[RP Log] Cliffjumper and Tracks go on a road trip

Oct 13, 2007 01:22

Cliffjumper: *exits the medbay, one hand on his head, looking completely frazzled*
Tracks: *Tracks looks curiously at the red mech as he passes through the hall* Cliffjumper -- what happened? Are you all right?
Cliffjumper: *looks up* Huh? Hey Tracks. Yeah, I'm fine. I think. *shakes head* Not damaged anyway, though I think this place is driving me insane.
Tracks: Join the club. *he says dryly, falling into step beside him* Is this something new, or the same insanity that's been building up since I arrived?
Cliffjumper: *long sigh* The Decepticon nonsense was bad enough, but now I'm on the wrong side of an unrequited crush.
Cliffjumper: *shakes head* Honestly? Never thought being on the receiving end would be worse, but I think it might be.
Tracks: A crush? *Tracks looks amused* How can that be bad? Unless it's a 'Con - Primus forbid - in which case you have my sympathies.
Cliffjumper: *crosses arms, makes a face at him* Very funny. No, it's not a 'Con - apparently Firestar's got a, uh. Thing for me. No idea why, really, she'd be the first...
Tracks: *Blinks, rather surprised* ...Firestar? I mean. That's. ...Why is that a problem, exactly?
Cliffjumper: *throws up arms* Because I had no slaggin' clue this was going on, and they were crowding my personal space at the last party in the common room? I thought we had a brother-sister relationship - this is kinda weirding me out.
Tracks: ...They? *Tracks' optics widened* I think I missed something.
Cliffjumper: Huh? Oh. You weren't there, right. Chromia and Firestar were dancing with me, follow by, uh. *sheepish* Cuddling. *looks over* I didn't think that was odd, personally, but then again mechs keep telling me I'm a little too tactile.
Cliffjumper: *followed
Tracks: *He smirks* I've been told I'm somewhat standoffish, so I suppose I have the opposite problem. So did you tell her that you don't return the feeling?
Cliffjumper: *shakes head* Nah, she wasn't the one I heard it from - Arcee broke it to me. *growls* I guess this means Streetwise was right.
Tracks: *He puts his hands up in a "whoa" motion* What does Streetwise have to do with anything?
Cliffjumper: *defeated sigh* He said they were hitting on me and I didn't believe 'im.
Tracks: I'm not sure I'd believe that if he said it either. *giving Cliffjumper a sympathetic look* What are you going to do?
Cliffjumper: *thinks* You know what? I think I'm going to get drunk and go for a long, long drive.
Cliffjumper: And then I'm going to pretend I never heard any of it.
Tracks: *winces* ...I might have a better idea.
Cliffjumper: Yeah? Don't keep me waiting, here, I'm desperate.
Tracks: *Resting a hand on CJ's shoulder, steering him towards the base entrance* We leave. Right now, no drinking, and we go on that long drive together. Then, we stay out for a while, go to the city and see the sights, even.
Cliffjumper: Huh. No Decepticons? *grins* Tracks, buddy, I think this is the best idea I've heard since comin' to Earth.
Cliffjumper: *claps a hand on his arm* Where we headed? You sound like you've thought this through.
Tracks: *He grins* There's a city called "Las Vegas" somewhat near here. It's supposed to be quite the happening spot for human tourists.
Cliffjumper: *nodding* I've heard of it - flashy, shoulda figured that's where you meant. Wouldn't mind meeting some new humans, either.
Tracks: I like the way you think! *nearing the entrance, he squeezed CJ's shoulder and then transformed - the damage from yesterday now nearly unnoticeable* ::Shall we?::
Cliffjumper: *transforms and pulls up beside him* ::Lead the way! Can't wait to leave this place behind.::
Tracks: ::I'll race you to the road!:: *he peels out, tires throwing rocks and sand as he accelerates away from the base, towards Vegas*
Cliffjumper: ::You're on! Short 'Bot, fast car.:: *accelerates, swerves around to Tracks' left side and follows his lead.*
Tracks: *Accelerates more, engine roaring as he speeds across the desert, through scrub and gritty dirt* ::If there's anything I love about Earth, it's the chance to have an alt-mode that I'm happy with, for once. Such engineering these humans have managed!::
Cliffjumper: ::Can't say I disagree. This new form's a little slicker than I'm used to, but it's a nice change.:: *goes over a rather large bump, swerves a tad* ::... but what I like most about the humans is their roads. All this rough ground is murder on my tires.::
Tracks: *groans* ::-Tell- me about it! Makes me think of home, almost, as extensive as their roads seem to be.::
Cliffjumper: ::Heh. Cybertron wasn't quite this dusty. Then again it didn't have humans, either - they're pretty neat. Can't figure why so many of the other 'Bots got it out for 'em.::
Tracks: ::Neither do I. Though I gather there may have been some unpleasantness when Bumblebee and the others first arrived - I think it's only a certain group that are the culprits.:: *he changes his trajectory slightly to the closest point that the road swings by the base* ::They certainly seem to have co-opted their music happily enough.::
Cliffjumper: ::*snorts* Bee's been weird ever since he started bumping windshields with that 'Con o' his. And what were they expecting the humans to do? Decepticons tried to kill 'em the minute they got here. They're scared.::
Tracks: ::*sighs* I'm beginning to wonder if there's something around here that doesn't agree with Autobot programming. Will we too begin to sympathize with the Decepticons as we continue to live here?::
Cliffjumper: ::Not too slaggin' likely. *pauses, grumbles* Okay, so I may have been nice to Runabout. But I missed the rest of the guys, and he was another minibot, so. That's that. Don't trust 'im for a minute though.::
Tracks: ::I've been having decent conversations with -Shockwave- of all mechs. *dryly* I think this is a much needed vacation, really.:: *he revs suddenly and shoots forward, the road just ahead of them now*
Cliffjumper: *makes a beeline for the road, feeling giddy; finally, headed somewhere sane* ::Let's not mention Shockwave. Streetwise has a weird fixation on One-Eye.::
Tracks: ::Did you know they recharged together, in Shockwave's quarters?::
Cliffjumper: ::*noise of disgust* Yeah. I read his journal. Thanks for reminding me of that tidbit. Any more disturbing details you wanna share? Please get it over with before we get there.::
Tracks: ::*Amused* Not that I can think of.::
Cliffjumper: ::Thank you. So, you got any specific spots in mind to check out, or are we just going to cruise and people-watch?::
Tracks: *turns on his holomatter projector as he considers, now that they're on the road and more likely to run into humans* ::Cruising sounds good, to start with.::
Cliffjumper: ::Right, good idea. *follows suit; chubby little man flickers into view in the driver's seat.* Keep forgetting driver-less cars are out of the ordinary, here. I'm going to let the base know we're out for the foreseeable future.::
Tracks: *his holo glances at Cliffjumper's, tossing her blonde hair over one shoulder with a quick grin* ::Sensible. Though I'm not even sure anyone will notice.::
Cliffjumper: *Holo grins back* ::Interesting choice o' holo. Kinda reminds me of the ones Glen was suggestin'.::
Cliffjumper: ::You're probably right, but you never know. Better to let 'em know where we're at than have them thinking we were abducted too.::
Tracks: ::This one is similar to the human I saw driving the vehicle I scanned. And that's true enough, I suppose. At least that way we won't get any panicked transmissions asking where we are when we're in the middle of something.::
Cliffjumper: ::Mine was empty when I scanned it. Kinda wishing I'd picked one that wasn't, now - woulda saved me the trouble of picking a holoform. I've got no idea what's good or bad with 'em.::
Tracks: ::I was accessing their information network to find the directions to Las Vegas and found many pictures of humans. I have no idea what they consider attractive at all, though. You said this one is like your friend suggested?::
Cliffjumper: ::Yeah! Long hair, light colour, female... Glen's got a bit of a one-track mind when it comes to women, so I figure it must be attractive.::
Tracks: ::Excellent! I'd hate to have a substandard holo, after all. Yours... seems to fit you, actually. Somehow.::

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

And then they drove into the sunset! Further adventures to come. Maybe. If we're not lazy.

log, tracks, cliffjumper

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