Log dump: The Family is having issues, and oh noez, cosmic rust!

Apr 20, 2008 13:51

Thundercracker: *with one finally grunt, TC finished the welds. Sure, it wasn't too pretty to look at, but at least he didn't have a gaping hole in his chest now. Besides, he'd been more concerned with getting all that slag he'd taken the night before back in the "RESTRICTED" cabinet before Ratchet noticed it was missing...*
Sarah: -she's talking a walk through the hallways, finding that she can't sleep; she'd tried reading a book, but it was boring her five pages in, so she figures she'll work off some energy-
Thundercracker: *...okay, so maybe there were a few packets and a canister of Paradronian ether missing, but that could be chalked up to any number of bots... And so, satisfied that he'd covered his tracks and was at least somewhat presentable now, TC stepped out of the med bay and headed down the hall*
Sarah: -her wanderings eventually lead her towards the medbay, and she smiles when she spots TC- Hey! -waves up at him-
Thundercracker: *pauses when he catches sight of Sarah, smiling and waving up at him. Carefully, he kneels down and gives her a crooked little smirk. * Hello, Sarah. What are you doing up and about at this late hour?
Sarah: -shrugs- Couldn't sleep. -notices that he isn't looking very good- ....what happened to you? Is this why you're by the medbay?
Thundercracker: Yeah. *Hear that? That's the velevet voice of charm underneath that hung-over tone* Got my sorry aft in some deep slag...
Sarah: -worried Sarah is worried- You didn't get hurt too badly, did you?
Thundercracker: Nah. Did the worst to myself, actually... *he frowns a bit, recalling the HAPPYFUNTIME with his inner selves the night before...* But I'm gonna be just fine.
Sarah: Oh, that's good. -breathes a sigh of relief- Is Ratchet in the medbay right now? -curious-
Thundercracker: No. *--THANK PRIMUS!--* Didn't see him or Hook. It was rather...quiet, actually.
Sarah: Oh. I should go visit him and Ironhide tomorrow; I haven't seen them in a while. -idly-
Thundercracker: Yeah. Haven't seen them in a while myself. And there's something I'd like to talk with 'Hide about...
Sarah: Oh? -curious- I'm sure they've both been busy. Megatron's been in the medbay, and 'Hide has those..sparklings?
Thundercracker: Yeah. The kids... *he's smirking now as he offers her a hand to sit in* I'd like to talk with 'Hide about them, actually...
Sarah: -settles herself in his hand and smiles at him- What about?
Thundercracker: Oh, about maybe teaching them some social skills... *he purrs now, lifting her up and starting down the hall again* From what I've seen, looks like they need them...
Sarah: I haven't gotten to meet them yet; what are they like? Sparklings? -leans back on one of his fingers-
Thundercracker: They're kind of like babies, actually... Only more a bit competent and self-sufficent. And so far I've only run into one of them... *pauses, brow furrowing as he tries to recall that mech's name* I think his name was Landshark or something....
Sarah: That makes sense. You don't have to teach them how to walk or speak or anything?
Thundercracker: Yeah. One of the benefits of being a mechanical race... You got programming to take care of the basic slag.
Sarah: -laughs- Must be nice, to not have to teach them the basics. I'm still trying to get Annabelle to stop making messes every time she eats.
Thundercracker: *chuckles* Dunno. There's some mechs around that can't even handle basic table manners... Like 'Crusher or Hun'grr...
Sarah: Hun'grr? -tilts her head a bit-
Thundercracker: Trust me. You don't want to /know/...
Sarah: If the name is any indication... -laughs again-
Thundercracker: Oh yeah... *grimances in disgust at the memories* By the way, how's Will and little 'Belle?
Sarah: Oh, they're fine! I'm happy that Will's back. I really missed him, and so did Anna. :3
Thundercracker: *he smiles, looking genuinely happy now* That's wonderful to hear. *then his expression goes gloomy* Must be nice to have a happy family....
Sarah: ...TC? Is everything alright?
Thundercracker: No. *blunt* I got my aft in trouble with both Warp and Bee, Primus knows what's going with Sunny, and I've been slacking off like a stupid glitch.
Sarah: /Both/ of them? -almost afraid to ask...but curious Sarah is curious- .....what did you do? If you don't mind me asking...
Thundercracker: I cheated on them with a slagging Chevy... And the fragger gave me nice, big hole in my chest as a result. *At least he's honest... ^^;;*
Sarah: Oh..... -frowns- Well......I don't know what to suggest to do...
Thundercracker: Don't worry. They're already taking care of the punishment... *gives her a faint smile* And Primus help Big Daddy when they get hold of him....
Sarah: They won't...hurt him, will they? -she doubts Bee would, but Skywarp is a different story-
Thundercracker: *he seems to guess what she's thinking and laughs* Nah. It's probably just going to be a very nasty, very humilating prank...
Sarah: Oh, good. -shifts a bit, getting more comfortable- But...everything else is okay?
Thundercracker: Yeah. Or at least, it's going to be very soon. *--hopefully. >.<--* Sorry to bring you down with my problems, Sarah.
Sarah: No, it's okay. I did ask. -pats his palm-
Thundercracker: *gives her a delicate little tap with his finger* Thanks for listening to me. It's kind of nice talking about it.
Sarah: I'm always here to listen, if you need it. -smiles at him-
Thundercracker: Thanks. *he grins warmly* You don't know what that means to me.
Sarah: -stays silent for a few minutes, just relaxing in her seat-
Thundercracker: *he lets the silence just stay there as he walks, holding her in his hand like a fragile little bird*
Sarah: ...we should go flying again. I really liked last time.
Thundercracker: Yeah. *he grins, happy for a change of subject* We definitely need to do that sometime soon.
Sarah: Maybe you can take me to see Saturn?
Thundercracker: Sounds like a plan, little lady! Just say the word, and we'll go!
Sarah: Not for a while, sadly. Since no one can leave the base. -frowns a little, then yawns-
Thundercracker: *noticing her yawn, he changes course and heads toward the Lennox's quarters* Gotcha. And even then, I'm not exactly in any shape to be flying right now...
Sarah: -not paying attention to where they're headed, comfortable where she is- You'll get fixed up soon, though, right?
Thundercracker: Yes. I'll be seeing Ratchet first chance I get. *reassuring* And when we can leave base again, I'm gonna fly you up to Saturn and maybe even out past the Kyber belt, too!
Sarah: Kyber belt? -yawns again, stretching a bit-
Thundercracker: Eh, sorry! Meant Kuiper Belt... *he chuckles softly* They all get a bit blurred sometimes...
Sarah: I know where that is... -frowns, trying to remember, then notices where they are- ......you sneaky mech.
Thundercracker: Who? Me? *gives her an innocent look as he leans to let her down*
Sarah: -grins up at him, giving his hand a pat- Goodnight, TC. Thanks for keeping me company.
Thundercracker: It was a pleasure, as always. *he gives her a friendly nudge with his talon*
Sarah: -gives him a final smile before heading into her room-
Thundercracker: *smiles back and waits till she's shut the door before meandering back to his distressingly empty berth. He's got a lot to of things to do and, if Warp and Bee hold true to their word, he's gonna have plenty of time on his hands to get it done....*

Bumblebee: *Bee sits in the common room, nursing a cube of energon, already having gone through two. Slagging TC.*
Ironhide: -looking kinda happy with himself, he wanders into the common room, noticing Bee immediately and going over to join him after grabbing his own cube- Hey, kid.
Bumblebee: *Looks over 'Hide and gives an annoyed grunt* 'Hide.
Ironhide: ....Bee? -quirks an optic ridge- Somethin' wrong?
Bumblebee: Slaggin' right somethings wrong.
Bumblebee: *slouches in his seat*
Ironhide: .....
Ironhide: Wanna talk about it?
Bumblebee: *shrugs* Kinda.
Ironhide: -looks at him seriously-
Bumblebee: *Looks to Ironhide* TC slaggin' cheated on me.
Ironhide: ......thought you had an open relationship.
Bumblebee: *Seems to shrink into his seat*
Bumblebee: Not with someone who's not 'Warp!
Ironhide: I remember you and Vortex doin' something. -optic ridge goes up again-
Bumblebee: That was a long time ago!
Bumblebee: *Glares at Ironhide*
Ironhide: -kinda shrugs, sipping at his cube, his tone slightly apologetic- I didn't know things had changed.
Bumblebee: Well, they have! *snaps*
Ironhide: Sorry, kid. -winces slightly- .....m'guessing you already talked to him?
Bumblebee: *nods miserably* Yeah. Me an' 'Warp did.
Ironhide: And how did that go? -has a feeling he already knows, judging from Bee's current state-
Bumblebee: Slagger...ugh...He's not gettin' any for a lonnng time.
Bumblebee: *takes a swig of energon*
Ironhide: -can't help but chuckle a little at that- ...kid, how many have you had?
Bumblebee: Four? I think.
Bumblebee: Got slagged out of my processor last night with 'Warp on ultragrade.
Ironhide: Probably not a good idea to do it again tonight.
Bumblebee: Probably not. But I'd like to.
Ironhide: ....don't make a habit of it. -pats him on the shoulder- M'sure he regrets what he did.
Bumblebee: He'd better.
Bumblebee: Slagger.
Ironhide: Tried talking to him again? -sips at his cube-
Bumblebee: Not yet.
Ironhide: Should.
Bumblebee: Why?
Ironhide: You're Bonded. You love each other, right? -nudges him slightly-
Bumblebee: Of course I love him.
Bumblebee: Wouldn't be upset if I didn't.
Ironhide: And I'm sure he's upset, too. Y'should talk to him again, try to work it out.
Bumblebee: Maybe.
Bumblebee: On the comm with him.
Ironhide: -pats him on the shoulder again; well, that's good...right?-
Bumblebee: I hope so.
Ironhide: -finishes off his cube- You got everything handled?
Bumblebee: THink so.
Bumblebee: *small smile*
Ironhide: M'gonna head off, then. Good luck. -smiles back, getting up to leave-
Bumblebee: See ya Hide.
Ironhide: -does a backwards wave as he walks out-

Ironhide: ::-Incoming comm from Ironhide: Accept, Y/N?-::
Arcee: ::Y!::
Ironhide: ::Hey. Looked through my weapons stores, found a gun that's about human-sized. Think it was meant for a drone.::
Arcee: ::That works. I figure I can keep it subbed and my holo can use it if she needs it.:: *still sounds pissed, Prime is most certainly on her shit list.*
Ironhide: ::Alright. I can stop by your quarters and give it to you now if you want.::
Arcee: ::That would be great if you could do that.:: *would really rather not leave her room right now.*
Ironhide: ::Give me coordinates, I can be there in half a breem.::
Arcee: *transmits them.* ::Great, thanks.::
Ironhide: -and heads off, planning on dropping the gun off for her and grabbing a couple cubes from the common room; in half a breem, he does show up, knocking on the door- ::S'me.::
Arcee: *the door clicks open, and Arcee's waiting for him right behind it.* Hey.
Ironhide: Hey. -unsubs the gun and holds it out- It's a bit touchy on the settings, so watch out what you have it set on; figure you can use that one until I make a new gun for ya.
Arcee: *nods and reaches for it, hand brushing against Hide's.* Thanks. I'll be definitely sure to practice with it.
Ironhide: Yeah, that's a good idea. -grins slightly-
Arcee: *snickers and subs it, making a mental note to check the settings on it.* So how've ya been?
Ironhide: Eh. Good. -shrugs- That fraggin' clone is messing with my training.
Arcee: Really? How so?
Ironhide: Was gonna take the younglings out to do some sparring on uneven ground, but can't leave base. -frowns-
Arcee: *nods, looking irritated.* Yeah. It's getting frustrating not being able to leave the base. How're things with Ratchet?
Ironhide: -smiles a bit- Fine. You? ...heard about what happened.
Arcee: *nods, looking distant.* Yeah. I'm alright. It still hurts a lot, but...I'll get by. Besides, I got a lot of help. *dreamy smile ftw!*
Ironhide: That's good. -figures it's the other femmes, they've always seemed pretty tightknit- I gotta take care of a couple of things. Practice with that gun, and I'll have a new one for ya in half an orn.
Arcee: *nods, still sort of dreamy.* Thanks, it's appreciated.
Ironhide: -quirks an optic ridge at her expression, buts gives her a light pat on the shoulder before turning and leaving-
Arcee: *grins at him, trotting over the door.* Take care, and thanks again!
Ironhide: -lifts up his hand in a sortof wave as he goes down the hall- Yeah, you too.
Arcee: *wave!*

Perceptor: ::Sixshot? Please respond!::
Sixshot: ::FUUUUUUCK!!!!!!::
Perceptor: ::Where are you? I have the cure with me.::
Sixshot: ::I don't slagging know! I lost my other leg! I'm down to two!:: *angry Sixshot is ANGRY*
Perceptor: ::I am searching for you!::
Sixshot: ::Do you know how hard it is to put me back together!:: *Just follow the waves of fury, Percy. He can't be too far.*
Perceptor: -and it takes him a breem or two, but he does finally find the sixchanger and kneels down next to him, examining the damage- ....oh my...it is very good that I found you when I did...
Perceptor: -promptly administers the cure, smiling when he see the rust beginning to fade- There! You will be in perfect health in no time at al-
Perceptor: -frowns- That is odd.
Sixshot: *Perfect? How will he be perfect? He's missing legs and a jaw and Primus only knows wha--* ::Why do you have that look on your face?::
Perceptor: .....the rust was disappearing as it is supposed to, but...it stopped. -leans in closer to examine it, shaking his head when he sees that it hasn't stopped; it's merely slowed down-
Perceptor: Oh dear....it is still there.
Sixshot: ::WHAAAAAAAT?::
Sixshot: *flops about*
Perceptor: It......the cure merely /slowed/ the rusting process!
Sixshot: *Whoops, there goes an ear*
Perceptor: The microorganisms must have evolved!
Perceptor: This is bad.... -frets-
Sixshot: ::Evolved? What. The. FUCK?::
Perceptor: It will not be life-threatening for perhaps another orn, judging by the rate at which it is currently spreading...
Sixshot: *Eyes Percy from the floor, growling* ::What sort of medic says things like 'oh dear' and 'this is bad' in front of their patients!?::
Sixshot: ::An orn?::
Perceptor: I never claimed to be a medic!
Sixshot: ::You said you had the cure! Good enough to be a medic to me!::
Perceptor: I am merely a scientist... -optics flicker slightly, then brighten again- I must contact all the other scientists and the medics.
Sixshot: *Okay, sixchanger is not used to being helpless and falling apart. He's a bit upset over his body parts falling off.* ::I'm not supposed to RUST! I'm RUST PROOF!::
Perceptor: Cosmic rust is....quite unique.
Sixshot: ::I'm UNIQUE!:: *grows again, glaring up at the Scientist.* ::Slag...::
Sixshot: ::I left my leg in the hallway of the Nemesis.::
Perceptor: I will ensure it is collected and returned to you.
Sixshot: ::My jaw too...::
Sixshot: *Defeated sixchanger is defeated.*
Sixshot: *Or just afraid if he moves around too much, something else will fall off*
Perceptor: I have made a base-wide post requesting assistance in moving you to a safer area.
Sixshot: ::Fan-fucking-tastic:: *sigh*

log, bumblebee, perceptor, arcee, ironhide, sarah, sixshot, thundercracker

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