Blue and Sky: Rust Lockdown - Part 3

May 06, 2008 04:08

[Part Three of Six - Continued from here.]

SKYDIVE: *It took a good ten minutes before his systems even tried coming back online. Fortunately, the first try was successful, and the room was slowly filled with the sound of his systems coming back online. After another moment or two, he groaned softly, shifting, his optics flickering online. His vision pixelated a bit, and then finally cleared. He felt Blue beside him, and he leaned over slightly, managing a small kiss to the top of his head.* Hey... *he whispered softly, his energy slowly returning*

BLUESTREAK: *While waiting, Blue had fallen into an idle state - not quite recharge, but resting. He stirs as Sky wakes, smiling softly.* Hey you...

SKYDIVE: *He smiled at Blue, shifting again to slide an arm around him gently. He watched him for a moment before speaking again* ..You...are amazing, you know that? *Blue had never done that to him before, and it was the most intense feeling he had ever experienced* I mean...Primus...*He leaned against him gently as he spoke softly*

BLUESTREAK: I'm glad I could... I want you always happy... *He shifts closer, nuzzling gently* Wanted you to feel as strongly as you made me feel when you chained me up... *He moves to give Sky a long slow kiss.*

SKYDIVE: *He relaxed instantly under Blue's kiss, his entire frame seeming to just go slack. It was amazing what Bluestreak could do to him, even with just the softest kiss or slightest touch. His systems still tingled with energy, but that was nearly faded off. He raised a hand, the back of his fingers brushing gently across Blue's cheek.* ::...It was...incredible...:: *he made a soft, contented noise into the kiss, still in a somewhat blissful state*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue just lets his motor purr softly, contentment running through him as he slowly snuggles into Sky, kissing him lovingly. This is his beloved Sky, he could stay here forever, kissing him, loving him - contentedly curled up with him. A small thread of amusement runs through him as he thinks the Rust has had a good effect, forcing them to be locked up like this - it caused this happy afternoon of loving.*

SKYDIVE: *His own turbines were rumbling softly, creating a soft sound and a low vibration, causing more comfort than anything else. He ended up wrapping both arms around him, pulling him close as the kiss deepened a bit. He felt the same way, about feeling like he could stay right here forever. If he thought he could get away with it, he would try. The whole moment was nothing but a warm, comforting, loving moment, and any thoughts of the time when Blue hadn't been there were washed away for the moment. Blue was here, now, and he wanted to stay with Sky...which made Sky happier than he had ever felt. He felt the amusement run across the bond, and he grinned under the kiss, picking up on the stray thoughts that came ingrained with the feeling. Sad thing was, he couldn't agree with Blue more...*

BLUESTREAK: *Of course, that amused thought bring up another... and Blue grins into the kiss as he flashes a silent question through the bond wondering if Sky is up for another round.*
SKYDIVE: *He didn't break the kiss, but he sure sent back a surprised reply* ::..Already?:: *he smirked over the bond, rather amused at Blue. Not that he blamed him at all...and they did have a thing going to see how many times they send each other into overloading...*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue hums affectionately, amused by Sky's reply.* ::Why not? Call me insatiable if you want, but it's not like it's a bad thing, is it?:: *Just to emphasize, he runs a hand down Sky's chest, rubbing over his canopy and around along and inner edge of a wing.*

SKYDIVE: *He let out a soft whine as soft tendrils of pleasure washed over his already over-sensitive circuits. His wings dipped slightly and he shifted again* ::...You...have got to be the biggest tease on this base...And no, it's not a bad thing...:: *he managed to reach out, trailing his own fingers across Blue's neck and down across his chest, trying to return the torment that the other was trying to inflict on him..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue snickers a little* ::Admit it, you like it.:: *His engine does rev softly at Sky's caress, pretty sensitized in his own right as well. He teases lightly along Sky's wings, still kissing warmly as he presses into Sky a bit more.*
SKYDIVE: *He mock-growled into the kiss, his fingers trailing down along his side and along an edge of an armor plate, his other hand tracing fingers along his mid-back, a few inches below Blue's doorwings, almost either hinting, or foreshadowing what he was thinking about.* ::Mmm...and what makes you think I do?:: *he teased back completely playing into this*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue wriggles a bit, feeling exactly where Sky's hand is so very close to.* ::Because usually my teasing is a fair indication I really do want to go further... That I want you... need you...:: *That comes out a bit more serious than Blue intended.*

SKYDIVE: *He did pick up on the serious tone of Blue's comment, and he gently broke the kiss, looking at him. He raised one hand back up to rest on Blue's cheek, his thumb brushing against the area near one of his optics, right underneath.* ::...I need you, too...:: *He whispered quietly across the comms. He paused a moment, then spoke again* ::...I'm here, whenever you need me...for whatever reason.:: *He just watched him as he spoke, meaning every word of what he said..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue turns into the hand, his spark flaring with an aching need.* ::Hold me... hold me so tight I can't see anything but you, love me until I no longer think of anything but you... make me yours and yours alone, over and over again... I love you so much Sky...:: *he's fallen so deep, so fast that sometimes he can't believe it. Today is just another expression of that, wanting to make love so much.*

SKYDIVE: *He watched as Blue turned his face into his hand, feeling that need that Blue felt, and his own spark flaring in response to that with a similar need. It was a need and want to do whatever Blue asked of him, to be there for him, to make sure that he knew that Sky was the only one who could make him feel that way.* ::I will do all of that, and when the time is right, I will do even more. I love you, and no matter what, I will always be there for you. Always. If something worries you, or you are afraid, or you need help, or just want me to be there, I will...:: *He said all this as he leaned forward, catching Blue in another soft, gentle kiss that held all of his feelings behind it.*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue cries softly, feeling all of the emotions Sky is carrying. It makes him so painfully happy and he immediately burrowed deep into Sky's arms, deepening the kiss to a point of fierce passion. His Sky, all his, whenever he wants. His fingers scrape along Sky's wings, rubbing caressing them insistently. Just to make his point, he sends Sky a soft sparkpulse.*

SKYDIVE: *He could feel it all. The love, the painful happiness, the passion, the want and was all there. He whimpered softly as Blue's sparkpulse washed over him, and he returned it almost immediately, making it just as soft and gentle, slipping both arms around him and pulling him tight against him. He knew from the touches, the feelings and the sparkpulse what Blue wanted, and he was more than willing to fulfill that want and need. He kissed back deeper, returning that fierce passion. He leaned forward, intent on gently pinning Blue below him, on the ground..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue cries more at Sky returning the fierce passion gripping him, willing letting Sky push him to the ground and pin him. As much as he loved having Sky at his mercy, he loves being at Sky's mercy so much more. This is where he can be glad he has always been on the smaller side for mechs, because it makes him feel protected, cared for. He bucks and grinds against Sky hungrily, sending another sparkpulse, wrapped up in all his passionate adoration of his wonderful bondmate.*

SKYDIVE: *He did push him to the ground, but he was extremely gentle about it. He didn't truly pin him, either, but rather instead of pinning his wrists, he slid his hands up and laced fingers with him, raising his hands up to just above his head. He still didn't break the kiss, and rested down against him, a small moan escaping him as Blue sent another sparkpulse. He took in that pulse, the feelings and emotions, and wrapped it up in his own, increased it a bit and returned it gently, wanting Blue to know and feel everything that he felt for him. He would always be there, to love him, protect him, be happy with him...*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue grips Sky's hands tightly as that pulse hits, and the emotions with it warm him through. He hooks his legs around Sky's hips, pulling them together even harder as he sends a reply pulse, matching Sky's, strength for strength.*

SKYDIVE: *He moaned softly into the kiss as a pulse of equal strength and emotion ran him through, his frame shuddering just slightly. He felt it rush through every circuit, feeling as if it left a trail of either fire or electricity behind. The feel of Blue's legs around his hips only added to the sensation. He wanted to do more to Blue, but just keeping him locked in a kiss seemed just perfect as well, with his fingers interlocked with Blue's. He shifted slightly, Gaining a better position above Blue. He finally broke off the kiss, giving in, trailing soft, slow kisses along Blue's cheek, then jawline, and slowly making his way to the other's neck. He returned yet another pulse, this time this one was a bit stronger, laced with all his feelings and emotions, the sensations that Blue was giving him, and so much more..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue writhes in happiness, fingers squeezing at Sky's as the flyer kisses him. He moans Sky's name as Sky's pulse runs through him, making him feel like he is bathed in warm staticy pleasure. Sky could always make him feel the most wonderful things, and Blue never wanted it to stop. He responds immediately to Sky's pulse by upping the strength of his again, filling it with all of his bliss and happiness.*

SKYDIVE: *When Blue's pulse hit him, he buried his face against the other's shoulder, whimpering softly. The extent of the love and happiness, along with the strength of the made him want to wrap Blue in a blanket of happiness forever and never let him go. It was with his return pulse that he sent the impression of wanting to do that as he managed to continue kissing along Blue's neck, being slow and gentle, nipping along a fuelline here and there. His own pulse was increased again, and he released and squeezed Blue's hands periodically, still keeping him lightly pinned..*

BLUESTREAK: *The impression Sky sends makes Blue moan more - dear Primus, Sky is so fragging perfect! Blue sends a return idea of both of them wrapped up in that warm happiness, never able to leave if the other does not let them, and neither ever letting go. Yet again he matches Sky's pulse in strength - they could both play at that - writhing in bliss under Sky's touch.*

SKYDIVE: *He cried out at that last pulse, feeling all the love, pleasure and desire to keep both of them safe and happy just pushing him closer to the edge. He let go of Blue's hands, his own sliding down the other's arms slowly and teasingly as he kissed his way down to his chest, kissing along that seam again. He returned the pulse again, laced with a wonderful, warm, soft feeling, along with all the intense feelings and emotions. He kept doubling everything, unable to help himself as his want to make sure Blue knew that he was loved and always would be seemed to overtake him..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue cries a keening cry of ecstasy, everything Sky is bombarding him with has him completely blissed out with all the love and warmth and passion in it. He arches as Sky kisses along his chest, wondering hazily if Sky wants it open again - Blue would open it in a moment for him. His arms, released from Sky's hold, move to wrap around Sky's shoulders, one hand settling on the back of Sky's head, holding onto him, as Blue sends him another pulse, stronger again - stringer than Sky's pulse even.*

SKYDIVE: *Dear PRIMUS that sound being wrought from Blue, and knowing that he was the one to cause that beautiful sound, made him feel every bit more possessive and protective of him. He kissed more along that separation, his hands still resting on Blue's arms, though sliding up and down slowly. The pulse that Bluestreak sent made him nearly collapse, it was that strong. He had a small idea that he wanted to try, and was somehow managing to keep this thoughts together with everything that Blue was sending.* *his voice whispered calmly and lovingly, still placing kisses on his chest..*

BLUESTREAK: *The reaction to that pulse gives Blue a flare of glee, and he whimpers happily at Sky's request, immediately unlocking his chest plates and opening them up to Sky.*

SKYDIVE: *He made a soft sound as Blue opened up completely, his spark flaring and pulsing regularly, casting a soft, flickering glow across his face. He leaned back down, kissing gently along the edges of the opening, one hand reaching down, fingers playing along the edge that he wasn't kissing. He sent another pulse, this time keeping it level. He didn't want Blue going over into overload before he executed his idea. But that pulse was still filled with love and desire....and a bit of mischievousness...*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue whimpers at the kisses and touches, the feeling driving him crazy. His hands claw a bit at Sky and his legs tighten harder around Sky's hips. Whatever Sky is planning - and Blue can feel that mischievous intent there! - Blue is anticipating it will be something wonderful.*

SKYDIVE: *He sends another soft pulse, and his kisses travel deeper into Blue's chest, tracing slowly along wires, fuellines and other pieces of armor. His intent was probably clear by now, as each slow, soft, tormenting kiss took him closer and closer to Blue's spark...*

BLUESTREAK: *With each kiss Blue gets a bit crazier, a bit louder, and bit more ecstatic. He has guessed at Sky's intent and his spark is flaring in mad desire to feel it. He struggles to sends pulses back to Sky, not wanting him left behind in this pleasure, tangling all his feelings up in them.*

SKYDIVE: *He can both see and feel how Blue's spark is reacting to his idea, and he knows that Blue knows what he is planning. He's so close now that he can feel the heat on his face, with an occasional tendril of energy lapping at his face. The feeling was so exhilarating...all it made him want to do is do more, to give more. And he did. He kept moving, until he was JUST out of reach, wanting to feel Blue's reactions..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue feels he's on a knife-edge, waiting for Sky to take him. His spark aches in longing and he cries, wordlessly begging.*

SKYDIVE: *He can sense the heated want and desire flowing off of his mate as if it were a thick lava flow. He smirked a bit, and began placing kisses everywhere but his spark. He wanted Blue to feel the torment that he had felt...and this would not be the end of it. He slid his body down a bit, to gain more leverage, his hands sliding to Blue's side for support as he continued his utter torment..*

BLUESTREAK: *Blue bucks and cries, wanting so painfully, even in the midst of amazing bliss. He can do little more than whine needily, gripped Sky hard, trying gain more - trying to get Sky to do more... There is a small part of him that knows this is what he did to Sky and it makes him cry in joy and ecstatic agony to be tormented the same. He wants it to end, it wants it to go on forever and he loves Sky for that sweet conflict.*

SKYDIVE: *He let Bluestreak linger for a few moments, and then finally, he leaned in, placing the first soft, loving kiss against the shimmering ball of life that was Blue. The warm electricity washed over his face, making his facial plates feel numb, and yet tingling. Pleasure raced through his systems as he kissed again, and then again, very slowly, trying to drag it all out. He refrained from sending another pulse, wanting Blue to feel the pure pleasure from what he was doing..*

BLUESTREAK: *The first kiss gains a howl of pleasure from Blue, the tender touch feeling like fire to him. Each following kiss drives him deeper into maddening pleasure that flares through his systems, pushing him gently towards overload.*

SKYDIVE: *He felt what every kiss did to Blue, and it drove him further towards wanting to take him over the edge. Everything that Blue felt, he felt, and he was awash in everything that Blue was succumbing to. He kissed more, then, on a whim, he licked at Blue's spark gently, slowly trailing his glossa over the energized surface of it. His fingers played at armor edges at the same time, but he was more focused on what he was primarily doing...*

BLUESTREAK: *That gains a sharp keening from Blue, and he bucks hard in Sky's arms, his systems starting to go haywire with the feedback, overload starting to take him in a conflagration of bliss.*

SKYDIVE: *He cried out as he felt the return surge of emotions and intense feelings. He wanted now, more than ever to bring him over. He knew that if Blue did, he would too, and hard, just from the sheer amount of pure, hard pleasure. He licked again, a bit harder this time, his systems getting to the point of needing to overload already. He wanted to feel it, to feel Blue go flying over the edge in possibly the best overload for him yet.* ::..Overload for me...:: *his words were soft, loving and yet tormenting..*

BLUESTREAK: *That is all it needs, those wonderful licks and that loving order. Blue's spark flares hard, driving his already pleasure-stressed systems into a pure blaze of pleasure. Blue can't even concentrate enough to reroute as his systems start cascade offline and he weakly cries Sky's name before he fall into darkness*

SKYDIVE: *He felt Blue get pushed over, the pleasure far too much to handle. He was shoved over the edge as well, and fought very, very hard to keep what he was doing, to keep bringing Blue that intense pleasure that he so deserved. With his systems already being in over-sensitivity, it only raised the level of pleasure by that much more, finally pushing him to the point of having to break away and plant his face against Blue's shoulder, his body shaking hard from the intense overload. He feels himself beginning to fall offline as Blue cries his name, and he fights it, rerouting and relaying energy around and around, trying to keep from offlining. He barely makes it...with main functions still online. He watches as Blue falls into offline status, and as he finally came down from his overload, he very carefully reached in and closed Blue's spark chamber, and then his chest armor, otherwise not moving. He still stayed on top of him, just watching, being there for him when he came back online..*


Yes, more still~!

skydive, log, bluestreak, part three

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