Log dump: It's that third part that's gonna be tough.

Apr 27, 2008 21:08

After Perceptor gave an update and Dewbot posted something interesting, Perceptor and Skyfire geeked out together.

Skyfire: *Skyfire is currently in his lab, drifting back and forth between a series of tables set up throughout the room, peering down into various microscopes and scanners, examining trays of chemicals, petry dishes and test tubes, waiting for his fellow scientist to arrive.*
Perceptor: -Perceptor arrives in holoform, blinking and looking up at the tables and equipment; he'd never been a large mech himself, but in a human body, things seemed even larger than normal- ....oh my. I no longer am confused as to why some humans fear us.
Skyfire: *Skyfire jerks up from his examinations, smiling when he notices Perceptor's holoform* Ah, Perceptor. It's good to see you...in a sense, I suppose.
Perceptor: -smiles- Ah, yes. I regret that I cannot visit in less dire circumstances.
Skyfire: *Shrugs, smiling wryly.* Perhaps we will be able to meet under better circumstances once we've worked out the solution to this problem. Until then... you needed access to some equipment? And you had some ideas to share and test out? *Gestures up to the table top.*
Perceptor: Yes, I did. -pops his holo to the tabletop, tilting his head as he examines the equipment- ....I do not think I will be able to use any of..... -waves his hand-
Skyfire: *Winces slightly* Hmm. Perhaps. I'm afraid my equipment needs to be properly scaled to my own size. I am more then willing to help, though...? You can direct me in what you would like do?
Perceptor: That will suffice. I have done some research on human methods of viral and bacterial eradication, and I have a few hypotheses I would like to test. First of all, would you happen to possess any sodium percarbonate or soda ash?
Skyfire: Ah. Of course. *Reaches over and grabs several vials, moving them over to a fresh lab setup* So a combination of these chemcials is detrimental to a varity of biological organisms? *Conversationally, setting up various trays and measuring tools*
Perceptor: It seems so. Humans use it to oxidize organic matter, as a form of sanitization.
Skyfire: Hmm. Fascinating. Perhaps oxidation will be effective against the rust-organics. Are you using hydrogen dioxide as the dissolution, then?
Perceptor: Yes. If we submerse a sample of metal in the solution, it should, in theory, eradicate the microorganisms. It would not eradicate any of the metallic oxidation, however.
Skyfire: No, unfortunately. Though the experiments I have been working on involving an electric current in a solution seem to be slowly removing the spreading oxidation, but leaving behind a living majority of the organisms, which is fairly useless for the purpose of riding us of this epidemic. ...Which is remarkable, as Dewbot seems to have discovered the exact same thing on his own.
Perceptor: Very interesting. Perhaps....if we combined these two methods?
Skyfire: ... *Skyfire goes still, giving Perceptor a look before launching in a flurry of motion, dragging the chemicals over to a solution filled tub, prepping the electrode and pulling out test tubes.* absolutely brilliant-!
Perceptor: -smiles excitedly, watching as Skyfire goes into action- Ahhh, if only I could assist you...it is not quite the same to observe.
Skyfire: *Laughs gently, givng Percy a grin before turning back to his berkers* Yes, I'm sure it is. You are welcome to throw in some input where ever you desire, of course. You are part of this process, after all, and are a welcome advisor. Any information you have on this would be helpful. *Measures out chemicals, getting into a near scientific frenzy.*
Perceptor: -watches, equally excited- Humans are very ingenious, are they not?
Skyfire: Indeed they are! *Adds the chemicals to the tub of water containing a sample of infected metal shavings, watching the solution fizz with intense concentration*
Perceptor: -fizzing is good sign, most of the time!- We should also test different alloys. Even a single variable may change the results.
Skyfire: Of course - I have a few different samples here we can use... *Goes over to the other tables with samples soaking in platic-sealed liquid baths, carefully adding the chemicals and mentally noting all of the reactions*
Perceptor: Ah, they were transported safely. -wishes dearly he was not limited to his holoform at the moment-
Skyfire: Of course. *Smiles, turning back to the reaction baths.* They seem to be getting some sort of reaction from the metal shavings, though I can't tell through the foam. I'll check the reactions under the microscopes once its cleared - hopefully there will be a change.
Perceptor: Hopefully, yes. If not, I know of another common human formula that may have an effect.
Skyfire: Oh? What do you have in mind? *Fascinated, both with Perceptor's idea and the ongoing reactions, dragging a plastic-portected scope and scanner device over to the first reaction, scanning down below the water solution*
Perceptor: In their food establishments, there is a sanitizing chemical they utilize on foodware, to prevent illness.
Skyfire: *Briefly stares, smiling* Humans are a constant surprise... He turns back to the scope, optics flickering as he tenses suddenly, wings going up high and alert as he stares down at the metal shards*
Perceptor: They are. It is fascinating. -pops his holo over closer, looking in curiously- What is it?
Skyfire: ...I think... I think... *Heads on over to the next microscope setup, and the next, peering down into each of the scopes with an increasingly intense look on his face plates.*
Perceptor: Skyfire? What do you think? -come on, share info with your fellow scientist!-
Skyfire: Sorry, but it's just... I think the unicellular structure of the rust organisms is...rupturing. *Stands back up, optics wide* On ALL of the samples...
pPerceptor: .... -silent for a moment, then grins excitedly- Hold me up, allow me to observe!
Skyfire: ...Of course. *Holds out a massive hand, a equally huge grin breaking out on his face*
Perceptor: -deftly climbs up into his hand, almost /bouncing/-
Skyfire: *Brings Perceptor's tiny holoform up to the massive eye piece on the scope, holding him steady so he can see what he saw - the rust cells rupturing and bursting from the bubbling, foaming oxidation*
Perceptor: .......it appears so! -peers down the scope; excited scientist is excited-
Skyfire: Absolutely amazing... You seem to have found a likely cure to this Rust mess. *Beams at Perceptor, so excited he has to fight to hold the holo of his fellow scientist steady so he can still see*
Perceptor: It was a human idea first; the credit does not belong to me. Also, it merely terminates the microorganisms. There is still the issue of the oxidation that is left behind, and preventing more microorganisms from attaching to the metal. -modest-
Skyfire: Still - this is a major step in the process - probably the most important part. As for the issue of the remaining oxidation, the idea of the electric current being passed through a solution of sodium carbonate seems like it would do the trick, as both Dewbot and myself discovered. *Gestures over to another lab table, with half-cleaned rusty parts sitting in various solutions across it*
Perceptor: Ah, you have already begun... -looks at the samples still foaming- We must test one of these with the electrical charge. If it is successful, which it should be, theoretically, then all that is left is to create a solution that will prevent the microorganisms from attaching at all.
Skyfire: Exactly. And you are the original maker of that inhibitor, if I am correct? Perhaps we will be able to modify it, though I am afraid I don't know the compostion of the original off hand, so I don't know how feasible that is. *Frowns, moving back over to the still foaming solutions to begin a sterile transfer of the shavings*
Perceptor: Yes, I am. ::-Incoming file transfer: Accept, Y/N?-:: Here is the chemical composition.
Skyfire: ::*Y, accepted*:: Fascinating... This should, potentually, be capable of alteration towards our current needs, with a few experiments. Hopefully. *Grins, using a plastic-covered device to trap the metal shavings and scoop them from the tub for transport to the container with the voltage setup*
Perceptor: Yes, it is. I believe all that may be needed is a change in the ratio. -rattles off an explanation of what each ingredient, and combining them did-
Skyfire: That sounds very feasible, actually. *adds the first of the shavings to the new tub with the second chemical, and starts the charge, leaning in with fascination when the hydrogen bubbles are released*
Perceptorperceptivebot: -leans in to watch as well, already running mental calculations-
Skyfire: I think it takes a few moments, but... *Turns to another scanning device, directing it at the shavings, tweaking a few knobs and buttons* ...I think the current is having an effect already.
Perceptor: May I see the readings?
Skyfire: Oh yes, of course. *Lifts the hand holding Perceptor up to the readout screen*
Perceptor: Yes...it appears so! This is heartening news!
Skyfire: Indeed! I think that with a few hours soak with the electric current and our own healing systems, most of the rust should be removed. Though a full solar cycle would be best, to be on the safe side, I'd say.
Perceptor: More than likely, yes. How strong of an electric current do you think would be needed?
Skyfire: Mhmm. Considering the size of our own bodies, leaving in a variable for size variations, the amount of solution needed, and the intensity of the rust infection for each individual... I'd say about fifty to a hundred kilovolts.
Perceptor: -pauses for a moment, then nods- That is within safe limits.
Skyfire: *Nods* Considering how long is an exposure is needed, any higher would be intolerable over prolonged periods.
Perceptor: Indeed. -pops his holo back down onto the table- I would say we have made much progress tonight. I require recharge, and I am sure you do as well. Shall we continue tomorrow?
Skyfire: I agree. We'll continue later - then we can be sure of the results, and make sure none of the organisms have regrown on the samples. *Nods happily*
Perceptor: Then good night! Feel free to comm me whenever you are available tomorrow.
Skyfire: I will. Good night Perceptor. Thank you for your help. *Grins*
Perceptor: And thank you for yours. -bows, smiling, and is gone-

log, skyfire, perceptor

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