Log: The Death of Princess Sweetgrass

Mar 23, 2008 16:31

Princess Sweetgrass takes herself on a tour of the Ark, and ends up running into Nova Prime. Things do not go well. At all.
(Yes, another "D:!" log where a cute animal meets a horrible end. No more, I promise. Maybe. The Princess had it coming, though.)

Nova Prime: Nova is, as per usual these days, on the Ark, where he was granted his space for his library. He got distracted by one of the texts, however, and he's quite content reading that instead of redoing the area - which is pretty lacking in books and datapads and suchlike anyway. Sigh. There's no cubes of energon down here, the damage it could do if someone was careless enough to spill them is horrifying, to put it bluntly. He might not be a master scholar, but he still liked his arcane literature to remain unsoiled, thankyouverymuch.

Pony: For her part, Princess Sweetgrass has been wandering the Ark looking for something to entertain herself with. She may be on a mission for her Ponies, but she /is/ royalty - she's not used to such low-class surroundings, with so little to /do!/ Besides, she's already located three prospective Champions. She's done her part for the week, hasn't she? Unfortunately for Nova (and even moreso for herself) she has managed to locate his library, clomping in lightly and eyeing the shelves. She flicks her tail, selecting a book and pulling it out with a psychic tug.

Nova Prime: He doesn't hear those hooves before they've entered the same room as he, the flesh princess isn't particularly great in size and he /is/ busy reading, but when the sound registers with him Nova frowns deeply. That is /not/ the sound of another Cybertronian. Glancing up, he spots Sweetgrass, and when the former Prime sees that it is /grabbing one of his books/... No. Disgust and rage fills him, how /dare/ it dirty Nova's prized collection - as if it could even /comprehend/ what it was about. He rises and moves towards the pony, much like a tidal wave does before destroying buildings and lives.

Pony: The Pony ignores his approach, slowly flipping through the chosen tome with her mind and idly flicking her tail. Her royal Pony heritage gives her the right to go where she pleases! (Oh, they always /did/ warn her about her arrogance.) Besides, it's a public library. She's reading quietly and disturbing no one. She is doing nothing wrong.

Nova Prime: Oh, it /is/ a public library - for Cybertronians. And the princess (such illusions of grandeur) is no such thing. The pony is unwanted here and everywhere else, and when he talks down to Sweetgrass it's in more than one way. "You are not welcome. Leave." Do it now and he might not punt you out the door, equine. "Now." It's the absolute barest of politeness.

Pony: Finally the Princess deigns to acknowledge him, looking away from skimming a page to evaluate Nova with a critical stare. She's not especially impressed, and looks back to her book. "Why?" she asks distractedly.

Nova Prime: He leans down and takes the book away from it, he doesn't want the pages ruined. "You are unclean." Straightening again, it's a long way down for him to look at the organic, already dying as he talks to it. It's not a sneer, he doesn't care about the watersack even half as much as he cares about the book it's reading, and now that the text is safe there's no real reason for him to get upset.

Pony: Princess lets him take the book away, too taken aback by his attitude to keep a hold of it. "/Unclean?/" she repeats indignantly, stomping the ground with a hoof. "I pride myself on proper mane, tail, and coat upkeep, and that includes washing with nothing but the finest berry-scented shampoos. I am perfectly /clean,/" she insists.

Nova Prime: "You're reeking with dirt." Not just this one, but all organics are. And his fellow mechs wondered why he feels so strongly about transformers being superior. Silly mechs. He's not interested in arguing with the flesh creature, and nudges it with his foot to make it go away. Shoo, shoo!

Pony: She /whinnies/ her objection, nipping at his foot and resisting being pushed out of the library. She just wants to read, what's wrong with that? She wasn't even /touching/ the books! "Stop that! This is no way to treat royalty." The Pony stomps again, tail giving an ill-tempered flick.

Nova Prime: /Royalty?/ Is that a poor attempt at a joke? He sighs with exasperation, organics could be so /thick/ sometimes; even /drones/ were top notch intelligence compared to them. He pushes it with his foot, hard and just as uncaring as the metal it's made of, just get out already.

Pony: Princess Sweetgrass /sits,/ again doing her level best to avoid being pushed out of the room. It's less about being allowed to stay in the library than being treated like some kind of insignificant little prop, now. "Quit that /this instant!/ I command it!" He's technically not hers to command, but her upringing gets the best of her.

Nova Prime: Had Nova been someone with an interest in Earthern organics, he might have thought that the pony was acting more like a stubborn old dog than an equine, but since he /is/ Nova, supremacist and irritated, he frowns and moves his foot up, over, and down over the watersack, not affected at all by any sounds it - the pony - might make as it descends. You should've gotten out while you could, princess.

Pony: And what sounds they are! Princess Sweetgrass lets loose a series of agonized brayings (Oh, her family's secret past affair with the Donkeys of Donkeynia is showing, for shame!) and struggles with all four limbs under the mech's foot, right up until the pressure snaps her spine. Then it's only two legs that are part of the struggling, both front legs pawing at the ground desperately.

Nova Prime: The mech is more worried about whether he ruptured the skin of the pony - it would leave a mess under his foot and the washrack is so far away, not to mention fluids and tissue might splatter onto the collection of texts. Organics and their messy selves. Nova peers down at the one lying on his floor, an optic ridge lifting as he watches it struggle about. Couldn't even be stepped on... Pathetic. With a disgusted sound he uses the broad side of the foot to deliver an old fashioned kick in the direction of the door. This library was /not/ for watersacks.

Pony: Nova need not worry about having to clean up after her. His organic-stomping technique is top-notch - she's only bleeding internally! Princess hits the wall outside the library with a dull /thump/ before falling heavily to the floor. She lies there for a few moments, dazed. /Well then./ Maybe she'd been wrong to assume they weren't evil after all. She probably should have left when she had the chance, too, but - ah, hindsight. It's pointless to wallow in regret. /Everything/ hurts, to a degree that she has never hurt before, and she doesn't know if there are any Pony doctors nearby. She doubts it. Slowly, she begins to drag her broken body down the corridor with her two remaining functional legs. She has one last thing to do before her time is up.

Nova Prime: He walks towards the fallen princess, steps easy and rather light for him being such a massive mech. Barely granting the organic a look, he pushes the keypad that closes the door, brushing off unseen specs of dirt from the book he's holding before he places it back where it belongs, and moves back to the chair he was doing his reading in. He wonders if he should put up a sign about no organic material being allowed in the library, but thinks it such a given he decides against it. Now, where was he before he was interrupted...

And with the last of her strength, Princess Sweetgrass crawled back to Cliffjumper and confessed her undying love to him, including offering him her tail ribbon. (Totally an I'll-always-love-you gesture back on Ponydonia.) It was all very touching and cliche, except for the part where Cliffjumper just kinda stared blankly. Then it was a little awkward.

log, princess sweetgrass, nova prime

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