Log dump: Making up for lost time~

May 30, 2008 21:08

Yeah, this one took a while to finish. Anyways. It's set the day that Ironhide finishes up his treatments (whoo rust free!).

Ironhide: -Ironhide's been moved to the main medbay so he can get himself fixed up, and he's feeling pretty good; the treatments have left him rather tingly, plus just the fact that he's /rust-free/-

Ratchet: *He came out of the office, taking a look around, and noting that Hide seemed to be the worst off of anyone there. He moved over, smiling just a bit.* So. Feel better?

Ironhide: -smiles up at him, grabbing Ratchet's hand in his own- You have no idea.

Ratchet: *He looked down at Hide's hand, and squeezed a bit before letting go and starting scans* It seems like everything went alright.. *he said, running through the scans and preparing to start repairing his leg*

Ironhide: I don't itch anymore. -grins- And I'm not /stuck/ in there, either.

Ratchet: *He nodded* I do know that a few mechs were not...thrilled with being in there. *He grabbed a microwelder and nodded at him.* Go ahead and lay down.

Ironhide: -does so, still grinning a bit-

Ratchet: *He positioned his leg and began the tedious and painstaking job of welding tiny parts together, as well as wires and such, getting them connected back together.*

Ironhide: -the tingly feeling isn't really fading, and considering how long he was exposed to the charge, it won't fade for a while; he just stays still, letting Ratchet work-

Ratchet: *He worked slowly, running into the same problems as many years ago, with Hide's hip. Things, he wasn't able to fix, despite his medical knowledge..*

Ironhide: ......still don't know how to fix it?

Ratchet: ...Unfortunately, no. These parts have been strained in a way that is unfixable...to fix it is to basically replace everything from your waistline down. That, though....Can't be done now.. *he made a face, and continued welding here and there*

Ironhide: Don't see the point in doin' that, anyways. The rest of me works.

Ratchet: I know. *He nodded as he worked* That's why I didn't see the point in it myself.

Ironhide: -goes silent for a few minutes, watching Ratchet work- Missed you. -quietly- S'not the same using holos.

Ratchet: *He paused and looked at Hide for a moment* ...I know. I missed you, too. *he spoke back softly before continuing to work*

Ironhide: -grins slightly- ::Maybe after you fix my hip, you can fix another problem I have?::

Ratchet: ....::Oh..? And that is...?:: *He continued fixing, but raised an optic ridge*

Ironhide: ::Has to do with my Spark. You'll have to look at it really close, I think, to figure out what it is.::

Ratchet: ::...Really? What are your symptoms?:: *He still worked, pretending not to know what he's talking about*

Ironhide: ::It feels...achey. And it got stronger as soon as you looked at me:: -grins- ::Do you know how to fix it?::

Ratchet: ::Hmm...I might have an idea. I would need to run some analysis on it first...:: *He still worked, completely slipping into 'playing' doctor..*

Ironhide: ::What kind of analysis?::

Ratchet: ::A certain kind to see what might alleviate the pain you are experiencing.:: *he set the welder down, and went to get some fresh wires to replace*

Ironhide: ::What might it entail?:: -grins, sending a /very/ small pulse at him-

Ratchet: *He glanced over at him* ::..It entails you not moving or pulsing at me, so that I can run a proper analysis. It also entails a more...private area to conduct said analysis.::

Ironhide: ::Private area, hmm?:: -quirks an optic ridge-

Ratchet: ::Yes, a more private area. We don't need everyone watching everything that needs to be done to you, do we?::

Ironhide: ::No we don't. Where did you have in mind?::

Ratchet: ::Hmm...I am thinking our quarters. I believe that will be private enough. Here, others can still peek if they want. I would prefer you have the privacy you deserve.:: *he spoke as if being completely professional about it*

Ironhide: ::Ah, so a housecall, then? And I do appreciate your keeping things confidential.:: -griiiin-

Ratchet: ::Yes, a house call. And no problem. It is my duty to keep things confidential.:: *He replaced a few more wires, then picked up the welder again*

Ironhide: ::How much sooner before you're done with this?::

Ratchet: ::Another few minutes. I need to reattach your armor, unless you want half of your leg showing.::

Ironhide: -chuckles, staying still for him-

Ratchet: *He worked for a few more moments, finally getting it fixed* ...There. Go ahead and sit up, and try it out.

Ironhide: -sits up carefully, then swings his legs over the edge of the berth to stand- Good job, as usual. -grins-

Ratchet: ...Would you expect any less from your medic? *He raised an optic ridge* Try and walk on it.

Ironhide: -takes a few steps, not noticing any problems- S'fine.

Ratchet: Good. I give you a clean bill of health, then. Go ahead and wait in the quarters, I will continue your examination there. *he spoke quietly, to keep others from overhearing*

Ironhide: -quirks an optic ridge, then grabs Ratchet's hand in a quick squeeze before doing as he's told-

Ratchet: *He shook his head as Hide left, then turned to help the others in the room....*

Ironhide: -smiles to himself as heads back into the room, looking around and seeing nothing changed- ...Ratch probably hasn't even been back since... -shakes his head, and sits on the berth, leaning back and just enjoying being /out/-

Ratchet: *It would be another three or four hours before he finally got out for the night, having repaired several of the mechs already that had been treated. He ambled down the hall, and finally made it to their room, tiredly pressing the keypad and allowing the door to open..*

Ironhide: -he'd actually began to doze off, his own berth much more comfortable than the ones in the auxilliary medbay, smiling at Ratchet when he sees him-

Ratchet: *He shook his head as he entered, the door closing behind him*...You think SOME would be GRATEFUL for the help they recieve...

Ironhide: You know how some of 'em are. Not happy unless they're bitching about something. -stands up, going over to hug him-

Ratchet: I know. It's just very annoying to fix someone and have them complain the WHOLE TIME. But, I suppose I can't complain too much. There are those who quietly sit and be thankful. Which balances out the rest of it. *He hugged back, and headed for the couch, intent on relaxing*

Ironhide: -heads with, making sure to keep in constant contact with him, and wraps an arm around him-

Ratchet: *He didn't mind the contact...it was rather refeshing. He sat down, leaning back, letting out a relieved sigh*

Ironhide: ....missed you. -quietly, leaning over to kiss him gently; he'd missed just being able to /touch/ him, and using holoforms just wasn't the same-

Ratchet: *He returned the kiss, gently* ..I missed you, too, Hide...

Ironhide: -silent for a moment, enjoying his company, then kisses him again-

Ratchet: *He kissed back gently, calming slowly. Somehow Hide's presence always did that for him...*

Ironhide: -deepens it, pressing closer, smiling against his mouth-

Ratchet: *He certainly wasn't complaining in the least. He had his own worries about how things would end up, and it appeared that the only thing they would really have to worry about is getting the walls treated...and even then, he was wondering how that was going to happen...But now, his worries were vanishing..*

Ironhide: -he can feel all those worries going away, and was trying to encourage them to go faster, running a hand up to one of his tires and tracing along treads- ::....it's back. That achey feeling.::

Ratchet: ::..Is it..? Hmm...And what happens if I...do this?:: *He ran a finger along a seam in Hide's side, one he knew to be somewhat sensitive*

Ironhide: -shudders, pressing closer, and deepens the kiss even more- ::It's getting stronger...::

Ratchet: ::Hmm...That's not good. We want it to go away. How about...this?:: *He trailed a hand down along the seam in Hide's chest*

Ironhide: -moans quietly and starts retracting his chestplates already, hands digging into wheelwells- ::...think you need to look at it more closely...:: -it wasn't just being able to touch Ratchet he'd missed; it was also the comfort of being able to share feelings with a Sparkmerging, and he'd been feeling some pretty extreme ones for the past orn-

Ratchet: ::...Closer, hmm..?:: *He traced a finger along the edges of his chest armor, almost teasingly*

Ironhide: -drags fingers along the inside curves of his wheelwells, breaking the kiss to nip at his throat roughly- ::Yes, closer. Think it might be contagious, too.::

Ratchet: *He made a noise at that, the same feeling stirring in him* ...::I believe your analysis of that is correct....::

Ironhide: -bites a fuel line, grinding his now open chest against Ratchet's- ::...maybe I can fix yours...open up for me...::

Ratchet: ::Mnnn...and how do you plan on doing that...? I'm the medic here..:: *He let his chest armor open, however, growling softly at the bite to his neck*

Ironhide: ::I've picked up on a few things, watching you.:: -growls quietly, pressing his chest forward, but not connecting Sparks quite yet- ::For example, going on instinct tends to be correct most of the time. And right now, mine's telling me to do this....:: -lets their Sparks connect with a low moan, fingers digging hard into his wheelwells-

Ratchet: *He offlined his optics and let out a soft moan* ::...That...would be an accurate...assessment...:: *He leaned in close, pressing their sparks closer for more contact, his hands sliding along his mate's sides.*

Ironhide: -doesn't respond verbally, not really interested in talking anymore, and immediately starts sending pulses, pulling him close-

Ratchet: *He returned the pulses, but gently, letting the bond between them open wide so everything was shared..*

Ironhide: -moans quietly, sending the fear, worry, annoyance of the company he had to share, and the relief of there being a treatment, hands gently running along his wheelwells, and then the happiness of being out, of being /home/ with Ratchet-

Ratchet: *In turn, he sent back his own worries and distractions, the stress of trying to find the cure, the worry about his mate, and everything in between, his arms sliding around to Hide's back and playing gently with armor edges*

Ironhide: -sends back comforting feelings, holding him close, and kisses him /hard/, pressing him against the arm of the couch (which is bolted down due to the last time they'd tried interfacing on it)-

Ratchet: *He leaned back, relaxing, pleasure washing through him as he returned with his own comforting feelings..love, comfort, happiness through the bond, along with pleasure. He ran a finger across that etching again, just lightly*

Ironhide: -/moans/, reaching a hand down to brush against a reflector and moving the other to lock him in that kiss, increasing the pulses-

Ratchet: *He let out a soft moan into the kiss, brushing his fingers more against the etching, feelings still crossing the bond, including the pleasure that Hide was inflicting on him*

Ironhide: -half groans, half whimpers, continuously increasing the pulses and running fingers along the reflector again before dragging his hand up and working it into Ratchet's side to stroke along an internal cable-

Ratchet: *He shuddered a bit at the touches and caresses, moaning softly as the pleasure built up more and more. He moved his other hand to slide up along Hide's side, sliding along armor edges as his other hand still played along the etching*

Ironhide: -nips at his jawline and neck roughly, sending the pulses stronger and faster, and moves his hand in further, to the spark chamber, running fingertips along it as he slides a knee up to bump it against his reflectors-

Ratchet: *He gasped at the touch to his spark chamber, shocked at the amount of pleasure that the single touch caused, along with the stronger pulses* ::..Primus, Hide...::

Ironhide: -growls lowly, pressing even harder against him and putting more pressure on the chamber- Nnnn...Ratch... -he's already close, and doubles the pulses with a moan, biting down hard on a fuel line-

Ratchet: *The doubled pulses only served to increase the pleasure for him as well, and he was driven even closer to overload. He slipped fingers under the armor, and found a wire, tweaking it and working at it* ....Hide...

Ironhide: Loveyou...! -trails off into a low whine, and then a scream as he overloads, clutching him tightly and dragging his fingers roughly down one side of the chamber-

Ratchet: *He felt 'Hide's overload through the bond, and just that much extra pleasure coursed through him, and sent him over as well, making his entire frame shake hard under the pleasure* ...nnng..!! Love...youtoo...!

Ironhide: -slumps down, nuzzling against him, his engine rumbling contentedly as he withdraws his hand to wrap the arm it's attached to around him and hold him close-

Ratchet: *He groaned softly, his body still shaking as he came down from the overload, leaning his head back gently, his arms circling around Hide* ...Primus....

Ironhide: ....needed that. -laughs quietly, snuggling against him and still nuzzling every now and then-

Ratchet: ...I think we both did...*He smiled at him and nuzzled back a bit.*

Ironhide: -stays quiet for a while, just enjoying his company, and idly runs his fingers along Ratchet's side-

Ratchet: *He returned the soft touches, just being calm and quiet for the moment, enjoying just being here like this. He missed this...*

Ironhide: -kisses his neck gently- Have you even been back in here since...

Ratchet: *He shook his head* ..No...I've been too busy...

Ironhide: I'll make sure you take a break every now and then. -chuckles, engine still rumbling quietly-

Ratchet: ....Mnn...That would be most welcome. *He smiled a bit at that, pulling him closer*

Ironhide: You do have that tendency to overwork yourself. S'a bad habit. -kisses his neck again-

Ratchet: ...Well, when the lives of pretty much the entire base is in my hands..? Yes, I over work myself.. *He chuckled a bit*

Ironhide: You have to take care of yourself, too. -quietly, snuggling closer-

Ratchet: ...I know...but still...*He shook his head*

Ironhide: -frowns slightly-

Ratchet: ...What..? *He tilted his head*

Ironhide: Don't like it when you overwork yourself.

Ratchet: ...I know...But with everything going on...I can't just take a break whenever it's convenient for myself..

Ironhide: -looks at him- You're also not the only one working on this. They can do some of the work.

Ratchet: ...I know that, too. But do you know how hard it is to just up and leave others to do the work? I can't just walk away, Hide...*He frowned a bit at that*

Ironhide: Still don't like it. -nuzzles him, kissing his audial softly-

Ratchet: *He leaned into the soft kisses, rumbling softly* ..I know. But you should know me by now...I can't leave everyone stranded to do my job..or pick up my slack.

Ironhide: Hn. -silent for a moment, then speaks again- The humans have a saying. You love someone despite their faults.

Ratchet: *He had to look at him and grin a bit* ..Are you saying I'm faulty?

Ironhide: You have your moments. -grins back, prodding him in the side- M'sure I have mine, too.

Ratchet: ...*He grinned* Oh, I'm sure you do.

Ironhide: -chuckles, kissing him-

Ratchet: *He kissed back gently, rumbling under the kiss*

Ironhide: ::....you know, I haven't given you your 'surprise' yet. Though, it's not much of one anymore.:: -grins into the kiss-

Ratchet: ::Mnn...I'm sure you can still surprise me.:: *He grinned, but didn't break the kiss*

Ironhide: ::Holos, then?::

Ratchet: ::...If you want. I have no objections.::

Ironhide: -chuckles, activating his new female holo, standing over by the blankets- .... -looks herself over, much like Ratchet had before, and even bounces on her heels slightly, quirking an eyebrow- ....how do they stand these?

Ratchet: *He looked over, raising an optic ridge and grinning, activating his own holo. He had gotten a new one. This one was older, wireframe glasses and thinning dark hair. He stepped closer to her, eyeing her as she bounced a bit*
Ratchet: ...Stand what?

Ironhide: /These/. -points at her chest- I can already tell they'd get in the way, and running would be uncomfortable. -notices the new holo- You got a new one?

Ratchet: Yes. Do you like it? *He turned slowly, so she could get a good look at him*

Ironhide: -looks him over, not really caring beyond it looking human- Works. -grins-

Ratchet: Glad you approve. *He grinned and looked at where she had pointed* ...So...These are getting in the way..? I don't know. I think I rather like them. *He grinned, and reached up, running his hands across her breasts slowly*

Ironhide: .... -that feels kind of weird, but good at the same time-

Ratchet: *After a moment, he had resorted to gentle massaging, leaning in and kissing her very softly, one hand trailing down to her side and then to her back, pulling her close*

Ironhide: -feels /really/ good now, and she presses into the touch, kissing him back and letting out a quiet moan- ::...found a reason they're tolerated.:: -wraps her arms around him, deepening the kiss-

Ratchet: *His hands slipped down to the end of her shirt, and played along the edge, fingers slipping up underneath, caressing the skin.* ::Only tolerated...?::

Ironhide: -growls slightly, grabbing one of his wrists and moving a hand back up to a breast- ::Okay, more than tolerated.::

Ratchet: *He chuckled lightly, his hand massaging at her breast as he deepened the kiss*

Ironhide: -moans again, working her hands underneath his shirt and pushing it up, arching her chest into his hand and pressing her hips forward-

Ratchet: *He took a step forward, pressing her back against the wall next to the blankets. He reached down and gripped one hand with his, pulling that hand up and pressing it against the wall above her head, effectively pinning her. He pressed against her more, deepening the kiss even more...*

Ironhide: -she practically melts against him, making quiet little noises in the back of her throat, and trails her free hand down his back and to his ass, groping it and pulling him against her hard- ::I don't care what you do to me, just /don't stop/...::

Ratchet: ::I wasn't planning on it...:: *He lifted up her shirt, letting her breasts fall free, his hand covering one again, fingers playing with a nipple, becoming the center of his attention...*

Ironhide: -gasps, her breath hitching, gripping him hard and grinding her hips forward as her head falls backwards against the wall- ::N-need more...::

Ratchet: ::More...? More what? Tell me what you want...:: *He kissed along her neck now, his fingers massaging and his other hand keeping her hand still against the wall..*

Ironhide: -exposes more of her neck, her back arching completely off of the wall and into him, and grips his hand tighter in hers- ::Fraggit...:: -rocks her hips against his, biting his shoulder gently-

Ratchet: *He growled softly at the bite, though still kissing gently at her neck. * ::Tell me...::

Ironhide: -growls right back, moving her free hand around to grope him through his pants- ::C'mon...want you /now/...::

Ratchet: *He gasped at the touch, and she would find him very obviously rather...interested. He pulled back and gripped her wrists, flinging her into the pile of blankets, then crawling over her and pinning her arms down before she even stood a chance...*

Ironhide: -grins, but makes a surprised noise when she's flung and pinned down, wriggling slightly underneath him-

Ratchet: *He pressed down against her, and then leaned forward, whispering into her ear* ....Clothes. Off. Now....

Ironhide: -does so immediately, pressing herself against him with a quiet moan-

Ratchet: *His own clothes disappeared, and he shifted, moving up against her. He slipped his legs between hers, and spread them apart, shifting again, pressing up against her opening, leaning in to kiss at her neck and then to her ear*

Ironhide: C'mon... -rubs up against him, returning the favor on his ear, biting at the lobe with a whine-

Ratchet: Mnn..how badly do you want me...? *He teased a bit, smirking at her, wanting to hear her say it..*

Ironhide: -growls, frustrated- Ratchet...

Ratchet: *He finally gave in, slowly, oh, so slowly, pushing forward, sliding in, making the feeling last for her...*

Ironhide: -moans loudly, arching her hips up to help him and hooking a leg around his waist to pull him closer-

Ratchet: *He slipped in fully, and leaned his head down for a moment, sucking at a nipple for a moment as he withdrew nearly all the way, then slowly slid back in..*

Ironhide: Nnnn...don't stop.....please...! -gasps, her hands clenching hard enough to leave imprints in her palms-

Ratchet: *And he didn't. He started a rhythm, sliding in and out slowly at first, and leaning up to catch her in a deep kiss, pressing her down more against the blankets..*

Ironhide: -catches on to the rhythm, kissing him back /hard/, and hooks her other leg around him-

Ratchet: *He increased the pace, pleasure beginning to swirl around within him. He kissed harder, groaning with each thrust...*

Ironhide: ::Primus...ohhhhhharder, Ratch...:: -grinds against him, every thrust causing her to make some kind of noise, and arches her chest into his-

Ratchet: *He groaned as he ground into her harder, faster. He loved the feel of all this, and began to see why humans had so much on the subject. He nipped at her neck, leaving little bite marks in her skin...*

Ironhide: -it all feels so /good/, but she needs more; she works harder against him, moaning loudly, leaning her head back against the blankets-

Ratchet: *he relished in her moaning, and his own moans and groans turned to huffs and grunts as he moved faster and harder, his own pleasure still building.* ::You're close, aren't you...?::

Ironhide: ::Please...soclose.../more/...!:: -gasps, biting his earlobe with a whimper-

Ratchet: *He thrust harder and faster, trying hard to bring her over. His hands roamed and rubbed against her skin, trying to heighten her sense of pleasure* ::...I love you...::

Ironhide: -as soon as her hands are free, she moves them to grip his shoulders, needing to hang on to /something/, and those three words send her over with a loud shriek, her back arching completely off of the blankets-

Ratchet: *He felt her go over, and the sensations took him with, a low growl coming forth as he thrust harder into her, trying to keep her in that state of bliss* ::Pri-mus...!!!! ...Hide...!!!::

Ironhide: -the shriek tapers off into a long moan, and she clutches him tightly, her arms moving down to circle his waist- ::Ohhhh....Iloveyou....:: -kisses him, her whole body shaking-

Ratchet: ::...Love..you too...:: *his own overload began to fade, and he was left shaking in her arms* ....Mnng...

Ironhide: -nuzzles him, murmuring quietly against his neck- ....should've tried this holo sooner...

Ratchet: ...You like it, hmm..? *He grinned, kissing her gently*

Ironhide: -laughs, stretching languidly underneath of him- Mmm...definitely gonna have to do this again...

Ratchet: *He nodded, mumbling softly* ..Indeed....*He slid off of her finally, laying beside her, an arm over her waist*

Ironhide: -snuggles up against his chest, kissing his neck softly-

Ratchet: *He smiled softly, pulling her closer, just happy to be there in close contact with her..*

Ironhide: -laughs quietly- S'weird.

Ratchet: *He looked at her* ..Mm? What is it?

Ironhide: Used to being bigger than you. It's kinda nice, though. -rests her forehead against his chest-

Ratchet: Mmnn...I think I like you smaller than me for once. *he smirked, an arm around her*

Ironhide: -grumbles halfheartedly, shifting closer-

Ratchet: *He tilted his head* ..What?

Ironhide: Nothing. -tries to blow some hair out of her mouth without moving her arms; she's comfortable-

Ratchet: *He did move one arm, moving that strand out of her face* ...Why do I not believe you?

Ironhide: -that felt kinda nice- M'fine. Really. -being honest!-

Ratchet: Mmm...Alright, fine. *He just grinned a bit and slid his arm back around her, pulling her back close again*

Ironhide: ...why'd you get a new holo? -curious-

Ratchet: ...I was bored with the other one? *he grinned a bit*

Ironhide: -chuckles, nuzzling against him- I think this one suits you better.

Ratchet: Thank you. *He smiled a bit at that, nipping her neck a bit*

Ironhide: -exposes more of her neck, making a quiet noise- Mnnn...love you.

Ratchet: *He leaned closer, resting against her* Love you, too...

Ironhide: M'gonna get you back for teasing me earlier. -grins-

Ratchet: ...Teasing? *he raised an eyebrow at her, and just grinned*

Ironhide: Yes. Teasing. -kisses him deeply, wrapping her arms around him; at the same time his mech!form slowly moves his hands up closer to Ratchet's wrists. distraction ftw!-

Ratchet: *He kissed her back, not noticing at all the sneaking up to his mech's wrists. He deepened it, his concentration on her alone..*

Ironhide: -grins to herself, nipping at his lip and pressing closer, one hand snaking down to drag fingertips along his chest and stomach teasingly; his mech form's hands still moving slowly, so as to not alert Ratchet to his plans-

Ratchet: *He mumbled a bit, looking to eye her as she teased* ...You....are insatiable sometimes. *He still had no idea..*

Ironhide: -laughs quietly, her hand moving further down and lightly stroking him, his mech form finally reaching his wrists, but not grabbing them yet-

Ratchet: *He groaned at the sensation, shifting to get a better position* ...Hide...

Ironhide: Yes? -grins, continuing for a moment more before all of a sudden deactivating the holo and grabbing his wrists to pin him down on the couch-

Ratchet: *His holo flailed for a moment, before he realized what was going on* HIDE!! *his holo deactivated and he found himself staring at his mate* ...What are you doing?

Ironhide: -shifts Ratchet's wrists to grip them with one hand, reaching down underneath the couch with the other- Getting you back.

Ratchet: ...Back? Back for what?! *He looked confused*

Ironhide: That time you had me chained to the wall. -nips at his neck, finding what he was looking for and dragging them out, not bothering to even try muffling the noise they're making-

Ratchet: ..*he recognized that sound* ..What...hey...wait, how do you know about those?

Ironhide: -quickly chains his wrists together, moving off of him and laughing lowly- Found 'em a couple of orns ago. Thought you were going to be sneaky, huh? -pulls him up, pushing him towards the berth-

Ratchet: But I...yes...but that's beside the point! How did you find them!? *He was rather confused, surprised that Hide had found them*

Ironhide: -takes advantage of that confusion, gently pushing him down onto his back on the berth and sitting on his hips, unchaining him only to move his hands to opposite corners and quickly tie them back down- Not telling you. It's /my/ turn now, and I'm going to offline you.
Ironhide: But not before exacting my revenge. -leans in closer to whisper into his audial-

Ratchet: ....Revenge...Primus, Hide...*Just the thought had him curious as to what Hide was truly planning, but he pulled against the chains a bit, listening to them clatter*

Ironhide: -grins smugly, turning around to tie his feet down and then facing him- Now. Where to begin... -lets his optics wander, his gaze lingering on his fingers, his grill, and those reflectors, dragging it out-

Ratchet: *He growled a bit, struggling against the chains, making a face at him*

Ironhide: Don't give me that look. -quirks an optic ridge, finally making a decision and leaning down to nip at his grill lightly-

Ratchet: *His intakes caught slightly, and he growled* ....I'll give you whatever look I want.

Ironhide: If you don't watch your tone, I'll leave you here all night without giving you another overload. -does it again, running his glossa along one of his headlights-

Ratchet: ... *he glared at him* You wouldn't dare.

Ironhide: You don't believe me? -sits up, amused, and smirks down at him-

Ratchet: *He raised an optic ridge at him* ...And why would you be so cruel to me?

Ironhide: Told you. Revenge. -leans down again, nipping at a headlight, one hand running fingers along his grill-

Ratchet: *He growled again, writhing in the light teasing pleasure that Hide was giving him, tormenting him with. He pulled at his chains, frustrated already*

Ironhide: -lightly drags the fingers of his other hand along a seam in his side, his glossa toying with where that headlight connected to the grill- ::Stay still, or I'll stop.::

Ratchet: *All he could do was give off a low, gutteral growl, annoyed, but yet enjoying this.* ::Can I speak, or is that forbidden, too?:: *he asked, half mocking*

Ironhide: ::You can speak. I'd prefer other noises, though.:: -cocky grin, continuing with his glossa and digging lightly into the seam, his other hand exploring Ratchet's chest, trying to find where to manually open it-

Ratchet: *He growled as his chest was explored, and his hands clenched, but he forced himself to make no other movements.* ::...Damn you...::

Ironhide: -chuckles lowly, letting his engine rumble against him- ::You still love me.:: -his hand moves down further, to a panel that's right underneath of his grill, and he laughs as he finds the latch, taking his time in making him open up-

Ratchet: *The torment was almost unbearable already. He clenched his hands again, fighting the urge to pull against the chains, though it was getting a lot harder now* ...::Nnng..maybe so, but still...::

Ironhide: -looks up at him and grins, that hand moving up to just barely brush over the edges of his open chest armor- ::....still?:: -teasing tone-

Ratchet: ::...Still. You heard me.:: *He growled again, almost unable to not move.* ::...Fragging TEASE...::

Ironhide: ::And you're not?:: -leans down, lightly running his glossa over the outside of Ratchet's spark chamber, fingers digging into that seam again-

Ratchet: *He couldn't help it this time. He arched into Hide's touch, groaning in the pleasure from what he was doing to him* ..Primus..!

Ironhide: -quirks an optic ridge, looking up at him- What did I say?

Ratchet: I...I can't help it....*he growled at him, looking at him*

Ironhide: -optic ridge goes higher- I think you can. You're just not trying hard enough. -grins, pressing his mouth against his spark chamber in a quick kiss-

Ratchet: *He clenched his fists harder, still trying not to move, but failing slightly* I..I can't...Dammit, Hide!

Ironhide: -slowly moves off of him, smirking- You moved.

Ratchet: Fraggit, Hide you KNOW what your touch does to me! *He pulled against the chains, already having broken the attempt at staying still.*

Ironhide: -smirk gets bigger- Tell me what it does. Tell me what you want me to do.

Ratchet: *He growled* ...Turns me on. Drives me insane. To where I can't stand it. And I want you to FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED! *He pulled against the chains, rather frustrated*

Ironhide: -slowly, very slowly, settles back down on top of him- How badly do you want me? -throws his words from earlier right back at him, whispering in his audial-

Ratchet: Mnng...Bad enough...just...please! *he hated being reduced to this, to begging, but at least it was only with his mate*

Ironhide: Tell me exactly what you want. -just barely runs a finger along the edge of the opening to his spark chamber-

Ratchet: *He grumbled* ...Take me. Make me overload. Please....*He offlined his optics, wanting it bad...*

Ironhide: Doesn't sound like you really want it to me. Make it sound more convincing. -nips at his audial-

Ratchet: ...*He growled this time, glaring at him* ...What do you want me to do to make it more convincing to you? I already told you what I want. And I /want/ you. *he pulled against the chains again*

Ironhide: Better, but not quite good enough. -whispers in a low tone, slowly retracting his own chestplates as he moves down to give a long lick to his spark chamber, grinning smugly-

Ratchet: *He half cried out, half growled, and pulled against the chains* Primusdammit, Hide! What do you want! *He offlined his optics, the pleasure from the lick coursing through him*

Ironhide: -does it again, laughing- You'll have to figure that out on your own. Until you do, I'm going to torment you.

Ratchet: *He gripped at the chains that held him, arching up into the lick again.* ::..DAMMIT, HIDE, PLEASE! Just...finish it already!:: *He growled as he said that, still not knowing what it was that Hide really wanted*

Ironhide: ::That's what I wanted to hear.:: -darkly, and after one more lick, he moves up, pressing their chests and sparks together with a growl-

Ratchet: *He felt the surge of energy flow through him, pleasure following soon after like a tidal wave. He groaned loudly, trying to wrap his arms around him, but unable to due to the chains*

Ironhide: -bites a fuel line, hands migrating up to the insides of his wheelwells, letting out a moan and bombarding him with pulses-

Ratchet: *He growled at the bite, which turned into a low moan of his own as each pulse washed over him, driving his pleasure even higher. He shifted under Hide, trying to gain more access to more pleasure..*

Ironhide: -presses him down, kissing him /hard/, and reaches up to untie one arm, making sure to drag fingertips along his arm on the way up-

Ratchet: *He jerked at the chain, the torment almost too much from the other's fingers. He kissed back hard as well, trying to give Hide an idea of how much this was tormenting him..*

Ironhide: -fumbling slightly, he manages to untie that arm, then reaches over to work on the other one, nipping harshly at his mouth and growling as he increased the pulses-

Ratchet: *He instantly moved the free hand down to Hide's back, slipping towards the etching that would drive his mate crazy. He kissed back just as harshly, trying to nip at his lip as well...*

Ironhide: -fumbles with the second one as well, and as soon as it's free, moves his hands back down to run palms along tire treads, letting out a half moan, half whimper at the intense sensations rushing through both of them-

Ratchet: *His fingers ran across that etching, while his other hand slipped along down to Hide's hip, fingers trailing along armor edges and slipping between those edges to grasp at wires and cables, stroking at them in retaliation*

Ironhide: -shudders, his moans increasing in volume, and nips at his jaw, one hand sliding down his side and working its way in, fingertips running along an internal cable-

Ratchet: *He growled, which turned into a moan, his body shaking as the pleasure ran through him, increased by the different touches, and by the spark contact. The pulses didn't help much, either, of course. His own hands wandered, fingers brushing and grasping at wires and armor edges, and brushing across that etching still..*

Ironhide: -whines, pressing him down harder, and increases the pulses even more, his mouth trailing along his neck and up to his audial, murmuring something unintelligible as his fingers reach the chamber itself, barely brushing against it-

Ratchet: *He was already very close, and everything that Hide did only took him closer. He let out a low moan, his arms wrapping around him and fingers digging in along the middle of his back, his frame shaking hard already.*

Ironhide: -puts more pressure on the chamber, dragging fingertips along it with a strained growl, burying his head in Ratchet's neck and nipping at a fuel line- ::Nnn...overload for me, Ratch...::

Ratchet: *And that was all he needed as his overload overtook him, and hard, causing him to groan loudly, his frame shaking hard, his hands clenching at Hide's back as the force of the overload caused minor shorts in his systems..*

Ironhide: -moans into his neck as his own overload hits him, gripping him tightly and shuddering from the intensity of it, his hand pressing down on the chamber to try and prolong it-

Ratchet: *He reached the height of the overload, his vocalizer spazzing out on him and cutting out, leaving him silently screaming in overload. Eventually the pleasure began to dip back down, and he was left in a limp pile of armor on the berth under his mate, heaving as he tried to cool down..* ...Primus....

Ironhide: -laughs lowly, slumping on top of him and nuzzling against him- Frag, didn't offline you...

Ratchet: *He chuckled tiredly* ...Almost, you slagger. But better luck next time..*he grinned a bit*

Ironhide: Mmmm...guess I need to try harder, then. -grins, kissing him-

Ratchet: Mnn...Harder..? Why...mmmmm*He fell into the kiss, giving in already...*

Ironhide: ::Because I'm going to offline you tonight if it's the last thing I do.:: -his hands are already starting to wander, slowy running along his sides and up to his tires, gently tracing the treads-

Ratchet: *He hitched a bit at the touches, groaning softly* ::...Hide....:: *He shifted, already sensitive from the last overload. Each touch sent a wave of pleasure...of hightened pleasure through him..*

Ironhide: -growls low in his chest- ::Yes...?:: -he doesn't stop, those fingers moving along where they connected to the axle and drifting along the inside curve of the wheelwells, deepening the kiss-

Ratchet: ::...Tease...:: *He groaned more, shifting, the already sensitive tires and wheelwells sparking slightly with hightened energy. He tried to move his hands, but the amount of energy was enough to make him weakened enough he could hardly move after everything they had done so far...*

Ironhide: ::And you love me for it.:: -grinning, he nips at Ratchet's glossa, and reluctantly pulls away to undo the chains at his feet, quick to return to his previous task of offlining his mate- ::Probably won't take much...::

Ratchet: *He growled softly, and then laid back* ::...Doubt it...:: *He shifted again, pleasure racking through him already, making him shake..*

Ironhide: -his fingers move down to his chest, reaching in and just barely brushing against his casing, and he leans his head down to lick at the edge again, that quickly becoming one of his favorite things to do; Ratchet made such interesting noises when he did it...-

Ratchet: *He indeed did make rather interesting noises, soft, strangled whines and moans, pleasure surging through him as Hide relentlessly licked at his casing, making him squirm helplessly* ::Nngg...::

Ironhide: -he carefully nips at the edge, his fingers tracing random patterns along the outside of the casing, and growls lowly, thoroughly enjoying the way Ratchet is moving-

Ratchet: *He couldn't help but move the way he was, being tormented like this constantly. He shuddered as his casing was being nipped and toyed with, shocks of pleasure racing through him. Primus, it felt good, but almost too good. He pressed his hands down hard against the berth, trying to gain some sort of purchase, shifting, the pleasure almost too much already...*

Ironhide: -with a grin, he stops, moving up to kiss him /hard/ and teasingly pressing his chest against Ratchet's, but not connecting sparks just yet-

Ratchet: *He groaned loudly, aching to connect, his back arching a bit, trying to press up against Hide's chest. He returned the kiss just as hard, his hands still clenching on the berth* ::Primus...Hide, Please..! Nnng...::

Ironhide: -moaning into his mouth, he lets their sparks connect, immediately sending soft pulses and letting his hands roam along Ratchet's sides, and up to his tires, keeping his touch light-

Ratchet: *That touch sent off a burst of pleasure and energy, sending him moaning right back into the kiss, his own hands still clenching, but managing to move a bit to Hide's sides, searching out internal wires and grasping hard at some of the deeper ones..*

Ironhide: -shudders, pressing down against him, and increases the intensity of the pulses, fingers drifting along his wheelwells- ::Ratch...::

Ratchet: *He was already very close, the pleasure building more and more, to where he almost couldn't take it. The fact that by now, his vocalizer had shut down might be an indication. His hands grasped and searched more, rubbing and working against the wires in an almost repetitive manner, his processors already starting to become lost in the sheer amount of pleasure and energy that coursed through him..* ::H-Hide...Oh, Primus...::

Ironhide: -he increases the pulses even more, trying to make him go over, and nips at his jawline, dragging one hand down his side and working it into his chest, just barely running fingers over the outside of his chamber- ::Overload for me...:: -groaning, he moves his head to whisper in Ratchet's audio-

Ratchet: *And without warning (or with, depending on how one were to look at it), he shot straight into overload, the warning lights and alarms on his chest overloading, blaring and flashing wildly. His head arched back, mouth open in a silent scream, optics blazing a bright, almost white color..*

Ironhide: -that's all he needs to go into his own overload, burying his head in the other's neck with a muffled scream, vocalizer going staticky, then cutting out completely as his entire body shudders-

Ratchet: *He wasn't conscious long enough to know what else happened...the force of the overload knocked him clean out, and he collapsed, all lights, sirens and anything else going quiet or dim, besides basic functions. The last thing he thought was something along the lines of, "DAMN."*

Ironhide: -he's only able to press a kiss against Ratchet's neck and grin very tiredly, but smugly, before he offlines himself, sliding to one side and keeping an arm around the other, his chest staying open-

log, ratchet, ironhide

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