Log Dump: The Younglings learn some new stuff, and Megs and 'Hide on WoW

Mar 17, 2008 17:24

Longarm: *Rolls on into the sparing room once more, towing arm not swinging quite as happily as usual - they are going to spar, and that is not as much fun to Longarm. :/ *
Ironhide: -leans against the wall, waiting for the younglings-
Landmine: *Enters the training room, just shy of being late. He's got his normal passive face on, as usual*
Longarm: *drives on up to Ironhide, giving his usual nudge of greeting*
Ironhide: -nods at both of them, smiling slightly at the nudge-
Landmine: *You will get no such nudges from Landmine! :< Instead, you will get him standing half-at attention in front of you. How's that, Ironhide?*
Ironhide: You don't need to stand at attention, kid.
Landmine: *Relaxes all of a little bit. Happy now? :\*
Ironhide: .... -quirks an optic ridge- Loosen up, Landmine. This is not military.
Longarm: *transforms into robot mode without being prompted - for once - right at Ironhide's feet, standing and blinking orange optics RIGHT in Ironhide's face* ...Hello. :3
Ironhide: -moves his head back a bit, blinking- ...hi.
Longarm: *is not the least disturbed by the closeness or Ironhide's step back* Ironhide. Landmine and myself....we have...questions for you.
Landmine: *Looks from Longarm to Ironhide, and if he had the thought to say it, he'd probably make some sort of quip about Longarm being weird. Since he can't, he instead just stands, waiting patiently*
Ironhide: What kind of questions?
Ironhide: -has a feeling this is going to be awkward-
Longarm: Do you...dislike Landmine? *blunt sparkling is indeed blunt!*
Landmine: *Passive! Bluntness is nothing to him - but he does look mildly expectantly at Ironhide*
Ironhide: ... -was not expecting a question like that- No, I don't dislike him. Why would you ask that?
Longarm: ...He thinks you do. It...somewhat seems like you might? You do not...treat him the same as you do....me? *inquiring head tilt*
Ironhide: -frowns, trying to think of how to handle this-
Landmine: *Can't help but ask* Is it because of Sector-7?
Ironhide: -sighs- ...in a way. -looks at them both, then leans back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest- Gonna tell you a story.
Longarm: *makes an inquisitive chirp, waiting politely*
Landmine: *Fire away, Ironhide, it's not like Landmine's going anywhere*
Ironhide: Our race was at war, for about nine million years, human equivalent. There were a few reasons, but one of them was control over an artifact called the Allspark.
Ironhide: M'sure you've noticed the two insignias that we display. -points at his own- This one is the Autobot symbol; the other faction, with the purple one, is the Decepticons.
Ironhide: To keep the Decepticons from getting the Allspark, it was jettisoned into space. For a few million years, no one knew where it was, and both sides searched for it.
Ironhide: It was finally found here, on Earth, and there was a battle that ended up with it destroyed.
Ironhide: -very slight change in tone there, but then back to normal- There was a human organization called Sector 7 that worked with the Autobots during that battle, and it was supposedly disbanded afterwards.
Ironhide: We thought we'd made it clear to the humans that we meant them no harm, but then we found out that Sector 7 had reformed, and they started kidnapping us.
Ironhide: They were independent from the human government, and were performing experiments on us as well. -slight growl- They wanted to get rid of us, thought we were a threat.
Ironhide: We fought them, and luckily, we managed to rescue any of ours that were captured. This all happened a few months back, and they haven't reformed since; they're no longer bothering us.
Ironhide: Sector 7's attacks on our entire race, Autobots and Decepticons alike, helped to keep the peace we're sharing now.
Ironhide: We still have a few enemies out there, though, which is why I'm teaching you what I am. You need to know how to defend yourselves.
Ironhide: Any questions so far?
Landmine: ...Yes.
Landmine: ...They were frightened of you. And so you... Attacked them?
Ironhide: -keeps his voice calm- They took us and performed experiments on us against our will.
Ironhide: If they had asked us, we would have shared information.
Longarm: *listens carefully, looking up the things he does not recognise - like 'kidnapping' and 'preforming experiments' on living beings - and squirms uncomforably with what he finds*
Landmine: But they did not. And so... *Trails off, looking both slightly upset and confused*
Ironhide: We attempted to negotiate with them; it didn't work. So we fought back.
Longarm: *Chirps sadly, knowledgable about the rest to know the inevitable result of that. Human were...very small. Mechs were not.*
Landmine: ...I knew many of the Sector-7 humans. *:|*
Ironhide: And I regret that we were forced to kill, but we weren't about to let them destroy us.
Landmine: ...Many of them were... very scared of you.
Ironhide: We told them we meant no harm, that we couldn't go back to our home. -getting a bit harder to keep his tone even now-
Longarm: Even though they were scared... perhaps they should not have attacked anyway? Is it not better to flee when...when you are up against something stronger then you...? Something that you...fear? *curious headtilt, unsure*
Landmine: They did not think of it as attacking...
Ironhide: What did they think they were doing, then? -quirks an optic ridge, honestly curious-
Landmine: ...Defending themselves.
Longarm: *optics dim and processor clicks away as he thinks* ...I thought...defending was done second? And attacking was done...first? Did they not...know this?
Ironhide: ....yes, the Decepticons attacked the humans at first, over the Allspark, but the Autobots defended them. Then, peace was made, and no more attacks were made.
Ironhide: Until Sector 7 started kidnapping us, even the ones who /defended/ them.
Landmine: ......*Looks up at Ironhide thoughtfully* ...To me, there is no difference between "Autobots" and "Decepticons." There are only those who... destroyed Sector-7 and killed the humans I protected.
Ironhide: If they had known about you, they would have attacked you as well, regardless of whether you meant them harm or not.
Landmine: ...I protected them. If they had known, they would have been afraid. So I did not show them.
Ironhide: That was smart of you. What I'm trying to get you to understand, though, is that we were defending ourselves.
Landmine: So were they. *Still passive*
Ironhide: We meant them no harm!
Longarm: *meeps softly* ...Is it defending or attacking if you strike first? Because... once there is peace...is it not the first to break the peace that is...attacking?
Landmine: ...*Looks genuinely strained for a moment or two, before relaxing slightly* Then you may continue to dislike humans. I will continue to protect them. What is today's lesson?
Ironhide: I don't dislike humans.
Landmine: Then you would not hurt them.
Ironhide: I only dislike the ones that attack me and my kind.
Ironhide: Not all humans have, and we have made friends with some of them.
Landmine: Humans are very fearful of things they do not understand. If you understood that, you would understand their need to defend themselves. *Patiently once more* This is what I have seen.
Ironhide: They didn't /need/ to defend themselves. They attacked /us./
Longarm: *glances back and forth between the two of them, more and more confused - and worried*
Landmine: Have you never feared something that promises you no harm? *Genuinely curious - as it is, he's not exactly unafraid of the Transformers (not that he'd ever tell you that)*
Ironhide: Been wary of, yes, but I never attacked first.
Landmine: But... You said the humans were attacked first.
Ironhide: -sighs- Yes, they were, and they were informed afterwards that peace was declared.
Landmine: But... They were so afraid.
Ironhide: They should have tried /talking/ with us! They knew that the Autobots, at least, had defended them before. -frustrated-
Landmine: ..... *Tenses at Ironhide's tone, casting a brief glance at Longarm before forcing himself to relax, if only slightly, and remains quiet*
Longarm: *meeps, door-wings twitching*
Ironhide: ... -notices this and forces himself to calm down- Look, kid, we don't want to hurt the humans.
Landmine: .....You are capable of it. And so, they will be afraid. *Quietly* There is a reason I did not tell them what I was. I did not want my friends to be afraid of me.
Ironhide: -sighs- Any other questions you wanted to ask me?
Longarm: *frowns, head tilting* I do not...think so now?
Landmine: ...*Tilts his head in acknowledgement, posture straightening slightly* What is today's lesson?
Ironhide: Hand to hand. -points at a circle drawn on the ground- The two of you are going to stand in that circle, and try to knock the other out. No weapons, just strength.
Longarm: ...'Knock the other out'? Render the other ...unconcious, or ...push the other out of the ring? *confused again, yay*
Ironhide: If you leave the circle, you lose.
Longarm: ...Very well. *heads over towards the circle with...rather obvious reluctance. He does not LIKE fighting like this...* :<
Landmine: *Looks to the circle, then to Longarm, then Ironhide - before nodding once and moving to the circle himself. Anything's better than shooting, so far as he's concerned, at at least it isn't a fake target this time...*
Longarm: *stares at the circle, then up at Landmine, then over to Ironhide. He doesn't want to do this.... D: * Do we just...shove at each other?
Ironhide: Basically, yes. Try to find weak points to force your opponent out of the circle.
Longarm: ......Very well. *frowns*
Landmine: *Well, when in Rome... Taking Ironhide's explanation as a starting command, Landmine launches off at a fairly decent clip, shoulder down and, for all intents and purposes, looking ready to shove Longarm the hell out of that ring*
Longarm: *Gets a completely unexpected optic-full of a charging Landmine, not even in a starting position or anything yet, and just...MEEPS* o0;;;
Ironhide: ....wait for my command next time.
Landmine: *Hears that and practically brakes, skidding to a halt with only a small distance between his shoulder and Longarm, looking at Ironhide in confusion* Was that not a command?
Ironhide: I didn't tell you to start yet. -quirks an optic ridge-
Landmine: ....His weakness was not being ready. *Still, his engine revs a bit as he backs off, returning to his side of the circle. They'll do it by the books, then :<*
Ironhide: -kid's got a point, and he nods slightly- Yes, but I wanted to make sure you both understood before having you start.
Longarm: o0;; *staaaaaares. That was....kinda scary*
Landmine: *Looks at Longarm* Do you understand? *Curiously - he sure doesn't look ready :\*
Longarm: *nods oooh so slowly, blinking once and staring at Ironhide with a rather helpless expression, before settling into a rather tense 'ready' position'*
Landmine: *NOW he looks at Ironhide. He ain't getting told twice*
Ironhide: -looks at them, then nods- Go.
Landmine: *Waits a moment after the starting command before pushing off against his feet once more, one shoulder down and the hand on his opposite side flat, palm facing Longarm*
Landmine: *He's gonna knock the crap outta the other, so far as he's concerned*
Longarm: *braces himself, spreading out his feet and rasing up his arms, guarding his center as he's been taught - though he hardly looks very confident. Or steady*
Ironhide: -watches carefully, seeing what they'll do-
Landmine: *Steady or not, confident or not, you've got a hefty assault buggy coming at you, Longarm - well, more like coming on to you, since his shoulder is now slamming up against his chest - well, the best he can, considering*
Longarm: *makes an odd, electronic startle/pain-sound at the impact, shoulder dropping lower to rather bleatedly try to absorb the impact, arms coming up to try and block, grabbing for Landmine's arms for leverage*
Landmine: *Grunts slightly, twisting his arms a bit wildly to try and dislodge Longarm's hands, brakes locking on the tires on his feet so that he doesn't go skidding back as he pushes forward. You! Out of my ring! >o*
Longarm: *engine gives a rev as his huge feet try to plant themselves firmly against the ground, stumbling under the force, one hand knocked loose with the other locking on more tightly onto Landmine's unarmored wrist, shoving back with his chest to just try and get the other sparkling away*
Landmine: *Yelps, more from the unexpected sensation that grip on his wrist gives him than from pain, free hand scrabbling against Longarm's shoulder and, incidentally, his wheel well*
Longarm: *optics go wide with the sudden strange sensation that shoots through his systems from the touch at his wheel well, a feeble squeak escaping his vocalizer as his digitigrade legs fold under him, everything suddenly going weak and trembly*
Ironhide: ....what just happened?
Landmine: *Would love to respond, but Longarm is now a bit of dead weight in his grip - his knees buckle a bit themselves and he lets out a yelp as he finds himself toppling over onto the other*
Ironhide: Longarm, Landmine, what did you just do?
Landmine: ...I don't know? *Sounding really confused now* What...?
Longarm: *caves under the weight, flopping over onto his back, intakes panting in short little shocked gasps and limbs trembling in a way that has nothing to do with the strain of the weight, grip still on Landmine's wrist* ....I...
Ironhide: .......... -uh oh; he really hopes it isn't what he thinks happened- Are you in pain?
Landmine: *Wriggles his wrist a bit, half-heartedly trying to dislodge Longarm's grip but not really - he has a feeling Ironhide isn't talking to him (after all, he didn't fall down first)*
Longarm: ...N-no...? *wriggles under Landmine, feet and door-wings twitching as that odd feeling crawls through his systems - what was going ON?* D:
Ironhide: Get up, both of you. Landmine, are you hurt?
Landmine: *Pushes himself onto his knees and rolls back a bit, onto his feet - but Longarm's got a grip on his wrist that feels none-too-bad* I am fine. *Maybe? D8* ...Longarm, let go.
Longarm: *meeps breathlessly when Landmine pulls back, unclamping his hand easily, with no notion of anything that might have done to the other sparkling, too focused on his own internal sensor readings at the moment, slowly sitting up*
Ironhide: -sighs- What did you both just feel?
Longarm: I..I don't k-know? *slowly looks up at Ironhide, staring and totally, completely LOST*
Landmine: ...*Rubs his wrist with his other hand, looking at Ironhide in confusion* It was not an injury. *...And so now he's just waiting for the next "Go!" - hey, he isn't injured, it doesn't matter*
Ironhide: -looks more closely at Landmine's wrist, noticing how little armor covers the typically more sensitive circuitry- Frag. -does not want to do this, but he's going to have to, it seems :/ -
Ironhide: ....either of you know about interfacing yet?
Landmine: *Blink*
Longarm: *shakes his head slowly, optics still wide, towing arm unusually still and tight with confusion*
Ironhide: -sighs, a little uncomfortable discussing this- Interfacing. It's...similar to the act humans perform to reproduce.
Longarm: ...What does this....act of reproduction...have to with this? *frowns, wheel within the accidentally groped wheel-well spinning and twitching oddly*
Landmine: *Releases the hold on his wrist as he stands, rolling the shoulder he had slammed into Longarm* Interfacing - connecting electronic components?
Ironhide: ...also the term we use for our version of 'sex', though for us, it is not how we reproduce. -takes a step towards Landmine and holds out his hand-
Ironhide: Give me your hand.
Landmine: *Blinks again, but after a second of cautious looking-over, Landmine holds out his hand, palm up*
Longarm: *head tilts curiously, watching*
Ironhide: -takes it, careful to keep from touching anything on his wrist, and points at the exposed circuitry and parts- It's unusual to have that much visible and easily accessible.
Ironhide: ...do you know how the humans have sex? -voice is a bit gruff-
Landmine: ...*Optics unfocus - oh, good job, Ironhide, he's Googling it now*
Longarm: *they BOTH are now, actually; naive little processors spinning away~*
Landmine: ...*Focuses his optics back on Ironhide* It does not connect to what I heard my humans speak of on occasion, though I believe I recognized one of them on the internet.
Ironhide: ....humans have strange innuendo. Interfacing is similar, though not quite the same. -lets go of his hand and takes a step back-
Ironhide: It involves a lot of...touching sensitive parts. Which you two did accidentally, it seems.
Longarm: ....Isn't the point of battling... to attack poorly-armored weak-spots? Which would likely be more...sensitive places? *frowns and head-tilts*
Landmine: *What Longarm said*
Ironhide: ...yes, in a way. It's an...unspoken rule that sensitive parts are not touched with intent to cause pleasure as a distraction on the battlefield.
Ironhide: Injury, yes, but you are not going to be causing each other harm in these classes.
Landmine: ...*Wait, so, what?* If we are fighting, will we not cause each other injury?
Ironhide: No serious injuries. Can't avoid them completely.
Longarm: So we... accidentally...broke this...rule? And so what just happened was....bad? *it was weird...but it felt kinda good.*
Landmine: *He's still kind of confused on the whole "fighting but not trying to hurt each other" thing*
Ironhide: ...it's...typically only done with one you... -tries to think of how to word this- I'm really bad at explaining this; I'm gonna comm someone who can explain better.
Longarm: ...alright? *still so confused! :< *
Ironhide: -shifts a bit after a moment- Got someone coming.
Ratchet: *He was on his way down, shaking his head slightly, wondering how Hide had gotten himself into this mess*
Landmine: If you insist. *He just wants to get back to sparring, damn it :<*
Ironhide: ::To Ratchet: I already sort of explained a few things...::
Ratchet: *He finally came around the corner and entered the sparring room, noting Hide, Longarm and Landmine. He paused, taking it in, then looked at 'Hide* ...What exactly happened?
Ironhide: -motions towards the circle drawn on the floor- Was gonna have them spar against each other, but... -voice is gruff- didn't realize how exposed some of Landmine's circuitry was.
Landmine: I was not the one who collapsed. *Huffy - his circuitry is perfectly fine*
Ironhide: Caused him to accidentally touch Longarm's wheelwells... -shifts slightly-
Ratchet: *He tilted his head, looking at the other two*...I see...*he looked back at Hide* What all have you explained so far? *he was debating putting a short movie together.*
Ironhide: ...didn't go into too much detail about interfacing, just that it was...similar to human 'sex'. -gruff Ironhide is gruff-
Ratchet: *he nodded* It is, but with several major differences. *he unsubbed a small projector that he had decided to bring on a last minute whim and fiddled with it a bit. He set it down on the floor, then activated it. It showed a generic hologram of a transformer, showing several major wiring harnesses, fuel lines, and the spark chamber*
Longarm: *soft 'Ooo' sound and turns to watch*
Ironhide: -facepalms, and finds a spot on the wall to lean back against-
Landmine: *Watches passively, crossing his arms after a moment*
Ratchet: *He stood, watching all of them, then stepped forward* I am sure you two are smart and can figure out what this is. But, it will help. *he pointed to each of the components in turn* Each of your systems, even your armor, can be sensitive to certain touches. In this case, a wheelwell is very sensitive. No matter what should these areas be touched in certain ways.
Ratchet: *he paused, thinking*
Ironhide: ...unless you're given permission. -has to add that in-
Longarm: *nods slowly. Oookay...*
Ratchet: *And it would take about half an hour to explain all the finer details about interfacing, going from what is right to touch on a regular basis, to what is allowed in combat. (Forgive Mun, for she is braindead at moment and can't put descriptions together worth a shit right now)*
Ratchet: *after he was done, he decided a demo was in order. He reached around to Hide's back, fingers sliding across a certain etching...*
Ironhide: -stiffens, moving away rather quickly- ...the frag do you think you're doing?!
Ratchet: *he chuckled* Just a demonstration.
Ratchet: ::Hey, you brought me down here to explain this..you really think I would NOT do something like this?:: *he raised an optic ridge at that*
Ironhide: ::Slagger.:: -growls, crossing his arms over his chest-
Landmine: ...So, we are not to touch Ironhide's back? *...Well, it's a lesson, right?*
Ratchet: *He Chuckled a bit* That too. But more of an example that each mech has areas that shouldn't be touched unless given permission.
Longarm: *perks up a bit, staring in intrigued confusion* ...Did Ironhide give you...permission to do that? *totally honest question, there!*
Ratchet: Very good question. No, he didn't. You are very observant. Yet another example.
Ironhide: -narrows his optics at Ratchet-
Landmine: ...So that was a... bad touch, then.
Longarm: *nods in agreement! Exactly. So why are you doing that? :/ *
Ratchet: Had we not been bonded, yes, definitely. Right now, though, he is upset because I did that in front of you, not so much that I did it. ::Sorry, Hide...:: *watches them, and eyes Hide*
Longarm: ...Bonded?
Ratchet: *He nodded* Yes, I believe I explained them. *he went back to explaining bonds again...another 20 minutes.*
Ironhide: -grumbles, having moved back against the wall-
Landmine: ...So, you must be bonded in order to touch another in a non-combat situation? *Blink*
Ironhide: A bond is not required, just permission.
Longarm: *the giant D: look that came over his facial plates at that unhappy thought slowly begins to fade with that reassurance*
Ratchet: *he nodded in agreement with Hide* Otherwise, how would you become bonded in the first place?
Ironhide: ...you two got any other questions...?
Longarm: ...Not right now...? *is a bit...overwhelmed*
Landmine: ...Are we going to continue sparring? *...Well, he's not daunted, at least?*
Ratchet: *he deactivated the holo and subbed it again, crossing his arms, then looking at Hide* ::Still training them, at least?::
Ironhide: Let's just try this again tomorrow.
Longarm: ...Alright then? ._.
Landmine: If you say so.
Ironhide: Thanks, Ratch. -mumbles-
Ironhide: You two can go. Same time tomorrow.
Ratchet: *He nodded* If anyone needs me, I'll be in the medbay.
Landmine: All right. *Is already going! Don't have to tell this mech twice*
Longarm: *slowly rolls to his feet, nodding slowly. He takes a step forward towards Ironhide, before drawing back with an unsure look, head tilting in confusion before heading on out of the room deep in thought - in robot mode for once*
Ratchet: *He waited for the others to leave, then turned to Hide* ....That was...odd.
Ironhide: ...what?
Ratchet: ..It's been a while since I have had to explain that to younglings. *stiffly*
Ironhide: Sorry.

Megatron: Well, well...look who we have here.
Ironhide: ...what?
Megatron: ...nothing. Nothing at all.
Ironhide: ...
Ironhide: Right.
Megatron: What? I'm just making conversation.
Megatron: Primus, don't be so touchy. >/
Ironhide: Just a weird way to start one.
Megatron: Fine.
Megatron: Hi. How are you today, Ironhide?
Megatron: ...is -that- better?
Ironhide: ...who's touchy today?
Megatron: Hn...
Megatron ...I'm going to kill things andpretenditsultramagnus.
Megatron: Let me know if you get into a bind.
Ironhide: Still pissed over that picture?
Megatron: Yes...no... It's not about the picture...much.
Ironhide: Then what's it about?
Megatron: ...
Megatron: How would you feel if Ratchet suddenly got a brother who was overbearing, rude, and just downright unpleasant?
Ironhide: ...pretty fragged off.
Megatron: Well there you go.
Megatron: This...Ultra Magnus...shows up out of nowhere and suddenly just plops himself down into our lives. If he thinks I'll be bullied, he's got another thing coming to him. >/
Ironhide: Gotta look at it from his side, too. He comes here to find his brother and his enemy mated.
Megatron: ...hn. True.
Megatron: For Prime's sake, I'll be as tolerant as I can. For Ultra Magnus' sake, I hope he can learn to deal with it.
Ironhide: All you can do.
Megatron: I suppose. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. >/
Ironhide: Hn.

Megatron: ...
Ironhide: ...hey.
Megatron: ....so...how are you doing?
Ironhide: ...
Ironhide: Fine.
Megatron: ....not, well, hurt or anything?
Ironhide: No.
Megatron: ...hn.
Megatron: Well, be more careful next time.
Ironhide: .....
Megatron: But I guess if there was any place to be trapped, that would be the one, right?
Megatron: Heh...
Ironhide: It wasn't fun.
Megatron: ...well, at least not the part where the live vid feed got broadcast to Primus and everyone else, I suppose. But it couldn't have been -that- bad otherwise.
Ironhide: /You/ try having a heavy couch pinning you, and not being able to close your spark chamber until you overload /as there's someone else in the room/.
Megatron: ...
Megatron: Well...at least you got to overload?
Megatron: Anyway, I sent you something. It might make you feel better.
Ironhide: ...I just want to forget it ever happened. >/
Megatron: Alright. Won't bring it up again.
Ironhide: Thanks.

What Megs sent him!

Ironhide: Where'd you find them?
Megatron: Bloodelf place.
Ironhide: Silvermoon? Ah. Haven't been there yet.
Megatron: You like it?
Megatron: They don't do much, but are sorta fun.
Ironhide: Yeah, I do. Thanks.
Megatron: No problem.

longarm, megatron, log, landmine, wow, ratchet, ironhide

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