LOG: A Call To Duty

Mar 23, 2008 00:03

Starscream: ::Laserbeak. Buzzsaw. Report to me in the war room at my earliest convenience.::

Laserbeak: ::Yes, sir!::

Buzzsaw: *growling* ::...bite my aft, 'screamer.::

Starscream: ::Official business. Get down here.::

Buzzsaw: --...slag...--

Buzzsaw: ::Fine! Just make sure there's nothing valuable under your vent grates...::

Laserbeak: *is already on his way*

Starscream: ::/I'll be waiting./::

Laserbeak: *comes sailing into the war room, landing at a respectful distance from Starscream* ::Laserbeak, reporting for duty, sir!::

Starscream: That's because you're marginally more intelligent than your worse half. I'll start when he gets here.

Buzzsaw: *there’s a heavy, clanging sound from the ceiling overhead... then, without warning, a grate is torn open and the 'worse half' in question comes flapping out...*

Buzzsaw: I'm here. Now what do you want, 'screamer?

Starscream: Is someone persona non grata around the base right now, Buzzsaw? It's your lucky day, then.

Buzzsaw: Oh, not at all! Why, I'm just making friends /everywhere/! Right, 'beak? *glares at his twin*

Laserbeak: *shifts awkwardly, but doesn't answer.*

Starscream: Right. Watch me care either way.

Laserbeak: *clearing his intakes politely*

Laserbeak: So, what did you wish to see us about, sir?

Starscream: You two, along with a few other mechs, are going to be working for your energon. Find Galvatron, Nemesis, and Blackout. They're somewhere outside the barrier.

Buzzsaw: *perks up at the mention of Blackout*

Starscream: You're not to engage them, you're just to track them down to wherever the Pit they are and report back. Do /not/ be seen, and try not to get yourselves killed, hilarious though that would be.

Laserbeak: *nods* Affirmative. We shall set out immediately.

Buzzsaw: Yes. We shall. *evil glint in optics*

Starscream: Good. Get the slag out of here. Ravage and whoever of the Autobot scouts get off their afts will be on this detail as well; work with them as necessary to get this over with.

Laserbeak: As you command, sir! *whips around and goes soaring out of the room*

Buzzsaw: *is still sitting there*

Starscream: Yeah? *eyes Buzzsaw*

Buzzsaw: I've got something to ask you, 'screamer. *odd tone of voice*

Starscream: Out with it.

Buzzsaw: Fine. *blunt and dead serious*  Is there any chance in the Pit I could get an upgrade? I'm sick of being everyone's favorite clay pigeon...

Starscream: What the Pit do /I/ care? Take it up with the medics and Soundwave.

Buzzsaw: I doubt I wanna go near the medbay anytime soon... *starts to hop out of the room*

Buzzsaw: *stops just long enough to replay the sound of Starscream howling in terror before flying out into the hall and vanishing...*

Starscream: *takes a potshot at Buzzsaw as he goes, /just because/*


starscream, log, laserbeak, buzzsaw

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