May 05, 2008 12:56

..This...is a MONSTER of a log that will appear over the next several posts from me and Mimi. We got bored, basically. So did the muses.

Except, we didn't expect it to get THIS long...

Well, here is Part 1 of a SIX PART LOG. Enjoy!

SKYDIVE: *So. The chains were finished and he had them stashed on a top shelf in the closet. Currently he sat on the couch, running through a few channels, looking for something to watch. He glanced over at Blue, who was on the computer for the moment, just curious* ..Finding anything interesting? Because I'm not...*he turned and frowned at the TV, going back through the channels a third time*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue honestly has just been flicking through pages, idly reading for a while now. He had been reading some article about something that sounded interesting but on a whole escaped him a little due to loss of context brought by humans simply not beings his culture, but he finished that and has just been... web-surfing? Wasn't that the term? He looks up at Sky's question with a small shake of the head, and a bit of a droop in his wings.* Not a lot, half the time I don't quite understand the context of a lot of human stuff - probably has cultural significance I don't know the background on.
SKYDIVE: *He sighed and shook his head.* ..I've felt that way a few times myself...I don't go on their Web very much, but I have found their Wikipedia pages very helpful in some cases. *he looked back at the tv, stopping on a channel that seemed like it might hold some promise. A show he had seen before. It was about Earth in the future, and they were traveling across space, meeting different aliens and different cultures. If he remembered correctly, it was called Star Trek: The Next Generation. He brought up the information on the menu. This episode appeared to have something to do with a contagion that reverted all the species on the ship back to their more primal state, and the android and the captain of the ship -Commander Data and Captain Picard, they were called- had to find a cure before the captain was reverted, too. Skydive laughed a bit, finding himself comparing this episode to the current state of things*
BLUESTREAK: Yeah... *Blue gets up from the computer and wanders over.* I mean I don't quite get that part in Final Fantasy Seven about Cloud disguising himself as a femme, but I think that is a big part to do with the point that we don't need clothing and we seem to have less issues about colours... *Totally doesn't say anything about the prevalence of pink being considered a "Femme" colour.*
SKYDIVE: Well, each race has their quirks. I think they dress certain ways for their gender. I'm sure you've noticed by now that the femmes of the human race actually dress in light colors, and in items called "dresses" or "skirts", whereas the males of the human race tend to dress in darker colors, with "pants". *Of course, he gets proven wrong by a female on the show wearing pants..*
BLUESTREAK: Yeah, yeah... *Blue nods along to Sky's commentary* I did get that much at least, the part I don't quite get is why changing style for a good cause was still so shocking... I just figure I don't quite get some inter-gender dynamic that is happening there.
SKYDIVE: *He tilted his head a bit, half watching the show* ..Well, from what I can gather on what I have seen in shows and on their Web, it appears that for the males in the human species it is embarrassing and degrading to dress in femme's clothing. *Yes, he got bored when Bluestreak was missing..*
BLUESTREAK: Huh... *Blue tilts his head thoughtfully, not even really registering the TV.* Well if what that implies is true... it does explain a bit of the confusion I've had about a few things I've read.
SKYDIVE: *He turned to look at Blue, his head tilting curiously, the noise from the TV just becoming background noise.* ...Like what?
BLUESTREAK: Well if wearing femme clothing is considered degrading and embarrassing, then it implies that males consider femmes to be deficient in some way and themselves the better gender. Some of the things I've run across are written like males have too much ingrained pride over something that they need to be re-educated about.
SKYDIVE: *He smiled at that, and nodded* It's true, though. Even in our race, there are traces of that. Some mechs think that some of the femmes are lower than them. Watch sometime. Take a look at some mechs that seem to have a high sense pride, and watch what they do around the femmes. I've seen it a couple of times, but not much. *He smiled a bit, then shifted so that he was laying down, one wing bent up along the back of the couch, his head in Blue's lap, just being comfortable as they talked*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue thought about it but was scraping a little thin on examples he's witnessed himself.* I guess I haven't seen much of that - not amongst the Cybertronians I can recall ever knowing, but then I've never had all that much to do with femmes in general - my creators were both mechs anyway. *He absently settles one hand on Sky's shoulder and the other running fingers along the lines of his head.*
SKYDIVE: Mnn..It's actually a rare thing with our race, I think. But I have seen it a couple of times here on the base. *He rumbled softly, his optics dimming slightly as Blue's fingers played at his head gently. He reached up with one hand and placed it on Blue's hand that was on his shoulder, just feeling content at the moment*
BLUESTREAK: Would Decepticons be more likely to do it? *Blue absently flexes the hand on Sky's shoulder, an acknowledgement of Sky's hand on his.* I would imagine they would be, considering a lot of femmes are smaller and the 'Cons always preferred brute strength better. *This is nice, just talking and being content like this.*
SKYDIVE: *He chuckled a bit at that* Sadly enough, it is mostly the Decepticons that I have witnessed being so degrading. *He offlined his optics, a soft smile on his face, his thumb rubbing gently against the back of Blue's hand.*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue smiles a bit, that much fits with his concept of Decepticons, and the war is only barely over so they are likely to still act biased against smaller Cybertronians... and femmes because of it.* I'm not that surprised. *He keeps tracing along ridges and curves on Sky's head, occasionally twitching the fingers of his other hand in an appreciation of Sky's touch.*
SKYDIVE: *He shifted a bit, getting more comfortable, his wing still bent forward.* Neither am I, honestly. *He onlined his optics and looked up at him, grinning a bit as he watched him as they talked, his fingers playing softly over Blue's* I don't think it's something that they will ever be able to deprogram from their processors...it's too deeply ingrained by now.
BLUESTREAK: Yeah... It's that sort of thing that makes me wonder how much programming influences a person's spark. Was the spark mean before they because a Decepticon or did being a 'Con make a reasonably moderate person into a meaner one? *Blue bites his lip briefly, absently rubbing at a perceived imperfection in the surface of one of Sky's head-plates.*
SKYDIVE: *He seemed to think on that for a bit, curious* ..You know, I'm not entirely certain. I would think that all mechs start out basically innocent. I would think that programming, and various other variables such as encounters with other mechs, life experiences, would change one's views and ingrain more into the personality programming. *He made a soft sound as Blue messed with the imperfection, making it tickle a bit*
BLUESTREAK: I don't know... my creators told me they when to the Allspark and specifically requested a spark that had personality characteristics based on their personalities, so I don't think sparks were ever created totally blank... but a person could be influenced by things that happen in their life, I mean if my hometown hadn't been destroyed I might have stayed neutral a lot longer and been even less inclined to fight than I already am... *that thought brings several possibilities to Blue's mind, which he speaks after a moment, in a softer, sadder voice* It's possible that if I hadn't lost my home, I may have been killed later in the war...
SKYDIVE: *He looked up at Blue, with a slight look of sadness on his face. He reached up with his hand, brushing at his cheek gently* ..Hey...for what it's worth...whatever happened in the past to keep you alive, I am grateful for. I wouldn't be this happy right now if you had been killed in the past...
BLUESTREAK: *Blue leans down to kiss Sky.* I know... it's just sometimes I wish I didn't have to lose my creators... they were a good pair of mechs... *Yes, that still does hurt for Blue, he considers his upbringing to have been a very good one and remembers his creators fondly.*
SKYDIVE: *he smiled softly, kissing back gently* I know. ..Mine..well. Both are actually here on the base. Optimus, and Wheeljack. They helped to build me and my brothers. I think Trion helped out in some way, too..*he seemed to think on that a bit, absently rubbing at Blue's hand again*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue's fingers still, just as he is trying to get an edge into the imperfection he keeps wandering back to.* Optimus Prime was directly involved in your creation?! *Yes he's surprised by that! Feel the surprise coming through the bond!*
SKYDIVE: *He laughed a bit at that, and smiled* Yes, he was. *He looked up at him, his head moving, and that little imperfection moving away from his fingers. He could feel the surprise, and grinned more*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue absently taps Sky's head in annoyance at him for moving.* Well it certainly puts an interesting tilt on possible family gatherings... *Something occurs to him then* You know that makes you related via bonding to Megatron?
SKYDIVE: *He paused, and stared at him...then made a very sad face* ....I did not want to think about that... *He mock-whined, and turned, burying his head in Blue's lap, pretending to be scarred for life.* ~Noooo~
BLUESTREAK: *Blue suppresses a snicker and leans down to hug Sky* Aww! Poor Sky... but look at it this way, he's not the only Decepticon in the extended family... *Tilts head* Though Skywarp isn't too bad to be related to...
SKYDIVE: *He still mock-whined and shifted back to look at him* ....No, he isn't...BUT MEGATRON?! Ahhhhh....*he covered his face in mock-horror, turning to his side again, his other wing now folded against the couch*
BLUESTREAK: *Gives Sky a soothing petting on the head... while still trying not to snicker but having a harder time suppressing it.* Well at least you're not a sparkling - he's hardly the sort of mech that would make a good surrogate creator.
SKYDIVE: *He groaned, but knew that Blue was merely teasing him, so he kept whining.* ..Horrible...horrible...Ahhh I can't live with this!! Step-creator DONOTWANT! *he has his face in his hands, and is trying hard not to laugh himself as he kept up the act.*
BLUESTREAK: My poor little sparkling... *He really can't stop a snicker escaping while saying that.* Ol' Bluestreak will keep your evil step-creator at bay!
SKYDIVE: *He paused at that, and looked up at Blue, with an estranged look on his face* ....What? Wait...but I am supposed to protect you...AND I AM NOT A SPARKLING! You just said so! *he made a mock-glare at him*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue rolls his eye dramatically* I'm just a poor old creche-robbing mech! I get confused sometimes!
SKYDIVE: *He smirked and reached up, smacking at his cheek playfully and lightly* Dirty old mech. Taking advantage of me. *Sad thing was, Blue is older than any of the Aerialbots, and Sky realized this. He found it amusing and played along with it.*
BLUESTREAK: But! But! But! But...! Old frail mechs like me need a nice strong young thing to take care of them! *Blue puts on a wavery voice - the sort one might expect from an old mech whose vocalizer is in bad condition.*
SKYDIVE: *He rolled his optics and smirked, reaching up to poke at his chest* Don't give me that, you aren't THAT old. *He grinned, then lowered his voice* ...Though, I am not opposed to taking care of you...*he smirked again, completely teasing him*
BLUESTREAK: *Grins back* I know... There's a fair difference between chronological age and mental age, that's for sure! *Pokes Sky in return* Besides, you hardly act like you're younger than me most of the time, so I think I just like to enjoy acting the younger one between us. You're certainly the bigger one of us!
SKYDIVE: *He smirked, that comment giving him an idea. He turned and shifted so that he crawled over Blue, grabbing his wrists and carefully pressing him back against the couch* ...All the better to pin you down....
BLUESTREAK: *Blue gives a meep at that, but it has a cheerful tone to it.* So does this mean my big strong flyer is going to ravish me? *He puts on a coy air.*
SKYDIVE: *He leaned down, raising an optic ridge as he did so, coming close enough to where they were only a few inches apart* ...Only if you want said big, strong flyer to do so...*he grinned at him* ..Besides. It's not like there is anything else better to do, hmm?
BLUESTREAK: *Blue laughs and leans forward until he's brushing lips with Sky* Oh that I agree with... *And with that, kisses Sky.*
SKYDIVE: *He smirked into the kiss, and deepened it, keeping Blue from moving his hands. The couch was just wide enough that he could have one knee beside Blue's hip, but the other ended up on the floor, supporting him. It was probably the only downfall to a couch. But it didn't matter too much to him. All he was focused on now, was Blue.* ::I'm glad you agree...because, you know, we could just sit around...play video games...watch TV...draw...or something....Cause..mmmm...you know..I'm sure something far more exciting...to do..:: *He didn't move from the kiss the whole time, nor did he lighten up on it. A finger on Blue's right wrist played along a fuelline that ran between two armor pieces, just being tormenting..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue's hand spasms a bit at Sky's playing with the fuelline, but Blue is far more intent on the kiss and doesn't really notice.* ::Well sure... all of those are interesting past times... but they're all things one can put up with for only so long, and it's kinda boring when one gets tired of them so other interests show a hell of a lot of appeal...::
SKYDIVE: ::Mmmnn...So...what would you like to do with this newfound interest?:: *He broke the kiss slowly, and kissed along his cheek and slowly headed towards his audial, and then down towards his neck. He caught the fuelline between two fingers and rolled it gently, just playing with it..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue grins as he arches his neck.* ::Newfound? Why do you call it that? Here I thought it was an "interest" that we have been interested in for several months now...:: *He squeaks a bit at the fuelline being played with.* ::Though you know my faulty memory...::
SKYDIVE: *He laughed a bit at that, unable to help himself, and buried his face against Blue's neck for a second* ::I meant for today, actually. Buuut...:: *he nipped at a fuelline in his neck* ::...I suppose you are right...:: *his voice held an air of teasing as he said that, and he finally let go of that fuelline in his wrist, sliding his hand down Blue's arm slowly, fingers dancing across armor playfully.*
BLUESTREAK: ::Mmm...:: *Blue arches a little, encouraging more.* ::Well I was idly wondering how many times we could drive each other into a screaming overload in one afternoon...::
SKYDIVE: *He was certainly surprised by that, and yet, a small part of him wasn't. He pulled back and looked at him, a stupid grin on his face.* Really, now? *He leaned forward, lips nearly brushing again* ...Want to find out...? *he whispered the last question, fingers from Blue's arm now dancing across the fuelline in Blue's neck in a very teasing manner.*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue leans forward enough to nip at Sky's lips.* Well I wouldn't have suggested the idea if I wasn't will to carry it out...
SKYDIVE: *He smirked at that, and returned the nip to Blue's bottom lip*...What makes you think you can last without offlining..? *He asked, watching Blue as he tormented that fuelline still in his neck, his other hand sliding down along to his side, playing along armor edges..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue's hand moves to Sky's head, the other trailing lightly along the edge of a wing.* Well... if that happened, we could just carry on as soon as I wake up...
SKYDIVE: Mnn...I wonder...just how long you would stay offline, though....*his optics dimmed a bit at the touch to his wing, a light wash of pleasure tingling through his entire wing. The hand at Blue's neck trailed across his shoulder, and then across to just barely touch the edges of Blue's doorwing..*
BLUESTREAK: Ahh...! *Blue's hand curls a bit on Sky's head at the almost ghostlike touch to his doorwing.* Well hopefully not too long... I wouldn't want you getting bored after all... *His fingers trail down the flat planes of Sky's wing.*
SKYDIVE: *he smirked a bit, fingers trailing to the inside edges of the wing, finding little wires and such to play with.* Mnn....I wouldn't get bored...I would be thinking...*he leaned in, lips brushing against Blue's audial*..of all the things I would do to you next..*He sent a flash of Blue's spark, his fingers ghosting across it, touches and kisses everywhere, nips, flashes of sparkpulsing, anything he could think of at the moment, that he could use to drive Bluestreak up a wall and down another..*
BLUESTREAK: Oh Primus... Yeesss... *Blue turns to nuzzle hungrily at Sky, loving every image Sky sends him.* Please... want you to...
SKYDIVE: ...Mmn...Want me to what..? *his voice lowered, sounding a bit more tormenting. The hand at his side slid under a piece of armor, and found a few cables, twisting and rolling them gently. His fingers at Blue's wing dipped between the outer armor pieces along the edge, sliding across several sensors.* ..Tell me what you want me to do to you....
BLUESTREAK: *Blue arches, moaning softly.* All of it... touch me... tease me... bite and...hold and... ahh! ...Spark... make me unable to think... unable to feel anything but you... *He runs his fingers along the joints of Sky's wings, though distracted by Sky's touch.*
SKYDIVE: *He let out a soft moan, both his words and his touch along the wingjoints, soft pleasure coursing through him. He felt a soft shiver rush through him and he kissed at his audial, thinking a bit...as much as he could, anyway..* ..And tell me....what would you like to do to me...? *he was curious, remembering the images he had gotten from Blue before*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue offlines his optics, the hand behind Sky's head moving to join the other.* Touch you... kiss you... hold you... never let you go... *He doesn't have the words, but he makes up for it in images of stroking Sky until he's shaking, kissing him madly, teasing his wings until he's helpless, burying hinds deep in Sky's chest, holding the flyer's spark, teasing at said spark with his mouth... Even his own images have Blue moaning.*
SKYDIVE: *The last few images have Sky faltering, burying his face against the other's shoulder. He was reduced to a few soft moans as well, just the idea, the images sending shudders of want through him. His fingers grasped lightly at Blue's doorwing, but he managed to keep enough control to keep from denting the armor on Blue's sensitive wings. He pulled his hand away from his side, and let it slide down to Blue's hip, grasping lightly* ...Oh Primus...I...I want that...for you to...mnnn...*his words were mere whispers, but laced heavily with want and desire..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue shakes at want coming from Sky, now knowing just how it felt - as Sky would have felt it when he'd given Blue the image of tying him up. It makes Blue want to do it even more. His fingers curl, digging into Sky wing joints and he turns his head in to nuzzle at Sky.*
SKYDIVE: *He let out a soft whimper at Blue's fingers digging in, the feeling causing pain and pleasure mixed together. He was quickly succumbing to Blue's torment, and he wanted it...he wanted it so bad. He wanted to know what Blue could do to him, what Blue would do to him. He knew Blue could feel the want coming off of him...it was strong enough to go through the bond without sending it directly. He kissed at Blue's neck, fingers tracing and curling along armor and sensors on both his wing and side..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue's fingers slowly ease, stroking lightly over the stops where he's dug in, one hand moving to stroke along the wing and rub up and edge. He nuzzles a little insistently, wanting to make Sky turn and kiss him.*
SKYDIVE: *He managed to turn his head, kissing up along Blue's cheek, and then catching him in a kiss that was rather heated and suggestive of what he wanted. He wanted Blue...but he also wanted Blue to take him any way that he wanted. His hand slid down from the wing and down to his shoulder, then down to his side and to his hip, so both hands were on his hips now. He was pressed down against Bluestreak now, deepening the kiss..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue moans at being pressed down under Sky's weight, he loves the feel - owned, protected, loved, wanted. He deepens the kiss to the point where he is almost causing denting along his lip plates, and his fingers scrape gently back across the top edge of Sky's wing, thumb rubbing a bit below the edge, moving towards the centre of Sky's back.*
SKYDIVE: *He whined softly at the touch, the rubbing causing little shocks of pleasure to course through his wings and down his back. He shifted a bit, moving up higher just a small bit, being able to deepen that kiss just a bit more. His hands roamed across Blue's sides, fingers dipping under armor plates and tormenting wires and cablelines. He could feel through the bond how Blue felt, and while he wanted so much for Blue to do what he showed him, he wanted also to do what he showed Blue...he was torn...*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue hitches a leg up around Sky's hip, fingers of the wandering hand once again buried in the wing joint, though now the other is wriggling it's way into a spot under an armor plate at Sky's waist, rubbing at wiring he finds.*
SKYDIVE: *His intakes hitched at that, and a soft moan escaped him. He let one hand slide up, fingers dancing across the side of Blue's chest. He smirked slightly against the kiss, and sent a soft pulse across their bond at the same time that he gave in and broke the kiss, trailing kisses down along Blue's neck, nipping at fuellines and digging his fingers deeper, finding a few more sensitive wires and rubbing those tormentingly.* ::...I want you...to take you...for you to take me...:: *He let his comm voice slide softly across their comms, whispering, needing, wanting...*
BLUESTREAK: *The moan is all Blue needs to dig deeper and stroke sensitive wires. The pulse comes as a warm rush, making him moan softly.* ::Take me Sky... take me and I'll take you...::
SKYDIVE: ::..I will...Primus I will...any time you want me...:: *He shifted down a bit, kissing down along fuellines and cables, and along the upper part of Blue's chest armor, right along the edges. He raised the had at Blue's chest higher, finding the plating of one doorwing, and tracing along the edges again, wanting to hear him moan, to cry out. He sent a heavier pulse through, laced with his love, desire and want of Blue...*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue's hand digs in again, into the wing joint, at Sky's pulse. It prompts him to send one back, wrapped in Blue's own emotions of love, adoration, desire and need for Sky.*
SKYDIVE: *He let out a soft cry at that, pleasure from both the wingjoint and the pulse, pausing in his kisses. He felt very clearly the need and want of him, and almost immediately he sent one back, a bit stronger. He trailed kisses along the seam in Blue's chest, getting an idea from what Blue showed him. If he was going to do it to Sky, then Sky wanted to show him what it would be like...*
BLUESTREAK: Ahh... *The pulse makes Blue moan a bit more and the kisses make him ache to give Sky immediate access to his spark, even to the extent of starting to unlock it. He once again strokes the spot he dug his fingers in to, soothing.*
SKYDIVE: *He heard the soft clicks as Blue began unlocking the armor across his chest, and he looked up at him, kissing him gently along that seam still, watching him. The look on his face was just beautiful, and made Sky want to do everything to keep him looking like that. He ran both hands now up along Blue's doorwings, fingers trailing along the inner edge of both. He sent another pulse, stronger, filled with love, admiration, want, and desire to make him as happy and as loved as he possibly could..to never leave him, no matter what happened...*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue arches as his doorwings are touched, the hand that had been buried in Sky's armor moving to dig into a new seam to treat it to some manipulation. He sends another pulse to Sky as he slowly opens the rest of the locks, the pulse containing yet another flood of emotions in reply to Sky's.*
SKYDIVE: *He cried out at Blue's touches and him digging into different seams. Oh Primus Blue's touches seemed to set him on fire every time, and the sparkpulses that washed back over him brought more pleasure coursing over his systems, leaving a staticy feel that caused a bit more pleasure. He continued kissing lightly along the seam in his chest, his fingers playing along the edges of his doorwings, slowly siding downward to torment and please as much as he could..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue keeps at the new spot, pleased at the sound it caused and the sense of pleasure coming through the bond. His other hand moves back to stroke Sky's wing again, as he let his chest plates crack open, arching a bit to encourage Sky to take advantage of it.*
SKYDIVE: *He was still kissing along that seam as it cracked open, and he slid one hand down towards it, a finger running right in between the panels gently. He paused in his kisses to look up at him, then move up and draw him into a deep kiss, his fingers still working at the panels gently. His wings twitched at Blue's touch as he sent yet another pulse, increasing the speed of them by just a bit, a soft moan escaping into the kiss as Blue continued at that one particular spot..*
BLUESTREAK: *The finger running through his chest plates makes Blue arch more, scratching a bit at Sky's wing as the next pulse hits. He twists a few wires under Sky's plating, letting them go to stroke them before twisting them again.*
SKYDIVE: *He cried out again into the kiss, writhing slightly against Blue as the sudden jolts from the wires ran through his system.* ::Mng...Blue..Primus....:: *He worked his fingers further into the seam, almost touching his spark casing in the process. He continued with the pulses, kissing him deeply and lovingly, never wanting to let him go...ever. He slid a hand up along a doorwing, and then back down, hoping to trail pleasure along those wings..*
BLUESTREAK: *Pleasure is exactly what Sky's touch gives him - Blue's systems already flushed by the after effects of the pulses feels the trailing hand stronger than normal and Blue moans louder, though not breaking the kiss. He attempts to send back more pulses to Sky, though they stutter briefly under Sky's ministrations but come back without losing strength.* ::Sky... take me...::
SKYDIVE: ::Alright...:: *He knew what Blue meant, and he slipped his fingers in further, pressing the panels to the side and clicking them in place. His fingers brushed against Blue's spark casing, caressing it gently.* ::Open for me, Love..?:: *His voice held a tenderness that was reserved only for Blue, and he deepened the kiss just a bit more, sending more love and sincerity across the bond as he sent the pulses..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue moans a bit louder into the kiss as Sky caresses his casing, and warmed by the love and sincerity wordlessly opens the hatch in his spark chamber, spark flaring softly as he sends pulses back to Sky.*
SKYDIVE: *He smiled softly as Blue opened his sparkcasing, and he sent a wave of love back over the bond again, the pulses still going. He was grateful that Blue trusted him so much as to allow his casing open and not worry about Sky trying to bond with him again. He slid his hand in slowly, gently, the tips of his fingers brushing against Blue's spark, energy tendrils tracing up his arm already.* ::I love you, Bluestreak...::
BLUESTREAK: *The effect of Sky touching is not as strong this time, but probably because this time around is not quite as intense as the last, but that does not mean this time any less wonderful - just a different wonderful than before. Blue cries happily at the touch, sending Sky waves of his pleasure in the mix of emotions in his pulses, wanting to show Sky just what he does.* ::Love you... my Sky...::
SKYDIVE: *He moaned softly into their kiss, his fingers sliding around Blue's spark, just caressing for the moment, and not encasing it just yet. His hand at Blue's doorwing slid down to his side, then up and under his shoulder, pulling him closer, as if being possessive and protective over him. Blue was his, no one else's, and he wanted to make sure Blue knew this. He felt what he was doing to Blue, and it sent his own senses whirling, increasing his own pleasure. He took all that, and balled it up into another pulse, and sent it right back at him. He broke the kiss after a moment, pulling back again to watch him, to see how it affected him, not just felt..*
BLUESTREAK: *Sky's feelings make him cry even more. The sense of possessiveness and protectiveness, mixed into everything else is so perfect - his spark flares in adoration, and want to be possessed and protected, those feelings crossing with Sky's a dizzying complement of emotions. His hands tighten on Sky in return, twisting the wires he has one buried amongst in a way that might be painful.*
SKYDIVE: *The return of emotions and feelings just redoubled what he felt, and increased his own pleasure even more. He cried out softly, and then hissed inward at a sharp jolt of pain from the wires that Blue was twisting. But the contrast of pain and pleasure proved interesting, and he moaned a bit louder as the pain mixed with everything else, only increasing the pleasure that he felt.* ::..Primus...Blue....::
BLUESTREAK: *Blue feels that jolt of pain, but also feels how Sky feels it contrasts with the pleasure. He relaxes his hand a bit, but keep tweaking the wires. His other hand moves back to stroke Sky's wing intermittently - he can't concentrate on it much though, not with Sky caressing his spark.*
SKYDIVE: *The pleasure that the pain brought forth was rather intoxicating, and he fed the feelings through the bond with each pulse, wanting Blue to feel how different and wonderful the pain felt. His hand slipped further around Blue's spark, nearly encasing it, holding his beloved's lifeforce in his hand. It was possibly the most exhilarating thing in the universe...no, the most exhilarating feeling was knowing that he was trusted that much to do so. He let out a soft whine into the kiss, and sent all his love and happiness across the bond, as well as more pulses, trying to help push him over the edge..*
BLUESTREAK: *Exhilarating is definitely the feeling for it - having someone one trusts so much that one is willing to let hold one's spark! Blue does not think he will ever get over how perfectly wonderful that is, that and the wonderful pleasure of the act. Blue is quickly letting himself succumb to the combined effect of everything, knowing Sky is wanting to push him into overload. He lets it come, systems flaring blissfully, passing the feeling back across the bond as he cries in happiness.*
SKYDIVE: *This is probably the first time he wasn't close enough to go through overload with Blue, but PRIMUS it was a beautiful sight to watch his Bonded overload like this. He had pulled back just before he felt Blue overload, just to watch him. The feelings that crossed back and forth made him moan, his spark flaring in want, but he kept watching, his hand closing a bit more around Blue's spark, just to enhance the feelings.* ::..Beautiful...so beautiful...:: *his comm voice was soft as he watched, just truly taken in by Blue..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue's optics go offline in the overload, but that doesn't matter to him, he's too deep in bright waves of pleasure wracking his systems to care. It eventually starts to subside, though the wonderful feeling of his spark being held remains.*
SKYDIVE: *As he felt Blue come out of the overload, he carefully withdrew his hand, leaning forward to kiss him gently, that hand brushing up against Blue's cheek. It would feel very warm, because of the energy from his spark, but it wouldn't hurt. He tapered off the pulses and eventually ended them, kissing his forehead before going back to give him another soft kiss* ::..mmnn...I love you...:: *He was overcharged again, but that didn't matter right now. He was glad that Blue had gotten what he deserved..what he always deserved, and that was enough for him. The pleasure in his own systems began to taper off slowly..*
BLUESTREAK: *Blue turns into the warm hand briefly, before Sky kisses him. He can feel how overcharged Sky is, but this time around he has no problems helping Sky relieve it.* ::My Sky... my wonderful Sky... you make me feel so...:: *He has no words strong enough, but he lets his emotions speak for him instead.*


Yes...there is more... :3

skydive, part one, log, bluestreak

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