Log dump: Longarm learns more about Galvi!

Apr 12, 2008 15:46

Ironhide: -enters the common room, his visits to the medbay lessening now that he knows Megatron will live, and grabs himself a cube of highgrade, leaning back against the bar-
Longarm: *Longarm has been exploring the base once more (so far, no more eggs have cropped up, much to his disappointment;) alternatively rolling along in alt mode and transforming back into his bot mode when he finds something interesting - like a new room in a fairly busy area! Longarm steps in slowly, half in the doorway and looking around.*
Ironhide: -doesn't notice him at first, thinking to himself and sipping at his cube-
Longarm: *Longarm, however, /does/ notice Ironhide, and lets out a pleased chirp at the sight, winding forward between the tables and the occasional strewn empty cube, looking around in curiosity as he makes his way over to his mentor.*
Ironhide: ....hey, kid. -smiles slightly- Haven't seen you for a few days.
Longarm: *Perks up, facial plates twitching as he 'grins'.* Hello. No, we have not seen each other. It has been...unusual. How...is everything?
Ironhide: S'fine. Sessions'll start up again in a couple of days. -finishes off his cube-
Longarm: Alright. That is...good. I had been curious about why we....did not go out as planned.
Ironhide: Security issues. No one's allowed off-base without permission at the moment. -doesn't want to lie to him-
Longarm: We are not....allowed? Why not? *Head tilts, curious!*
Ironhide: ....Galvatron. -grabs another cube for himself-
Longarm: Galvatron? You have mentioned him before, I think. Why would he stop people from leaving the base? *watches Ironhide*
Ironhide: It's...c'mon. Don't want to talk about this here. -straightens up and downs his cube before setting it down and taking a step for the door-
Longarm: *Longarm nods and follows, watching Ironhide closely - he sounds somewhat ...off*
Ironhide: -leads Longarm to his quarters, making sure the door is shut before speaking- You remember when I told you about the war? -takes a seat at the desk, motioning for Longarm to sit as well-
Longarm: *Nods and stares for a moment, before sitting down* Yes. I do.
Ironhide: -nods himself, then pulls out a couple of cubes, handing one to Longarm- M'sure you've probably heard by now; Megatron's in the medbay. Nearly got killed.
Longarm: *Blinks, taking the cube out of reflex, eyeing it quizically - what's he supposed to do with this? Should he drink it? He's seen other mechs do it - before looking back up at Ironhide.* Megatron? Medbay? ...I thought he was supposed to be ...very strong? Was there a new...war? One he could not...win?
Ironhide: Gonna be honest. There might be a new one, don't know yet. How much do you know about Galvatron? -sips at his cube-
Longarm: *Something about that statement worries Longarm at a very deep, base level, though he has no idea why.* He is...a 'doppel...ganger'? And also 'psychotic'? *And that is about all he knows!*
Ironhide: Doppelganger. Clone. Copy. And yeah, he ain't very sane. Megatron's leader of the Decepticons, and for a lot of 'em, they follow the strongest mech. M'sure Galvatron's pretty damaged as well, but he did best Megatron, and that will be taken as a sign of weakness on Megatron's part. ...understand so far?
Longarm: I....Yes? *Another head tilt - this is all so odd.*
Ironhide: Galvatron wants to take over leadership of the Decepticons. His defeat over Megatron might make some of the Decepticons join him. -pauses- This is not good, because Galvatron's only goal is to destroy.
Longarm: */That/ gets Longarm's attention.* The Decepticons? The others here in the base? ...And what does ...Galvatron...what to destroy?
Ironhide: -frowns- Everything. You gonna drink that, kid?
Longarm: *Looks down at the cube* Um...yes? *He knows how to do this, though he sniffs at it first. The strong smell of the high grade - stronger then the taste of the goodies that where in the eggs - makes him snort, jerking back. This Should Have Been a Sign. Instead, he imitates what he's seen and takes a sip from the cube. And sputters spectacularly.*
Ironhide: ...... -optic ridge goes up- Lemme guess. First time with highgrade? Sip it slowly.
Longarm: *Nods though his sputtering, finally manging to swallow some of the energon in his throat rather then inhale it into his intakes, frowning as he becomes accustomed to the aftertaste.* How...strange. *His optics burn a little bit brighter as the mouthful reaches his tanks - that feels almost ...pleasant.*
Ironhide: -chuckles a bit- Thought you'd had some by now.
Longarm: *Hums and shakes his head, cautiously taking a far more meager sip.* Nothing...like /this/...
Ironhide: Similar to alcohol for humans. Ya gotta be careful how much you drink.
Longarm: *Just nods again, slowly nursing his cube - now that he's gotten over the first taste, this stuff is really alright! He can feel it in his fuel tanks, though, and it's kinda tingly. Is that normal?*
Ironhide: -completely normal!-
Longarm: *Interesting - he can feel it speading out through the systems surrounding his fuel tanks - the other energon didn't do /that/* ...So you were talking about...Galavtron? *Another sip*
Ironhide: Yeah. Not really much more about him than what I told you already.
Longarm: And Megatron? *Another sip*
Ironhide: He's in the medbay right now. Been checkin' on him every now and then.
Longarm: *Shivers just a tiny bit at the mention of the medbay - mechanics! D: * Oh. That is...good. You are...worried about him? *head tilt, awkward sip*
Ironhide: .....yeah.
Longarm: *Pauses for a moment, before chirping sadly.* I do not think I can...help with that. *Stares down into cube, frowning*
Ironhide: -finishes off his cube- Don't worry about it. He'll be fine.
Longarm: That is...good. No one should have to stay at the /mechanics/. *Sage nod, cube sloshing just a bit.*
Ironhide: Medics. Not mechanics. -grins slightly- S'what Ratchet does.
Longarm: Oh. Yes. ...Sure. *Nods, sipping again. My, that cube is going down pretty fast for someone just taking sips!*
Ironhide: Y'have a run-in with a mechanic before or somethin'? -curious, he'd caught that odd tone-
Longarm: *That tiny, terrified little 'meep' can be safely translated to a yes!*
Ironhide: What happened? -fetches himself another cube-
Longarm: *Meeps again, hunching down and clinging to his cube, towing arm drawing up tight against his chassis, door wings shifting with a shrug* ....
Ironhide: Longarm. Tell me what happened.
Longarm: ....Don't want to. *sips*
Ironhide: ......alright. Y'ever want to talk about it, though, m'here. -sips at his own cube-
Longarm: ...I'm sorry? *Clicks quietly - now he feels bad*
Ironhide: Don't be, kid. I won't force ya to talk if y'don't want to.
Longarm: 'kay. Good... *Relaxes a bit, still somewhat huddled up, and take another sip, down to the last quarter of the cube.*
Ironhide: Relax, Longarm. -notices he's still kind of huddled-
Longarm: ...Alright. *Relaxes slightly, looking around a bit.* This is where you and...Ratchet...stay, yes? *sip*
Ironhide: Yeah.
Longarm: Oh. *Goes quiet for several moments, thinking, before looking back up at Ironhide innocently, optics bright with overcharge.* You both are rather...loud.
Ironhide: .......loud? -kinda twitches, hoping Longarm isn't talking about what he thinks he is-
Longarm: Hmm? Yes. There several rooms where you can....hear the people inside from the halls. They are...usually yelling. But not in a bad way?
Ironhide: ...... -yeah, definitely twitches there- ......uh. We'll work on that. -downs the rest of his cube-
Longarm: Work on what? *Head tilt! Does not see the problem - was just making drunken conversation!*
Ironhide: ....hn. -chooses not to answer that- Not letting you have any more after that cube.
Longarm: *Sad chirr* ...Alright. *Sips, eeeever so slightly possessive hold on the last bit of his energon*
Ironhide: Yer already overcharged, I can tell.
Longarm: ...Overcharged? *Sips - mmm, tingly. That tickles! :D*
Ironhide: ....drunk. Intoxicated. -shakes his head a bit; the kid's a lightweight-
Longarm: Oh. Yes. That. *Sips, nodding* ...I think so. *Does not sound displeased! Curious sparkling is intrigued by this strange feeling.*
Ironhide: Like I said, ya gotta be careful how much you drink.
Longarm: *Looks up* ...Why? Does something...bad happen if you drink too much?
Ironhide: Somethin' bad can happen. Loss 'f balance, inhibitions, inability t' make sound decisions...
Longarm: Oh. That...does not sound enjoyable.
Ironhide: Yeah. 've done some stupid slag when I've had too much t' drink. What little I /can/ remember 'f it.
Longarm: Then...why do you drink this? *frowns, he's not sure he likes this strange feeling...*
Ironhide: Feels good. As long as ya drink in moderation.
Longarm: Makes my systems feel strange... *Yeah, not that it will stop him from taking another sip.*
Ironhide: .....kid, yer slurring. Definitely not lettin' you have another. -amused-
Longarm: ...Am not. *Frowns - is that a pout?*
Ironhide: -chuckles-
Longarm: *Snorts, shifting and taking another sip*
Ironhide: -quirks an optic ridge- M'gonna have t' help you to yer quarters, I bet.
Longarm: ...Why would you need to d..do that? *Bliiiiink*
Ironhide: -grins- Stand up, kid.
Longarm: .... *Frowns and tilts back his cube - there goes the last of it - and stands up. And goes /right/ back down, legs folding up under him with a shrill squeak, fumbling for the desk.*
Ironhide: -shakes his head and goes over to help him up- That's why.
Longarm: *Meeps in distress - why won't his legs work? D: *
Ironhide: Yeeeah, yer a lightweight. -pulls him up, letting Longarm lean on him-
Longarm: *His legs! They aren't woooorking! DDD: The joints keeps folding back up, and he clings to Ironhide's armor, clicking and keening unhappily.*
Ironhide: C'mon. -starts helping him over to the neatly piled blankets in one corner of the room- Recharge'll make ya feel better.
Longarm: *Half stumbles, and is half dragged over, clinging tightly* I do /not/ like this. *Not a happy sparkling*
Ironhide: S'why I told ya to be careful, kid. -helps him onto the blankets-
Longarm: I /was/... *Stumbles, staring down at the blankets in confusion. That's new.*
Ironhide: Lay down 'n recharge. Promise you'll feel better.
Longarm: 's soft... *Pokes at the blankets with a unsteady foot.*
Ironhide: C'mon, lay down.
Longarm: ...Alright. *Lets Ironhide's armor go and /flops/, poking at the organic fiber piles. Facinating...*
Ironhide: -pats him on the back-
Longarm: *Falls over sideways at the pat, making a strange sound that eventually becomes something resembling laughter - /someone/ has gone into a weak giggle stage now.*
Ironhide: ..... -shakes his head- Lightweight.
Longarm: What does that /mean/? My weight is within the average of...of the others within my size class. *Frowns deeply - its hard for him to think straight.*
Ironhide: Means ya can't hold your energon. Recharge.
Longarm: 'Can't hold it'? I would think that this would mean I was...'holding it' a bit too well. *Drunken sparkling + drunken logic ='s bad drunken jokes!*
Ironhide: -sighs, smiling, and rubs his back, trying to get him to recharge-
Longarm: *Drunken sparkling is also easily distracted, and chirrs happily at the attention, engine humming*
Ironhide: -keeps on rubbing his back, waiting for him to pass out-
Longarm: *Curls up on the blanket pile, folding up so much he is actually half into his alt-mode - yes, that /is indeed/ how he recharges.*
Ironhide: -gets up and walks over to the couch, settling down on it and flipping through channels, keeping the volume low-
Longarm: *Whirl-clicks quietly, watching Ironhide as his systems begin to quickly fall into recharge, orange optics blinking fitfully as he tries to fight it and stay awake.*
Ironhide: -looks over at him every now and then, but stays focused mostly on the vidscreen-
Longarm: *Optics watch, fickering, before finally they go out, and Longarm slumps the rest of the way, passed out into deep recharge.*

Shortly after that, Ratchet comes back.

Ironhide: -Ironhide is settled on the couch, watching some action movie, and there is a youngling passed out on the blankets in the corner-
Ratchet: *He came in from the first round of checkups, looking beat.* ..Hey, Hide....*he glanced at the TV*,..Anything decent?
Ironhide: Eh. It's alright. -shrugs, motioning towards the spot next to him-
Ratchet: *He moved over to sit down next to Hide, leaning slightly against him, not noting the other mech just yet.*
Ironhide: -wraps an arm around his shoulders- ....looking like you're gonna have to hunt anyone down yet?
Ratchet: Not yet, but...I am sure I will. *He sighed, and rubbed his forehead*
Ironhide: Y'know I'll help you if you want.
Ratchet: I know...and thank you, Hide. I appreciate it. *He hadn't looked over yet..*
Ironhide: -leans on him and changes the channel- Starting to get boring.
Ratchet: *He nodded, looking around out of said bordom, and finding the other mech* ...Um, Who....?
Ironhide: -looks over- ....oh. That's Longarm, one of the younglings. Let him have one cube of highgrade, and he was gone.
Ratchet: ....You...DID WHAT? *he looked over at Hide*
Ironhide: ......it was just one cube.
Ironhide: How was I supposed to know he'd be a lightweight?
Ratchet: ...But a YOUNGLING, HIDE? *appalled*
Ironhide: It wasn't the really strong stuff...
Ratchet: Hide, it was a cube of HIGHGRADE. The most younglings get are LOWGRADE.
Ratchet: TELL me someone told you that once.
Ironhide: ....fraggit.
Ratchet: *shocked and apalled look*
Ironhide: M'sure someone told me once; it's probably one of those corrupted files.
Ironhide: Haven't dealt with younglings since before the war. -apologetic look-
Ratchet: *He stared at him*....But it's common sense!
Ironhide: I didn't know!
Ironhide: Frag, four, five million years of corrupted files, and not dealing with younglings for nine?
Ratchet: But....*he facepalmed. He still saw this as common knowledge*
Ironhide: Look, I'm sorry. Won't do it again. -tentative nuzzle-
Ratchet: *He grumbled at that, and sighed.* ...Please don't...*he was referring to the energon, not the nuzzle*
Ironhide: ....sorry. -another nuzzle, and a kiss on the jaw-
Ratchet: *He rumbled a bit, then smirked* Not with the kid...
Ironhide: ....didn't plan on it. -grumbles-
Ratchet: Good. *But he still didn't /like/ that, but oh well. He leaned against Hide, just looking at the TV*
Ironhide: -another nuzzle, he really is sorry...- What do you want to watch?
Ratchet: *He shook his head* ...I have no idea.
Ironhide: Hn. -flips through channels idly, snuggling against him-
Ratchet: *He just leaned against him, just staying there, watching the channels flip through. It was on the Discovery channel that something caught his eye. It was something about Earth's African animal life, and he was always willing to learn more about Earth's inhabitants.* Wait, there....
Ironhide: .....alright. -it did look kind of interesting, and it was better than anything else on-

longarm, log, ratchet, ironhide

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