Log: Sam & Fireflight meet up :D

Apr 19, 2008 22:20

Some pleasant discussions go down~

Fireflight: Fireflight lazily cruised over the city, finally setting himself down (quietly) in an empty lot. From here, Sam's house was just in range of his holoprojector, so it would work out perfectly. He fizzled his holo into existence. A young man, about nineteen or eighteen, with orange-red hair, freckles, and wearing a battered leather flying jacket, a white t-shirt, jeans, and work boots, along with a pair of sunglasses. He strolled up the front walk and rapped on the door, humming "Fly Me to the Moon" under his breath.

Sam: Immediately, there was a burst of exclamations from the house.

"Honey! Door!"

"I'm busy with the TV! Could you get it, dear?"

"It can wait for five minutes! What if it's the repair man?"

"For the last time, we don't need a repair man!"

"Honey, you can barely see with that little flashlight! Let's just call a professional."


A frustrated cry, some voiced complaints, and one Sam Witwicky came to the door with a flustered expression--which vaporized upon the sight of his visitor, whom Sam did not at all recognize. "Um...hi," he said lamely, wringing his brain, trying to remember if he had scheduled visitors. What had he done? Something about...ah!

Sam's eyes lit up and he pointed lightly with one finger, glancing sideways at a guess. "...Fireflight, right?"

Fireflight: Fireflight beams, his smile very human and very happy. "Ayep! That's me! You're Sam, if I remember correctly." He offers a hand, peering at the house curiously. It was the first time he'd actually seen one from a human's perspective. They were a lot bigger from down here.

Sam: Sam took Fireflight's hand to shake it, relaxing now that he knew who the visitor was. "Uh-huh! Sam Witwicky. Glad to meet you."

"Sweetie, who is it?" called Judy Witwicky, causing Sam to turn. "Just a friend, mom!"

"Well, don't leave him standing out there, let him in!"

Sam wasn't stupid enough to argue that he was getting to that, so he just gave Fireflight a sheepish grin at his mother's brief lecture and thumbed to the inside of the house. "You wanna stay for a bit? If you don't want to, I don't mind going out and around." He practically radiated desire for a chance to get out of the house.

Fireflight: The hologram shrugs, laughing. "Either one works for me really, although it's really nice out today." He indicates the blue, clear skies and the brilliantly shining sun. He seems oblivious to the fact that this is not leather jacket weather in the least. "I like the outdoors, but I've never been inside a human dwelling."

Sam: Sam tilted his head, and then chuckled a bit, stepping out. "Well, my room's a disaster right now and my dad will probably complain a lot in a little while, so...may be better to go around for a while." He turned, calling to his mom that he would be back in a little while; asked where he was going, Sam's only response was "out", and that was that. He closed the front door behind him and hopped down the steps with Fireflight, hands in his pockets; he was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and some tennis shoes, and one of his favorite Strokes shirts.

"Let's walk," he suggested. "But, um..." Sam gave a wary glance to Fireflight's choice of dress. "Maybe you should change to something a little more...summer-y? People might think you're strange for wearing that jacket in this weather."

Fireflight: Flight chuckles. "Yeah, I understand that. Sometimes my brothers start complaining about things..." He turns to blink at Sam as they walk down the sidewalk. "They will? Why? What's wrong with it?" The hologram comes to a halt, looking down at itself.

Sam: "Uh, nothing, really, it's a nice jacket..." Sam paused, looking it up and down. It was a nice jacket. "But it's a little heavy for this kind of weather. Most people would start suffocating in the heat if they went out wearing that jacket on a day like this."

Fireflight: The jacket fizzles away, leaving him in just a t-shirt. "Oh, I understand. You'd overheat." He laughs sheepishly. "I don't know too much about organics."

Sam: Sam grinned wide, snickering. "Better," he commented on the shirt. "And I could probably teach you a few things..." he continued their walking pace, now that the wardrobe malfunction had been fixed.

Fireflight: Flight nods in agreement. "Much!" His hands go into his pockets as he strolls, enjoying the open air and sunshine. "Really? That'd be great! I'd love to learn about you guys!"

Sam: There was another amused chuckle out of the teen. He really loved interacting with the Autobots like this; it brought a little more entertainment into his hum-drum life. "Well, uh, you wanna give me a topic to start on? There's a pretty broad range of things to discuss..."

Fireflight: "Wellllllll...." He tapped his chin thoughtfully for a moment. "I've always wondered why you intake so many different kinds of nutrients. We only need energon or fuel."

Sam: Sam's smile faded a little as he turned his gaze upward, needing to think for a moment. "Uhhh..." He considered the question for a while, a little puzzled. They always picked the hard ones that were ridiculously simple.

"Well, on our tongues we have what we call taste buds, and they help us to differentiate between different kinds of tastes in food. It's sort of boring to just eat the same stuff over and over again, so we like a lot of variety. Depending on the culture you're born in, your preference in taste can differ, too." Sam paused, then added, "Plus, all the different foods we eat help to give us the vitamins we need to be healthy."

Fireflight: The Aerialbot thinks on this for a moment, then nods in understanding. "Yeah! I think I understand that. Same thing over and over again gets boring after a while. And so many different vitamins and stuff... wow. Fascinating, really."

Fireflight: He pauses again. "Anything you wanna know about Cybertronians?"

Sam: Sam grinned nervously. "Eheh. There's not a whole lot left that Bee hasn't covered," he admitted. He paused for a while, thinking. "But if you don't mind, maybe I could ask a couple of questions about you, specifically."

Fireflight: There's a nod in reply as Flight turns the corner, just sort of wondering, but making sure to stay in range of his projector. "Sure thing! Be happy to talk!"

Sam: Sam himself was half-following, half-leading; he wasn't too sure where they were going, but he tried to look up now and again to keep track so they wouldn't be totally lost.

He remembered an incident from about a week ago (rather unwantedly, but nevertheless), and shuffled, hands pressing into his pockets a bit as he looked at Fireflight. "...What's your relationship with Bee and Thundercracker?" Sam asked curiously.

Fireflight: A hand runs through the holos hair. "Well, I'm Bee's friend and I'm bonded to TC." He grins happily. "We sorta have a weird family dynamic, but it works out."

Sam: Bonded to--? That made the third one, now, didn't it? Sam refrained from making any faces. 'Weird' was putting it lightly. "...I don't get it," he said honestly. "What do you guys see in Thundercracker, exactly?"

Fireflight: Sam gets a shrug in response. "It's just... him. His entire being. His personality. Himself. I don't really know. I just know that when I'm with him and Skywarp I feel content and at peace."

Sam: "...Hmm." Sam frowned a little. Thundercracker had actually been kind of an ass to him, but maybe the Seeker was a little nicer to the people he held dear to him. Maybe. (Looking back on it now, Sam would admit he'd deserved some of it by opening his fat mouth and provoking TC, but that didn't mean he had to like it.)

"I see..." Sam still didn't seem very convinced, but he wasn't sure how to argue, tilting his head. "I guess I can relate...sort of."

Fireflight: Another happy nod and now the flyer has splayed his holo out on a patch of grass. "Yeah! It feels so good just being with them." A curious look crawls over his face. "What do you think about Bee?"

Sam: Sam blinked, a bit caught off-guard as he sat down next to Fireflight. "What...?"

Bee...what he thought about Bee...

His brow knit down the center. Was that a blush...? "He's...nice...and a great friend. I'm always glad to hang out with him and stuff."

Fireflight: Fireflight eyes Sam critically. Did his sensors detect a spike just then...? Maybe they needed to be recalibrated. "Yeah. He's a pretty cool 'bot. Although he can be a bit of aft sometimes." He laughs good-naturedly, looking up at the sky.

Sam: Bee, an aft? Sam didn't think it possible. Then again, he didn't think it possible for TC to be nice. Anything could happen, maybe.

"I'm kind of attached to him, in a way," Sam admitted, leaning back on the grass with his hands behind his head. "He was the first Autobot I met, so I think of him pretty closely."

Fireflight: "Yeah, that seems natural enough." The hologram plucks a blade of grass and examines it as he speaks. "You guys did go through Mission City together."

Fireflight: A thought and he blinks at Sam. "Can I ask you something?"

Sam: Sam turned his head. "Sure, what?"

Fireflight: The hologram fidgets. "This might be a bit personal... Uh... My sensors caught some spikes in your vital readings when I asked about Bee..." He trails off and shrugs.

Sam: ...Yeah, Sam definitely blushed again that time.

He coughed nervously, clearing his throat and looking away, almost shy. "Um...well, that's...not really up for debate. I get the feeling I'll be dead meat if I tell you why."

Fireflight: The Aerialbot looks horrified. "I wouldn't hurt you!"

Sam: "...Not you," Sam replied quietly, scratching his head as a certain blue Seeker flashed through his head. "I..." he hesitated. "...Sorta...kinda...like Bee."

Fireflight: Flight shoots Sam a confused look. "You mean... like like Bee?"

Sam: Sam pressed his lips tight, nodding. "Aaaand Thundercracker wouldn't take very kindly to that, so, I'm supposed to keep that under wraps."

Fireflight: "Oh... " Flight settles back on his elbows, thinking. "Wow... That's... interesting." A small laugh and then he flashes Sam a reassuring smile. "Don't worry... I'm not gonna tell anyone."

Sam: He allowed himself a light smile, and tried to lighten the mood a little. "Why, is it too weird to think of a squishy like me crushing on a 'Bot?"

Fireflight: "Well, sort of. And I don't want TC to squish you." He gives a quick nod.

Sam: Sam laughed. Yeah, he didn't want that, either. "How do things work out with you...four, exactly?" A frown of concern crossed his expression, "I kind of get the feeling Skywarp and Bee don't get along very well."

Fireflight: Flight falls back laughing. "Ohh.... Oh no, they sorta don't. Not usually. They bicker a lot. I usually play peacekeeper. Except... Oh this is hilarious... Bee and Warp got overcharged the other night - that's like getting drunk - and he wand Warp ended up interfacing." There's another bout of a laughter and he rolls over, face pressed into the grass.

Sam: The teen couldn't help laughing along a little bit, though not quite as enthusiastic. That was sort of how the mess between him and Bee got started...

"Uhh...oh, wow...are they okay with it? That's kind of...awkward..." Alright, he had to snicker a little. The thought was too funny.

Fireflight: Flight looks up, grinning. "Oh, yeah. They're doing fine. It's just funny as slag."

Sam: Sam chuckled. "Yeah, I guess," he agreed lightly.

Fireflight: Flight smiles softly. "You're a good guy, Sam."

Sam: "You think?" Sam smiled sheepishly, sitting up on his elbows. "Well, if it's any sort of compliment, I like you Cybertronians a lot. You're really interesting." Sam had, in fact, recently considered taking up an engineering class. Mikaela was pretty good with machines, but it made him feel...left out, in a way, that he wasn't quite so good with mechanics.

Fireflight: Fireflight preens. "I like to think we're good beings. We do try to help out." He was enjoying himself. The squishies were actually quite fun!

Sam: "Yeah, it's been surprisingly peaceful lately between you guys," Sam pointed out. "I mean, considering you could be firing shots at each other and such."

Fireflight: "We could be... But we're not." Flight chuckles. "It's good that there's peace."

Sam: Sam nodded in agreement. It was very good. Peace he could deal with. Grinning, he laid back against the grass. "Yeah, less buildings turning to ash in the process," he joked. But it was more than that; it meant he could really spend time with the 'bots and get to know them. And he could have time to relax, as well.

Fireflight: Flight smiles, a hint of sadness in his voice. "Less worlds burned to ash. Less people ending up dead." He shakes his head a bit and gets his happier smile back.

Fireflight: Suddenly, Flight perks up. "Hey! You wanna go for a flight? It'll be great!"

Sam: At the very suggestion, Sam's stomach sunk a little. His last "flight" hadn't exactly been pleasant. "A...flight...?"

Fireflight: Flight nods eagerly. "Yeah! Quick spin around the area! You'll love it!"

Fireflight: He stands up, tugging at the human. "C'mon!"

Sam: Sam tries to protest as he's jerked to his feet, but his arguments turn into incoherent strings of childish babbling. After a while, he just gives up and clamps his mouth shut, sighing. Well, Fireflight wasn't Thundercracker, so maybe there would be a little less death involved.

Fireflight: The excited Aerialbot literally drags Sam through the streets until he reaches the abandoned lot where he parked himself. He propels Sam towards himself with a gentle shove.

Sam: Sam can't help a nervous whimper. "Y-You're not gonna do anything crazy, right?" he asked, climbing hesitantly into the cockpit.

Fireflight: His hologram fizzles out and his voice sounds from a speaker in the cockpit. "No. Why would I? You guys are fragile."

Sam: "...Oh. Good." Sam squirms into place, strapping in, though he's quite visibly tense all the same.

Fireflight: "You OK, Sam?"

Fireflight: His engines start to warm up, the sound starting to fill the cockpit.

Sam: "...M'fine," Sam insisted, smiling a bit. He draws in a deep breath. "Just start it up, okay? Once we're in the air I'll be good."

Fireflight: "Right on!" A moment later the Aerialbot accelerates, lifting off into the clear blue sky, banking as he begins a gradual climb.

Sam: Sam keeps himself firmly against the seat, and doesn't really move much, waiting until they're higher before even daring to look out the window. His stomach lurches a bit out of nervousness, but he quashes it down as much as possible to try and enjoy the view. Eventually, he finds himself smiling.

Fireflight: Fireflight takes them on a nice, easy cruise over the city, being careful to stay out of actual flight paths so they don't hit a jetliner.

Sam: And, slowly, Sam's fear lifted and he was staring out the glass of the cockpit in total awe. (And, he didn't have to steer because the jet was driving itself. Very big plus.) "You were right, Fireflight, this is pretty cool!" It was like having his own private flight, really.

Fireflight: "I told you!" He loops back around, winging over the city. "Flying is one of the best things in the whole universe. I really feely sorry for the groundpounders. They'll never know what it feels like."

Sam: Sam laughed. "You can still do cool stuff while you're on the ground," he said. (Hey, he was sort of a groundpounder himself, someone had to stick up for them.) "But you're right, flying is awesome."

Fireflight: The jet seems like its considering. "I guess so. But it's still not as good as flying."

Sam: "You're just biased because you have a set of wings," Sam chuckled, teasing the 'bot a little bit.

Fireflight: "Hey! Wings are the greatest invention of Cybertronian-kind."

Sam: "And they're one of the greatest inventions for humankind, too, so I guess that makes us even."

Fireflight: A chuckle sounds through the cockpit. "Yeah, I suppose so. You do make good use of them."

Sam: Sam grins a bit, still looking down at the city below. Everything looked ant-sized from up here.

"You know what, Fireflight, you're okay." The teen is practically pressed against the flass. "One more circle around? Then we'll call it quits, maybe."

Fireflight: "Sure thing!" The Aerialbot happily does another circuit of the city, tilting to give Sam a better view. He enjoys sharing his joy and love for flying with others. Slowly, he starts to descend, landing in the same lot.

Sam: Once they're on the ground again, Sam unbuckles, and climbs out, feeling rather exhilarated after that awesome flight.

"So, do you wanna hang for a little longer? I'm sure we can still teach each other a few things, and I have time to kill before dinner."

Fireflight: Fireflight considers for a moment. "I'd love to, but I really should get back to base soon... "

Sam: "Ah." Sam was a bit disappointed, but it wasn't like he had things to do...homework, notably. He'd been hoping to dodge that a little longer, for once...

But, he smiled. He'd had fun. "Well, it was nice meeting you, anyway. I guess I should get back home, too."

Fireflight: "Yeah! I had a good time. Maybe we can hang out some other time." He rolls back slightly, engines starting to hum again. "See you later!"

Sam: Sam is taking gradual steps backward as he waves a last farewell to Fireflight, shouting good-bye over the hum of the jet's engines.

He's a little happier as he strikes homeward. Sam still doesn't like Thundercracker all that much, but, two out of three of his bondmates so far proved to be pretty enjoyable. The angles of that relationship still hadn't completely fallen into place, but...Sam hoped it was just him missing a piece of the puzzle. It might not be so impossible.

fireflight, log, sam

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