Log dump: Chromia visits Arcee, and Ironhide talks with Optimus and Megatron (separately)!

Apr 10, 2008 01:10

Chromia: -as promised, after helping Elita back to her quarters, she goes to visit Arcee, pausing at the door before quietly knocking- ::Arcee? It's me.::
Arcee: ...*blinkblink. She hadn't actually been expecting anyone, and with her remote access, the door clicks open.*
Chromia: -goes in, closing the door behind her- Arcee?
Arcee: *she blinks up at Chromia, optics slitting as she focuses on her. The room's pretty dark, no windows open or anything.* yeah?
Chromia: I....I just wanted to check on you. You were...acting strangely. -moves closer, worry evident on her face-
Arcee: *she's still acting kinda funny, she felt weird, unnatural. A piece of her was missing, and not only did it hurt like nothing she'd ever fraggin' felt before, it made her feel hollow. Like a shell.* Sorry...
Chromia: -sits down next to her-
Arcee: *gives her a blank stare, curling into a tight ball.*
Chromia: Oh, honey... -hugs her- Nemesis will /pay/ for this.
Arcee: *stares bleakly up at her.* For what?
Chromia: .....for hurting you. -hugs her tighter-
Arcee: *she flinches, she's still not fixed, but she leans into the hug appreciatively.* Thanks, uh, for coming to see me. Haven't gotten many visitors. *as in, she's had one, now two.*
Chromia: Like I wouldn't come check on my teammate.....my friend?
Arcee: *smiles faintly at her.* It's...appreciated. *winces again, whimpering softly. Owie.*
Chromia: -releases her hold a bit at that whimper-
Arcee: It hurts...hurtshurtshurts...how do I make it stop? *keens quietly, spark reaching for something that no longer is there *
Chromia: I don't know, hon. I wish I could help ease it... -rests her head on Arcee's shoulder-
Arcee: *shudders against Chromia.* Me too...never...never woulda thought it would hurt like this. Especially two, at the same slagging time...
Chromia: -really doesn't know what to say, so she just holds her, engine rumbling comfortingly-
Arcee: *she purrs in silent content against Chromia.* Springer came to see me. He left not long ago.
Chromia: -smiles softly- I'm not surprised.
Arcee: *pause...* What?
Chromia: Mech's been crushing on you for /vorns/. -rubs her back-
Arcee: *if she could, she'd /blush/* R-really...?
Chromia: You couldn't tell? -slightly shocked tone-
Arcee: Well...I mean...I guess maybe I could, but..you know, the whole war, and then now here....*stumbles over her words, spark aaaaaaaching and she flinches again, feeling horribly pathetic.* Ugh.
Chromia: -gives her a small, affectionate nuzzle- It was pretty obvious.
Arcee: *she hides her head in Chromnia's lap, squirming.* I feel horrible.
Chromia: The pain will get better. -she doesn't really know if it will, but wants to comfort Arcee- You've got friends here to help you.
Arcee: *nods vacantly, a hand rubbing at the gaping hole in her chest.* Y-yeah...friends...
Chromia: -keeps on rubbing her back-
Arcee: I want it back. *whimpers.*
Arcee: The bond with Elita was so old...
Chromia: -stays silent, just letting her talk-
Arcee: I dunno what to do...I doubt...I doubt Soundwave will let Elita rebond with me...I mean...the only reason we kept it was because the war was still going on...cause it would do...*gestures * THIS to us...*blinks up at Chromia * R-right?
Chromia: ....Soundwave has no say in whether or not you and Elita want to rebond. You remember that.
Arcee: I know...but...
Chromia: You should talk to Elita. She's worried about you, too. -quietly-
Arcee: *nods stiffly * She's...she's supposed to come see me later. Maybe tomorrow morning.
Chromia: Good. -falls silent again, rubbing her back still-
Arcee: I dunno what to do. About anything. Elita. Barricade. Springer.
Chromia: You don't have to decide on anything right now. Take some time to think on things.
Arcee: Yeah...you're right...*squirms in Chromia's grip, edging closer. It was nice to be hugged, even if it hurt like hell.*
Chromia: -lets her edge closer- And you know that if you ever need to talk about anything, Firestar and I will listen.
Arcee: *nods tiredly, rubbing a hand over her face.* Yeah. I just...this is a lot to handle.
Chromia: -nods as well-
Arcee: *she fights a tired yawn, not wanting to fall asleep yet, because with sleep came nightmares *
Chromia: Do you want me to stay a while longer...?
Arcee: *nods * Just...just til I fall asleep?
Chromia: Of course.
Arcee: *its a struggle to stay awake, and after only a few minutes, she's half gone.*
Chromia: -doesn't stop rubbing her back, murmuring nonsense in Cybertronian softly in a soothing voice-
Arcee: *she gives a final sigh before dropping off into slumber, whimpering occasionaly *
Chromia: -stays with her for another few breems after she slips into recharge before carefully standing up and heading out, not making a sound-
Arcee: *goooooooone!*

Optimus Prime: *Has finally spoken with Megatron, and felt the better for it. Still, he's reluctant to leave his mate alone here, and has so resumed his place at the Decepticon Leader's side once he fell asleep. But now that he knows Megatron is out of danger, so to speak, and not about to drown himself in emo (even if he's very, very aware that he did something stupid), he's allowing himself to get some work done. Roller's proven himself useful and has tapped into Teletraan-1, and they're using their remote link to relay information*
Ironhide: -comes back in after a while to check on Megatron, feeling better since he'd talked to him and had a cube or two of energon- How is he?
Optimus Prime: *Glances up - which in itself is a change from how he was before, barely responding to any stimulus* Better. He's got a long way to go, though.
Ironhide: Hn. -moves to stand next to him- How are /you/?
Optimus Prime: ...better. *Rubs the back of his neck, working out an ache*
Ironhide: -eyes him- ...have you been re-energizing at all?
Optimus Prime: *Hesitates, then sighs and looks back at Megatron* A bit. *Which is another way of saying not really.*
Ironhide: -he's known Optimus a long time, and that hesitation usually means he's lying- Uh huh. You should know better than to lie to me. -and promptly unsubs a couple of cubes, handing one to him-
Optimus Prime: It's not lying. *It's not saying the whole truth. There's a difference. He doesn't hesitate (or seem surprised) with the cube, accepting one with a nod of thanks.*
Ironhide: Whatever. Just drink it. Wouldn't do to have you going into stasis lock.
Optimus Prime: *Nods again* Thank you, Ironhide. *Starts to drink it...slowly*
Ironhide: -looks down at Megatron, sipping at his own- ...he'll be fine, Optimus.
Optimus Prime: *Quiet sigh* I know he will. *Rubs his thumb along the edge of the cube*
Ironhide: Had a chance to talk to him yet? -more curious than anything, and he sits down next to Optimus-
Optimus Prime: He woke up for a time. We discussed his stupidity. *Dry of dry smiles*
Ironhide: -quiet snort- I talked with him, too. He is sorry, for what he did.
Optimus Prime: I know. *Quieter, and takes another sip of the cube. A longer one*
Ironhide: -goes silent, just sipping at his cube and providing company-
Optimus Prime: *Is quiet for a time...then lowers the now half-gone cube to rub the bridge of his nose* There are very few beings I can say that I truly hate, Ironhide...but Galvatron is making his spot on that list.
Ironhide: Yeah, he's getting there on mine, too. -dryly- But, knowing Megatron, he didn't go down without causing as much, if not more, damage.
Optimus Prime: *Slow nod* I wonder *briefest of pauses, only noticible to someone who knows Prime- read: ironhide - because he keeps talking* how soon the ramnifications will start...
Ironhide: -quiet for a moment before speaking- Think they already started. -remembers the chat he had with Bonecrusher, and the rough treatment he'd been giving Megatron-
Optimus Prime: Hn. *Optics flicker towards Megatron* Any look like they're going to run for this?
Ironhide: Not sure yet, honestly. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if Bonecrusher does.
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: *Medative sip*
Ironhide: Fragger's confusing as all slag.
Optimus Prime: I think a lot of it will depend on how Megatron deals with this, when he gets back up...
Ironhide: More than likely. -nods, finishing off his cube-
Ironhide: Been trying to see this through a stereotypical 'Con's perspective. Can't say I've had much luck in doing so.
Optimus Prime: *Finishes his as well, and runs a systems check. It helped. Bluntly* It's hard. I'm bonded to one, and I still can't always figure out the way his processor works.
Optimus Prime: ...though I do know that if it was that easy to shake faith in him, the war would have been over a lot sooner.
Ironhide: Point. He /is/ a good leader, gotta respect him for that.
Ironhide: ....most of the time.
Optimus Prime: He's a ruthless one. And I think I'm rubbing off on him. *Rueful!*
Optimus Prime: *-but is half-joking*
Ironhide: -grins slightly- He's rubbing off on you, too.
Optimus Prime: Oh?
Ironhide: Little things. -shrugs-
Ironhide: But that's what happens when you have a Bonded.
Optimus Prime: I suppose...all I know is that I can't imagine life without him, anymore. *Wry look. Nor does he want to.*
Ironhide: -nods; he knows the feeling-
Optimus Prime: Makes it all the more harder to me to risk my own. *Very quietly*
Ironhide: Know how that goes. -quietly as well, and unsubs a couple more cubes, handing one over wordlessly-
Optimus Prime: *Accepts it, setting down the empty one and starting on the second* I mean...I've done something like this before. But I always had a backup plan...if I went alone, it was to be a distraction, if I wasn't a distraction, then I had backup ready to move in on my signal...*sigh*
Ironhide: -pats him on the shoulder- It was stupid of him to do. Hopefully he'll learn better and not do it again. Just wish he didn't have to learn in this manner.
Optimus Prime: Experience is the best teacher. *Dry*
Ironhide: Unfortunately.
Optimus Prime: *Quiet for a time, just sipping...then...switches to comms* \\Can I ask you to be honest with me?\\
Ironhide: -blinks, frowning slightly- ::'Course you can.::
Optimus Prime: *Nods* \\Do you think I've handled this poorly?\\ *And by his tone of voice - this could mean a lot of things. It's more than just Megatron, though*
Ironhide: ::You're gonna have to clarify.::
Optimus Prime: \\The whole Galvatron situation.\\ *Sip*
Ironhide: ::I think...you're handling it as well as you can. Fragger's tough. At least as tough as Megatron.:: -nods down at said mech- ::And...he's good at spinning pretty words.::
Ironhide: ::Gotta be careful with a mech like him.::
Optimus Prime: \\No surprise, since he's technically Megatron...\\ *And he well remembers how Megatron started the war. Shakes his head slowly, face clouding*
Ironhide: ::We'll defeat 'im. He isn't the same as Megatron. And we've faced worse and won.::
Optimus Prime: \\Isn't he, Ironhide?\\ *Looks back at the weapons specialist* \\He came from his spark. He's a product of Megatron. And when it all comes down to it...there's a link between them. And I-\\ *Cuts self off*
Ironhide: ::Optimus.:: -looks at him seriously- ::He isn't the same. He's just a small piece, who only wants to do one thing: destroy. We'll find a way to take care of this. We have with everything else.::
Optimus Prime: \\I know we will. But...it's still...\\ *It's still him, isn't it? And if he hates it, or him...does that mean he's hating...is going to take a long, long drink of the cube now and look back at Megatron*
Ironhide: -he can guess at what Optimus is thinking and frowns, not knowing what to say-
Optimus Prime: *On one hand he wants to berate himself for thinking to put Galvatron on the same level as Megatron...but the other...he just doesn't know. And he grips the cube in both hands, leaning over slightly with a frown.*
Ironhide: You should recharge. I'll stay here for a while.
Optimus Prime: ...I'd rather not leave.
Ironhide: Optimus. Go recharge. If anything comes up, I'll comm you. -no nonsense tone, friend to friend-
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: *Sigh*
Optimus Prime: All right.
Optimus Prime: *He figures he won't be gone that long...right?*
Ironhide: -gives him a gentle shove on the shoulder-
Optimus Prime: *Starts to get up, then pauses* If he starts to wake...comm me?
Ironhide: I will.
Optimus Prime: *Nods his thanks, squeezing Ironhide's shoulder in silent gratitude before turning to leave*

Megatron: *Better is a generous word. He's regained use of his vocalizer, though his voice is still and a bit rough. Comm system has been restored as well, and use of his damaged arm is at about 50%. Most of the work being done is focused on more sensitive repairs, meaning his spark chamber and gutted internals. He's stable, and able to remain awake for longer periods of time now. A few have visited him, very few, which is to be expected, he supposes. He doesn't enjoy being ogled over (or yelled at) anyway. As of right now, he's awake, laying on his back, staring at the ceiling.*
Ironhide: Hey. -notices that he's awake- Feeling any better?
Megatron: *He turns his head slightly, catching sight of Ironhide, then goes back to looking at the ceiling.* ::I'm alive.::
Ironhide: ......that ain't much of an answer.
Megatron: *He's quiet a moment, then a sigh rattles over his intakes* ::It's the truth. I'm no longer dying, hence, I'm alive.:: *Cranky Megs is cranky.*
Ironhide: You look a bit better, at least. -looks him over, optic ridge raising-
Megatron: Hn... *After another moment of silence, he turns his optics to Ironhide, staring at him quietly.* ::...besides the gaping hole in my chest, I suppose I do. Look, I can even move my arm now.:: *The claws on the damaged arm twitch.*
Ironhide: Certainly an improvement. -looks more closely at his damaged spark casing through the hole, optics narrowing slightly when he sees the messy Cybertronian glyphs-
Megatron: *Yeah, that's something he doesn't want getting around. He covers the hole by moving his hand to rest above it, optics narrowing at Ironhide.* ::You need something?::
Ironhide: -he'd known about what was inscribed there, it was just his first time actually seeing it- I can't check on a friend? -dryly-
Megatron: *That earns Ironhide a look. Friend? He blinks once, surprised. Slowly, his mood softens a bit.* ::Company...isn't so bad, if it's the right kind.:: *He looks away quickly, studying the lighting once more.*
Ironhide: -his statement had the desired effect!- I know I never liked being alone in the medbay. -takes a seat next to him-
Megatron: *He's not alone, really. Prime is at his side 99% of the time, though now that he's 'feeling better', he's encouraged his bonded to take some personal time when he can to get some things done. But he'd be lying to say that 1% isn't lonely. Or daunting. Not with all the thoughts in his head at the moment.* ::I don't like them either...Remind me of...things.::
Ironhide: Hn. Know the feeling, believe me.
Megatron: *He wants to ask if Hide has ever felt the luxury of a Quintesson medical facility, but decides that's just being facetious. It's not Ironhide's fault he's in the medbay. He should be grateful for the company, and he is. Being alone...* ::I think we all do...some just cope better than others.::
Ironhide: Yeah. Y'need company, though, you can always comm me.
Megatron: *He blinks again, studying Hide for a moment.* ::Not much to do here...::
Megatron: ::Except think....::
Ironhide: -nods- It gets boring after a while.
Megatron: ::...especially flat on your back...:: *Optics shift around the room* ::It'd be nice to get out of here...::
Ironhide: Sorry. Ain't helping you sneak out. -and privately- ::Yet, at least.::
Megatron: *A look of disappointment crosses his face.* ::Not even for a few minutes?:: *He turns his attention to the monitors that still stand sentry over him, beeping quietly.* ::I think they can be moved...::
Ironhide: ::Nuh uh. Not with your spark chamber visible.:: -grins slightly-
Megatron: *Another rattling sigh and he looks back at the lights* ::No sense of adventure.:: *A moment passes* ::Did you know that there are 246 panels on the ceiling? And 984 bolts holding them there?::
Ironhide: ::......frag. Promise you, as soon as you're better, I'll sneak you out.:: -quiet laugh- ::Being Bonded to the medic has its perks.::
Megatron: ::You think being bonded to the Prime would have its perks too...:: *Jokingly.* ::...well, I guess I won't end up in the brig.::
Ironhide: ::....I'll find some way to distract him, too. Angry mate is not fun to deal with.:: -wry grin-
Megatron: *That sobers him up* ::No...they're not.:: *And the look on his face clearly reads that maybe he's having second thoughts about his potential break-out.*
Ironhide: ::Aww, come on. Where'd that sense of adventure go?:: -teasing tone-
Megatron: *He smiles, but it's obviously forced.* ::I've already upset Prime enough...::
Ironhide: -grin fades a bit- ::Well, we can always go to Azeroth. I know it's not the same as physically getting out but...::
Megatron: *He nods slightly. It isn't the same, but it's all he has for the time being...A frown shifts across his facial plates.* ::...if we didn't get caught...that's a different story...::
Ironhide: -smiles again- ::Yeah.::
Megatron: ::....where would we go?::
Ironhide: -pauses, thinking- ::...an empty stretch of road somewhere. Where I can drive and you can fly.::
Megatron: *And here was thinking of Hide pushing him around on a gurney. He considers, realizing he misses flying for the sake of flying.* ::I don't think I'll be flying any time soon, though...::
Ironhide: ::When you can again. S'nice to just get out and drive, and I'm sure flying is just as nice for you.::
Megatron: *Nods again* ::It's nice...I don't go as much as I should.::
Ironhide: ::Hn. You should fix that.::
Megatron: ::...Maybe I will...:: *Sighs again, looking a bit tired.* ::Next time you visit, bring a movie.:: *Not that he'd be able to stay awake for it, but he finds the company comforting.*
Ironhide: ::Sure. Any suggestions?::
Megatron: ::...I don'know...something...like the last one.:: *Violent, which is ironic because one would think he'd had enough violence for awhile. Decepticons....*
Ironhide: ::.....300, like we agreed?:: -grins-
Megatron: ::...that'll work.:: *He smiles slightly* ::Any idea when I'll get out of here?::
Ironhide: ::Don't know. Hopefully soon, for your sanity.::
Megatron: ::I wonder what happens then....:: *Idly, not really meant to be spoken outloud.*
Ironhide: ::Guess we'll find out and see.:: -quietly-
Megatron: Hnnn...I guess so. *He doesn't say anymore
than that, just offlines his optics. He's tired, but despite the dark thoughts pressing at the edges of his processor, he feels a bit better.* ::Thank you...::
Ironhide: ::No problem. Recharge more.::
Megatron: *And does so, easily falling into a deep and much needed rest.*

megatron, log, arcee, optimus prime, chromia, ironhide

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