(no subject)

Sep 08, 2007 13:51

I have three megs of chat saved on my computer, which would totally break Livejournal if I tried to fit it all in one post, plus some of them run concurrently. So rather than spam your flist, I just uploaded them to my website, whose pagebuilder promptly crapped out on me. So here's some links to what I've got, and I'll make a real page when my burning, Ratchet-esque rage dies down.
If you have anything else you want uploaded, please drop a comment or e-mail me.
Er, so far I only have the ones I was logged in for. Sorry for the incompleteness of

This one is massive. Starts Sept. 3rd at around quarter to eleven. Pauses at quarter aftere elven. Picks up again on the fourth at nineish. Runs to twenty after midnight on the fifth, pauses, then starts up again at twenty to nine. Goes until noon the next morning when I remembered I still had the window open, so there's a lot of empty time. We used other chatrooms until the seventh, and I wandered in at quarter after ten. AIM died on us at two-thirty on the dot the next morning.

This one is a direct continuation from the one above, when the Autobots split off at quarter to eleven on the third of September. Runs until quarter to three the next morning.

This one starts a little after nine on the fourth, and runs until quarter to three the next morning.

This is the first (and hopefully not last) rave. I wandered in at around ten and my log runs until quarter to three, which seems to be a popular time for everyone to go to bed.

This one runs concurrent with the rave, and starts at eleven-thirty on the sixth, and ends at twenty after two the next morning. One of the rare times I'm there from start to finish, so is complete.

These two are the product of AIM having the bird flu, and together run from two-thirty ack emma on the eighth to six. They follow the last chunk of autobotsarestupid.

This one really contains nothing of interest, except Runabout's baby pictures. Srsly. Isn't even funny.

log, bumblebee, perceptor, optimus prime, runamuck, will, shockwave, sam, ratchet, jazz, frenzy, thundercracker, fastlane, runabout, starscream, prowl, megatron, skyfire, sunstorm, arcee, bonecrusher, hook, ironhide, maggie, blaster, barricade, skywarp, brawl, sunstreaker, blackout

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