Log Dump: The Amazing Rescue of Jeffy! Also, some OOC comments.

Oct 14, 2007 03:04

::Kurumi wants to send: nightbirdcaptured.htm:: Accept!

I'd like to state for the record - as only myself (and my characters) - that if I at any point seem to get pushy and/or demandy and/or controlling over a situation, tell me. D: I really hate doing that, and I don't mean to, it's just that my head runs about 5x faster than my ethical-rping filters. And btw, I'm a horrible RPer, if you haven't noticed, particularly with fighting, so forgive me if I get a bit lurky during those types of things. (Crusher got mad when I told him I was too lazy to do the Big Epic Rescue XD)

Also, I feel like I can say this without looking stupid: If you feel upset over something happening in the RP, or if you want to vent about stuff, feel free to talk to me. I might not be able to give you wonderful advice like a sage or something, or even help you fix your problem, but I'm always open for people to rant at/to. This RP is mean to be fun and cracky, and if you're not having fun you shouldn't feel like you have to keep it to yourself. I take this RP... kind of seriously, considering how not-seriously I take most IC stuff XD So I want to try and ensure you all are having a good time too.

And finally - Bonecrusher and Dropkick are always open for comms. And, if we're OOC in cracktransone, you can assume they're in their rooms, IC'ly. I just figured I should put that out there XD

megatron, log, jeffrey, arcee, optimus prime, bonecrusher, nightbird, elita one

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