(no subject)

Aug 06, 2008 17:11

I come bearing logs! ^_^

And he is paranoid as usual. XD

Red Alert: *Red Alert is wandering along on the island alone. He had woken up quite some time ago, but found no one there. He has no clue where there is, either, and that's not a good thing.*

Red Alert: *Freaked out? That's an understatement. He's been wandering back in forth in one area, not sure if anyone else is there. He's seen no signs of anyone else; he hasn't even seen any animals around.*
Red Alert: *He looks around. In one direction, he sees only water. In the others, it's either trees or beach. He sighs and sits down, trying to think of something to do and muttering to himself.* Probably someone playing some sort of joke on me. Or someone's trying to get rid of my. *He looks around again, this time it's as if he thinks someone might be there, out to get him*

Red Alert: *And he jumps when he hears something moving, only to see that it's some small sea creature; he doesn't even pay any attention to it, making sure all his sensors are tuned to hear someone coming up in any direction around him. Paranoid? Maybe just a little...but it's what keeps him alive.*

Red Alert: *He's beginning to wonder if he should wander around the island a bit more, to try to find anyone who might be there.* But there could be traps set up for something like that. Traps set up just waiting for me to wander around and get caught in them.

Red Alert: *Surprisingly enough, for once, he wishes that he would run into someone, just to know that he isn't alone on the island. He begins to wonder if anyone has noticed that he's missing, along with anyone else who might be. He jumps back with something that's between a squeak and a yell as he feels something brush against his leg, only to look down and see a small animal.*

Red Alert: *Red Alert twitches as he realizes that that is the second time he's let himself be snuck up on; he checks his sensors, only to find that they aren't working at their maximum capacity, so just about anything would be able to sneak up on him.* Just great. I'm stuck here and I can't even tell if anyone else is here, much less figure out if anyone or anything is sneaking up on me.

Red Alert: *He sighs as he stands up, glancing around again. He looks from the beach, to the forest, and back, wondering which path he should choose. He doesn't think going through the dark woods alone would be a good idea, but he knows that he probably should, just because it seems like it would be too convenient for him to be able to find anyone along the beach.*

Red Alert: There isn't anyone here who is out to get me. *He starts muttering to himself, repeating that over and over, trying to convince himself that he isn't going to be ambushed by something or someone trying to kill him. He hesitates for a moment before he heads towards the tress, moving slowly, looking around. He doesn't like the idea of someone sneaking up on him, so he's making sure to go very slowly and watch for anyone that might be there.*

Red Alert: *He continues to murmur to himself as he walks through, hearing the sounds of many animals around him.* No one's there. It's just animals. No one's there trying to get me. This is just some kind of joke, and I'll be off of this island soon. *He lets out a cry as something falls on him and bolts off in one direction.*

Red Alert: Someone is out to get me. Someone's trying to make me go crazy. Someone's watching me and waiting to attack me. *His attempts at trying to keep from being overly paranoid have obviously failed. He continues running, taking turns and making circles, trying to confuse the person he thinks is there after him. He stops after several minutes, looks around, and realizes that running around like that probably wasn't such a good idea. He has no clue where he is, what direction he's facing, or what direction he came from.*

Red Alert: *He sighs and starts walking in the direction he's facing.* Me and my brilliant ideas. *He twitches as he hears more noises.* It's only animals. No one is behind me. *He glances behind himself anyways, to see no one there.* I'm definitely working on the security systems when I get back. For someone to be able to do this...It's unthinkable. I don't understand how they could have. *He stops as noises behind him get louder. Turning around slowly, he still sees nothing there.*

Red Alert: Even the animals are out to get me. *He mutters that softly so no one would be able to hear.* I just need to find a way to get far, far away from here. *He looks around again as he continues moving, refusing to stop. He has no intention of getting caught. He speeds up, hoping to get out of the trees, even if they do provide him some sort of cover. He knows that they provide just as much cover for anyone or anything that's out to get him.*

Red Alert: Not going to get caught. Gotta keep going. Have to find a place to hide. *He looks around again, finally out of the cover of the trees, only to see that there's nowhere to hide. No cover anywhere. He mutters several curses to himself as he keeps going, looking around for any sign of anyone else. He may not want to get caught, but he definitely wants to know if he's the only one there or not.*

End log #1

And Red Alert actually does play. O.o

Even playing, though, he's still his paranoid self.

Red Alert: *Red Alert's been wandering around on the island for some time now without seeing anyone. He still can't figure out if he's the only one there, or if he just hasn't run into anyone yet. As he continues to wander, he mutters to himself, mainly wondering how he was brought to the island without knowing it, because he still can't figure it out.*

Moonracer: *Moonracer's only really seen Nova and that wasn't for long. All she'd really had was her army of creatures she'd founded, and with a smile she was traipsing through the woods, hundreds of animals in tow. She was singing a song, loudly and rather obnoxiously as she bounded, and there's a fox thats clinging to her shoulder in terror as she runs.*

Red Alert: *He pauses when he hears the singing. Well, he knows now that he's not the only one on the island. He follows the sound and sees her. As far as he can remember, he's never actually met Moonracer before. He just stares at her and all of the animals following her.*

Moonracer: *She's happily singing with her animals, and she gives him a happy wave when she spots him.* Hi! Hey! I know you! You're Red Alert, right? The security guy! How fun, I finally found a friend, I mean I found Nova but he's always kinda uptight and not too too fun to hang out with but he's a sweet mech all the same, but now that I've found you we can hang out! Oh look did you see my little fluffly animals? They've all got names but I keep forgetting...anyway, wanna go swimming?

Red Alert: *And he just continues to stare as her words take a minute to process.. He slowly looks around at all of the animals.* Umm...Yes, I a-am Red Alert. I, uh, d-don't believe we've actually m-met before, have we? *He moves a little closer and looks at her thoughtfully.* So, you r-ran into someone else here, t-too?

Moonracer: *she scurries over closer to him, the fox now cradled in her arms, and she smiles brightly at him.* I'm Moonracer! *she gives him a good natured grin and nods.* Yep, ran into Nova a while back but he's the only one. *she places the fox on his shoulder and gives him a big hug.* I'm so glad you're here!

Red Alert: *He isn't quite sure how to react to Moonracer hugging him.* Umm, s-so...do you h-have any idea how w-we got here? *He glances at the fox on her shoulder, really unsure of how to react.*

Moonracer: *she giggles at him.* Nope, no idea, but it sure is fun, isn't it? *squeal, hughughug.*

Red Alert: Umm... *He's never come across anyone quite as chearful and upbeat as Moonracer is, so he's not completely sure what to do.* W-Well, the, uh, s-scenery is k-kinda nice. I, uh, h-haven't exactly been having f-fun, though.

Moonracer: *shejust giggles and gives him a little kiss on the cheek and releases him, holding the fox again.* Aw, you haven't been having fun? Why not?!

Red Alert: *And he just stares at her for a moment again.* B-Because I've b-been wandering around h-here, unsure of w-whether or not anyone e-else was here, too, and I don't k-know if a-anyone knows w-we're here or not.
Moonracer: Oh, don't worry I'm sure that they noticed we are gone, I mean, there's three of us that are missing, right? I know Nightbird will notice I'm missing and Bombshell definitely will I betcha he's looking for me right now, and I know Arcee will notice cause she's my big sister, and Elit atoo! They know, don't worry!

Red Alert: *He still isn't completely convinced.* But, h-how will they even f-figure out where we are? M-more importantly, how d-did anyone manage to get th-through the security s-systems and get us? *He's more talking to himself right now, trying to figure things out.*

Moonracer: *she blinks at him, these questions don't cross Moonracer's mind. Like, ever.* Uh, I dunno. Prolly some glitch in the system. *cheerful.* Don't worry though! *she slings an arm around his shoulder, concious of her fox.* C'mon on, let's go for a swim! *he's too cute!*

Red Alert: *He twitches slightly, sighing. He continues to try to figure out any kind of answer he can. He doesn't argue with the idea of going for a swim, and he isn't completely sure why. He should be concentrating completely on figuring out how anyone got past the security systems, and not swimming. He is kinda glad, though, to know that he isn't the only one on the island. He pauses a moment, glancing at all of the animals.* S-so...why are a-all these animals f-following you?

Moonracer: *she keeps his arm around him and guides him towards the swimming hole she'd found.* They're my friends! *she says this as if the answer should be obvious to him.*

Red Alert: *That wasn't really the answer he was looking for, but he just lets it drop. He glances around nervously as she leads him along, making sure no one is following them...other than the animals, that is.*

Moonracer: *she points at the path in front of them with a proud smile.* I've been around this part of the forest for a while, I ended up making my own path! My friends helped me do it. *beaming happily, and two little beavers skitter forth across the path, the obvious culprits who helped her cut down trees to make said path.*

Red Alert: *He nods, watching the animals, and gives a small, semi-strained smile.* S-so...you said y-you've only run into N-Nova? D-did he say if anyone e-else was here? *He's just kinda curious about whether or not anyone else was brought to the island, so he knows if they might run into anyone else at any point.*

Moonracer: I don't really remember. *she speaks carelessly, she's not worried about their current situation at all. She just knows someone will find them sooner or later!* There's the swimming hole! *she giggles happily and tugs his arm, then gives him a little hug.*

Red Alert: *He's still not too sure about her hugging him, but he doesn't protest it or being dragged to the swimming hole. She might not be worried, but there's no chance he's going to stop worrying. He glances at the path and at the swimming hole.* It's, uh, n-nice.

Moonracer: Isn't it? *she giggles at him, hughug!* Swim with me? We can play a game or something, too!

Red Alert: *He sighs, but nods. He feels like he should be doing something to try to figure some way off of the island, even though he's pretty sure that there's no way he can.*

Moonracer: She laughes happily, and sets the fox down and drags him to the swimming hole.* Wanna jump in first?

Red Alert: *He frowns, looking at the water like something is in there that's going to attack him. He glances around again, making sure no one is around, other than Moonracer and the animals. Glances back at the water. Paranoid Red is paranoid*

Moonracer: *Hesitation is bad news, Red Alert! The swimming hole is literally that, a large, deep hole, and Moonracer has your hand. She doesn't wait for an answer, instead, keeping her vicelike grip on Red Alert, she leaps into the hole, dragging him with her.*

Red Alert: *And he definitely wasn't expecting that. He lets out a yelp of surprise as he's dragged into the water*

Moonracer: *she giggles as he yelps, and as she resurfaces, she makes sure to drag him up so he doesn't end up waterlogged.* You okay?

Red Alert: Y-yeah. *He still looks surprised. He sighs again, looking around slightly, not quite as nervous.*

Moonracer: *she floats in the water with a grin on her face, and gives him a hug before pushing off and paddling around.* I like it here, actually! It's so pretty and peaceful, once we figure out where we are exactgly I wanna pinpoint these coordinates and come back for vacations!

Red Alert: *He nods.* I s-suppose it is a r-rather nice place. *He probably wouldn't mind being there so much if it had been his choice. He moves around a bit in the water, but not much.*

Moonracer: *she giggles and disappears under the murkey water with a tiny splash.*

Red Alert: *He watches where she disappeared for a moment before paddling around a little more, glancing around everyone once in a while, still worried about someone sneaking up on them.*

Moonracer: *she stays under for a while, then sneakily swims over and snags his foot, giving him a sudden jerk under the water. Surprise!*

Red Alert: *He was actually kinda expecting that. It still surprised him a bit, but not as much as it would have if he hadn't figured it was going to happen.*

Moonracer: *Moonracer's just happy to play with him, and she tugs him under with her and rolls with him, squealing at the bubbles she makes.*

Red Alert: *He can't help but chuckle a bit. He has to admit, it is kinda fun. He hesitates a moment before actually playing along with her.*

Moonracer: *she squeals in excitement as they resurface, and she struggles with him in glee as he actually plays along with her. Having a friend that can talk made the island just that much better!*

Red Alert: *He hasn't actually played around like this in a long time, so he'd have to agree that it's a lot more fun that wandering around alone on the island. Sure, he keeps checking every so often to make sure no one's there, but he finds that he's not doing it as much as he normally does.*

Moonracer: *See, isn't Moonracer fun like that? She's good at getting people smind's off stressful things! She's a great friend. And right now, she's happily content to wrestle, tickle, and basically just /play/.*

Red Alert: *He chuckles again as he goes to tickle her. She's apparently one of the very few who can calm Red down and keep him from stressing/worrying. Of course, there's still the part of him that is going to continue to worry, but he's still having lots of fun.*

Moonracer: *she squeals and giggles and splashes as he tickles her. She squirms and clings to his back, attempting to stay away from the tickles.*

Red Alert: *He ducks under the water with her on his back, smirking. He does his best to continue tickling her, even if it is at an odd angle...*

Moonracer: *she meeps as he ducks, continuing to cling and escape the tickles. She's having a blast, yes it's definitely way more fun when there is a friend involved! And Red Alert is definitely one of her friends! Of course, the animals watching on the beach are too...as well as Crusher, Sixshot, and god knows what other creepy crawlies!*

Red Alert: *He's only ever really had fun with Inferno and Streetwise before, so he finds it kind of nice to be doing this. And he's planning on making sure he can find some better way to tickle her.*

Moonracer: *Moonracer is thrilled, and she clings happily to him, but the tickling and wrestling is fun, although it's kinda hard to get away from him in the water!*

Red Alert: *He finally decides to surface, grinning. He's still doing his best to tickler her, wondering how long she can cling to him.*

Moonracer: *Probably not a whole lot longer, she's beginning to get tired! She shakes the water from her head as they surface, and she pants lightly, grinning.* Eep!

Red Alert: *He finally decides to give it a short break because he's also getting tired. Helooks over his shoulder, smiling slightly, a bit embarrassed because, well, he's never really acted like that around most others.*

Moonracer: *she grins at him from her position on his back and she releases him with a giggle. She paddles towards the grassy ledge, which isn't far, pulling herself up to sit on it and pant.*

Red Alert: *He follows and pulls himself out of the water not too far from where she is and just lays there, staring up at the sky.*

Moonracer: *she flops back with him, grinning upwards.* Wonder how long it'll be til they find us.

Red Alert: I don't know. *He frowns glancing over at her.* H-hopefully it'll be soon. *He looks back up at the sky, staring at the stars.*

Moonracer: *she rolls onto her tummy, letting the water drip off her in little droplets.* Yeah. I guess. I dunno, I like it here too. *she looks at him thoughtfully.*

Red Alert: *He shrugs.* It's nice e-enough, but...I'd r-rather be out here o-of my own accord.

Moonracer: Yeah. *she giggles quietly at him.* I'm really glad I ran into you though, cause I mean I love my animal friends but they don't talk and they don't play like other mechs do.

Red Alert: *He nods.* That's understandable. *He sighs softly, looking around again.* And i-it is kinda n-nice to not be wandering around h-here alone.

Moonracer: Yeah. I can only sing to myself so much! *she giggles at him and gives him a little pat.* If anyone else saw me they'd probably think I was crazy! *giggle again.* That's silly though, I'm one of the sanest mech's I know!

Red Alert: *He nods.* Riiight. *He says that in a slightly teasing tone, grinning.*

Moonracer: I am! *she pouts at him and she gives him a playful shove that's accompanied by a giggle.* I really am! Honest!

Red Alert: *He makes a sound of amusement.* I'm not sure ANY of us are sane. *Of course his tone is full of amusement, too, as he says this.*

Moonracer: Well, yeah that's true too. *she gives a tiny little laugh, the rolls and flops on her back again next to him, still dripping slightly.* It's really pretty out tonight, don't you think? The stars are so clear out here, I know in the city they're not as easy to see cause of all the smog and lights and stuff and even on base it's sometimes hard to see em...but sometimes if the night is right they're just as beautiful as they are now.

Red Alert: *He nods again, smiling.* I-it is rather nice being able t-to see them for a change. *He's still dripping quite a bit from the swimming.* I've tried around the b-base, and I can h-hardly see them.

Moonracer: Yeah, it's not as pretty as it is here. *she beams at him.* I know a couple of the constellations out here cause Arcee told me, she's the stargazer of us all, you know, and hse likes to drag me out when the nights clear to show me all the consstellations cause I never bothered to learn them, although I guess I should have because they're really pretty and Earth ones are really different than the ones on Cybertron, apparently...

Red Alert: *He nods again.* I u-used to spend some t-time looking at them on Cybertron. Haven't h-had much time here, though...They l-look quite different here...

Moonracer: Yeah that's what Arcee says! *smile.* Maybe I'll have to look into it more...cause they are awfully pretty.

Red Alert: Yes, they are. *He smiles. It's been a long time since he's stopped to actually do something like this, so, he has to admit that being stuck on the island isn't as bad as he originally thought.*

Moonracer: *she giggles at him and stares up at the sky, a wistful little smile on her face.* You ever miss Cybertron?

Red Alert: *He shrugs, smiling sadly.* Sometimes, but...it i-is nice here, too. *He looks over at her.* How about y-you?

Moonracer: Yeah...I miss it a lot! We had a lot of fun, even during the war, cause you know Elita she was all tough and regal but she hated for the war to be so overwhelming so she tried, and she had Arcee to help her then, course Arcee was smitten half the time with Springer though neither would admit it, frustrating really, and Chromia and Firestar helped too they used to put on little dancing shows for us.

Moonracer: But here is nice too.

Red Alert: It i-is nice to have the war over w-with, though. Security is s-still hard to deal with, but n-not as bad as it was. I d-do miss Cybertron quite a bit, though. *He sighs softly and shrugs.*

Moonracer: Yeah, the war being over is definitely a good thing! *she nods in agreement with a smile, then peers up at the stars again.*

Red Alert: *He smiles back, still watching the stars, wondering if, maybe, they should be looking for anyone else who might be there, rather than just laying there, watching the stars*

Moonracer: *Nah, Moonracer isn't terribly concerned, she's quite content where she is laying next to Red Alert, her brand new buddy! She gives him a little snug, absolutely thrilled to have a budd ywith her.*

Red Alert: *He glances over at her, a bit embarrassed, but shrugs it off. For once, he's going to try to not worry about things and just let himself rest.*

Moonracer: *She doesn't notice the embaressment at all, course, even if she did she's probably so used to it that it doesn't even faze her anymore. She's perfectly content to be snuggled up against his side, a bright little smile on her face. She's happy as a clam!*

Red Alert: *He sighs softly, letting himself relax. Normally he would be a bit more hesitant to let someone snuggle up against him, but he finds that he doesn't really mind Moonracer doing it. He's actually pretty comfortable there, too.*

Moonracer: *Moonracer has that affect on mech's- even those that seem to hate her at first always end up growing to adore her! She's prefectly happy, and she lays her head on him.* I bet it wont be long til we're found, you know.

Red Alert: *He looks at her.* Oh? W-what makes you say that? F-for all we know, i-it could be a while...

Moonracer: *she gives him a poke in the side.* Be optimistic! Besides, I just have a feeling.

Red Alert: *Red Alert optimistic? That would be a very rare occurrance.* At least I-I'm not running around s-saying we're going to die here o-or anything like that. *He's smiling slightly as he shrugs.* True?

Moonracer: *she giggles.* Well, yeah, I guess it's good you aren't saying that! Cause we aren't. *She smiles brightly at him, giving him another little snug.*

Red Alert: *He chuckles and nods, letting himself get comfortable. It is a nice night after all.*

Moonracer: *It is, isn't it? She's happily snuggled up against him, and she's definitely getting a ltitle drowsy and run down. It had been a long day, playing with her animal friends then happening upon a wonderful new friend!*

Red Alert: *Yeah, he's getting pretty tired, too, from all the wandering around and playing. He hasn't done that in far too long, so he's more worn out that he'd normally be.*

Moonracer: *Moonracer is definitely tired, and it wont be long til she drops off completely.* Glad you found me. *grins, snug.*

Red Alert: *He smiles again. He's not too far from dropping off either. In fact, he's slowly dropping off as it is.* It was n-nice.

Moonracer: It was! *she's still cheerful, even through her yawns.* Maybe tomorrow I'll introduce you to Fred...

Red Alert: Fred?

Moonracer: *nods with a tiny laugh.* Yeah, Fred. The lion.

Red Alert: *He nods, smiling as he drifts closer and closer to sleep*

Moonracer: *And in a blink, Moony's out and into mech dreamland!*

Red Alert: *It only takes a few more moments until Red's out, too.*


red alert, moonracer

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