Log: Magnus and Noki - First Meeting

Mar 29, 2008 22:23

[Happens before this paperwork post, and before Annabelle's birthday party.]

Noki: *He was wandering around through the vents, wondering what his next target of annoyance would be. He poked at wires… no, not interesting. He peeked down into rooms...DIDNOTWANT to see that. He skittered along, until he peered down into a office-looking room...* oo -keee? *poke poke at vent*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus is... well, what else? He's going through the crates-worth of unfiled paperwork that has been sorely in need of organizing. His office is something of a maze at the moment, made out of boxes of datepads. He's getting through them though.*

Noki: *He skittered around, until he slipped through a wider-than-usual crack in the vent and he fell, screeching all the way until he fell into a box of the paperwork* Skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~!!!!! *THUDRUFFLE*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus looks up, having heard a skreech and a clatter somewhere in the datapads. He gets up and navigates his way around the stacks, seeing if he can find the reason.*

Noki: *he's struggling, trying to find a way out. Finally, a tiny claw pokes above the datapads, and small sad whining sounds can be heard*

Ultra Magnus: *Turns around as he hears the sound of shifting datapads. He comes to a pile that has shifting pads and kneels to look closer. It is only when he is very close - and also has his optics on magnification that he sees a tiny claw trying to shift a datapad. Magnus reaches out to pick up the datapad and see what is under it.*

Noki: *and out scrambles a tiny little phone-bot, now giving off really annoyed sounds and kicking at the datapads around him* Kee! Kee! Burualalalalala! *kickkick!*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus immediately interposes a finger between the tiny bot and the pads.* Don't do that, they didn't do it deliberately Little One.

Noki: *he glared at the offending finger and kicked at it* Hurthurt!! Badthings!! *kicks at the pads again*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus laughs softly at the offended little bot and gently encourages it to climb onto his other hand, which he's brough up level with the pad it's standing on.* Come on Little One, let's leave the naughty datapads. They will learn their lesson when they get their data filed.

Noki: *he eyed the bigger bot, then crawled up onto his finger and sat there, staring curiously at this new bot.* Whowho..? *he tilted his head curiously*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus brings his hand closer to his face to study the little creature.* Ultra Magnus, Sub-Commander to Optimus Prime, and who might you be?

Noki: *he tilted his head and tried reaching out towards his nose, stepping to the edge of his hand.* Noki! NokiNoki! *reeeeaaach, teeter, nearly falling* OO!

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus quickly moves his empty hand up under the one Noki is almost falling off of, shifting it carefully to catch the tiny bot before he can fall.* Careful, you're very small and I'm big enough that it would be a long way down for you.

Noki: *And he does fall, and lands in the other palm on his back. He stared up at the larger bot and made several squeaking noises and flipping over again, chittering happily.* ^^

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus smiles, this little bot is a rather cheerful little spark... kind-of like a sparkling... the thought of which reminds him of some of the reports he dug up to get a handle on what had happened here on Earth* Well there you go! *He brings Noki up closer to his face.*

Noki: OO *he peered into the other's rather large face, and jumped suddenly, latching onto his nose, looking back and forth between Magnus' very large optics. Magnus was like the size of Unicron or Primus to Noki...Huge. Very...huge.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus watches as Noki looks at him, acting a bit overwhelmed. He can imagine why too, Noki is very very small, Magnus isn't even sure that drones were ever made this small on Cybertron - mostly they were made to be an easy size for their partner to cope with, which for the size of Cybertronian who tended to have drones, meant drones that were not so small and potentially easy to damage by accident.
As Magnus lets Noki study him, he uses his free hand to plug into Teletraan, to go through the personnel files again, looking for a file on Noki.*

Noki: *It was a moment or two, and then he climbed up his face and chittered happily as he sat on his head finally, moving back and forth as if he were claiming that spot as his. He danced around and made some of the strangest noises, and even doing a breakdance spin a few times...*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus smiles at Noki's antics, running around on top of his head. It probably makes a good perch for the little bot, one that gives it a great vantage point on the world around it. The files come up, interestingly enough with a report attached to them written by a human. Magnus quickly cross referrences the name "William Lennox" and gets a file that marks the human as an ally to the Autobots. The report refers to the circumstances of Noki's creation... but not a hell of a lot of detail about how the phone-bot survived and got to the base - only reports documenting his presence. It strikes Magnus that as young as Noki is, he's resourceful, which seems in line with thinking of him as a drone, since drones are designed to be a larger bot's extra set of hands. Still, that means Noki is a drone with no caretaker, which makes Magnus wonder how well he has coped, alone like that.*

Noki: *He's completely oblivious to Magnus's wonderment about Noki as he skitters across the top of his head, occasionally clinging to the sidepieces of his helm, climbing them and clinging to the tips, making noises like he's claiming those, too. Happy bot was happy, and he liked it here. He didn't have too many friends, or that he knew of. Not many let him crawl on their heads and dance about.*

Ultra Magnus: *The climbing of Magnus's antennae tickles something terrible and makes Magnus shake in reaction. They are receptors that pick up all sorts of information, not just transmissions but also environmental data.* Careful up there Little One, those are sensitive. *It's said in a friendly tone.*

Noki: *He heard him, and then skittered down to Magnus' forehead and grasped onto a piece of armor and hung down in front of his face, chittering happily and curiously* O.O

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus laughs softly* They're sensors, you know? But I don't think you'll hurt them, just... tickle. *He reaches up to gently rub one antenna.*

Noki: *He chittered again and moved back over to one of the antennas, and poked at it* Pokepokepoke! *He made a strange noise, akin to a weird sort of laughter.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus shakes a little again - as he said, it tickles. He finishes filing another report and sits back, thinking he could do with some energon* You hungry Noki? *He idly wonders how Noki has been getting regular energon - the dispensers in the common rooms are mostly sized for standard-range bots.*

Noki: *he stopped his antics and looked at the top of Magnus' head.* Foodfood!? *he skittered over to the side of his head and slipped down, landing on the larger bot's shoulder and jumping around. Clearly he was hungry, and excited for something to eat finally*

Ultra Magnus: Yes... let's go get some food. Hold on there Little One, you can duck under my armour if it'll be more secure for you. *He gets up at that, heading for the door.*

Noki: *He actually just clung to a piece of shoulder armor, riding along with, chittering happily, and chanting, "Foodfood! Foodfood!" over and over again*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus heads to the main common room, where he got a cube of standard grade from the dispenser, before finding a seat. A cube would be enough for him, even sharing with Noki.* Want a bit?

Noki: *He squealed happily and skittered down his arm, trying to crawl INTO the cube* Yusyusyus!!! *Skitterskitter*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus holds him back a bit* You don't need to take a bath in it, you can just draw it off from the sides - the cube field is plenty permeable.

Noki: *He looked up at the bigger bot and squeaked, then tried shoving his head in the cube, and finally managed. He looked rather funny with his head in the cube, the rest of his body hanging out of it, looking like the cube had grown something..*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus laughs at Noki's actions. It's not totally unknown for people to experiment with how permeable cubes can be, but with Noki's size it looks quite funny. He lets the tiny bot take his fill.*

Noki: *It was only a minute or two before he finally pulled back...stumbling across the table.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus drapes an arm losely around the edge of the table, it the direction Noki is staggering. He wonders if it is easy for the phone-bot to get overcharged, even on standard grade.* Had enough? *He reaches for the cube himself.*

Noki: *He hit Magnus' arm and squeaked, then fell over, twitching, looking very much the drunk phone* @.@

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus takes a drink, keeping an eye on Noki - definitely overcharged, though not surprising, it's one of the reasons for the various grades of energon, the smaller the mech, the stronger the effect is on their systems.* Maybe if you rest up a bit?

Noki: *He just laid there, making strange noises as he looked around, legs twitching sporadically* ..skreeee?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus slowly drains the cube, thoughtfully watching the drunk phone-bot. Really, the best treatment for being overcharged is some rest to let one's systems recover from the messed-up state one's processors get in from the excess energy. He considers the options and comes to an idea...*

Ultra Magnus: *He picks Noki up carefully* You *tapping the edge of the hand Noki is laying in* need to rest Little One, and I think I have a safe place you can do so. *He summons up the human holoform he's never used before - a middle-aged male with medium-coloured curly hair and a face that can convey friendliness as well as seriousness well. He places the phone-bot in the hands of the holo before finding a clear area and transforming. He can't access what he's wanting while in robot mode - a storage compartment in the vehicle he scanned. It doesn't collapse in transformation, making a safe spot for small items in either form. His holo climbs into his cab, depositing the overcharged phone in the glove compartment, gently stroking it for a moment.*

Noki: *He chittered softly as he was laid in the small compartment, and curled up in a little ball on the padded surface of the compartment, happy and content, making soft purring-like noises when he was petted* ^^

Ultra Magnus: *The holo smiles at Noki's purring.* You rest up here, it will be safe no mater what form I'm in. *He pets Noki a little more before he closes the compartment. The door on it has enough tactile sensors for him to know when Noki is awake, so he can let the micro-bot out - there's also enough space for it to open while in bipedal mode for Noki to get out. It may mean the little bot will be in his systems, but as a phone he would be able to receive friendly warnings if he gets too close to something dangerous.
Magnus dismisses the holo and transforms again, able to feel the small weight of Noki, safely in the compartment. With that he heads back to his work, sorting Optimus's backlog of unfiled paperwork.*

[Muns have decided that Magnus would make a good father, and he seems to have decided to adopt Noki.]

ultra magnus, log, nokia

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