Suntorm:://Command:Reformat - Issue 4 - What happened to Blaster.

Oct 07, 2007 13:21

And last but not least....what happened to Blaster.

Blaster: *His audials flick at the growl, and he blinks- confused. He doesn't know when Sunstorm became so... assertive- but he's willing to go with it if he's wanting to do this. Especially if it helps him get over what has hurt him before. His mouth opens in a gasp as those wires and clusters are tormented*
Blaster: S-s-sunstorm..
Sunstorm: *his one hand teased mercilessly, his mouth leaving Blaster's to tease down his neck, and actually nipping at several of the wires along his neck. Not to hurt, but just as a teasing ploy...*
Blaster: *His head tilts back at that, chin tightening as his cassette decks hudders*
Blaster: *The wires tightening around his hand and a soft, soft huff escapinig lips*
Blaster: S-sun of my Life?
Sunstorm: ((*twists fingers, seeing the images in my mind of what is going to happen...and they are ALLL too clear...*))
Blaster: What's in..such a mood?
Sunstorm: *he growled softly, but teasingly* I missed you...*it was the only thing he could think of to say, to cover.*
Sunstorm: *he continued nipping and teasing, his hand dipping further along the cassette deck walls...*
Blaster: I missed you too...
Blaster: *and chuckles softly, sliding a free hand to cup his cheek*
Blaster: *leaning forward just a bit to brush lips over his cheek*
Blaster: *and beginning to sing into his audials*
Blaster: We'll do it all. Everything....On our Own.
Blaster: We don't need. Anything.
Blaster: Or anyone.
Blaster: *brushing his cheek against his*
Blaster: If I lay here...
Blaster: If I just lay here....
Blaster: Would you lie with me.... and just forget the world.
Sunstorm: *he had no idea that that particular song, was a special one. He didn't think to scan for it, for the lyrics online, nor did he think to download it. He grinned.* Hmmm....*he was still nuzzled into Blaster's neck, his mouth still nipping gently* I think I like that song....
Blaster: *He tilts his head*
Blaster: Of course you do.. you sing it with me all the time.
Blaster: *and frowns a bit, beginning to pull back*
Blaster: Sunstorm, you sure you're okay?
Blaster: *tilting his head up to look at him with concern*
Sunstorm: I'm fine....perhaps the blast knocked me around a bit...*he shook his head....*
Blaster: ...Pretty bad if it messed up THAT.
Blaster: *sliding a hand to his cheek again*
Blaster: *brushing thumb just under his optic*
Blaster: Babe, did something happen?
Sunstorm: *he began analyizing the situation. //>Target suspicious. 2 attepmts to thwart suspicion, if still suspicious, take out.Target not thwarted. Solution: Attack
Blaster: He didn't let on anything, and just shook his head.* No.
Blaster: Babe... You should know that found it for me.
Blaster: Maybe you should have TC check you out.
Blaster: Maybe..hold on...
Blaster: Those three words...
Blaster: Are said too much....
Blaster: They're not enough....
Blaster: Familiar now?
Blaster: *they should be- he snag them to him the first time they interfaced*
Blaster: *the next line is the chorus*
Blaster: *sang, not snag
Sunstorm: *there was no way out of it, he did not know the song, and had no idea of the world's internet connection. //>Target not thwarted. Solution: Attack
Blaster: A primary system took over now.* No..its not. *voice FAR darker now, and his hands gripped down harder on Blaster's wrists, to the point of hurting. He gripped several wires near the spark casing. He was going to enjoy this...he grinned darkly, his mouth dangerously close to a main fuelline....*
Blaster: ...Sunstorm?! *optics shuttering in response, blinking* Sunstorm.. Heyhey.. Loosen a little.
Blaster: *optics widening a bit, even as his neck tilts a bit to the side*
Sunstorm: *and he leaned in and bit that line, ripping at it, utilizing his new fangs that he and received. His talons sprang forth, and he gripped those wires hard and pulled, feeling the snapping as he did so. He could NOT allow any sort of suspicion to allow him to be discovered. His mouth moved to his vocal processor next, and he ripped into that, ripping and tearing it up. No remorse....only a dark grin....only a few of the spark wires remained...but he wasn't finished...*
Blaster: *There is a brief moment of nothing- but only for a nanosecond as time hangs suspended- and his face is turned towards Sunstorm. Disbelief and confusion drifts across like leaves over whater before being replaced by pain and agony. He can't scream because his vocalizer is gone, but there is a garbled noise of static. Due to the wires being severed- his body shudders in a series of convulsions- hands tightening around Sunstorm- the hand on his face curling fingers inward...*
Blaster: *still clutching*
Blaster: *the other arm trying to push him away*
Blaster: ::Sunstorm?!!::
Sunstorm: *only a dark laughter played over the comm for a second* ::Heh, be glad you are being ripped apart at the hands of what WAS your mate, instead of someone else!:: *with that, he let the wires fall from his hand and made a swift motion across his face, his talons ripping and gashing at the duraskin, and offlining his optics.* ::The Phoenix arising from the Ashes...bringing your judgement down upon you....THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT!:: *he jumped up and pulled Blaster with, and swung him around, hard, and let him go, watching him fling into a wall....and hard. Anyone from the outside would have heard a thunk, but figured that Sunstorm was taking TC's advice...*
Blaster: *His head jerks back at that, and the scream that should have been vocal is instead blasted out over the internal comm. His free hand goes to his face to try to stop the mech-fluid that begins to leak out of the torn duraskin.* ::Sunstorm, NO!!:: *He doesn't feel himself flying through the air, nor ripping free of Sunstorm- but he does feel the impact against the wall...sliding down into a heap* ::S-sunstorm.. is my mate?:: *Struggling to get up*
Blaster: *There is an alarm here, he's also trying to reach it*
Sunstorm: *he held his arm up, his Fusion cannon aiming squarely at him* ::Your mate is no more. I stand in his place now. Too bad you won't see him again. Accept your pusnishment gracefully, like the slag of metal you are.:: *with that he fired, but it was a low enough level to not alarm anyone, but high enough to knock Blaster around, if not offline....*
Blaster: *He grits his dental platse, going skidding back*
Blaster: *and finally slams against the opposite wall, blue auras of light arching over torn and damaged areas*
Blaster: *He doesn't move this time, though he's still online- trying to keep his reserve fuel in*
Blaster: *though there is little bits of mech fluid here and there*
Blaster: *and works his jaw, turning up his radio- as best as he is able*
Blaster: Let's...wa- ... time... Chasing Cars... Around -ur heads....
Blaster: I need your grace...To remind me... to find my own.
Blaster: If.. I lay here.
Blaster: If I just.. lay here.
Sunstorm: Hnnn....Still online? *aims* Not for long. *he fired again, aiming for his spark casing.....*
Blaster: Would you lie with me... and just forget...the world.
Blaster: Forget what we're tol-..*static*... before we get too ol-*static*... Show me a garden.....that's bursting..into *static*
Blaster: ... All that I am......
Blaster: All that I ever was...
Blaster: Is here... *static* perfect eyes...
Blaster: They're... all.. I can se-*static*
Sunstorm: *he growled* You are immensly STUBBORN! *he fired one more time, this time upping the power just a bit....*
Blaster: ::Sunsto-....UNIT::Blaster. Status::Offline::
Blaster: ::comm silence::
Sunstorm: ......Good. *he walked up to him, and grabbed him, pulling him up and dragging him to one of the closet units inthe room, and set him in there., making sure that it closed satisfactorily. He grinned darkly, and then turned around, walking out, humming the tune that Blaster had been singing....*

blaster, log, sunstorm

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