Log dump :D

Oct 24, 2007 01:06

Bonecrusher: *wanders the halls aimlessly, pissed as all slag but not really able to take it out on anything*
Chromia: -is trashing her room-
Bonecrusher: *picks up on some loud banging and knows that sound way too well* ....... *finds the sounds coming from Chromia's room, hesitates for a second, and then pounds on the door twice*
Chromia: -slight pause in destruction-y noises, but then they start again-
Bonecrusher: .....*sighs* CHROMIA. OPEN THE SLAGGIN' DOOR. *bangs on the door a few more times*
Chromia: -noise stops, then the door opens-
Chromia: -she's shaking, hugging her sides-
Bonecrusher: ........*looks at her warily* WHAT HAPPENED T'YOU?
Chromia: -barely audible- They took her.
Bonecrusher: ........
Chromia: And KILLED her.
Chromia: -snarls, then starts on her desk again-
Bonecrusher: ......*moves inside her room and doesn't really stop her, just kind of watches* ....YEAH. I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL.
Chromia: -completely destroys it, then stop, standing still with hands clenched-
Chromia: Yours at least knew they were loved by someone. -in that dangerous calm voice-
Chromia: I never told her.
Bonecrusher: *lowers his voice* ..........you think i did either?
Chromia: ...
Chromia: ...you never told him?
Bonecrusher: of course not. do you honestly - .... blackout? would you tell that slagger you loved him?
Bonecrusher: ...........*quietly* think that's the first time i said it to anybody, really.
Chromia: -starts shaking again- He knew. Even if he didn't want to admit it yet, he did. But Firestar...
Chromia: -sinks to the floor, curling into a ball-
Bonecrusher: *sighs and moves over to her, crouching down* hey.
Bonecrusher: *puts a hand on her shoulder cautiously*
Chromia: -making soft keening noises-
Bonecrusher: i... *wants to say something, but honestly, he can't even help himself with it - how exactly does he expect to do anything for anyone else?* it... *helplessly falls silent*
Chromia: She'll never know... -shaking violently-
Chromia: I was so afraid...to tell her...
Bonecrusher: ........*very quietly* i know.
Chromia: ...it hurts.
Bonecrusher: i know. i know. *hesitates for a long moment, then shifts and puts his arm around her shoulders* trust me, you aren't the only one hurting right now.
Chromia: -curls up against his side, still keening and hugging herself tightly-
Bonecrusher: .....NO. YOU KNOW WHAT? NO.
Bonecrusher: *more to himself than anything, but he grips her shoulders tightly*
Bonecrusher: THIS IS SLAG.
Bonecrusher: are we gonna - why - are we really gonna just give up like this?
Chromia: -tenses-
Bonecrusher: are we just gonna give up?
Bonecrusher: *looks at her, only half-focusing on her*
Chromia: -stares back in surprise, optics dim-
Bonecrusher: c'mon. this isn't how we act.
Bonecrusher: *growls* this isn't how this works.
Chromia: What...do you mean?
Bonecrusher: this isn't how it works. *looks at the room as if he wants nothing more than to trash bits of it himself* who are we, chromia?
Chromia: -confused-
Bonecrusher: who are we? sittin' around like this?
Bonecrusher: this is slag. we both know those slaggin' humans could never kill any of us!
Bonecrusher: *growls*
Chromia: -optics getting brighter- Then...how do you explain...
Bonecrusher: i don't know. but this isn't gonna end like this. i refuse.
Chromia: -loosens the grip on herself- ...
Chromia: You're right.
Bonecrusher: *still eyeing the room* this is slag an' we both know it.
Chromia: Sh- they have to be alive. -determined look on her face-
Bonecrusher: they don't gotta choice in the matter, as far as 'm concerned.
Chromia: ...I can't go. Elita has ordered me to stay behind and give her updates.
Chromia: But you're going.
Chromia: ...you'll keep me informed?
Bonecrusher: ....i'll tell you everything. short of listening to megatron, th' only thing i gotta do is kill a ton of humans and drag their sorry afts back here.
Chromia: Thank you.
Bonecrusher: hey. *shakes his head to clear it, looking down at her* we're in the same boat - i'd be a real aft if i didn't help you. an' as much as i might hate you, i hate being an aft more. *is totally not serious about hating her, duh. stupid machismo*
Chromia: -smiles, totally not buying that hating her line-
Bonecrusher: *ignores that, because she can't say he doesn't hate her if he says he does. that's how it works.* and slag. gonna fix your room to look like a warground or what?
Chromia: -blinks, looks around- ...
Chromia: I really did a number on it...
Bonecrusher: *opticroll* yea, just a bit.
Chromia: I'll fix it tomorrow. I just...want to get some recharge now. -hesitates, then wraps her arms around him the best she can before standing up slowly-
Bonecrusher: *reigns in a flinch at the hugging - c'mon, get yerself together - and then rises to his feet, putting a hand on her shoulder again* ..... *he doesn't want to bring it up, but....*
Bonecrusher: .....if they - .....
Bonecrusher: ..........if. if they're not comin' back? i'll kill them all for th' both of us.
Bonecrusher: *and that would be a pretty big deal, considering he's very selfish about his kills being his own*
Chromia: -twitches at that, but smiles up at him- Thank you, Bonecrusher. Really.
Bonecrusher: ...........it isn't true, an' we both know it. .....uh. *awkward shift* i'm gonna go, then. leave you to... uh, the rechargin' and the room cleanin'.
Chromia: ...alright.
Bonecrusher: *heads for the door - meh, at least he doesn't want to jump the gun and slag everything behind Megatron's back now...*
Chromia: -watches him go, then shoves everything off her berth and curls up-
Bonecrusher: *aaand wanders off, either for his room or the common room - wherever is good.*

log, chromia, bonecrusher

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