[RP Log] Tracks and First Aid, yesterday afternoon.

Oct 13, 2007 13:11

Takes place before Tracks left, natch.

Tracks: *Tracks heads back to the medbay, poking his head in warily* ...Is anyone on duty here?
First Aid: *First Aid is in the back, tinkering at something* Back here. *puts it away and heads closer to the entrance*
Tracks: *surprised* First Aid? *smiles* I'm glad it's you - I might actually get some help now.
First Aid: And what can I help you with? *leans against one of the med-table-things (aren't I official?)*
Tracks: *grimacing, Tracks gestures to his front and his legs - which are nearly normal looking but for several dents and scratches and deep scrapes* Ratchet hammered me back most of the way, but...
First Aid: Ah. Well, get in here. *'move your aft' gesture* No use standing in the doorway.
Tracks: *Smiles and walks in all the way* Thank you. I appreciate it, really.
First Aid: *First Aid roots around in some cupboards, getting the appropriate tools out* What did you do, anyway? You don't exactly seem like the type to crash into things at will.
Tracks: ...I ran into Bonecrusher. *He sits down on one of the medical berths, shrugging* He was chasing the new little human. It didn't quite turn out as I'd hoped.
First Aid: *He restrained from laughing at him, because really, that's not polite* Well, um, that's interesting. *sets the tools down on the tool tray by the table, getting to work*
Tracks: *raises an optic ridge at the other bot, smiling a little wryly* ...It might not have been my smartest decision. But the human was terrified and Bonecrusher seemed rather over-zealous.
First Aid: Amazingly enough, I'm not surprised. *dryly* Though I'm sure it was quite a sight to see. *continues working*
Tracks: That it was. *sighs* Then Bonecrusher landed on her car and Shockwave obliterated what was left. The little human ended up curled on the ground and wouldn't respond.
First Aid: Do I want to know why they were torturing her, or should I not bother? *he continues working, pushing on Track's shoulder to indicate 'lean that way'*
Tracks: Her tiny little mechs accidentally shot Bonecrusher in the eye. *He grins, leaning as directed* Which, admittedly, probably hurt, but that doesn't excuse chasing her into terrified submission.
First Aid: Admittedly not their best idea. But then again, neither was crashing into Bonecrusher. *can somehow look amused, even with the mask-and-visor combo (because giant robots are just that talented)* Lean the other way. *He shifts around to Tracks' other side*
Tracks: *Snorts, leaning the opposite way, amiably* So, what about you? How have you been?
First Aid: Hm. Fairly unnoticed, though I'm starting to think that's a good thing around here. *he snorts slightly in wry amusement* After all, it's a good way to avoid the drama. And the emo.
Tracks: That's the truth. *He shakes his head* It feels odd, not having even spoken to Prime since I arrived, though I know he was around before he got taken.
First Aid: I haven't really spoken to anyone other than you, Streetwise, and the medical team since I got here. *and, changes topic, because now it is turning emo* Satisfy my curiosity. What's the most you've been damaged before? *random topic to switch to*
Tracks: *He smiles slightly, understanding, and then thinks about it a moment* Back on Cybertron, a couple vorns after Megatron betrayed us. There was an explosion and something fell on me... Nearly caved in my spark chamber.
First Aid: *he would wrinkle his nose if he could, but he can't at the moment* Should I expect damage like that from you often, or was that a one-time thing? *crouches to work on one of Tracks' legs*
Tracks: I should hope not. *He frowns, shifting slightly on the berth* It was a stupid mistake. I'm not generally prone to those.
First Aid: Good to hear. *falls into a kind of awkward silence, because First Aid is not good at 'social.' Odd, considering who he's related to*
Tracks: So what's the worst damage you've ever treated? *he asks, curious*
Tracks: ...That the mech ended up surviving. *he amends, after a moment, as he realizes how that answer could go*
First Aid: *he thinks for a moment, then rethinks when Tracks corrects himself* Probably dismemberment. Making someone go from six pieces to one is not a pleasant task.
Tracks: *grimaces* Ouch. I'll bet.
First Aid: *shuffles over to work on Tracks' other leg in an awkward, crouching movement* Thankfully, it's rare that I have to work on those cases.
Tracks: I can imagine. *He shakes his head* With the war apparently over, I suppose it won't be as busy in here though.
First Aid: *snort* I highly doubt the lack of a war will prevent anyone from damaging themselves or each other. *shifts to get at a better angle* Move forward a bit.
Tracks: *Scoots forward, chuckling* True enough, but I would hope that the severity of the injuries would be lessened outside of war time.
First Aid: One could always hope. *pushes himself to his feet and stretches* Well, I think you're finished up. *puts the tools back on the tray*
Tracks: *Smiles, looking down as he stands up* Thank you, First Aid. *he smooths a hand over his armor* Nearly as good as new!
First Aid: You're quite welcome. *he gives a mock bow, straightening back to a fully upright position after a second*
Tracks: *nodding, Tracks' smile widens* I think I'll be letting you get back to what you were doing before I interrupted; I could use some recharge time.
First Aid: *he nods, smiling slightly behind his mask* Then I guess I'll talk to you later. *turns and heads back to the corner he'd been working in earlier*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

log, first aid, tracks

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