(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 01:11

Will: -watches Sarah rummaging through Will's old clothing in their closet-
Will: ... what are you doing?
Will: *tilts head*
Sarah: -keeps on digging throwing shirts and pants into a box-
Sarah: You didn't hear?
Will: .. Noooo.
Will: Hear what?
Sarah: -stops, stares at him-
Sarah: Blackout.
Will: *blinks*
Will: What about him..?
Sarah: ...somehow, he...he got turned into a human.
Will: ...
Will: ...
Will: ...
Sarah: I'm not joking.
Will: *looks around, wating for a camera crew to jump out and scream "YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA!"*
Will: __ Are you.
Will: Are you serious?
Sarah: Yes.
Sarah: I am.
Sarah: -goes back to the clothes-
Will: -makes face-
Sarah: So. I am giving him some of your old clothes and taking food and whatever else he'll need.
Will: -'what the fuck' it says-
Sarah: None of us know how it happened.
Sarah: And you are going with me.
Will: I think... -pause-
Will: -glances at Sarah- .. Yes, I'm coming.
Sarah: Starscream wants to do non-invasive scans of you.
Will: I have to see this.
Sarah: And they had better be non-invasive, or I will personally turn him into a toaster.
Will: *you just broke Will's brain*
Will: WAIT, WHAT?!
Will: -raises voice-
Will: --Why does Starscream want to scan me~~
Will: ??
Sarah: Well, apparently, he needs a comparison.
Sarah: -finishes up with loading the box with clothes, picking it up and setting it on the bed-
Will: -still in disbelief-
Will: -while watching Sarah do all this- ....... I don't have any say in this, don't I?
Sarah: No. You don't.
Will: -grunts and drags his hands down his face in fustration-
Will: It better be non-invasive.
Sarah: Like I said, I will turn him into a toaster.
Sarah: We need to stop at the store, too.
Will: __What about Anna?
Sarah: She comes with, of course.
Sarah: I'm not going to leave her behind.
Will: Well, duh. I was thinking more of a babysitter..
Sarah: -blinks- Why can't we take her with us?
Sarah: -picks up the box and starts heading to the kitchen-
Will: -shrugs and quickly follows after her- It's your call.
Will: --watches Sarah leave the room--
Will: ..
Will: -calls after her- I'll wake up Anna then... you take care of that box!
Sarah: Can you prep the cooler? I'm taking food, too.
Sarah: I made extra of dinner.
Will: --walks into Anna's room and carefully opens the door- Wakie, wakie beautiful~~ -looks over crib-
Sarah: -pulls a few containers from the fridge and sets them on the counter-
Will: -shakes Anna and picks her up, and makes his way to the kitchen-
Will: Um -arrives- ... Are you sure he's going to eat that much?
Sarah: It's only three of them.
Will: -stares at counter for a while-
Will: So... he's human HUMAN.
Sarah: And we don't know how long he's going to be stuck like this, and it's different stuff so he won't be eating the same damn thing every day.
Sarah: Yes. Like you and me. -bit of disbelief in voice-
Will: --- not a hologram/matter? whatever the hell you call it-
Will: ....
Will: ..
Will: -covers Anna's ears- How the HELL did this happen?!
Sarah: I don't know!
Sarah: They don't either!
Will: -still having LOTS OF DIFFICULTY believing this-
Will: -puts Anna in the high-chair so he can help pack up the food-
Sarah: We need to stop at the store, too, and pick up toiletries, too.
Will: ..
Will: Are we going to have to teach him to brush his teeth?
Sarah: ...
Sarah: I don't know.
Sarah: He's smart, he should be able to figure it out, but I really don't know.
Will: -throws icepacks in cooler-
Will: -does not have happy face- Well, he never did it before, not to mention never having a reason to look up ‘human toiletries rituals’ when he was constantly connected to the internet...
Sarah: It's not like it's very difficult, Will.
Will: No it isn't, but he doesn't have that much experience being a human as we do.
Will: When did this happen, yesterday?
Sarah: Again, I don't know.
Will: -fustrated sigh-
Sarah: Ironhide was...not in the mood to give me a lot of details. This has shaken all of them.
Sarah: -voice is getting higher-
Will: -finished packing up the food and closes case with a THUD-
Will: -mutters- I can only imagine..
Will: Do we have everything?
Sarah: Clothes, food, 'Belle...yeah.
Sarah: -looks around the kitchen-
Will: -picks up Belle and heads to the door-
Will: --but instantly stops then turns around- Should we call your mother?
Sarah: I'll...call her tomorrow morning.
Will: ..So she doesn't think man eating hippos got us?
Sarah: I need to figure out how to tell her, first.
Will: Good idea.
Will: We don't want to repeat what happen a few nights ago.
Sarah: -makes a face- No, no we don't.
Will: Okaaaay, sooo-- I'll strap Anna in the car, and come back for the boxes.
Will: Let's get this nightmare over with..
Sarah: -sighs-

Then there's the one Kurumi posted, giving Blackout his st00f.

Sarah: Hon, we should probably go soon to see Starscream...
Sarah: Get it over with.
Sarah: Hon?
Will: Hm? -zoned out-
Sarah: I was saying, we should go see Starscream soon.
Sarah: -playing on the computer-
Will: Oh--
Will: Yah, we should get it over with.
D :
Will: -not a happy camper-
Sarah: He'd better make sure it's non-invasive. -mutters, checking journals-
Will: -sinks moar into chair-
Sarah: ...hey Will?
Sarah: Remember how you said we'd go to Disneyland in the next few years?
Will: Yus?
Will: -takes a while to remember-
Will: Um.... yeeees.
Will: I do. Why?
Sarah: Megatron said that we're welcome to go with all of them.
Will: -blinks, uncertain how to feel... but then a big smile grows on his face-
Will: We're going to Disneyland?
Sarah: You want to go with them? -smiles widely-
Will: -looks up- Do you?
Sarah: Do you really have to ask?
Will: ...
Will: ......
Will: ...
Will: -jumps off of chair-
Will: -pumps fists into air-
Will: -has that 'ten year old boy at christmas 'OHMIGOSHIGOTABIKE' smile-
Sarah: -laughs, and hugs him-
Sarah: Annabelle will love it.
Will: -still grinning- Ohgod, -pulls away slightly- Anna is going to FREAK. OUT
Will: -has own agenda to find Goofy-
Will: -hunt him down-
Sarah: They don't know when they're going, but it'll be soon.
Will: Hn.
Will: -nods head all excited-
Will: --has forgotten all about SCIENCE TIME WITH STARSCREAM-
Sarah: -giggles- You're so cute when you get excited.
Will: -raises eyebrows, pointing finger to self-
Sarah: Yes. Cute. -kisses him-
Will: X -3
Will: -kisses back-
Sarah: Megs thinks it'll be good for us to come, to help explain things to them.
Will: Ppfffffffff~~
--holding back laughter as he imagines Megs riding those spinning tea-cups--
Sarah: What's so funny?
Sarah: -grins-
Will: --snorts--
Will: Just thinking about Megs on those kiddy rides, that's all. --covers his mouth with his hand--
Sarah: -busts up laughing-
Will: Let's go wake up Anna, and watch DISNEY MOVIES! : D
Will: -in the mood to connect with inner child--
Will: --: D--
Sarah: Okay. Little Mermaid or Hercules first?
Sarah: Oh.
Sarah: Wait.
Sarah: -grimaces-
Will: Yes?
Sarah: ...Starscream first.
Will: -Will's shoulders droop down and his smile completely disappears from his face-
Will: *mumbles* iforgotabouthat
Sarah: I know, you don't want to, but it'll help Blackout.
Sarah: ...we can wait until tomorrow, if you really want...
Will: No, I'm fine- we'll do it now.
Sarah: Okay, hon.
Sarah: Go wake up the baby?
Will: --I'd rather we leave Anna with a babysitter for this one.
Sarah: Eh...maybe.
Sarah: Yeah.
Sarah: Call the sitter?
Will: --grabs phone and starts dialing--
Will: --wheee--
Will: --waits while the phone rings and------
Will: Ah, yes, hello! Is Ashley there--?
Will: I-- It's Will. -pause-
Will: -Will looks around and taps his foot, waiting for someone to answer until finally-- -
Hey Ashley, it's Will. Are you busy tonight? Sarah and I are hoping you'd watch over Anna for the night... Do you mind?
Will: Uh--
Will: I.... oh. Well, I'm not sure to be honest. A few hours at least--
Will: --covers the phone over his hands--
How much to we pay her again?
Sarah: -mouths- Seven an hour.
Will: --looks away again--
Seven an hour, as usual. -nods-
Will: -waits-
Will: Oh, great. We'll be there right away.
Will: -hangs up-
Sarah: I'll go wake her up.

The log of the scanning shall be posted when it's completed :D

Sarah: -knock knock-
Sarah: Uh...Optimus? Megatron?
Sarah: -quietly- I hope I got the room right...
Megatron: *Is inside, watching some a movie of some sort on the holovid. Clicks it off, frowning at the voice he hears. Gets up and moves to the door, punching in the code to unlock it*
Megatron: *stares down at Sarah, blinking once*
Sarah: -waves up at him, holding a stack of papers- Hi. Uh, Starscream wanted me to give these to you.
Sarah: It's...the results of the scans he did on Will and I.
Megatron: *Just stares at her, trying to process the fact that there is a squishy at his door, waving at him...*
Sarah: ...
Sarah: Is this a bad time? I can come by later.
Megatron: *looks at the things in her hands, then back at her* Scans?
Megatron: *holds his hand out*
Sarah: Yes. -puts them in his hand, a little nervous but hiding it- Comparisons. There's copies of the scans he did on Blackout and Firestar, as well.
Megatron: *Is interested now, turning away and going back inside, leaving the door wide open*
Sarah: I, uh, can help explain a bit what it says... -hesitantly takes a few steps in-
Megatron: *Turns and looks at her, raising an optic ridge*
Megatron: ...While I'm certain I can comprehend far more than you what's written here, I am curious as to what Starscream did have to say *tap to report* and didn't write down here.
Sarah: Not that I thought you wouldn't understand, I just...being human myself, thought it might help.
Megatron: *And she has a point.*
Megatron: ...very well.
Megatron: ...tell me what you know.
Sarah: -smiles, enters the room fully- Well, the biggest thing is that they removed portions of several of the internal organs.
Sarah: Specifically, the intestines, which are part of the digestive tract.
Sarah: ...they had to make room for the spark casing.
Megatron: ...intestines?
Megatron: *looking it up online*
Megatron: ...how--inconvienent. *looks a bit mortified*
Sarah: And because of that, they're going to have to take vitamin supplements and stay on strict diets so that their bodies aren't stressed too much.
Megatron: ...diets? Vitamins? *looking over the information, expression growing grimmer by the moment*
Megatron: *then looks at her* Primus, you humans...
Sarah: -shrugs- It's not that bad. They just have to take a pill every day, and watch what they eat.
Megatron: ...how can you stand to have such...complicated bodies?
Sarah: ...it's how I was born?
Sarah: But really, it's not that bad.
Megatron: ...hn. I can't imagine it being good. If your parts go bad you die. If you don't eat this insane list of minerals, you die. You get diseases, and die..
Sarah: It's life.
Megatron: ...sounds terrifying to me.
Sarah: Oh! And...they took out almost all of the reproductive organs in Firestar.
Sarah: Lucky girl.
Megatron: ....girl?
Megatron: ...female.
Megatron: *leans down and peers at her*
Megatron: Which are you?
Sarah: ...female.
Megatron: ...huh.
Megatron: How do you tell the difference?
Sarah: -kind of sighs, then points to her breasts- The most obvious difference is these. Males don't have them.
Sarah: And...other differences, but I don't really feel comfortable showing them.
Megatron: *frowns at her shirt, then quirks an optic*
Megatron: *does an internet search and reads*
Megatron: ...........
Megatron: *stares at her*
Sarah: -is starting to feel uncomfortable now-
Megatron: ...and if the female's breasts(?) are not obvious, how does one tell.
Sarah: Um...certain hairstyles, facial features, basic body shape...
Sarah: pulls her shirt a bit tighter to show the curve of her hips-
Sarah: See? Women are very curvy.
Megatron: *gives an exhasperated sigh and shakes his head* I'll never get it.
Megatron: However, I will register you as female.
Sarah: -smiles, shakes her head-
Sarah: But, yeah. That's basically what's written in the scans.
Megatron: ...did they remove Blackout's reproductive organs?
Megatron: *looking through scans*
Sarah: No. They're situated a lot lower on males, so they weren't really in the way.
Sarah: I almost envy Firestar... -mutters-
Megatron: Why? *looks up*
Sarah: -starts to blush a bit- Well, uh, as part of the female reproductive cycle we kind of bleed once a month. It comes with some not fun symptoms like nausea, cramps, and general feeling like crap.
Sarah: Since...her uterus was removed, she won't have to deal with it.
Megatron: ...you what?
Megatron: Why?
Sarah: ...look up menstruation.
Megatron: What purpose does that serve?
Megatron: *does so*
Megatron: ..............
Sarah: Yeah...so there is a purpose for all the unpleasantness of it.
Sarah: -fidgets-
Megatron: ........
Megatron: I really don't know what to say... *looks horrified*
Sarah: Eh.
Sarah: Um...you wanted to know more about rides?
Megatron: *looks up at that*
Sarah: -subject change!-
Megatron: .....rides?
Megatron: *good thing he's easily distracted*
Sarah: Disneyland?
Megatron: ...you've been there?
Sarah: Once, when I was little. -smiles-
Megatron: Hn...
Megatron: ...I had to get a mea--squishy form...
Sarah: ...can I see?
Sarah: -damn her curiosity-
Megatron: ...Ihavetwoactually.
Megatron: Onefemaleandonemale--becauseIgetconfused.
Megatron: I'm the one on the right...primeistheotherone. Bonecrusher picked this one out for me. Male, right?
Megatron: http://www.modelmayhem.com/pics.php?id=1258
Sarah: -kind of stares at the first pic, chooses not to comment- Huh. They kind of fit you.
Megatron: ...really?
Sarah: Yeah, especially the male one. That's the second one.
Megatron: ...hn. It will do. I only plan on using it for Disneyland...becauseprimesaidhe'dbuymeaballoon.
Sarah: -smiles-
Megatron: *looks a little startled that he just said that* ...anyway, rides...
Megatron: -subject change!-
Sarah: ...I hope you didn't take offense to my one suggestion.
Megatron: ...No, not at all. *liar, sort of did, but not important enough to brood over*
Sarah: I mean, like I said, you just seem like the type that would like the scary rides, and it's scary. Freaked me out so badly.
Megatron: *raises optics* ...how do you mean, scary?
Sarah: It's really dark, and they make it seem like there was some sort of transporter accident that brought a nasty alien in.
Sarah: And it, like, attacks people.
Sarah: Except not really, they just play some sound clips, and make the floor move, and stuff.
Megatron: *Doesn't look very impressed*
Sarah: You have to ride it to understand.
Sarah: I was screaming when I went on it!
Sarah: Especially when I felt hot air on my neck...like something breathing...
Megatron: *Is dredging up vorns of warfare, still not impressed* ...are there other "rides"?
Sarah: -nods- Yeah, there's rollercoasters like Space Mountain, Thunder Mountian, Rockin' Rollercoaster...
Sarah: They go really really fast
Sarah: -obviously loves rollercoasters-
Sarah: Some of them even go upside down! They're really fun, get the adrenaline going.
Megatron: I'm a jet. *bluntly*
Sarah: ...
Sarah: Well, to humans, they are.
Sarah: But, you'll be experiencing things from a human perspective, so hopefully, you'll have fun too.
Sarah: -looks a bit embarrassed-
Megatron: *nods at that* ...it will be diffent.
Megatron: ...not being the one in control.
Sarah: Oh, and the teacups! You'll go on the teacups with me?
Megatron: *Optics go wide at that*
Megatron: ...ah...
Megatron: Onlyifprimecomestoo.
Sarah: -beams- Sure! The more the merrier!
Megatron: *Isn't sure what he's gotten himself into now, so gives a slight nod, still staring at the human.*
Megatron: ...do you have a desginat--a name?
Sarah: Sarah.
Sarah: Sarah Lennox, but the last name isn't needed.
Sarah: -waves a hand flippantly-
Megatron: ...hn. I am Megatron. *another nod*
Sarah: -big smile, knowing she's made a lot of progress with him-
Sarah: Well. I need to go before my husband throws a fit. Keep me updated on the Disney trip?
Megatron: *Is still watching her, a frown on his face* Of course. Th-thank you for bringing me these. *Indicates the information*
Sarah: No problem! -another smile, then she turns and leaves, very happy-
Megatron: *Stands there, bewildered for a moment, then runs a scan of his processor--just to make certain it isn't glitching*

will, sarah, megatron, log

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