[RP Log] Traded for a monkey of a different color.

Oct 24, 2007 21:30

This is a couple days late. Oh well.

Raoul: *walking back from shady dealings, heading home, and is passing the normally deserted parking lot nearby - hello. What's this? A shiny, new Corvette?*
Raoul: *walks over, looks around and checks the doors* Unlocked? Oh, this is best day of my LIFE... *gets in*
Tracks: *Tracks is jarred from deep recharge to what would be like a light doze, not quite conscious yet; having had his holo on so long, he'd drained most of his reserves to the point that he'd barely been able to locate a parking lot to hide in*
Raoul: Keys... please tell me this guy was enough of a dummy to leave his keys here too... *starts feeling around, checking for them - the glove compartment, the dashboard, under the seat maybe?*
Tracks: *Tracks hadn't really considered anyone needing to use him to -drive-. If so, he might have thought about how his keys were very convenient stashed between the driver's and passenger's seats with an Autobot sigil keyfob. The feeling of hands digging around his interior beginning to elicit a slow and somewhat confused slide from dozing to wakefulness.*
Raoul: *slips a hand between the seats and feels the keys. Raises his head to the sky, smiles.* Thank you, God. It's about time you came through for Raoul. *pulls out the keys, grinning triumphantly*
Tracks: *internal sensors registering a foreign presence, Tracks finally awakens and immediately (but silently) curses his lack of forethought in securing himself. Of course someone might be interested in him... He is an exceptionally attractive vehicle, after all. Noting that his visitor had yet to do anything damaging, however, he waits to see what the human is planning.*
Raoul: *puts the keys into the ignition* ... Brand new, even. I can't believe this - this is one hell of a score! No more ramen for me. Denny will pay top dollar for this ride.
Tracks: *Internally twitches at the feel of the keys - violation! Is he... Is he being -stolen-?* "Excuse me!"
Raoul: *starts, and whips around, looking for the source of the voice. Drops the keys and raises his hands.* Hey man! It's cool, I'll give it back, we don't have to... get... *lets his arms fall and gets a rather perplexed look on his face when he realizes he's completely alone.* What the hell?
Tracks: *The voice continues, coming from the speakers though the radio was turned off* "Well, no one invited you inside - isn't that what's polite here? And what do you think you're doing?"
Raoul: *blinks.* Where are you? You outside the car, man? This one of those new security systems? I shoulda known an unlocked Corvette was too good to be true.
Tracks: "I am most definitely too good to be true, you're right about that." *Tracks briefly regrets overusing his holo earlier - this might be easier with something the human could more easily relate to* "I'm right here, obviously."
Raoul: *feels a certain sense of Uh Oh creeping up his spine* Right here? I'm the only one here. It's just me and... no way. No. Way. I'm going crazy.
Tracks: "I'm -around- you, human. You're sitting in my seat." *He is, perhaps, more amused than is warranted or even nice*
Raoul: *stiffens* Oh my god. You're one of those killer alien robot cars, aren't you? Jesus, I - *tries the door*
Tracks: *Just as he reaches for the latch, the lock clicks shut* "Wait just a moment! I most -certainly- am -not- a killer!"
Raoul: *starting to panic, runs his hands over his face* Okay, Raoul. Calm down. You've had to much to drink tonight, obviously. There is no talking car, and the doors did not just lock. *tries to get out again, and fails* ... okay, maybe the door IS locked.
Tracks: *Tracks can feel the human's rising heart rate and the shorter air intake intervals and thinks that might not be a good thing* "It's locked and it'll stay locked until you calm down, at least. If I was going to kill you, wouldn't I have already done so?"
Raoul: Actually there's not much inside a car to kill someone with. Stepping on me would probably be easier. *pauses* ... maybe I shouldn't get out just yet.
Tracks: *Tracks decides not to tell him that's untrue, since he doesn't want the human to panic and injure itself* "Good. So, now, what were you trying to do?"
Raoul: Stealing you, obviously. Fancy car like this could've netted me some serious cash. *goes a little limp in the seat, and laughs desperately* I'm talking to a car. This is unbelievable.
Tracks: "You were going to -sell- me?" *Sounding very indignant*
Raoul: Yeah? I'm behind on my rent and I just lost my job. I need money more than I need a car right now.
Tracks: "...So the money is all that you're interested in." *Considers a moment, albeit somewhat grudgingly* "I might be able to help."
Raoul: Don't get me wrong, Corvette's a nice car, but I've got my priorities here - money? You can help me out with that? *refrains from reminding the car that he just tried to steal him*
Tracks: *Snorts* "More than just 'nice', thank you. But I do have some money that I don't exactly need."
Raoul: ... you do? There's such a thing as too much money? No, wait, forget I said anything. I'd be happy to take it off your hands. Er. If you have hands, I mean.
Tracks: "I won't be able to get it for several hours yet, but I'm given to understand it's a not inconsiderable sum. Can you wait?"
Raoul: *blinks* Yeah? Yeah, sure. Where does a car get that kind of money, anyway? It's illegal, isn't it? Not that I'm one to talk.
Tracks: "I won it!" *He sounds smug and very proud of himself* "Playing your human gambling games. I don't think that's illegal."
Raoul: *raises an eyebrow* Depends on the kind of gambling you're into. If you mean the casinos, yeah, that's legal.
Tracks: "Yes, the machines and some of the games that involve cards. It was very entertaining."
Raoul: *laughs* I'm sure. I've blown more money than I care to admit there.
Tracks: "I managed to win much more than I lost. Many of your Earth games aren't too difficult to figure out. In any case, I can give you the money when my holomatter generator has charged back up - until then, I suppose you may go, if you like." *Door locks open and Tracks waits, curious*
Raoul: *doesn't get out just yet, wavers* Well, if you're promising me money, I may as well wait with you. Nicer in here than in my apartment, anyway. What's a holomatter generator?
Tracks: "Just... Well, I can show you." *The voice goes silent a moment and a thin electronic humming starts, just before a girl appears in the passenger seat, smiling at the boy. She looks slightly odd, though, as if she is a bad recording on old film, slightly out of focus and casting no shadow. She speaks in a thin, tinny voice, like a bad telephone line* This is my holo - so that I can enter human-sized buildings without suspicion.
Raoul: *jumps, but settles down and gives his holo a look. Makes a noise somewhere between a snort and a laugh* Paris Hilton? You can make yourself look like anyone, and you chose Paris Hilton?
Raoul: You really are an alien, huh?
Tracks: *The holo gives him an exasperated look and then fades out. The voice from the speakers answers, matching the holo's previous expression in tone* "In any case, yes, I am. I'm called Tracks, by the way."
Raoul: Interesting name. I'm Raoul. I'd shake your hand, but. Well. *pats the dashboard awkwardly* Nice to meet you, Tracks.
Tracks: "I'm sure." *seems pleased at the pat* "Do you steal cars very often?"
Raoul: *sheepish* Depends how much money I blow at the casinos, and how far behind I am on my rent. You would've been the first this month, though.
Tracks: "And you were going to sell me." *Pleased has now become indignant again* "For a good amount, I would hope, at the very least."
Raoul: *leans back, crosses his arms and thinks* A brand new Corvette? Yeah, I definitely would've gotten a good amount for you. A small fortune, actually.
Raoul: Then again, that's before I knew you could talk. That would probably be extra. *grins*
Tracks: *Makes a disdainful sound* "I can do more than just talk." *His engine rumbles to life and he backs out of the parking space smoothly* "You might want to buckle your seat belt, in fact."
Raoul: *quickly buckles up* What are you doing? Where are we going? Should've gotten out..
Tracks: "You'll see." *The voice sounds amused as the car pulls neatly out of the lot and down the street - far enough off the main drag to be quiet at this hour of the evening. Then there's a mechanical sound as something in the car -shifts-, and Tracks accelerates over the speed limit* "You don't get airsick, do you, Raoul?"
Raoul: *looks back* What was that thunk? We hit something? No, I don't get airsi - what? Why?
Tracks: *Wings now stick out from each side of the car, and Tracks chuckles before the whining sound of a small jet engine fills the interior. The whine crescendos and the road appears to be running out - thankfully, the front of the Corvette lifts into the air and takes off before they hit the cross street and all the traffic on it*
Raoul: *grabs on to the edges of his seat* HOLY - you can fly? Yeah, that definitely would have upped the price tag. *peers out of the window* This place is gorgeous at night, especially from up here.
Tracks: *Smooth flight, for the most part, though it's not nearly as secure-feeling as a plane* "I told you so." *Smug, again, though his voice then lowers thoughtfully* "And it is, yes. I'm finding I like your cities very much."
Raoul: *turns, but remembers there isn't really a face to talk to, so he goes back to admiring the view* You're a super advanced alien machine; you guys must have had bigger, better cities than this?
Tracks: "Once, yes." *Quietly, banking to circle a skyscraper*
Raoul: *tilts his head, doesn't push* You like it here, then? Not a lot of other robots around.
Tracks: "Well, I'm not your most social robot. But there may be more than you realize."
Raoul: *pauses* How many more of you are there?
Tracks: "Quite a few, strewn about the universe." *Tracks isn't quite so trusting as to admit to a sizable population of Cybertronians on Earth*
Raoul: Oh. Sounds pretty lonely.... any more on Earth? Cars I should avoid stealing, specifically?
Tracks: "I'd avoid Camaros." *Chuckles* "But, as I understand it, stealing cars could get one thrown into prison. Perhaps you should avoid doing that in the first place?"
Raoul: Camaros, huh? Nice cars, too bad. Yeah, it could, but prison might be an improvement. Free food and board, anyway.
Tracks: *Tracks makes a thoughtful sound and swings around another tall building before heading back in towards where they'd come from* "Your position seems rather precarious."
Raoul: *snorts* Precarious is one way of putting it. About to be kicked onto the streets is more like it. Grew up poor, still poor, but at least now I get to play with expensive cars. Even if they don't belong to me.
Tracks: "Do you like cars?"
Raoul: Man, are you kidding me? I love cars. Would've been a mechanic, if I'd bothered to stay in school and could hold down a steady job.
Tracks: "What stops you?" *Losing altitude slowly, Tracks aims for another, nearby street to land on*
Raoul: *sighs* School takes money, mostly. That and I learned pretty much everything there is to know about them on the streets. Don't think I could sit through it in a classroom.
Tracks: "Practical experience is good..." *His attention wanders as he angles carefully* "Hold on - my landings aren't as smooth as my take offs."
Raoul: *braces himself* You might have told me that before you whisked me off my feet. */deadpan*
Tracks: *Instead of answering, he focuses on landing as lightly as possible, but it still ends up uncomfortably jarring. He slows down by increments, finally pulling into the parking lot they'd started in* "...And here we are."
Raoul: *rubs the side of his head* Ouch. But worth it for that view of the city, I think.
Tracks: "Sorry about that." *Having the grace to sound sheepish, at least* "The money will be here shortly, though. I was able to activate my holo as we swung by the hotel."
Raoul: *blinks again* Well, then. That's quite a talent you've got there. You mind if I take a nap while we wait?
Tracks: "If you like." *Metal ticks softly after his engine switches off, leaving them in near silence. Raoul's seat levers itself down at an angle, as well.* "I'll tell you when it's here."

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

log, tracks, raoul

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