(no subject)

Oct 13, 2007 10:06

Nightbird: *she's creeping through the dark room, ready to kill the man that had once worked for sector 7.*

Jeffy: *poor Jeff is currently passed out, snoring once again, the covers pulled high over his head, a foot peeking out*

Nightbird: *She was close now, a few paces more and everything will be over. There was a very loud crash coming from outside the room. She stilled, optics on the sleeping man awaiting his reaction.*

Jeffy: *...her jerked awake, sitting up in his room with a confused look on his face. His glance fell on the bot in front of him, and he squinted in the darkness. It coudl be any of them* A-arcee..?

Nightbird: *Nevermind the fact that, while taller than a human, she was still quite short by N.B.E. standards, he seemed to have confused her with one of them. Maybe she could use this to her advantage. She went through her voice recording database, but found no Arcee.* Screw this! *She thought as she threw one of her sawblades/shooting stars at him*

Jeffy: *he was still squinting* Arcee? *he sqeaked as he heard her voice, nope not Arcee, and he let out a piercing shriek as it whizzed by his arm, embedding itself in the wall behind him. He stumbled out of the bed, and started running for the door, screeching*

Nightbird: *She blinked and hurried after him, taking out her plasma sword, and she slashed at him as soon as he reached the door. She just wanted him to stop screaming before anyone else appeared to investigate.*

Jeffy: Shitchristfuck! *he squeaked as she slashed at him, and he fumbled with the door in a panick* Who the hell are you....?!

Nightbird: Wouldn't you like to know. *The room is still dark, so she's more of a dark silhouette with yellow eyes. The glow of the sword only highlighted her robotic origin, but nothing more. The human kept moving around and made her miss all her attacks, and she managed to cut through the door with the sword.*

Jeffy: *being twitchy had its perks as he stared open mouthed as the blade slashed through the door.* Why are you trying to kill me? *squeals as he ran around the room in hysterics*

Nightbird: Betrayal. *The human proved to be too quick for her, as she kept trying to lock on him in order to use her sawblades again. With a sigh, she moved right in the middle of his predicted trajectory*

Jeffy: Shit. *S7, then. He squealed as she moved in front of him and he ran into her stumbling and slamming into a table with a grunt*

Nightbird: *Her arm shot out and grabbed him, pulling him up by his neck. Her eyes glowed with satisfaction. This would be an easy kill*

Jeffy: *he shrieked, totally flipping out, he was a mess in her hand, arms and legs flailing about and kicked and grabbing and hitting and punching and squirming...*

Jeffy: Dontkillmedontkillmedontkillmedontkillme!!

Nightbird: *She laughed at the squirming human. Killing him with her weapons might not be the best idea. The current state of the room could bring unwanted attention. He had to be dealt in another way. She scanned the room and frowned. There must be some way to dispose of him.*

Jeffy: *he was still flailing in her hand, clawing at her, desperatly trying to break free of her graps* putmedown!!! I didn't do anything! *scream, shake, flail*

Nightbird: *Moves around as if she was not grabbing a squirming human. Searches closet. Nothing. Goes to bathroom. Bath and hairdryer. This had potential. She didn't hear the muffled sound of doors opening outside the room*

Nightbird:*Starts filling the bath*

Jeffy: *still continually shrieking and flailing, grabbing at the sounter and puuuuuuuulling desperatly to get away from her*

Nightbird: *Bath is filled. Hairdryer is turned on and thrown inside. She's actually having some difficulty with the human now, but it would be over soon.*

Jeffy: *pullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls desperatly, latching onto the counter, does not want to be fried* Stopit! Let me go! *screeching at the top of his lungs*

Hotel Security:*Pounding on the door.* Security! Open the door!


Jeffy: *flail*

Nightbird: *This distracts her, and she loses her grip on Jeff, when she tries to cover his mouth to silence him*

Jeffy: *desperatley tries to squirm free while still attempting to scream his little head off* Crazy bitch wants to kill me!

Hotel Security: OPEN THE DOOR NOW! *A voice said followed by* I'M DOING THAT!

Jeffy: *shriek, scream, flail*

Nightbird: *He moves around, she accidentaly touches the water and receives a shock powerful enough to make her drop Jeff on the ground as she almost had to reboot*

Jeffy: *splatters on the ground, glancing down at her. Even though she wanted to kill him he didn't want her dead, and he reached over and unplugged the hairdryer before attempting to stumble out the bathroom door*

Hotel Security: *Door is opened hard. Two security guards from the hotel enter. There is a staff worker with a cell phone, calling the police. The guards walk slowly to the bathroom, where they could still hear movement.* Come out with your hands up! The police are on their way!

Jeffy: Shit. *they were both kind of fucked now. He gave her a kick, then edged away* Get the fuck up. They find both of in here we're screwed. They're gonna think I'm robbing the damn place.

Jeffy: And you. *snort*

Jeffy: They'll just take you apart. OR something.

Nightbird: *Everything was slow and fuzzy. She almost overloaded her processor. She still had enough coherency to notice the human stayed instead of running away.*

Nightbird: *Instead of finishing the human right away, she straightened up and made her way out of the room*

Hotel Security: *The people outside the room were waiting for the ones inside the bathroom. They never expected to see what looked to be a robot coming out of the room.*

Jeffy: *Well...hell. he crept after her his hands up, pointing to the robot* RUN FOOLS! Jeffy: * he ran over to his desk, napping his laptop, important shit in there, then took off towards the front door again*

Staff Guy: IT'S ONE OF THOSE TRANSFORMING ROBOTS *yelled the poor staff guy, who dropped the cell phone on the floor and ran right behind Jeff*

Nightbird: *She didn't even stop walking as she killed the two guards with one quick slash of her sword at each of their throats. She would've followed the staff human, but she could always tie up loose ends later.*

Jeffy: *hoshit, takes the fuck off*

Nightbird: *She jumped out the window and climbed to the roof. Watching the people coming in and out of the hotel for Jeff*

Cops/Hotel Staff: *Sirens can be seen as the police arrive. The two guards died. The staff guy is a babbling incoherent mess and he didn't even watch the other die.*

Jeffy: *he stood in the hall, panting and clutchign his computer. Shitshitshitshitshit they were gonna think he killed them, shitshitSHIT! He ran after and jerked the staff man to a halt* Calm it! *grips him, glancing over his shoulder, he needed this guy*

Staff Guy: *He jumped and tried to get away* Nonononoletmego! There's a robot up there!

Jeffy: Yeah I KNOW *grips him, does -not- let go* We gotta talk to the cops. I can hear em, they're here. *glancing down the hall*

Cops: *Cops were talking to the receptionist*

Staff Guy: *Guy is still panicked* You know! How did you! *eyes widened* IT WAS YOU!


Jeffy: *glares at him* I saw her too! She tried to kill me!

Jeffy: *glare/sigh*

Cops: *More cops arrive. Some of them move towards the room. A few of them stay on the lobby, watching them intently. Just like some of the guests were doing*

Jeffy: *drags the man towards the elevator. HE had two choices- get the hell out, or go down and talk to the police. If he ran- he would end up a criminal, if he went downstairs, he'd end up being taken into custody and questioned. Shit. What crappy choices.*

Staff Guy: *is being dragged* Hey! What? Let go! You can't do this!

Jeffy: *shoves him into the elevator, ignoring his cries as the doors shut.  He needed a witness to make sure they knew he hadn't killed the guards, doesn't let go of the staffer guy*

Staff Guy: What do you want from me? *He's actually crying now*

Jeffy: I want a witness. *glaring at the man* To prove I didn't kill those guards. Now calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know what that thing was anymore than you do.

Staff Guy: Waitwaitwait! Did you say kill? *He squeaked the last word, as he stared at the hotel guest that caused all this trouble*

Jeffy: Whatever. *he stared at him, wincing* I don't know. *maybe he should bolt. Good thing he paid for the room in cash and given a fake name this time- which would be why none of the rooms crusher and company visited would have been Jeff's*

Staff Guy: Butbut... We gotta tell them! About the robot! They'll believe us!

Jeffy: *bursts into laughter* You really think so?!

Staff Guy: *is feeling embarassed now, but he doesn't take back what he said.*

Cops: *The cops have already called in the people necessary to pick up the dead and have begun questioning the guests and searching the hotel*

Jeffy: *shaking his head, then presses a button to stop the elevator on the second floor. He dragged the man off and shoved him against the wall* Look. No one is going to believe that we saw a giant robot, ok? So. We have a couple options. We run, or at least, I run, I've got everything that ties the room to me in my computer. Or we stay here, talk to the cops, and answer a bunch of questions.

Jeffy: That don't really HAVE answers. *he grumbled at the man, slinging the laptop case over his shoulder*

Staff Guy: And I do what? Run with you?

Jeffy: Whatever. Either run with me, or get the hell out of here. Or lie to the cops. *glancing over his shoulder again* Good thing about me, is that I really don't have an identity. *calming down...unsure of why he was so panicked before- S7 had erased him from all public records*

Staff Guy: I’ll take my chances with the police. They...*stops what he's saying and stares* You're with them! This was just a ploy to get me to go with you and kill me!

Jeffy: *facepalms* If I wanted you dead you'd be dead by now. *eye roll*

Jeffy: Fine. *punched the down button, watching the elevator open* Take your chances with them, then.  *SHOVES the man into the elevator and hits the button, watching the doors close*

Staff Guy: *The guy stumbles out the elevator, straightens out and walks towards the police. Five minutes later, he's been cuffed and carried out of the hotel and into a police car*

Jeffy: *shaking his head with a sigh, leans against the wall* Crap.

Nightbird: *She is still on the rooftop, now completely recovered from the shock, and waiting for any sign of Jeff coming out*

Jeffy: *thinking to himself, unsure of what to do. He didn't know where that bot was, and he didn't want to know. He didn't really want to go downstairs and attempt to talk to the front desk to get another room, and he didn't want to go outside and face the police....*

Cleaning Guy:*There was a cleaning cart in front of an open door. The voice of a man came from inside the room* Stupid cops! They come in to mess everything up just when I've finished!

Jeffy: *glances left and right...slips into the room and conks the man over the head with a tray he'd picked up*

Cleaning Guy: *Man falls down unconscious. He would've had a small cut on his head, but the white cap he had on prevented that. The cleaning rag he had on his hand fell down along with a canister of some sort of antibacterial thing. He was wearing white shirt, pants and shoes, the uniform of the cleaning staff*

Jeffy: *winces at what he's doing and strips the man, balling up his own clothing and shoving them into a garbage bag. Donning the man’s clothes, he grimaced, they didn't fit all that well. He rummaged in the room a bit, thankfully it was still occupied, terrified guests having gone downstairs. He dressed the man in some cloths he found there. Snagging the mans hat, he tugged it down over his face and

Jeffy: threw the bag full of his clothes over his shoulder, hiding his computer. Getting back onto the elevator, he went downstairs and walked out*

Cops: *The cops were stopping everyone from coming out.* Hey! You! *He began to walk forward, but another cop stopped him* It's okay Mike. I interviewed this one when I was on the second floor. He's clean. *The other cop told Mike the cop, who backed down and ignored him. And isn't Jeff glad for the name tag on the shirt?*

Jeffy: *nearly had a heart attack as he was stopped, clutching the bag over his shoulder, then heaved a silent sigh of relief as the other cop spoke. He continued walking, thanking whatever god was out there for that nametag*

Cops: *The other cops had also heard what the other one said and not one of them bothered him on the way out.*

Hotel Staff: *The hotel was so disorganized at the moment none of the workers watched him leave either*

Jeffy: *he was out on the street now, hand sweaty against the garbage bag full of his clothes. He glanced around him, unsure of where to go. Maybe another hotel. He dug in the bag a bit, extracting his wallet from the pocket of his jeans. HE had plenty of money, that wasn't a problem, S7 had paid him enough in a few years to last him several lifetimes. What was money to them?*

Nightbird: *There were many humans coming in and out, specially out, of the hotel. One in particular caught her attention. It was one of the workers. Clothes didn't fit well on him and there was a bag on his shoulders, similar to the one Jeffrey was carrying when he left. The cap on his head made it difficult to ID, but the height was similar. She debated whether to follow him or not*

Jeffy: *he was trying to act casual, and slung the garbage bag over his shoulder once more, covering up the laptop case. He needed somewhere safe to go, and fast, until he could contact Crusher and Arcee to come get him. He had no way to get back to the base, he couldn't take a taxi, that would just tell the driver where the base was...no, he needed a bot. But he couldn't stop now, he had to find

Jeffy: sanctuary and fast, before that crazy bot came after him against*

Nightbird: *She watched him go for a while, deciding to stay here and wait for Jeffrey to go out.*

Jeffy: *he went a couple streets down, taking his time and attempting to look casual. He found another hotel, and got another room. He's have to move again tomorrow, but for now, this would suffice. He's keep on alert all night, and lock the windows as securely as possible.*

Just imagine what the news will say about this. XP

log, jeffrey, nightbird

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