Log: Optimus Prime and Nova Prime.

Mar 25, 2008 17:10

Optimus Prime: There's only so much data one can find in the personal systems, or even Teletraan-1 - in hopes of finding some that he hasn't yet poured over related to one of the many subjects on his processor, Optimus Prime has made his way to Nova's library. He glances around briefly for the other Prime, then, not seeing him, begins to make his way over to the nearest 'shelf'.

Nova Prime: Even if the books holds no answer, there is always Nova himself - the supremacist has a considerable amount of years behind him. Right now, though, he's sitting in a adjacent room sipping a cube (the area where the texts themselves were is a energon-free space). Nova hears someone enter, and in case it's one of those pesky organics again, he moves to the door connecting the rooms and looks at the Cybertronian standing there. "Optimus Prime."

Optimus Prime: Optimus picks up one of the texts, and gives its contents a cursory scan before setting it down, and picking up another. It's then that he looks up, blinking once as he's addressed. He turns his head in the direction of the voice - and then nods a greeting. "Nova Prime. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Nova Prime: Eyeing the content of Optimus' hand and then the mech himself he nods back, walking closer with calm steps. "Not at all. I was just enjoying a rest from work." Work being studying literature and arranging the library itself. He gestures to the text the other Prime is holding. "You enjoy Cybertronian lore?"

Optimus Prime: "Yes, though I'm afraid I'm not here for pleasure." Optimus smiles thinly, though the the expression is almost rueful. "I don't suppose you've formed a catalog?" He tilts his head slightly in query.

Nova Prime: "I'm still working on that, unfortunately." Nova is only one mech, after all, and he likes to read through the material before entering it into the system. "Was there anything in particular you wanted? The collection is still small enough for me to remember most of the contents." He may be old, but he is FAR from outdated.

Optimus Prime: Far be it from Optimus to ever suggest that the other Prime is outdated. Out of his time, yes. But that's another story. "Inter-species relations," he begins, setting the text down. "There are some mentions of other races in Teletraan-1, and some profiles - but while Teletraan is an excellent source of knowledge, it's not the only one." He gestures to the library in emphasis, though by his tone of voice he's not just talking about that, either. "Apart from that...city schematics. And how they were built."

Nova Prime: A subtle shift in his features, regarding the - smaller, how interesting - Prime. "I may have some on the matter." Nova frowns lightly as he thinks it over. "What sort of city did you have in mind?" He moves towards another section as he talks, selecting several texts and turning back to Optimus. They're mostly about species conquered and put out of existence, but there's also some information about species that are still alive. In greatly reduced numbers, of course.

Optimus Prime: "One that's never been built before." There's a brief pause, and then Optimus elaborates. "As far as I know, no Cybertronian-built city has been located on a primarily organic planet. That said, knowing how the others were built would help in planning how to do so." It's probably not that hard to guess what he's aiming at - certainly, he's going off the assumption that Nova is more than smart enough to put two and two together.

Nova Prime: He makes a low hmming sound, appearing to consider this new information. A Cybertronian city on Earth? Nova holds back a sigh, when had they stooped to such a low level? "Did you have any cities in mind for this... project?" It would certainly help, not to mention let Nova know just what Optimus is planning to do with said city. Use it to conquer - or integrate?

Optimus Prime: "As a template, not as such." It's an honest response, rather than one meant to evade...especially seeing how Optimus doesn't bother to pause this time before continuing. "Earth isn't Cybertron, and I see no reason to try and recreate it. Especially not if we're to live with the humans."

Though it might not be obvious by his manner, there are a few subtle clues that suggest that he's paying attention to Nova's responses - the glint of his optics, the posture.

Nova Prime: Nova has a long history on reading mechs (and a long history in general), and he's watching Optimus just as intently as he is him. "I see." He's not about to throw away his believes just because some youngling matrix-bearer has another opinion. Casually, he moves closer to the other, looking down at him. "And will this city be accessible the planet's organics?" The tone is neutral enough, but the fine arch of an optic brow should be telling enough of his standpoint on the subject, and the fact that he is not fearing anything Optimus might pull.

Optimus Prime: Though Optimus finds himself forced to tilt his head back in order to maintain optic contact, he doesn't show any sign of being inconvenienced. Or intimidated...his body language suggests he's as easy as he was when first addressed by the larger, elder Prime. "It's not being built for them," he says simply.

Nova Prime: It's a good thing he isn't, a Prime being frightened by something as trivial as a larger sized mech is not worthy of the matrix, nor the rank of commander. "Of course not." There's a slight undercurrent of just how blasphemic the thought of building a city for organics are, but his voice is bland and so is his expression. There is a barely noticeable narrowing of optics, however.

Optimus Prime: Optimus arches an opticridge. "With that in mind, Nova, everything will dwarf the humans. They'll be awed, and perhaps slightly afraid of the new and unknown - but once the novelty wears off, the vast majority will feel uncomfortable. I have no doubt that some will, perhaps stay, serving as liaisons...but as I said. The city is not for them, it is for us." He puts some gentle emphasis on the last word. "So, in a word - yes, they will have access. But they have their own cities, and the one I would have built would be to give our own species a home."

Nova Prime: He doesn't really see what part the so-called humans' opinion had to play on this matter, as if a Prime's decisions should be affected by organics. The most powerful of the Cybertronians swayed by fleshy sacks of water and single cell organisms? Disgusting. Unheard of. Unacceptable. "The city would be crawling with them before you could even finish it. It would hardly be ours as much as it would be an attraction and a nightmare for these...humans."

Optimus Prime: "Assuming we built it up right next to one of theirs - yes," Optimus relents. "That's asking for trouble. That said, while I understand you have your reservations against such an endevour, the fact remains that the Ark and the Nemesis were - are - ships meant for a war that is over." He blinks once.

Nova Prime: "I am well aware of the Ark's purpose - I was the one who ordered the first one to be built, after all." A certain intonation there, subtle and difficult to decipher. "And I have yet to see anything the organics can do to us that can destroy us before we exterminate them." Nova smiles wanly, still not breaking the gaze he has on Optimus.

Optimus Prime: "You weren't here for Mission City," Optimus says, a subtle change in his vocalizer as well though he, too, holds optic contact. "And while it is, perhaps, true that we could overcome the humans, it would not be without cost. They are a young species, but worthy of life, and the chance to grow and develop. Most importantly - they are as sentient as any of us. And freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

Nova Prime: "No, I wasn't. And neither would you if it hadn't been for that argument of yours." He says the word, argument, like he means something resembling a lover's spat rather than a serious event, a meaningful - pointed - browquirk following closely behind. "You are entitled to your own opinion, Optimus." Even if it's a terrible one.

Optimus Prime: Though the facemask remains down, it almost seems as if another sort of mask comes over the Prime's face. He's still quite calm, but there's a certain coolness, now. "As are you, Nova." Even if it is wrong. "And while I respect it, the fact remains that I am the current bearer of the Matrix, and it is my judgement that will lead us."

Nova Prime: Nova doesn't miss that little clue-in, but it doesn't affect him overly much. The other wasn't a sparkling by any rate, but he was young, a lot younger than himself. A full reign of a matrix-bearer, how much things had changed since his time. So much deterioration of Cybertron's once undisputed glory. He doesn't quite say out loud that Optimus had led them straight into a bloody civil war, but it's there, in the air, in his posture and in subtle lines on his face. "Indeed."

Optimus Prime: If Nova is attempting to guilt Optimus, he's going down a path that Optimus is intimately familiar with. Call it whatever you'd like - guilt, angst, emo - but Optimus knows well what his legacy has so far been. It's part of the reason he's so driven...for while he cannot change the past, he can direct the future.

He removes a hand from his side, holding it palm-upwards. "The texts?" he requests mildly.

Nova Prime: Whatever he's trying to do, it isn't visible in neither his expression nor his stance, still sporting that pleasantly blank look. And while he may not approve of the Prime's way of thinking and his ideologies, he still respects the matrix. He offers the ones he selected earlier to the semi, nodding almost imperceptibly. "I trust you to take care with them," he indicates the texts with a glance. "At this point in time, they are priceless."

Optimus Prime: Optimus accepts the texts with a slow nod. "I will," he promises, visibly treating them with care even now. With the 'confrontation' over, he looks down at the texts, examining them with veiled curiousity before looking back up. "Would you prefer I return them directly to you, once I am finished?"

Nova Prime: There's a glint in Nova's optics as he watches the other and the precious pieces of Cybertronian culture in his hands. He would rather they stayed inside the library, but for the matrix he could make an exception. "It's preferable, yes. Some of them are from my own private collection, I'd be loathe to see them be lost." Nova smiles. The truly valuable ones was kept away from the public, but available if the need for them should arise - under supervision, naturally.

Optimus Prime: Another nod. "I understand. No harm or damage will come to them." That's as much as a promise as the one before, and Optimus bows his head slightly. Though he doesn't say anything, it could be considered a subtle by your leave. Far more respectful than simply turning around and leaving.

Nova Prime: "Good." Soft-sparked and foolish as the Prime might be, Optimus has Nova's approval when it comes to handling his literature. He notes the gesture and returns it, excusing Optimus from his company. "If your little quest should require more information, you know where to find it." This very library, that is. It's an honest enough statement, almost friendly in its tone.

Optimus Prime: "Thank you. I appreciate it." With that, and nothing more to be said - he turns to leave.

Nova Prime: Nova watches him for long enough to see him go through the door, before turning around and heading back into the room where his cube of energon is waiting for him still.

log, optimus prime, nova prime

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