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Mar 23, 2008 17:15

So Pointblank is under some rubble. He calls for a medic but no one comes.

Pointblank: ::Umm... Optimus sir?::

Optimus Prime: *Brief pause, then-* \\Pointblank?\\

Pointblank: ::Yes, sir. This is Pointblank. Could I get your help with something, sir?::

Optimus Prime: \\What is it?\\ *Curious*

Pointblank: *in a low, very sad voice* ::I kind of... stuck, sir. I was wondering if you could help me free.::

Optimus Prime: \\...\\

Optimus Prime: \\How are you -stuck-?\\

Pointblank: *embarrassed as all hell* ::I was working on something in my room and I kind of made a miscalculation. I'm stuck under some rubble of my table. And couch. And other equipment.::

Optimus Prime: \\...hn.\\

Optimus Prime: \\Maybe I should bring someone else as well?\\

Pointblank: ::Maybe. Though I would rather that not too many other knew about this.:: * doesn't like being under heavy things*

Optimus Prime: \\I've got Roller on his way to scope it out. Assuming it's not

too bad, I'll hold off on asking for anyone's help. Does that sound all right?\\

Pointblank: ::That sounds fine. Thank you sir.::

Optimus Prime: \\Don't thank me yet, I haven't gotten you out from the rubble.\\

*True to his word, there is soon a drone trying to nudge open the door to Pointblank's room!*

Pointblank: *Looks at the door and sends the command for it to open.*

Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Nudges it open, chirps in query* ?

Pointblank: Hi? *confused by the chirp*

Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Rolls on over!*

Pointblank: *sees a pile of rubble on top of Pointblank. Only from mid-way up his chest is free. One arm is stuck, the other one out as if reaching for the door.* . Can't speak can you?

Optimus Prime: (Roller) ; =. *Prods some of the rubble with his gun*

Pointblank: *a couple of small things fall. But most of it stays intact.* Well

then. If you could get me out of this, it would be great.

Optimus Prime: (Roller) b(o_o) *starts trying to sort through, prodding and poking and PING of gun-with-equivalent-power-of-a-rubber-band-going-flick*

Pointblank: *a couple more things fall, parts of a desk? But for the most part, nothing budges.* . I don't think that is working.

Optimus Prime: (Roller) :<

Optimus Prime: (Roller) <[+]=^( ~!

Pointblank: *confused mech. Thinks then gets it.* It would be great if you got Prime.

Optimus Prime: (Roller) b(^____^)

Pointblank: Thanks Roller. *he thinks*

Optimus Prime: (Roller) ! *Happy chirp, and goes right back to piddling with the rubble*

Pointblank: *Okay, so now he is completely confused* ::Optimus sir, I'm pretty sure this requires your help. Roller can't exactly do much.::

Optimus Prime: \\So he tells me. I'm almost there.\\

Pointblank: ::... He told you? Never mind. Thank you sir.::

Optimus Prime: *Wryly* \\We've got a link. What he perceives - so can I. Well. For the most part.\\

Pointblank: ::As you say sir.::

Pointblank: *watches as Roller continues to prod the rocks with his gun. Hating his life so much right now.*

Optimus Prime: *Soon enough, Optimus opens the door, immediately spotting Pointblank and the rubble*

Pointblank: Hi, Sir.

Optimus Prime: Hello, Pointblank. *Tilts his head* How did you say this happened, again?

Pointblank: I was working on a new weapon and it kind of... blew up. And when I awoke I was here.

Optimus Prime: Hn...well...let's get you out of there. Any reason you didn't call someone else? *Starts to work on the rubble, carefully*

Pointblank: I didn't know who else to call. I haven't really met that many other Autobots. I also have something to give you, so I figured this would be a good time to get ahold of you.

Optimus Prime: *Blinks once, pausing in his lifting and looking up. There's an imperceptible tensing* Oh?

Pointblank: *looks around* Well at least I did. I don't know where it is anymore.

Optimus Prime: What was it?

Pointblank: Just a new gun for you.

Pointblank: Brand new power system and look. It could be twenty times more powerful than the one you already have.

Optimus Prime: *Looks intrigued, despite himself* Maybe it's under the rubble. *Glances at Roller*

Roller) ┐()┌

...right, then. *Continues sorting debris*

Pointblank: *as more rubble is moved, more of him is able to move. Finally until only small bits and pieces are left on top and he stands up* Free at last, free at last. Thank Primus almighty, I am free at last.

Optimus Prime: *Chuckles, stepping back to give Pointblank some room. Glances down at Roller* Head on back.

Roller) b() *Heads for the door*

Pointblank: Thanks Roller. *gives a small wave and then turns at looks around* Now to find that gun. *heads for where his table once was.*

Optimus Prime: *Glances at the mess* Do you want to get some help clearing this out?

Pointblank: No it is okay. I can do it myself. *digs and comes up with a gun* Found it. It is kind of beat up but it should still work. *holds it out to Optimus*

Optimus Prime: *Accepts it, turning it over in his hands with evident curiosity*

Pointblank: *There are no visible differences from the one he already has. Just a second trigger below the normal one* Press the bottom trigger first.

Optimus Prime: ...

Optimus Prime: *Points it at the rubble, and does so?*

Pointblank: *it doesn't fire. But wires due extend and connect to Prime's arm, the energy systems mainly. There comes this hum from the gun and Prime probably feels some power going to the gun*

Pointblank: You can regulate the power of the gun using your central processor.

Optimus Prime: *He stiffens, obviously not expecting a direct connection - and he does tense a bit, frowning. Keeps his voice neutral* It's actually running off my systems, then?

Pointblank: Not exactly. The normal setting of the gun is at 150%. You can turn it down to 100% and it will run on it's own power. Anything more than 100 requires some extra juice. It doesn't take much for the gun to reach 1000% though.

Optimus Prime: *Nods slightly, then pushes the button again*

Pointblank: When you are ready pull the other trigger.

Optimus Prime: Just trying to figure out how to unhook it. *Wry*

Pointblank: Oh.

Optimus Prime: Same button as to start the hook-up?

Pointblank: Yeah.

Optimus Prime: *Hits it one more time, then, expecting the wires to retract*

Pointblank: *the wires do retract* It is very simple trust me.

Optimus Prime: *Chuckles softly. And, by way of explanation* Wheeljack once gave me an upgrade to my gun during the war. First time I fired it, it ended up almost taking out half the battlefield. Since then, I've been a bit more cautious with people saying 'here, try this'. *Offers Pointblank a half-smile, half-wry-grin*

Pointblank: *gives a small chuckle* Yeah it won't do that. The only thing I do warn is firing it at full power. You could get two shots at full power before you start to feel it wear on you.

Optimus Prime: What's the max power percentage? *Initiates the hook-up again, running a brief systems scan to see how it meshes as he tests out the power control*

Pointblank: 1000%

Optimus Prime: *Blink*

Optimus Prime: Ten times standard output?

Pointblank: Wait. *does some quick calculations* Sorry 2000%.

Optimus Prime: Twenty?

Pointblank: Yeah.

Optimus Prime: *Stares at the gun*

Optimus Prime: ...impressive.

Pointblank: I was thinking of the one I was working on before it malfunctioned.

Optimus Prime: ...is that the one that resulted in...*gestures at the debris?*

Pointblank: *deadpan* Yeah.

Optimus Prime: ...and you're sure this one won't.

Pointblank: I have already tested it. That one is fine.

Optimus Prime: So you made another?

Pointblank: *pulls out his gun* This one is the prototype. That one you have is the final project. The one I was working on was for Megatron. But trying to make a gun from scratch for him is kind of hard. I don't know how the connection would work, or how much power it would have.

Optimus Prime: *Wry look* He pretty much -is- his own gun...*quieter, to himself* Though if there could be a way for me to...no, that's not possible. *Shakes his head, adjusting the power level of the gun once more as he hefts it, testing the weight* So I can bring it from 2000% down to 1%, I assume, but anything above 100 uses my own system power - correct?

Pointblank: Correct. *looks closer at Optimus* Could be a way to do what?

Optimus Prime: ...nevermind. *Coughs*

Pointblank: *leans in a little closer* Are you sure? I really don't have much else to do.

Optimus Prime: *Arches optic at Pointblank, and, matter-of-factly* Unless you could figure out a way to change his alt-mode into one more carry-able? It wouldn't work. *Humorless smile, before he changes the subject* Normal trigger to fire, correct?

Pointblank: *leans back thinking about it* Yeah normal trigger to fire.

Optimus Prime: *Nods. Adjusts the power setting to a lower one, and fires at the rubble - just wants to get a feel for it right now*

Pointblank: *the rubble is blasted decently* Lower power level I assume.

Optimus Prime: Mhm. No reason to go all-out when I've barely got the handle on it. *Turns his wrist, noting how easy it is to simply send a command rather than manually adjusting it - and nods to himself* A higher setting requires a change of surroundings.

Pointblank: *nods* Outside is very suitable for this.

Optimus Prime: *Nods, and turns for the door*

Pointblank: *follows right behind with a small smirk*

Optimus Prime: *As they walk-* How long have you been working on this?

Pointblank: Since that Galvitron has become a problem. *shivers run through him* Fighting Fallen wasn't the most fun thing I have ever done.

Optimus Prime: -you actually encountered him? *Sharp look*

Pointblank: *stops after the sharp look* Yeah. I chased after Galvitron. Then Fallen appeared. We fought against him, but weren't able to do much. So I thought it would be a good idea to come up new weapons to fend them off.

Optimus Prime: I'd heard about that. *Frowns lightly...and then continues walking, obviously expecting Pointblank to follow. Lowers his voice* As powerful as this weapon is, the Fallen's in a different league...but I think finding some way to dissuade him is a good idea.

Pointblank: *continues on, and in a soft tone* I did have one idea. *shakes his head* No. Never mind. It was a bad one.

Optimus Prime: What was it?

Pointblank: Well... Think of one of the turrets we have on the Ark. Now combine that with the system that is in the gun in your hand. The power would be immense.

Optimus Prime: *Blinks at the thought*

Optimus Prime: That could destroy the Ark.

Pointblank: And that was why I didn't do it. All simulations that I did ended with the destruction with the Ark. And Nemesis. So I didn't do it.

Pointblank: But that was the only thing I could think of to take out the Fallen.

Optimus Prime: I don't think it would. *Very softly*

Pointblank: *frowns a little thinking about the fact that. Fallen not being able to be taken out was not a good thought* Maybe it could. I mean he is a transformer like us. He just happens to be one of the first thirteen.

Optimus Prime: *Rubs the bridge of his nose with his non-gunned hand* And that's why I'm not sure it would take him out. That said...if there is a way to take him out, I want to find out what it is. *Grimly* See if you can refine the technology any more?

Optimus Prime: If nothing else, having a weapon system like this that we can hook up to the Ark - even if we're not using it at full power - would be an excellent defense.

Pointblank: *smiles. Finally something to do.* I will do my best sir.

Pointblank: *continues after Prime until they are finally outside.* Ready to test it out sir?

Optimus Prime: Get some help if you need to.

Optimus Prime: *Glances up at the sky, then at the gun, then nods* Alright...let's see what this can do.

Pointblank: *stays at a decent distance, knows how this guns works and how much of a kick it could have at higher powers* I suggest you brace yourself a little. The kick at higher levels is a little intense.

Optimus Prime: *Sets it to 200%, and sets his feet apart before pointing it at some rocks in the distance, and - fires!*

Pointblank: *He feels a slight kick, definitely stronger than his other gun. The rocks pretty much explode in a mass of tiny rocks.. A nice little crater is left as well.* And that was a low setting. Your system doing okay with the little power drain?

Optimus Prime: *No, he does not have the expression of 'ooooh, shiny'! Just a trick of the light. Runs a systems scan, then nods* It's fine. I'm almost tempted to put it at max to see how much it can do, but I think I'll save that. *Wry*

Pointblank: *pulls out his gun and activates the connection* Well I think it would be best until you got use to it. But I will show you what it maybe like.

Pointblank: *moves in front of Prime and sets the power to max. An ominous hum can be heard very well. Braces himself and fires at some rocks a little father out.*

Optimus Prime: *Watches intently*

Pointblank: *And the result looks a little bit like a mini-nuke just went off. There are no rocks left. Not even rubble. A nice deep crater is left as well.*

Optimus Prime: ...

Optimus Prime: *Oooooooh, shiny-ER*

Optimus Prime: Wow.

Pointblank: *intakes heavy in deeply one time and he goes back into a normal stance, gun disconnected* In comparison to yours the power level is about 1800%.

Pointblank: So yours would be a little bit bigger than that. *nodding back at the crater*

Optimus Prime: Very impressive, Pointblank. *Beat* What's your system status?

Pointblank: *quick system check just in case* Fine. I could take another shot or two without any major side affects.

Optimus Prime: *Works out the calculations in his processor. Two shots without any major debilitation...gives maybe three or four max output before being 'out of the count'. Glances towards the distance where they've been doing target practice, braces himself and prepares another shot* What's the approximate range?

Pointblank: *looks out into the open* I actually don't know. *does a few quick calculations trying to figure that one out* I would calculate the max range at around eight to nine kliks.

Optimus Prime: Accurate to it?

Pointblank: If you are a good enough shot at it. The blast moves at a decent speed but a mech maybe able to dodge a direct hit if they knew it was coming.

Optimus Prime: *Obviously, the farther away, the harder it is to maintain accuracy, but he's still working with this*

Optimus Prime: *Nod*

Optimus Prime: *Narrows his optics in slight concentration, focusing on a point in the distance before kicking it up to maximum power, and firing it off*

Pointblank: *two seconds later you can see the cloud kick up from the blast, an apparent direct hit on the rocks. Not like that matters* Nice shot sir. How is your system running? *is nervous that it maybe too much, as he never fired that gun at that power setting, but you wouldn't be able to tell from his tone or facial expression.*

Optimus Prime: *Grins in approval behind his faceplate - though possibly the way his optics light up (even if they're already lit gives it away. A brief systems check, and...* ...not debilitated by any means, though a few more shots and it would be. Excellent work, Pointblank!

Pointblank: *gives a small bow* Thank you sir. As for the new weapons system for the Ark, I will begin right away. Should I being making this a standard for all weapons?

Optimus Prime: As much as I'd like to say yes...no. *Glances down at the gun, disengaging it from his arm* Keep them as back-up for now. Until we've got some more hard data on how they work on threats, we should keep the majority of the weapons where they are.

Pointblank: *nods* Good point sir. What about all the mechs? Should I make them for everyone, or do you have a specific set of mechs that you would like to have them?

Optimus Prime: *Considers* ...bring it up to Ironhide, see what his response is. He's already got impressive weapon systems, but at the same time, he'd probably know *who* could use these. And what to work out, if anything.

Pointblank: *looks out at the last shot that Prime's last shot* That is a good idea. I will do so as soon I possible sir. At least until I clean my room up.

Pointblank: *turns back to Prime* Oh and thank you for digging me out sir. I will take my leave now sir. I will report to you after I talk with Ironhide.

Optimus Prime: *Nods* You're welcome, Pointblank. Keep me updated on the progress.

Pointblank: *nods and heads in, but stops at the entrance and turns back to Prime and gives a small smile* Oh and I will try to come up with something for Megatron so you can carry him around in his gun form.

Optimus Prime: *Stiffens at that, then rubs the back of his head awkwardly* Don't worry about it...

Pointblank: *gives a small nod and heads in. Thinking: How could I get Megatron and new alt-mode.*

Optimus Prime: *Likes him just the way he is! D: *

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

pointblank, log, roller, prime

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