LOG! Sarah Visits!

Jul 22, 2008 23:59

Seriously, she's practically TC's therapist sometimes...

Sarah: -there are rarely any cars near the Cybertronian base that are not of the transforming type, but today there is one with a human woman and a baby in a car seat approaching; she digs her cell phone out of her purse, selects a number, and hits talk, parking right outside the entrance-

Thundercracker: Hello? *the answer is quick and somewhat abrupt*

Sarah: TC?  Hey, it's Sarah.  I just pulled up to the base. -holds the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she unstraps the baby-

Thundercracker: Oh...? OH! *yeah, Seeker didn't forget, really... ^^;; * I'll be right out to meet you!

Sarah: -smiles, hefting a bag over her shoulder and setting the car seat, Anna still in it- Alright.  I'll just wait out here, then.

Thundercracker: Good, good... *he seems a bit distracted, but it doesn't take long for TC to reach to outer doors and step outside. Gah! When the hell did it get so bright outside? He shrugs it off, popping up his holo to greet Sarah and the little one*

Thundercracker: Good afternoon, dears. *he smiles, looking haggard even in this form*

Sarah: -hangs up her phone and smiles at him, using her hip to close the car door, while Anna blinks at him, kicking her feet a bit- Afternoon, TC.

Thundercracker: It's great to see you again, Sarah. *he gives her a small hug and tickles Anna's belly* You settled in to your new home yet?

Sarah: Yeah, for the most part.  The neighbors have been nice so far. -Anna kicks more, giggling a bit, and Sarah hitches the bag higher up on her shoulder- I brought a few of the magazines to show you.

Thundercracker: Thank you and I'm glad to hear that. *leads her toward where he's real body is kneeling* You mind if we go to my quarters? The common is currently being...uh, rebuilt.

Sarah: Not at all.  ...what happened to it? -follows him-

Thundercracker: *extends a hand and helps her and the little bit up to it* Oh, not much. Just one of the base's many gaggles of idiots decided it be fun to use the common room as a shooting range... *he laughs, but it's a rather half-hearted one*

Sarah: -settles herself and the baby comfortably on his palm- I'd bet money high-grade was involved...

Thundercracker: *lifts them up gently, poofing away the holo as he heads back into the base* Oh, yes. High-grade was involved... with the ensuing explosion that took out the bar and half the room with it...

Sarah: I hope no one was hurt when that happened. -frowns, relaxing against one of his fingers-

Thundercracker: As far as I know, the only injuries where to the energon supply and the Ark.

Sarah: Well, that's good that no one got hurt.

Thundercracker: I suppose so... *he shrugs, careful not to disturb his passengers* On the upside, rebuilding the common room gives Bee something to do for a while and keep him happy too.

Sarah: .......the mural is going to have to be redone, isn't it?  That should be fun, at least.

Thundercracker: Yeah, it'll be a blast. *said a bit absently.* When we get everyone back, that is...

Sarah: ...TC, you alright?  You've been...acting kind of weird.

Thundercracker: Fine. *sounds anything but /fine/* Just been keeping busy, searching, and bashing my head up against the gigantic wall of apathy that happens whenever you try to be a bit proactive with things around here...

Sarah: There's something else wrong, beyond that. -Sarah's a perceptive one!-

Thundercracker: ...Warp's one of the missing. *wing slump*

Sarah: ...oh.  That must be hard on you... -pats his palm with her free hand, biting her lip-

Thundercracker: *Just nods silently and continues down the hall*

Sarah: We'll find them.  They'll be fine.

Thundercracker: I know... *quietly with no really conviction.* I just wish there was more...solidarity around here...  *They round the corner and are at the door to Thundercracker's room. He punches in the code and sits the humans down on the floor.*

Sarah: -finds a spot out of the way of the door and sets the carrier down, pulling the tabloids she had procured out of the bag- ...here they are.  I really don't think they'll have anything useful, but...

Thundercracker: *poof! The holo takes them graciously, leading her and Anna to a nice chair and table he placed there just for them.* Thank, Sarah. I'll take any scrap of information I can right now.

Sarah: -settles down in the chair, keeping the carrier with Anna next to her- ......I think the most ridiculous one is about all of you being human creations from the future that freed yourselves from slavery. -rolls her eyes-

Thundercracker: *Arches an eyebrow* Oh really?

Sarah: Yes, really.  And that you don't want to remember your masters, so you made up the being aliens bit.

Thundercracker: *both the holo and mech are chuckling* Well, if nothing else, I'll at least have a good laugh reading them.

Sarah: -laughs herself- True.  That's the only reason I ever read tabloids, for the laughs.

Thundercracker: *holo!TC thumbs through one of the cheaply made tabloids* Dear Primus... This is /awful/! *he points at a bad Photoshop of the current President shaking hands with a Yeti.*

Sarah: -shakes her head- Isn't it?  And what's sad is, people /believe/ these stories!

Thundercracker: Yes, it is... *still looking the tabloid over, occasionally snickering at the articles*

Sarah: My mother included.  I swear, the woman will believe anything... -digs a bottle of water out of the bag-

Thundercracker: Yes... By the way, how is she? Still think we're gonna conquer Earth?

Sarah: ...yes.  Though, I think she might be changing her mind on that.  Optimus met my parents, and she actually /liked/ him.

Thundercracker: *chuckles* He has that effect on people... *smiles both warmly and somewhat wickedly* Wonder how it'll go when you introduce me and Warp?

Sarah: -facepalms- I really don't know with her.  You probably will see her if Megatron does organize that housewarming party for me.

Thundercracker: Oh, this is gonna be good. *chuckles* I take it she'll be meeting the whole family then?

Sarah: Yep.  I hope she and Ratchet don't argue again...

Thundercracker: *laughs at the mental image* Oh Primus! That'll be a Kodak moment.

Sarah: ...Ironhide had enough sense to stop Ratch last time, luckily. -smiles wryly-

Thundercracker: Aw, darn. That sounds like it have been funny... *smirks* Maybe this time, Hide'll be too busy watching the sparklings to pay attention...

Sarah: I hope they're okay. -TC's response had reminded her of the missing, and she frowns, sighing heavily- And that reminds me, I should go see Ratchet, too.

Thundercracker: Thank you for the concern. *sighs, worrying about the younglings now* And you should go see him. It'll brighten his day, at least a little bit.

Sarah: All of this is just making me think of when Will went missing, and how upset I was. -a thought hits her- ...are you able to tell anything through your bond, maybe?

Thundercracker: No. *The holo and the mech both slump dejectedly* Warp's still stifling his end of the bond... Hell, he's probably also still pissed off at me over that crap with Big Daddy...

Sarah: ...I really don't think he'd still be pissed enough to close off his end if he was in trouble, so maybe...that's a good sign?

Thundercracker: *sighs, shaking his head* Actually, /if/ he's trouble-/serious/ trouble-,he's more likely to shut me out completely so I won't get hurt. We... we both did that during to war...

Sarah: -tilts her head to one side, frown deepening- ...oh.  That's...not good.

Thundercracker: No. It's /not/. *matches her frown with his own, looking utterly haggard now*

Sarah: I'll ask Ratchet later about it; he might have some more input. -takes one of the tabloids and flips to an article about the Cybertronians; subject change!- This is the ridiculous one I mentioned earlier.

Thundercracker: Yes... *Glad for the change, he moves over to look at the article. As he reads it, it's hard for him to stifle his derision* "...consumer products who overthrew their uncaring enslavers..." /Who/ makes the stuff up?

Sarah: Told you it was ridiculous...

Thundercracker: Very. *rolls his eyes*

Sarah: All of these have just one article each in them.  I've been talking with my mother, too, to see if she's catching anything I'm not.

Thundercracker: *smiles* Thank you again, Sarah. You... you really don't know how much this means to me.

Sarah: -blushes slightly- ...you're my friends, I can't just stand by and do nothing.

Thundercracker: *he leans down and gives her a hug* That's more than I can say about most mechs.

Sarah: -returns the hug warmly- I'm sure they're worried, too.

Thundercracker: *he pulls away, smile gone completely* Then why don't they /do/ something about it? *there's a bitterness creeping into his tone now*

Sarah: ...maybe they don't know /what/ to do.  I mean, we have so few clues to work with... -she sounds a bit unsure, though-

Thundercracker: That's the point! *he's trying hard not the yell, but there's a hint of anger now* Hardly anyone is even /trying/ to find out more about what happened. They're all too wrapped up in themselves, looking for the next party, the next interfacing, or what have you, to /care/!

Sarah: ...you do have a point there, TC. -she has to admit, her voice soft-

Thundercracker: *sighs again* Shame few, if any, of the others agree with it...

Sarah: Aren't Thunderblast and a few of the others searching too?

Thundercracker: Yes. *Thunderblast? Okay, he honestly had no clue /she'd/ gotten involved, but...well, the more the merrier!* It's practically just her, Sky-Lynx, this 'Grapple' guy, and myself...

Thundercracker: ...even Flight seems to have /better/ things to do than find his /mate/... *it's almost a growl*

Sarah: -looks troubled-

Thundercracker: *notices the look on her face, deflating slightly* I'm sorry, Sarah. It's... I'm wore out and almost out of my mind trying to at least find out what happened.

Sarah: No, it's okay.  You're stressed.  I would be, too.

Thundercracker: ...still didn't mean to bring you down...again. *He leans against the table, body language mimicking the tired, almost broken expression of his real self.*

Sarah: -smiles wryly- It's fine, TC.

Thundercracker: It's only going to be fine when I get Warp, Hide, and the youngling’s /home/. *frowns, looking back at her.* ...sorry. I didn't mean to sound so hateful...

Sarah: -stands up and hugs him-

Thundercracker: *accepts and returns the hug*

Sarah: -lets go and takes a step back, smiling- Hopefully those magazines will help.  I think I'm going to go see Ratchet now.

Thundercracker: *steps away, nodding, his holo's right eye glittering strangely...almost as if he's about to cry...* Right. You should go do that. *Straightens, forcing a smile.* If you would like, may I escort you and dear little Annabelle to the medbay?

Sarah: We'll be alright.  I...kind of want a few minutes to think about things. -picks up her bag and the carrier, poking Anna in the stomach playfully to try and help cheer herself up-

Thundercracker: Of course. *the smile flatters a bit, but TC recovers masterfully* Then I'll see you lovely ladies later. Just take care and try not to get squished... *not that he needs to tell that, but he's really not thinking straight right now...*

Sarah: See you, TC.  We'll be careful. -gives him one more smile, then leaves, heading for the medbay-

Thundercracker: *waves at them, watching her and the baby as they disappear into the hall. When the door shuts, the holo turns a nasty sneer toward the mech.* Nice going, jerkass.

Thundercracker: Oh Primus... *The mech groans miserably, dropping his head into his hands* I don't need /this/ now...

sarah, log, thundercracker, annabelle

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