Jun 03, 2008 20:24
Steeljaw: *Steeljaw was currently laying down in a clean corner of the destroyed common room. He looked and felt quite miserable*
Thunderblast: *She's taking a stroll through the Ark, mostly for leisure, at the current time she didn't have anything else to do. She pauses at the common room, staring in shock at the rubble.*
Steeljaw: *doesn't care about the rubble or anything. Too depressed to care about that. Hears someone approaching and looks up, feeling even more miserable when it turned out to be her. Sad kitty face.*
Thunderblast: *Thunderblast looks around, spying Steeljaw in the corner, looking rather miserable. She makes her way over to him, kneeling down to peer at him.* What's wrong, love?
Steeljaw: *mumbles, with the hint of a growl from his lion days* Don't call me that. Leave me alone.
Thunderblast: *chuckles and takes a seat next to him.* What has happened to my dear little Steeljaw?
Steeljaw: *glares* I am not yours. *let's just say the growly voice will stay forever and ever. He also wants to add he's not little, but compared to most mechs on base he was*
Steeljaw: You don't care anyways. You just want an easy laugh.
Thunderblast: *she just smiles at him, his words rolling off her shoulders, not affecting her.* Why, Steeljaw, that isn't true! I care very much about you.
Steeljaw: *snorts* No you don’t'. You never do. I'm gonna get enough laughs later, just go.
Thunderblast: Don't be like that love. You really don't want to displease me. *her voice is friendly enough, but it's also a tad cool.* Tell me what happened.
Steeljaw: *is not afraid of her at the moment.* Give me one good reason Thunderblast. Specially with you threatening me like that.
Thunderblast: Oh, darling, I'm not threatening you. *she smiles pleasantly at him, settling back.*
Steeljaw: *stares at her and makes a rumbling sound, clearly annoyed.* Oh no? Could've fooled me. *tilts head in that cute kitty way* Why do you want to know so badly?
Thunderblast: *she just chuckles and smiles coolly at him.* Seems as though you need to talk about it, darling.
Steeljaw: And you want to play psychiatrist out of the goodness of your spark? *not impressed and clearly showing it*
Thunderblast: Of course I do, love. *she sounds sincere*
Steeljaw: *and he might have believed her, but he already went vacationing with her. He remembers that now very clearly* Yeah, right. *ears flicker, makes rumbling sound again.* Whatever. Might as well get the laughs from you out of the way. *rests head on paws* I really thought I was an organic animal. Pathetic, right?
Thunderblast: *Thunderblast doesn't laugh, at least, not yet.* However did you manage that?
Steeljaw: *kitty shrug* Lack of energon. My processor wasn't working. The pit do I know.
Thunderblast: That's rather interesting, you know.
Steeljaw: *rumbling sound* No it isn't. It's silly and stupid and I already mentioned pathetic. *sad kitty look*
Thunderblast: Pathetic yes, silly no. Perhaps you should speak with a scientist. *thinking*
Steeljaw: *kitty stare, the one that says 'tell me what you’re thinking now because I'm too awesome to ask you'. He learned some awesome stuff while being a lion*
Thunderblast: *she just smiles at him again.* So. What all did you learn from your experience?
Steeljaw: If you call learning how the organic creatures I brought think and act learning something. *fine, he'll ask.* Why should I speak with the scientists?
Thunderblast: Well, you never know what they can learn, can you? *nonchalant smile*
Steeljaw: *unimpressed* And have them poking in my processor? No thank you.
Thunderblast: *she lifts a brow.* Didn't say that. Either way. It's rather fascinating that happened. How did you get back?
Steeljaw: Ravage got me back. Knocked some sense into me and dragged me back. *looks intrigued for a second* Never told me why he was all green with glitter.
Thunderblast: *she looks confused* Wait , Ravage brought you back? He was green?
Steeljaw: *nods* He did. Why? I have no idea. *chuckles* Don't forget the glitter. He was green with glitter.
Thunderblast: *she can't help but laugh at that.* Green glitter.
Steeljaw: *amused laugh* At least something good came out of it. *shakes his head* Never thought I'd see him like that.
Thunderblast: I would like to see him like that. All those vorns of him being so prissy.
Steeljaw: Tell me about it. Imagine how he acted around me when we were rivals. *licks a paw* Think he's sneaking around with that paint all over himself. How he manages with all the glitter is beyond me.
Thunderblast: *she shakes her head, still amused.* I cannot imagine why he would continue to stay like that.
Steeljaw: *kitty shrug* Can't find someone to take that paint off for him I guess. *looks at the room with kitty disinterest* I thought Soundwave would've cared better about his drones.
Thunderblast: Evidently he does not. Such a pity, really.
Steeljaw: *rumbling noise in agreement.* Not like my master is acting any better. Look who came after me.
Thunderblast: Well, perhaps they are busy, love. It happens. *Ugh, why is she being nice to him?!*
Steeljaw: * he's wondering the same thing, but might as well enjoy it while it lasts* Maybe you're right. *ewww, he's agreeing with her. Next thing you know, they'll be real friends.*
Thunderblast: I usually am. *preens slightly*
Steeljaw: *patented sarcastic 'yeah right' kitty stare* Whatever. *bored and surprisingly feeling somewhat happy.* I'm afraid to ask but what have you been doing, Thunderblast? *not that he cares, but whatever*
Thunderblast: Hmm, doing...*ponders* Avoiding the rust. You missed out on that escapade, I believe. I help Shockwave occasionally.
Steeljaw: *mood darkens when she mentions the rust and mumbles* Stupid rust. *tilts head curiously* Shockwave? Isn't he one of the missing mechs? He left that creepy message.
Thunderblast: *nods, looking irritated.* Yes. He is. *it's rather obvious she's disturbed by his disappearance*
Steeljaw: *chuckles* You actually like the one eyed freak? *wow, lion time made him grow a spine*
Thunderblast: *that earns him a sharp look*
Steeljaw: *innocent kitty look right back at her*
Thunderblast: Do not speak of what you do not know. *glare*
Steeljaw: *smile* Really? Why? It's obvious there's something there. Let me guess, Shockwave has no idea you're after his purple aft. *looks all satisfied and all knowing*
Thunderblast: *she stares at him for a moment, then bursts into laughter*
Steeljaw: *blinks and laughs* Does that mean I got it right, Thunderblast?
Thunderblast: *she shakes her head, non committal. She isn't planning on admitting anything to him, and she's unsure as to why she's in a good mood. But for now, she'll let him live with that sharp tongue of his.*
Steeljaw: *'you're not fooling me' stare* I'll take that as a yes, my dear. *should he or not? Aw, what the hell. He was feeling pretty good. Gets up and streeeetcheeees, before making her way to her and rubbing his head against her in the universal 'pet me now' order.*
Thunderblast: Take it however you please, love. *she stares at him in shock as he rubs against her, before settling a hand on him and scritching gently.*
Steeljaw: *nuzzles the hand and starts purring. Amazing, he's feeling pretty good right now* Can't believe I'm gonna say this, but if he breaks your spark or whatever tell me and I'll do something. *shrugs* Don't know what yet, but that depends on the mood I'm in.
Thunderblast: *Stop it. Stop petting him. He's a pain in your aft. She doesn't though, and she can't help but smile lightly to herself at his statement.* Well. I will let you know, one way or another. Deal?
Steeljaw: *You know how cats roll over when you pet them? He just did that. And somehow the purr got louder* Guess we have a deal, Thunderblast.
Thunderblast: *she watches him roll over in amusement, silent for now as she continues to pet the kitty. Since when did she go so soft?!*
Steeljaw: *She's not soft. He just got the amazing powers of control that organic felines have. Leans head forward, stretching his front paws, claws coming out and optics dimming. He would kill for some energon treats right now...*
Thunderblast: *she continue to give him the pets he wants, watching him thoughtfully now. Interesting.*
Steeljaw: *sense she is watching him and stops moving to stare at her, purr as loud as before* What?
Thunderblast: Just thinking, darling. *continues her pets, she's not thinking bad things, calm down kitty kitty!*
Steeljaw: *suspicious glare before going back to enjoy the petting. Oh yes, he was in heaven... or the matrix or wherever*
Thunderblast: It's really too bad about the common room. *looking around at the rubble in slight dismay*
Steeljaw: *gets back down to reality* What exactly happened to it?
Thunderblast: *she shrugs her shoulders* I have no idea. All I know it's a pile of slag now, and it reeks in here.
And this is where we both went to sleep. XP