Welcome to Chez Transformers

Jul 14, 2008 19:32

Alexis does the one thing you're not supposed to do on the intertubes-- give your personal information to a giant killer robot that you don't know and trust. Wildrider comes to pay her a visit, with less than innocent motivations.

WILDRIDER (9:10:50 PM): *it doesn't take him long (after sexing up Breakdown, anyway) to find Alexis' current place of rest. His holo is flopped in the drivers seat only for looks, and as he pulls up outside, he lays on the horn.*

ALEXIS (9:14:27 PM): *Alexis has been idly pacing her apartment (fourth floor!) and checking her blog. She's almost sure he isn't actually showing up. A giant robot showing up outside her building is...well, it was probably just a trick after all. Even if those robots really WERE on her blog, they had better things to do than see HER.

ALEXIS (9:14:32 PM): The sound of a horn jerks her out of her ponderings; startled--perhaps very much so--she goes to the window. Nah...*

WILDRIDER (9:16:18 PM): *He's waiting impatiently down on the street below, watching the windows. He sees a face peek out, and he leans over the passenger seat to give the girl a wave. A get-your-ass-down-here kind of wave, really.*

ALEXIS (9:16:53 PM): *....is that. No.* Brad Pitt?? No way!

WILDRIDER (9:17:40 PM): ...*sigh. There's that name again. He shouts up at her, not sure if she can hear. Is that window open? Well, he makes sure to amplify his voice so she can hear. The whole neighborhood might be able to, actually.* ARE YOU COMING?

ALEXIS (9:19:16 PM): *She pulls away for a second, then peeks back out* Is that YOU? How are you doing that? Some sort of... *well, she isn't the best when it comes to tech, but something you'd find on a sci-fi movie must be making the Brad Pitt image.* Uhm...ok. Okay! Omigosh. Let me get my jacket and I'll be right down!

WILDRIDER (9:20:16 PM): Right. *he mutters under his breath, what was he thinking, doing this? Oh well. She would be entertainment, in any case. And if she annoys him, he can just 'accidentally' step on her.*

ALEXIS (9:21:42 PM): *Alexis gets her jacket, both smiling wildly and grimacing in terrible nervousness. She speeds down the stairs to the small lobby and rushes outside.* Nice car, by the way! Good human avatar, good car tastes!

WILDRIDER (9:24:14 PM): I have good taste in everything. *The door pops open without her having to pull the handle, and the holo grins at her from the drivers seat.* Maybe if you're lucky when we get out to the desert I'll let you drive. Now get in and be careful. I'm a little...sore.

ALEXIS (9:25:28 PM): Sore? How'd that happen? *she sounds both interested, and a little sympathetic. Poor robot. She crawls in gingerly, careful to not upset him. She wonders if she should close the door or what. After a nervous moment she just puts her hand in her lap.*

WILDRIDER (9:28:31 PM): ...I'm really not sure you want the answer to that question. *He appreciates her care, aw, isn't she being nice to him? That's rare. He shuts the door for her since he can tell she's awkward, and the holo gives her a grin. He's not leering- yet.*

ALEXIS (9:29:00 PM): ....this is weird. You look just like Brad Pitt. Do you like him?

WILDRIDER (9:30:26 PM): ...Brad Pitt. Everyone says I look like him. Is he supposed to be someone important?

ALEXIS (9:30:53 PM): He's a famous movie star, of course! Don't you know?

ALEXIS (9:31:21 PM): *she tilts her head at him, wondering and almost amused by his ignorance.*

WILDRIDER (9:32:59 PM): Uh, yeah. Sure. I knew that. *huh. He shoulda researched more before just randomly picking the first hot male he saw.*

ALEXIS (9:33:32 PM): *She gives him a look, but says nothing. Carefully, feeling self-consious, she leans back in the seat*

WILDRIDER (9:36:20 PM): *The seat shifts around her, aw look at him trying to be hospitable.* I like the holo, at any rate. He gets me into a lot of bars with no problems.

ALEXIS (9:36:51 PM): Ha! I bet! He's popular on this planet for his looks.

ALEXIS (9:37:05 PM): *she settles against him--the seat--comfortably*

WILDRIDER (9:37:53 PM): Well, I guess I picked the right holo then. *triumphant smile! He careens through traffic with practiced ease, although it might be a bit frightening for her- he's not known for his safety!*

ALEXIS (9:38:51 PM): *she's shocked at his wild driving, and grips the arm rest. He seems to know how to careen about with no trouble, but the speed gets to her. She forces herself to relax--he's an alien robot car. He knows what he's doing.*

WILDRIDER (9:39:13 PM): He glances over at her, cocking a brow.* Scared?

ALEXIS (9:39:55 PM): N-no...just...on edge. *she smiles weakly at him*

WILDRIDER (9:40:40 PM): *He grins slowly at her.* Ah. I see. Do I make you nervous? *Does he mean he himself, or his driving? Interpret that as you will.*

ALEXIS (9:41:26 PM): *She almost blinks at that, not sure HOW to take that* Ah.... I'm sure you know what you're doing, Mr. Robot.

WILDRIDER (9:42:56 PM): Call me Wildrider. *And he does know what he's doing, because normal humans would have wrecked the car a thousand times over by now with all the close calls that he's maneuvered.*

ALEXIS (9:43:34 PM): *Yeah, she can feel her stomach all over the place* Wildrider? Gee, that makes sense! *that's supposed to be a joke, but she's a little nervous; it's a weak one*

WILDRIDER (9:44:11 PM): Heh, doesn't it? They say that I'm the craziest of my brothers. I think they're right. *Good choice, Alexis! You couldn't have picked a better buddy.*

ALEXIS (9:44:50 PM): Craziest? Brothers? Robots have brothers?

WILDRIDER (9:45:30 PM): I have three. *the holo winks at her, and she's probably noticed that the holo isn't watching the road at all. Creepy, huh?*

ALEXIS (9:45:54 PM): *Just a leeetle.* Three? How does that work?

ALEXIS (9:47:22 PM): *she grips the dash, whew, THAT turn was a close one*

WILDRIDER (9:49:05 PM): *Close? Ha You haven't seen close. And how the hell does he explain how he has brothers?! He just does. He's not sure how, nor does he care. He's no scientist!*

WILDRIDER (9:50:45 PM): Uh. Well. We were all...made at the same time. I think.

ALEXIS (9:51:00 PM): ....Oh. Not like, literal brothers.

WILDRIDER (9:51:44 PM): No. We're brothers. We're all on the same team. *he grins and the car visibly shifts on the inside a bit, he's a tad sore from the encounter with Breakdown, and he's pretty glad she didn't press for that answer.*

ALEXIS (9:52:22 PM): Okay. I think I get it. *she looks out the window--oh dear, people look pretty mad....*

ALEXIS (9:52:31 PM): Oh...maybe you should slow down..

WILDRIDER (9:53:01 PM): *Yeah, but Wildrider doesn't care. He only slows a little to humor her, but he's nearly to the wide open desert roads, so at that point, he really wont care.* Mmmf.

ALEXIS (9:54:12 PM): Th-thanks. I don't want you to get pulled over. ...heh. *Or her to go through the windshield. She decides to put on a seat belt, a little too late but it makes her feel better.*

WILDRIDER (9:55:51 PM): *The actual car snorts at that statement, sure, he's afraid of the police. The holo also quietly chuckles at her seat belt decision. He makes a wild left turn, and look! Open desert road!* Wanna drive? *insert charming grin here *

ALEXIS (9:56:39 PM): *She balks* D-d-drive--you? Is that....uhm... *she squirms a little* Is that okay?

WILDRIDER (9:56:48 PM): ...

WILDRIDER (9:57:30 PM): If it wasn't ok I wouldn't ask. You can't wreck the car, I wont let you.

ALEXIS (9:58:26 PM): I--just meant--I mean never mind-- *she gets out of the seatbelt she just put on and gets up a bit from her seat.* I--uhm--good to know--heh-- *>>*

WILDRIDER (9:59:00 PM): *Wildrider pulls off to the side of the road so she doesn't have to switch while moving.* Now you can say you drove a giant alien robot. Cool, huh?

ALEXIS (9:59:38 PM): ....*she blushes a little, this is a teensy bit embarrassing* Yeah...but who would believe me, right? *she settles down in his seat and grips the wheel and carefully tests the pedal*

WILDRIDER (10:00:20 PM): *The engine roars, and the holo makes himself comfy in the passenger seat. This ought to be entertaining, at the very least.*

ALEXIS (10:01:13 PM): *the roar FREAKS her out, before she realizes that's normal...this is weird....she forces herself to behave like a proper driver and carefully drives forward* Where are we going?

WILDRIDER (10:01:43 PM): Go straight for about an hour. You can go as fast as you like. *he grins and leans back.*

ALEXIS (10:02:54 PM): Okay. Okay. *she drives straight ahead. After a few minutes she gets a little more brave and presses down harder on the pedal* Why are we going straight forward?

WILDRIDER (10:07:00 PM): Well...you can off road it if you want. *shakes his head, beginning to question her sanity.*

ALEXIS (10:07:51 PM): No, no. Just asking, that's all. *She is so not getting courageous with his body...of man, she's in his BODY, omg, don't think about that....*

WILDRIDER (10:08:37 PM): *He would purr if he could hear her thoughts, truly.* You do realize that giving out your address on the internet is probably not the wisest thing to do, by the way.

ALEXIS (10:09:01 PM): Huh? Well....you kept asking!

ALEXIS (10:09:17 PM): *she giggles a little shrilly* You can't beg for my information then scold me!

WILDRIDER (10:09:39 PM): *he stares at her almost in horror, but shakes his headas if to clear it.* Uh...right.

ALEXIS (10:10:29 PM): *laughs again, just as shrilly, and more than realizing that, oh yeah, he's RIGHT* Uh...I won't do it again?

WILDRIDER (10:11:50 PM): You probably shouldn't. Although I could have easily found you anyway. I was jsut being polite in asking. *he eyes her as she's driving.* Relax a little bit, princess. I'm not going to eat you.

WILDRIDER (10:12:01 PM): ...yet. *smirk >D *

ALEXIS (10:12:31 PM): ....*she cringes a little, but tries to remain calm* Well, technically you already did. I mean, I am inside you. *oh gods*

ALEXIS (10:12:43 PM): Heh, right?

WILDRIDER (10:13:56 PM): Well. When you put it that way, you are most correct. You are inside of me. *this time, he does purr at her and it's a different sound than the normal engine roar.*

ALEXIS (10:15:01 PM): *She jerks a little.* Y-yeah. Yeah. *she could feel the purr through the seat and it tingles, and not in a nice way* She realizes she's swerving and veers back on course*

WILDRIDER (10:16:43 PM): *He just grins at her and stops, and hey Wildrider tingling is a good thing!* You really are tense.

ALEXIS (10:16:55 PM): ...am I?

ALEXIS (10:16:57 PM): Sorry.

WILDRIDER (10:17:02 PM): ...You can't tell?

ALEXIS (10:17:40 PM): I don't know. Uhm... *you CAN tell? WTF not in that way, she hopes*

ALEXIS (10:18:05 PM): I guess I'm just not used to getting spirited away by robot cars?

WILDRIDER (10:18:43 PM): I'm sure that's it. This probably isn't the norm for ya. *The holo gives her an awkward pat, and looks ahead.* Not too far now.

ALEXIS (10:19:28 PM): *the pat feels better than the weird purr and she tries to cool down* Too far to where, again?

WILDRIDER (10:19:52 PM): *he grins at her.* Somewhere cool.

ALEXIS (10:20:16 PM): Oh yeah? Somewhere cool in the DESERT? *awkward laugh*

WILDRIDER (10:22:55 PM): Heh. Well, not literally cool. But you will like it.

ALEXIS (10:23:15 PM): It was a pun. You guys have those? And I will? What is it?

WILDRIDER (10:24:00 PM): Yeah...we do...and yes you will. And you will see when you get there.

ALEXIS (10:24:39 PM): *almost whispering/muttering* That sounds a little mysterious.

WILDRIDER (10:25:00 PM): It is. Turn left here.

ALEXIS (10:25:16 PM): Alright... *she rotates the wheel. She can see something...*

WILDRIDER (10:27:27 PM): *Something big. Big base, and next to it, big city. And the Nemesis, but no one ever seems to care about that one.*

ALEXIS (10:28:15 PM): *as they approach, she gets a strange, wild feeling in her stomach* Ohh... What is THAT?

WILDRIDER (10:28:57 PM): ...What's what? *it's nothing new to him.*

ALEXIS (10:29:24 PM): Is this where you live? Oh my gosh!

WILDRIDER (10:29:48 PM): ...Uh. Yeah. Mostly in Metroplex though, cause the Ark is rusty. *Damn Cosmic Rust.*

ALEXIS (10:30:29 PM): *it's such a weird sentence she giggles* So which one is Metroplex--the city-looking place?

WILDRIDER (10:31:31 PM): Yeah. That's him. The Ark is the other big one, and the Nemesis is the dark looking ship. That ship is just creepy. Don’t go over there, I think Shockwave booby trapped it for humans.

ALEXIS (10:32:19 PM): Who's Shockwave? Thtaintfriendly mentioned him. He said Shockwave was on YouTube but I didn't have time to check.

WILDRIDER (3:40:49 PM): ...Youtube. Right. Check it if you want. We're nearly there anyway. *Youtube. What's

WILDRIDER (3:40:58 PM): (Shit)

WILDRIDER (3:41:12 PM): *What's Shockers doing on Youtube?*

ALEXIS (3:42:37 PM): I might. *She drums her fingers against the wheel* What are we going to do "there"?

WILDRIDER (3:43:33 PM): Bout five minutes. Sooner if ya gun my engine. *tiny leer*

ALEXIS (3:44:27 PM): ...... *she grimaces a little at the expression, but puts the pedal to the metal, pretty literally*

ALEXIS (3:45:35 PM): *she's not that good at driving, and is nervous about going at such a high speed, but he DID say that he wouldn't let them crash...*

WILDRIDER (3:46:29 PM): *and she's probably damn near thrown back against the seat, he's not known for being slow, his names Wildrider for a reason! Nice. Nope, not gonna let her wreck. Despite the wheel shaking in her hands he's headed straight. Right at the base!*

ALEXIS (3:49:07 PM): *fuck, he's fast. Traffic on their planet must be intense*

WILDRIDER (3:52:52 PM): *totally! He's crazy, too, which is also fun. And he takes control now, and instead of slowing nicely and stopping. Gears grind and gears shift and they're sent careening at the base, the car spinning wildly until it comes to a stop at the door, and aw the doors popped open nicely.* out, so I can change.

ALEXIS (3:54:47 PM): *the final burst of speed was nerve-wracking enough, but him suddenly taking back into control is enough to make her squawk in surprise, and the Hollywood stunt makes her scream sharply. When they come to a stop she practically throws herself out of the vehicle, shaking* What the--hell-- *okay it was kind of fun, but WHAT THE HELL D8*

WILDRIDER (3:56:54 PM): *he's laughing the entire time as he changes, clicks and whirrs can be heard as plates shift and grind. Soon a big and rather /frightening/ looking Decepticon is staring down at her*

ALEXIS (4:00:07 PM): *the laughing makes her feel indignant, but it's so pleased-sounding she's about to join in--until she sees a the shaping and shifting pieces compile into a very large, deadly robot that cranes far above her head. Her mouth hangs open slightly and listlessly, as if all the muscles have been cut free in her face*

WILDRIDER (4:02:39 PM): *he was rather pleased with himself, truth be told. Screams are always so fun to generate. And Wildrider's big. Not just tall. He towers over her, grinning maniacally. There's another shifting and look! Wildriders big damn gun is saying hi!*

ALEXIS (4:05:41 PM): *Alexis staggers back. The gun is huge. It's more like a freaking cannon.* P-put that away, Wildrider. Are you crazy?

WILDRIDER (4:06:21 PM): Yep. *he tilts it up and cocks his head at her.* Scared?

ALEXIS (4:08:12 PM): *Alexis scrambles back a little more* A l-little. I don't...like guns...

WILDRIDER (4:09:54 PM): *he griiiins at her.* Cover your ears. *aw. Wasn't he nice to warn her? He turns and BOOM! Where there once was a rock there is no longer.*

ALEXIS (4:13:33 PM): *Alexis DOES cover her ears in time, but that hardly covers the sound. Or stop her from seeing the blast or stops the debris from striking her legs in painful stings. She jumps back. She can feel her heartbeat in her eye, which twitches in a little tic* No! Don't do that! I--I think maybe I should go home now.

WILDRIDER (4:14:59 PM): *he looks as pleased as a little kid. The gun is gone now, and he crouches in front of her, looking at her on her level. Sorta.* Nah. There's a lot of us you should meet.

ALEXIS (4:15:46 PM): *she draws a way a little* I don't...do they have guns?

WILDRIDER (4:16:10 PM): We all do. *blinks at her, leaning closer.*

WILDRIDER (4:16:22 PM): *isn't this fun, Alexis?*

ALEXIS (4:16:29 PM): *Nuuuu : ( *

ALEXIS (4:18:18 PM): *the only thing that stops her from pulling back even further is the worry that she might insult him. She stares into his big, glowing eyes* I think maybe I made a mistake. No offense....

WILDRIDER (4:18:48 PM): *he just smiles that twisted, frightening smile and gestures at the huge door which is slightly open* Nah, you're good. In ya go!

ALEXIS (4:21:38 PM): *Alexis stares at him in horror--but she ambles in, very slowly, the way a child might when they're being forced to do something unpleasant by a parent* Please be nice, okay..? I'm going in...

WILDRIDER (4:22:15 PM): *he actually looks hurt* What do ya mean? I've BEEN nice!

ALEXIS (4:22:43 PM): I--I mean nicer! Nicer. *she quickens her pace*

WILDRIDER (4:24:33 PM): *he still looks hurt, he's been the nicest he's ever been! Really! He does follow her in though, looking mollified that she's listened to him.* You need to meet my brothers. Although Stripper's kind of a jerk, but Breakdown's alright. *slight purr at the mention of Breakdown’s name, memories of internal nommings only hours old floating in his processors*

ALEXIS (4:25:34 PM): O-oh, right, your brothers... *Stripper's a jerk? She really does not want to meet anyone this guy thinks is a jerk* I can always talk to them online...

WILDRIDER (4:27:08 PM): Yeah. But Stripper wants to meet you. I guess. *he eyes her* you'll tell me if you have problems? *he points down a hall* That way.

ALEXIS (4:28:43 PM): *Alexis turns down the hall obediently. She promises to herself that as soon as she gets home she's deleting her LJ account. Maybe destroying her computer*

WILDRIDER (4:30:09 PM): You're probably tired. Stop.

WILDRIDER (4:30:42 PM): *and he doesn't wait for her too! Nope he stoops and picks her up and plopping her on his shoulder*

ALEXIS (4:32:00 PM): *Alexis squeals and grips the shoulder plating, a horrible sense of vertigo overcoming her from the sudden trip*

ALEXIS (4:32:40 PM): Uhnn...please, Mr. Robot...onegai...

WILDRIDER (4:44:32 PM): *he gives her a little and surprisingly gentle pat on the head.* Sorry. This is just faster.

WILDRIDER (4:44:38 PM): (Here)

ALEXIS (4:44:54 PM): *she clings tightly to him* ...kay...

WILDRIDER (4:46:46 PM): *he strolls down the hall, which is probably rather quick to her. He heads right towards his room*

ALEXIS (4:48:15 PM): Where are we going?

WILDRIDER (4:49:05 PM): Sleep? *he sounds confused*

ALEXIS (4:51:19 PM): We're going to sleep??

ALEXIS (4:51:29 PM): *she peers up at him*

WILDRIDER (4:51:54 PM): Isn't that what humans do when its late? *he looks super lost now*

ALEXIS (4:52:31 PM): ....yes.

WILDRIDER (4:52:47 PM): Its late. Aren't you tired?

ALEXIS (4:53:23 PM): *Not really. She's actually very wide-awake.* ...yes. If you think so.

WILDRIDER (4:54:01 PM): *blink, blink.* make up your mind human. I can show you the base, if you aren't tired yet.

ALEXIS (4:55:04 PM): ...I just want to go home. You could tell me about the base online? *hopeful*

WILDRIDER (4:56:16 PM): I’m not takin’ ya home yet. Calm down. *he sounds annoyed now, and he heads down the and passes his room. Show her the medbay. The common room is still messy. Though who cares? The whole base is rusting anyway*

ALEXIS (4:57:01 PM): ....alright. *she sighs shakily in resignation. At least he isn't hurting her...*

WILDRIDER (5:00:46 PM): Medbay. *he's a little disinterested in the medbay but hey! There it is. For humans its probably a sight to see, but its boring to him*

ALEXIS (5:02:06 PM): *She peers around, and a bit of curiosity comes back as she takes in the alien, but still somehow similar, room.*

ALEXIS (5:02:49 PM): .....I didn't know robots got sick.

ALEXIS (5:03:00 PM): Or is this for when you get damaged?

WILDRIDER (5:03:38 PM): *probably a lot of similarities actually! But he's bored so they're in and out pretty fast. Time to go!* They don't... well. I mean we occasionally get viruses but that's normally Vortex. A lot of its when we get hurt.

ALEXIS (5:04:18 PM): Who's Vortex? *she kind of wishes he'd stop throwing around names, like she knows them all*

WILDRIDER (5:05:53 PM): He's part of Onslaught's crew. *heh. Sorry!* he's what you'd call a helicopter. We got a few of those. Damn Autobots have a few...they got a triple-changer, but Springer’s no match for our Sixshot.

ALEXIS (5:06:26 PM): How many of you guys ARE there?

WILDRIDER (5:08:51 PM): A lot. *shoves the common room door open* lets see.....

ALEXIS (5:09:22 PM): *Alexis peers in, daunted by how...big everything is around her*

WILDRIDER (5:09:58 PM): About 134. Give or take a few.

ALEXIS (5:10:19 PM): Wow...

WILDRIDER (5:11:00 PM): All crammed into this one base. *grumpy* like I told you a lot of us went to Metroplex.

ALEXIS (5:11:37 PM): Right. *she shifts a bit on her shoulder*

WILDRIDER (5:11:43 PM): But we still have to share space with Autobots. *annoyed*

ALEXIS (5:12:02 PM): What's the difference between you and Autobots?

WILDRIDER (5:13:16 PM): We’re better. *no hesitation* We were under Lord Megatron’s command during the way. *mild disgust at his next words* Optimus and Megatron are bonded now, so the war’s over.

ALEXIS (5:14:01 PM): Better? *she doesn't like the...simple way he says that*

ALEXIS (5:14:06 PM): What makes you better?

WILDRIDER (5:14:39 PM): Everything. *he snorts.* Decepticons are superior.

ALEXIS (5:15:25 PM): *she cringes at that. If he claims superiority over his fellow robots, she'd hate to hear what he has to say about tiny little humans* I see...

ALEXIS (5:15:31 PM): I guess you know more about that...

WILDRIDER (5:16:29 PM): *byebye common room! He might as well show her the humans quarters, where Sarah stays when she comes, where Jeff currently is, if he hasn't died and is rotting somewhere. And she's right she probably doesn't want to know what he thinks of humans.*

ALEXIS (5:17:00 PM): Where now?

WILDRIDER (5:17:57 PM): Where you'll stay, I suppose. If you want to stay /alone/. *he says alone in a rather creepy way, as though being alone on base isn't the best idea ever*

ALEXIS (5:19:11 PM): *She curls up slightly at that* Not really. *Visions of being stepped on by a careless--or crazy--robot make her grip his neck*

WILDRIDER (5:19:53 PM): * he glances at her, hiding his amusement.* I suppose you could stay with me, if you want.

ALEXIS (5:20:09 PM): Sounds good.

WILDRIDER (5:20:57 PM): *he grins genuinely at her, then trots off happily towards his room.* good. I’ll show you my room.

ALEXIS (5:21:24 PM): Whatever you want, Mr. Robot. Wildrider.

WILDRIDER (5:22:08 PM): Yeah. Wildrider. *he keys in a punch code with a happy grin and the door slides open.*

ALEXIS (5:23:20 PM): *She studies the room with morbid interest, resigned. She's suddenly very aware of the fact that if he does let her go it isn't going to be until he's finally bored himself of her and doesn't shoot or crush her in the meantime.*

WILDRIDER (5:24:27 PM): *yep! She's a bright one. He picks her up and sets her on the floor, and he rummages around for a bit before leaving the room, door slamming shut behind him*

ALEXIS (5:27:19 PM): *the trip to the floor is quick and disorienting, and she stumbles along when he releases her. The door slam makes her jump in the air and squeak loudly. As soon as he's gone she almost cries, but doesn't dare in case she's not done by the time he comes back.* Ohh. Iie. Tasukete....

WILDRIDER (5:29:05 PM): *He'll be gone a while, human blankets aren't a common occurrence on the damn ship. Grr. He'll find one though! He's beginning to formulate an idea*

ALEXIS (5:29:59 PM): *She wanders around, looking up at a bedlike plateau of metal and a few other alien structures. It's all big, but not exactly that attention-grabbing, aesthetically speaking. She does wonder what it all does, though.*

WILDRIDER (5:31:14 PM): *Hee. He's found blankets! And a pillow! His hollow is carrying all of this and Wildrider appears in the door, looking rather triumphant as he carries a giant cherry wood sleigh bed in his hands* Got somethin for ya!

ALEXIS (5:32:04 PM): *She smiles blearily at him.* Ohhh..thank you, Mr. Wildrider.

WILDRIDER (5:33:11 PM): *he looks pleased at his name and he sets the things down gently.* There. Now you don't have to sleep on the bed. *his holo tosses the blankets on the bed, looking proud of his find.*

ALEXIS (5:33:25 PM): That's so nice of you. Thanks.

ALEXIS (5:33:55 PM): *she climbs onto the bed to show him she appreciates it.* I-it's very nice.

WILDRIDER (5:34:19 PM): *nice? What a weird term in relation to him* Uuh..yeah. Ok. *he thinks she's insane at this point. Maybe nuttier than him*

ALEXIS (5:34:39 PM): *NOTHING could be nuttier than him D8*

WILDRIDER (5:35:09 PM): *he eyes her curiously* Are you alright?

ALEXIS (5:35:36 PM): .....I don't know.

ALEXIS (5:35:59 PM): *she stares up at him, letting the mask of stupid obedience slip*

WILDRIDER (5:36:01 PM): How can you not know? *he's confused now* Either you are or you aren't.

ALEXIS (5:36:23 PM): I feel sick. I'm scared.

WILDRIDER (5:36:24 PM): *leans closer to look at her, hello giant robot head*

WILDRIDER (5:36:51 PM): Scared? What for? *yep, she's crazy*

ALEXIS (5:37:21 PM): *she gapes at him* H-how can you not know?!

WILDRIDER (5:38:01 PM): There's nothing to be scared of though! *ok he knows he's kind of being a dick, but looking at his face, he's al srs business*

ALEXIS (5:40:35 PM): ....alright. *she crawls under the blanket, feeling even more sick. He's nuts. he has no clue what's he's just done*

WILDRIDER (5:41:23 PM): *nope! He just knows he's somehow being an asshole* Oook... *plants himself on his berth with a loud whomp.*

ALEXIS (5:41:59 PM): *she curls up into a tiny ball* G-g-goodnight?

WILDRIDER (5:56:00 PM): *he peeks down at her from the berth and beams* Goodnight!

ALEXIS (5:56:09 PM): *mumble*

ALEXIS (5:57:21 PM): *she sniffles softly to herself and buries further into the bed*

WILDRIDER (5:58:05 PM): *he just smiles and slips happily into recharge*

log, wildrider, alexis

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