 PM): *hits tail against the box one last time, viciously happy*

Drone Lazer Beak (7:45:10 PM): * hey, dont rattle! hes not even sure that hes going to be hoping straight latter - if at all. *

scorponok (7:45:19 PM): scorponok leave Beaky here now...when Master come back, he do what he want, yes.

Drone Lazer Beak (7:45:59 PM): * oh uh. oh shit, hes so screwed now. ;___; *

scorponok (7:46:20 PM): Beaky should hope he ever get out of box..... *waddles out of room, making sure to lock the door before he goes* Goodbye, smelly Beaky!

scorponok (7:46:29 PM): *close*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!) 

scorponok, log, laserbeak

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