Log dump: Weapon talk, Chromia and Elita talk, and Ironhide bitches out Megatron

Apr 07, 2008 18:46

Pointblank: *has been working pretty much day and night on Ironhide's new gun. Wants to make sure that he isn't disappointed. It is Ironhide after all, and his approval would be great for Pointblank. After finally done with the gun he contacts Ironhide so they can start working on the turret* :: Ironhide, this is Pointblank. Are you free?::
Ironhide: ::Yeah, m'free.::
Pointblank: :: I have finished your gun, and I was wondering if you would want to work on the turret system?::
Ironhide: ::Yeah, sure. Where do you wanna meet?::
Pointblank: :: My lab would work. I have all the materials that we need to build the turret.::
Ironhide: ::Coordinates?::
Pointblank: -sends coords-
Ironhide: ::I'll be there shortly, then.:: -this should be a good day!-
Pointblank: :: Okay.:: *good day indeed. Building guns, blowing shit up. What could make this day better?*
Ironhide: -a good round of interfacing with your SO?- ::...any materials you need me to bring?::
Pointblank: :: Just your expertise in weaponry.:: *well maybe that*
Ironhide: -shows up half a breem later, grinning slightly-
Pointblank: *welcomes him in, and presents him with his brand new gun with a small grin* All done.
Ironhide: -grin goes wider as he takes it- Gonna have to play with this a bit later. Now where do we start?
Pointblank: Maybe with the main component of the "S" system. The majority of my simulations have ended with both the Ark and Nemesis blowing up cause of power overload.
Ironhide: Sounds like a good place.
Pointblank: *and now for the weapon jargon.* Well the main coupling between the power core of the turret and the alternators for the main reactors fails once the power level reaches over 500%.
Ironhide: -nods- Too much strain.
Pointblank: *nods* Have any idea of how we could fix that problem?
Ironhide: What alloys are they comprised of? -he's ttly much more intelligent than he lets on-
Pointblank: I use normal power couplings using high composite materials. Are there stronger couplings?
Ironhide: Depends on what you classify as normal for power couplings. There's a few alloys that have proven...not very durable.
Pointblank: The couplings that we have readily available here. *holds up a few* Like these. I have never made my own couplings before.
Ironhide: -takes one and looks at it- Hnn. These are some of the better ones.
Pointblank: I thought as much. But no matter what they always failed. Are there any better ones here on ship?
Ironhide: Not that I know of. I know a little about metallurgy, but not much. -pauses, thinking for a moment- I think Perceptor specializes in that, actually.
Pointblank: Well we could get his help when we need to upgrade them. But Optimus ordered me to upgrade the turrets to the best of our abilities for now. Think you could help me install the system for now. It requires coordination at the turret and at the turrets controls at the bridge.
Ironhide: Yeah. How is it installed?
Pointblank: *picks up two things. A chip and a plate* As simple as these two. The chip allows for the extra power to flow through. The plate makes sure that there isn't too much power. It is simpler for the turret than a gun, since the turret is already connected to the power core. So if you could go to the bridge and wait while I complete the install it would be a great help.
Ironhide: -nods, this makes sense- Alright.
Pointblank: Okay. I will give you the commands that need to be put in once I get the "S" system installed.
Ironhide: -nods again, making his way to the bridge-
Pointblank: *makes his way outside and to the turret. It doesn't take long for him to finish the install.* :: Okay, install done. You ready Ironhide?::
Ironhide: ::Ready.:: -standing at the weapons console-
Pointblank: :: Set the turret to power flow mode. Then activate a constant stream of power to the turret. We will start this testing slowly. Set the power level to 200%. Once that is all done, aim for something in the distance and fire.::
Ironhide: -does so, aiming at a small outcropping about 400 yards from the ARK, and fires- ::Firing.::
Pointblank: ...*is waiting for something to happen. Just then a mini explosion goes off, knocking Pointblank down.* :: Slagging hell. Well that was a failure.::
Ironhide: ::....what happened?::
Pointblank: :: I don't know. There was a small explosion from within. The turret seems fine. I don't know what happened.::
Ironhide: ::On my way. I want to take a look.:: -and starts heading for the turret-
Pointblank: *stands up and looks at the connection. He really has no idea what could have gone wrong*
Ironhide: -reaches the turret and moves over to look- .....huh.
Ironhide: Looks like a failure. -crouches down and points at the coupling- There, see? It cracked.
Pointblank: *looks at it* It did. So what do we do?
Ironhide: The alloy probably can't handle the stress. -straightens up and leans against the turret-
Pointblank: *frowns* Well then. It looks like we will need Perceptor. But for now... want to test out your gun?
Ironhide: -grins- Sure.
Pointblank: *points out at rocks about 2 kliks out.* The full power of your gun is 1800%. Watch the recoil. The last one you fired is nothing compared to this one.
Ironhide: Really, now? -attaches the gun to his arm, aims, and fires, making sure to brace himself; but not well enough to keep from sliding back at least three feet-
Pointblank: *the explosion is a mini Hiroshima* Yes really. You could another 3 shots off before you slip into a forced recharge.
Ironhide: -stares at the explosion, then at the gun, optics wide, then grins widely- I /like/ this gun.
Pointblank: I thought you might. *looks at his own gun for a second* I'll you in a little secret. The gun's power level can be increased beyond the 1800%. But I suggest that you don't.
Ironhide: What'll happen if I do?
Pointblank: You could get one shot off and then go into forced shutdown for about a week. The gun may explode due to a power overload, because at that power level the energy doesn't stop flowing. Trust me you don't want to push beyond 1800%. But Optimus's was designed to go to 2000%. Only because he is Optimus.
Ironhide: -nods- The Matrix. I'll make sure to remember that. -Ratchet would beat the slag out of him if he did that-
Pointblank: As for now... *looks over at the turret* I think we should at least do repairs on the turret so it works properly.
Ironhide: Agreed. -detaches the gun and subspaces it-
Pointblank: *begins repairs* So what do you think we could do to make the system work with the turret? Besides the coupling.
Ironhide: Well, the coupling cracked because there was too much power going through it. Lessen the amount of power, and it shouldn't crack.
Ironhide: Problem is, keeping the blasts at the power level they're meant to be at.
Pointblank: That would work. *finishes the repairs* There the turret should be in working order. I took out the "S" system for now until we can modify it.
Ironhide: -nods- So, we contact Perceptor and try to reduce the power flow, then.
Pointblank: *nods back* That would be the best action. For now though I'm going to get some needed recharge. It took a lot of work to build that gun of yours.
Ironhide: And I thank you for it. -claps him on the shoulder- Go recharge. I've got training to do tomorrow; could you contact Perceptor?
Pointblank: Yeah I can. Take care Ironhide. And don't mess with my beauty. You know the code. You don't mess with the work of another artist.
Pointblank: *heads off the top of the Ark and heads to his room*

Chromia: ::Elita?::
Elita One: ::Yes...?::
Chromia: ::....it's about last night. Arcee was...acting strange.:: -worried tone-
Elita One: ::What is your specific concern?::
Chromia: ::She....was refusing medical help.::
Elita One: *nods to herself* ::She's always been proud...:: *she doesn't have much drive right now either.* ::Where are you?::
Chromia: ::Outside, on the west turret.::
Elita One: ::Alright. I'll come join you.::
Chromia: ::Okay.::
Elita One: *slowly makes her way out there, coming up beside her*
Chromia: -smiles at Elita; she hadn't gotten fixed up in the medbay, so her injuries are visible, but they don't seem to be bothering her-
Elita One: *she takes a tired seat next to Chromia, her injuries haven't been tended to either* Looks like we both need to see a medic.
Chromia: -shrugs- These'll heal in a few days. I've had worse.
Elita One: *she nods vaguely and distantly, she's obviously distracted by /something/* You wanted to talk about Arcee?
Chromia: -nods- Yes. She was so badly injured, yet she was /refusing/ repairs. Ratchet was barely able to do a simple patch before she holed herself up in her room.
Elita One: *frowns* That's...that's strange. HAs she come out at all today?
Elita One: Visited the medbay at all? *shifts her weight to look at Chromia, clutching vaguely at her chest*
Chromia: I don't know. I haven't stopped by her room at all today to check, though I have thought about it.
Elita One: *vacant nod* I've never seen her act so strange. Then again...she went through a lot.
Chromia: -nods quietly- It just seemed very odd for her to do that.
Elita One: *blinks over at Chromia* I haven't approached her today. I thought perhaps she wanted the solitude. I may have been wrong. *she draws her knees up*
Elita One: I feel as though I have failed you all as a leader.
Chromia: Elita, don't.
Elita One: *silence for a long while, then..* This is the second time she's been harmed. Moonracer and Nightbird have been completley irresponsible several times, have I taught them nothing?
Elita One: Especially Moonracer, she's been with us for vorns. Where have I gone wrong?
Chromia: -frowns slightly- You know how Moonracer is. She's flighty, but that's part of the reason we love her.
Chromia: And Nightbird is still young.
Elita One: She blew up a Peep factory. Killed humans. To rescue Peeps.
Chromia: ....she actually killed humans?!
Elita One: *rubs a hand over her face* I have allowed Arcee to be capture twice while under my command here. Once more at Tyger Pax.
Chromia: Elita... -puts a hand on her arm- You can't be there for her, for all of us, all the time. We've managed to get her back, haven't we?
Elita One: When the factory exploded, yes.
Elita One: Yes, but...at what cost? *looks at Chromia sadly* Both of her bonds are broken. I feel as though I can barely /move/ without it there. I cannot imagine her pain.
Elita One: Perhaps that is why she wanted to see no one.
Chromia: -winces in sympathetic pain- Maybe. I hope that is the case, and that it isn't something worse.
Elita One: *glances at her* Worse?
Chromia: Oh no, I didn't mean anything in specific. Just...in general.
Elita One: *another tiny nod* I see. I'm sure that is the case. *she hadn't left her room all day either, it was much simpler to nurse a broken spark in the comfort of her room*
Elita One: I can understand her reluctance to have medical attention, but soon it must be done. Her damage was extensive.
Chromia: -bites her lip- I saw. Nemesis will /pay/.
Elita One: *nods, eyes glittering in the evening* Yes he will. *rubs her face with a hand* I'm unsure of how long it will take for her spark to heal itself.
Elita One: A piece of the chamber itself was missing, if I am correct in assuming.
Chromia: That's what it looked like to me as well. -leans on her-
Elita One: *she gave a long, heavy sigh and leaned back against Chromia* It hurts. More than I ever thought possible. I can barely focus my eyes.
Chromia: You're not the only one hurting from it, just remember that. And you know Firestar and I will help you if we can.
Elita One: *nods, looking at her dazedly* It has affected more people than Nemesis probably thought.
Chromia: Don't let the fragger know that. -growls quietly- He'll gloat even more.
Elita One: Agreed. Me, Arcee, Barricade, and Soundwave will feel it also. *curls against Chromia lightly*
Chromia: -pats her back comfortingly- You'll get through this. All of you will.
Elita One: Yes...*thoughtful, though her doubts as a leader are still haunting her, Bombshell's words ringing in her head.* We are strong. *glances askew at Chromia* We are not the elite crew of femmes for nothing.
Chromia: -grins at her- Mechs underestimate us, but we prove them wrong time after time.
Elita One: *smiles right back* That is one of our biggest weapons. That, and the fact that we /are/ better. *proud of her femmes, really. Even Moonracer.*
Chromia: -laughs- I wouldn't say better. That's just plain arrogance. But, we're definitely some of the toughest.
Elita One: *she just smiles at Chromia, and gives her a little hug* That is why we are still alive.
Chromia: And we'll stay that way.
Elita One: *nods in affirmation, glancing out at the horizon, quiet for awhile*
Chromia: -just stays with her, offering silent comfort-
Elita One: *she finally breaks the long silence, glancing to Chromia* Would you mind terribly helping my back to my room...?
Chromia: Of course not, boss-lady. -small grin-
Elita One: *she grins, and pulls herself to her feet. /This/ was why she and Arcee had never broken the bond. It incapacitated mechs.*
Chromia: -helps her up, keeping an arm around her waist to support her-
Elita One: *she leans /heavily/ on Chromia, stumbling only a few times*
Chromia: -takes the weight easily; she's helped support much larger mechs- I can go check on Arcee later, if you'd like.
Elita One: *nods* Would you please?
Chromia: Sure. -gets Elita to her door and looks at her- Code?
Elita One: *punches it in tiredly* Sorry. I'm not thinking clearly.
Chromia: Understandable. -sets her down on the berth, rubbing her back a bit-
Elita One: *she collapses on it, oh so thankful for Chromia's help.* Thank you.
Chromia: You're welcome, boss-lady. Now, recharge. You look like you can use it.
Elita One: *stares wearily at her for a moment before nodding, dropping into a deeeeeep recharge, Chromia still in the room*
Chromia: -pats her arm gently before leaving, making sure to lock the door behind her-

Ironhide: -shortly after his verbal fight with Bonecrusher, he goes back to the medbay, leaning on the wall close to Megatron and staring down at him- You idiot.
Megatron: *For the past hour or two, Megatron has been drifting in and out of recharge. Repairs are still on going, his spark chamber is in need of a serious overhaul, but he's stable now--or as much as he can be in this state. Awareness comes slowly to him right now. He knows that Prime is nearby, but the voice he hears doesn't belong to his bonded. Slowly, his optics flicker, dimmly coming online.*
Ironhide: You're awake finally. -notices the optic flicker-
Megatron: *Blinks slowly, staring at the fluorescent lights along the ceiling. Awake? He frowns, his processor muddled by sedatives and dull pain. That's right, he remembers. There was a fight. Galvatron. His...spark... Carefully, he turns his head just a fraction in the direction of the voice he recalls as Ironhide's.* How...long?
Ironhide: How long since we got you in here? 'bout five groons. What the /frag/ were you thinking?
Megatron: *Moves his head back, looking at the ceiling once more. Not too long, then. Though it feels like ages. He winces and dims his optics, waiting for the pain to pass before answering Ironhide's question. His voice is a ragged whisper, vocalizer the least of the medic's worries for the time being.* Had to...be me.
Ironhide: You almost died. /Why/ didn't you bring backup? -his tone is almost....hurt-
Megatron: *Lets out a long sigh that sounds more like a rattle. Monitors beep quietly around them, the only response Hide gets for a long while. He isn't certain how to explain his reasoning, or even if Ironhide would understand. And he doubts he has the patience or strength to even discuss it.* It's...how things are...with us. *There is an slight emphasis on 'us', as if Ironhide should understand who or what he means.*
Ironhide: -he understands, and sighs- Megatron. You /know/ I would have come with if you asked me to. Slag your stupid pride; you have a /mate/ and /friends/ here who would rather you be /alive/.
Megatron: ...I know. *What he's referring to, it's hard to tell. One, both, who knows. But the tone of his voice holds a note of guilt. He isn't regretful, however. Not about his choice to go alone. If he had to make that decision all over again, he'd walk the same road. No one else needs to suffer his mistakes--though it seems regardless of what choice he makes, someone always ends up getting hurt.*
Ironhide: -catches that guilt and growls quietly, moving closer to the berth he's laying on- You blame yourself for him, don't you?
Megatron: *That startles him. His optics brighten a bit more, Ironhide's face becoming more clear as he turns his head again to look at the other mech. The truth hurts almost as much as the injuries he has, except no amount of sedatives or recharge will dull this sort of pain.* ...how can't I?
Ironhide: I know you don't want to get anyone else involved in this. You want to fix it on your own. But you /can't/ always fix things by yourself. There is no shame in asking for help.
Megatron: *Not want. Has to. Has to be him. His face shifts into a frown.* ...my fight. Personal matter...help is... *He looks away, something else moving over his face.* ...'m not weak.
Ironhide: Asking for help isn't a sign of /weakness/.
Megatron: *If his chest didn't hurt so bad, he'd growl in frustration. How many times has he had this conversation?* ...not to you. But to -them-....
Ironhide: -growls again, this time a little bit louder, and leans down- .....Megatron. You didn't even have to /ask/. There are several of us that would have gone with you if we had known, Autobot and Decepticon alike.
Megatron: ...I -know- that. *Which is why he didn't tell anyone.* Fight is....personal.
Ironhide: Did you even /think/ about how it would affect Optimus? What if you /had/ died? You /know/ how painful Bondbreaks supposedly are; did you really want to make him go through that?
Megatron: *Oh, he thought about it. Not the dying part, because he assumed he'd win. But lying to Prime...and leaving the way he did. Yes, he thought about those things hard. But now that the reality of his near death is clear, he can't stifle the shiver that runs through him.* ...I'm sorry...
Ironhide: Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Optimus. And next time, don't be so fraggin' prideful to go off on your own.
Megatron: .... *He nods slightly, not bothering to point out that the apology wasn't meant for him. Ironhide is right. He owes Prime an apology, but he's uncertain if there are even words to express how sorry he is.* ...tired.
Ironhide: -the only apology he needs is for Megatron to not pull a stunt like this again- Recharge. You look like you've been dragged through an asteroid field.
Megatron: *snorts softly* ...feel like it too.
Ironhide: -takes a step back, straightening up, and leans against the wall again, not leaving the medbay anytime soon-
Megatron: *His optics offline again, but it's awhile before he falls back into recharge.*

megatron, pointblank, log, chromia, elita one, ironhide

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