LOG: Galvatron brings all the drama 'round

Apr 03, 2008 22:30

So after Galvatron begins taunting Megs, Megs gets seriously pissed off and goes on a rampage. Several mechs were beaten before Prime manages to talk him down.  :D

Megatron: *It's been a long, long while since he's felt this sort of anger. It's not hot. It's cold, like the energon in his fuel lines has turned to ice. He feels nothing else, just a single minded purpose--destroy. Even his steps are calm, though a bit swift because once he has a goal in mind, he intends to get it finished. The walk from his quarters to the main bay doors of the Ark isn't anything to smirk about, but before he realizes it, he's stepping outside and gazing coolly across the desert--searching.*

Prime: *Before long, there's someone coming up from behind him and making no effort to disguise his approach. Optimus Prime stops no more than one step behind Megatron, silent as he follows the Decepticon leader's gaze onto the dirt, rocks, and sands*

Megatron: *If he's aware of Prime's presence, he doesn't show it. He's busy scanning the area, sending out a not to subtle ping to the one he's looking for. It clearly reads "Here I am. Come get me." There's a pause, then with a twitch of his wings he starts to take several steps towards the barrier that lies shimmering green off in the distance.*

Prime: *And this is when he finally speaks* You're not going anywhere without me.

Megatron: *Prime's words cause him to pause. He's silent and still for several moments, then his voice comes quietly.* This is something I have to fix, Prime. It has to be ended. Ended now.

Prime: I agree. But you're still not going anwhere without me.

Prime: *Steps forwards, pausing when he's side by side with Megatron*

Megatron: *He doesn't look at Prime. He can't. He knows his face is ugly with hate and rage now--hardened by the desire and need to kill. This is a part of himself he wants to keep as far away from his bonded as he can, afraid it'll taint the goodness and happiness he's found. His claws clench and unclench.* This...this isn't your fight, Optimus. It's mine. If you aid me, it'll only prove that he's right. That I'm the old wolf...and then.... *He trails off, letting the rest left unspoken.*

Prime: ...

Prime: *Despite him, he feels a stab of hurt at those words. He tells himself that it's a matter of pride and Megatron just wants to keep himsafe, but still...he reaches up to put a hand on Megatron's shoulder, speaking quietly...but still firmly* It's shaming to use all the resources you have at your disposal?

Megatron: *Pride. It is a matter of pride, but also so much more. It's a way of life for him, for them, the other Decepticons. Mechs who only recognize strength, respect it. Pride is what kept him alive all these vorns, along with a deep seeded stubborness. He feels the sting of guilt, knowing that what he's said has hurt Prime, but he doesn't apologize. -This is what I am- He looks at his mate now, the ridges around his optics tight.* ....you...are not a resource.

Prime: Sword. Shield. Whatever you want to call it. When it comes down to it, I'm here for you to use. *Drops his hand, letting it trail along Megatron's arm to hand - where he grabs, and squeezes it tightly* Use me, bonded. Tell me how I can help. Do not tell me to simply wait here for you because that is something I cannot do.

Megatron: *His claws instinctively curl around Prime's hand, but he growls quietly, frustrated. How can he put it to words? What -are- the words? He shakes his head, looking away again.* Help...you've helped me so much already. Asking for more seems...unfair. Especially when it seems all I do is cause you trouble. *He gestures out at the desert, indicating what lays in wait for him.* This isn't about -us- or even -them-. It's about he and I...and destroying a part of myself so I can move forward.

Prime: *Reaches up slowly with his other hand, fingers barely touching his mate's cheek* ...you have no hesitance using your arms or legs, your weapons, anything that's physically connected to you to deal with any threat...including the one that Galvatron poses. We may not be bound like that...but we /are/ connected. And you're connected to everyone else, too...from Starscream, to Ratbat. We...they are yours. I know you're proud. I love you proud. And I know that you feel that you have to do this on your own. I....can understand that, in a way. I just want you to know that you're not alone in this. That...you're not the only one who wants Galvatron dealt with. You can say it's about you and him...you..all you want. And that you're the only one who can handle him...and it may be true. But it's also true that in the end...this will only end up hurting yourself.

Megatron: *He watches Prime for a long while, thinking over his mate's words. It's obvious he's torn. It's more than just 'dealing' with Galvatron. It's reclaiming something he's lost and putting it to rest. Making a wrong right, for once. Proving to himself that he can defeat his demons. No one should suffer his mistakes--not this time. Deep inside, he knows that as -one- they can bring his clone down. But he's selfish, and as Prime said, proud. Where would that leave him? Could he bear to carry -that- sort of failure the rest of his life? Because in his mind, that's what asking for help in this case is. Failure. Again.* I have to do this. It has to be me. *His voice is quiet, but there's an underlying current of desperation there.* I'm...I'm stuck.

Prime: *Strokes his cheek, meeting his optics. Quietly* But you don't have to do it alone. He doesn't have us...you do.

Megatron: .... *His spark hurts as he gazes back. Please understand me, is what he wants to say, but nothing comes out of his vocalizer. Instead, he pulls Prime close and hugs him tight, burying his face deep in the other's shoulder. So confused. Confused and eager to put this all behind him. As long as Galvatron exists, he'll never be able to move from where he's at---constantly haunted by the manifestation of what he once was and what he could've become.* ...I...I'll think on it. Before I decide. *It's the best he answer he can give, though deep inside his spark he knows already what he'll do.* I'm sorry.

Prime: *Wraps his arms around Megatron, opening the bond. He doesn't have to say anything - there's no words to say. Just so long as Megatron gives it thought...doesn't push him away...so long as he /stays alive/...he's starting to think he understands what Megatron went through, so long ago, after he made his return to Cybertron just before the war started. Sighs softly, nuzzling*

Megatron: *Those were hard days. Harder than he cares to remember. Harder than this, right now. And he certainly doesn't wish to make Prime feel that way. He tightens his grip, holding his mate closer, as if he let go the other might disappear entirely. And if there is one thing he's learned about himself over these past few months, it is that he fears being left alone and forgotten more than anything. The bond offers him comfort and he greedily latches on, a bit shamed by his neediness. That shame doesn't stop him from nuzzling his bonded's neck in a timid askance, however.*

Prime: *If he could make the bond into a physical weapon, and gift it to Megatron - he would. Without hesitation. He feels so helpless, but keeps it subdued. Sighs softly at the nuzzle, and then...* ...come back inside with me. *Please.*

Megatron: *He nods against Prime's neck. His anger is gone--for now. He can still feel it lingering, but it's smothered by other emotions now, too many to sort through to start to name. But all lead to one thing--at this moment, he needs to be with his bonded. It's an overpowering sensation, one he hasn't felt since their initial bonding. Not desire or lust; it's far more demanding than that. But he keeps the need as subdued as he can. He already asks so much from Prime, takes so much from him. -Selfish- Pulling away reluctantly, he doesn't let go of his lover's hand as he indicates quietly to the doors of the base.* All right...

Prime: *Nods, and regretfully drops his arm away...but like Megatron, he doesn't let go. He gives Megatron a final, slightly worried expression before starting to lead them back. He may not be able to turn their link into a weapon, but he can certainly immerse Megatron in it...if that's all he can give...then...so be it*

megatron, log, optimus prime, galvatron

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