[RP Log] Patience and mischief.

Mar 01, 2008 03:54

Summary: Windcharger and Silverbolt have a conversation. It is fluffy and rather cute.

Windcharger: :: Incoming transmission. Accept? Y/N ::
Silverbolt: ::Y::
Windcharger: :: Hullo! ::
Silverbolt: ::Windcharger, hello! How are you?::
Windcharger: :: I'm good! ...bit bored, though. Isn't much to do on base. ::
Silverbolt: *amused* ::Finding that out, are you? Did you want some company, at least, then?::
Windcharger: :: Company? That would be great! I haven't really gotten to know many mechs on base, everyone's so hard to approach, maybe they just have a thing against minibots or something. ...I really hope they don't, though, that would be awful. ::
Silverbolt: ::I don't think so. Tension is just... rather high, lately. It makes a lot of mechs irritable, I think.::
Windcharger: :: Hmm... that would explain Skyfire being so... you know. Maybe we all should have a race, where the winner gets a, a... a couple of cubes of really good high-grade. Should probably be one for fliers and one for ground-based alts, though. Bit unfair if it wasn't. ::
Silverbolt: ::That's an idea! It may not fix anything, really, but some activity would be nice - and in a way that hopefully wouldn't get anyone hurt. ...Though I'm sure some mechs will find a way.:: *dryly*
Windcharger: :: I wouldn't mind the activity at all... so far Earth has been really quiet. Makes me restless! And we could have rules preventing mechs getting hurt? Shouldn't be too hard to avoid it? :: *sounds hopeful*
Silverbolt: ::If they're watched, it's entirely possible.:: *he sounds positive, at least* ::Not all mechs were built for speed though - or would there be obstacles for them to navigate that depended on something besides that?::
Windcharger: :: Ooh... that's a great idea. Prime and Megatron can be the judges, and there could be things you had to shoot at with blanks, some slalom and some kind of thing to jump over? Then a sprint to the end! :: *enthusiastic minibot!*
Silverbolt: ::Now that would be an event! It might even be fun just to watch, for those who don't want to participate.::
Windcharger: *really getting into the spirit now* :: Maybe even teams? So that the really slow mechs could win too, I mean. Randomly selected, to make it fair, and approved by the judges? And a special bit for fliers! Going through hoops and things like that? That would be awesome to watch, you know, for us ground-bound ones. :: *tad admiring, that last sentence.*
Silverbolt: ::Encouraging teamwork, cooperation - that's a good idea, sure. And I'm sure that any flier is going to be happy for a chance to show off, win or lose.:: *still amused - Windcharger's excitement is contagious*
Windcharger: :: You really think so? :: *it's hard to miss the happy (and hopeful) tone* :: Maybe there could be some kind of puzzle, too, that the whole team had to solve before the next mech could run their part, and in the end when you have all the words it makes a sentence that you gotta have to win? Someone smart would have to think that part out, though, I'm not too good with things like that, unfortunately. :: *almost-sigh*
Silverbolt: ::That's a really -interesting- idea.:: *Even sounding sincere!* ::We could probably find a mech who's good at that kind of thing - it's not really my strength either. But it could be a lot of fun!::
Windcharger: *Is fairly bouncing on the berth he's sitting on, and he jumps off it to pace back and forth while talking on the comm* :: It really would be! And then maybe mechs would start talking to eachother, too. And we'd all get our afts movin' again, and it would be really, really fun. And awesome and great! ::
Silverbolt: ::I agree.:: *Still positive, but he pauses a moment, thinking over the details* ::Probably it should be run by Prime and Megatron first... Especially since movement outside of base is somewhat limited right now.::
Windcharger: :: ...oh. I forgot about that. Makes it hard to have racing and flying things, too. Think Prime or Megatron would like the idea, though? Maybe they'll just think it's silly and dismiss it. :: *not too happy about that thought* :: ...don't think Prime will do that, though. He's usually forthcoming, right? He'll know what to do! ::
Silverbolt: ::I think if we presented it as something to foster cooperation and some - hopefully - friendly rivalry, they would consider it at least. Maybe also if they don't have to organize it themselves, since I know they're busy.::
Windcharger: :: That's a great idea, Silverbolt! They could select a little group of mechs to organize it for them, and that could make everyone less hostile with eachother too, plus we'd get some more input on what we could do, too. Are they really busy? Maybe we should just leave them a message about it instead of comming them or having a meeting about it, if they don't have that much time left over? ::
Silverbolt: ::It shouldn't be difficult to at least ask Prime... Probably it'd be best to pass it by them than spring it as a surprise later.::
Windcharger: :: I don't think Prime is the kind of mech that appreciates surprises like that much... :: *frowns on the other end of the link* :: You think Skyfire is still mad at me? :: *bit sad, bit...guilty?*
Silverbolt: ::...I don't know, really.:: *Honesty, hi.* ::I don't know Skyfire that well, but we made a mistake; hopefully he'll understand that's what it was and let it go.:: *Starscream tactfully not mentioned, see.*
Windcharger: :: ...he seems really mad at me. :: *unhappy tone* :: Maybe I should get him a present to show that I'm really sorry? Like, a new vial? A set of new vials! Think he would like that? ::
Silverbolt: ::You could. I think maybe you should give it a while though, and let him cool off a bit. But replacing what was broken is a nice thought.::
Windcharger: :: ...okay. I'm not that good at waiting, though. :: *At least he knows, right?* :: It gets really boring after a little while. ...I'm not that good with boring, either ::
Silverbolt: ::I kind of figured that.:: *teasing, just a little* ::We'll just have to keep you busy then.::
Windcharger: *He's heard it before, he'll cope.* :: With what? There isn't anything to do... besides drinking. :: *loud sigh*
Silverbolt: ::Planning? Organizing, if we get beyond the planning stage... ::
Windcharger: :: But we should run it by Prime first, right? You just said so yourself. Kind of silly to be planning without the okay from him, isn't it? ::
Silverbolt: ::Some planning is a good idea; better to present him with -how- we'd do it as well as -what- we'd do. Just be prepared to change things if he has suggestions.::
Windcharger: :: Oh. Yeah, that's a good idea! I think you're better at this planning thing than me, though. ::
Silverbolt: ::You have the ideas, though! I wouldn't have ever thought of that on my own.::
Windcharger: :: Really? It's not that hard, you just let the mind wander a bit and think about the things that pop up in your processor and have some fun with them and then suddenly you have an idea! It's really not difficult at all. ::
Silverbolt: ::I think you just have a more dynamic thought-process.:: *Amused*
Windcharger: *...a what?* :: Maybe, but that doesn't stop other mechs from doing the same, you know. You should try it some time, it's really very relaxing and it passes the time really well. Sometimes I'm surprised by the time gone by while I was thinking about a, a, an idea. ::
Silverbolt: ::I tend to get mired down in worrying, rather than planning.:: *ruefully*
Windcharger: :: ...huh. Why? Isn't that very tiresome in the long run? I worry sometimes too, and it's really taxing on my systems, I can't imagine how it must be like to feel like that all the time. It must be awful. ::
Silverbolt: ::Ah...:: *The Aerialbot sounds honestly as though he hasn't considered that* ::I just do it. It can be taxing, sometimes.::
Windcharger: :: Only sometimes? :: *sounds concerned - who knew if Silverbolt was suffering under all that pressure from worrying all the time?*
Silverbolt: ::Sometimes.:: *there's a smile in his tone now* ::It's all right though.::
Windcharger: :: You sure? I could come to your quarters with these cubes I've managed to find? There's only three of them, though, so it'll just be one for each to make it fair, but it's better than nothing, right? ::
Silverbolt: ::Oh! Um. If you like? I wouldn't mind the company.::
Windcharger: :: Okay! I'd really like it, I don't like being cooped up for too long. Makes my engine itch! :: *As an afterthought...* :: Where are your quarters? I don't think you've told me. ::
Silverbolt: ::Oh, sorry--:: *The Aerialbot transmits coordinates without a second thought - apparently Windcharger having access to his door at any time isn't a deterrent.*
Windcharger: *Said minibot is usually more respecting of privacy than he was that time in the lab, mostly because labs are not private quarters, they're a work station. Some mechs just can't keep their work out of their home, though, it seems.* :: Thank you! :: *Sounds of a door opening and closing may be heard, faintly so, he doesn't waste much time. *
Silverbolt: ::Of course!:: *'Bolt isn't worried; he likes Windcharger, though he's a little bemused at the other's interest in hanging out with -him-*
Windcharger: *Because he likes the Aerialbot, why else?* :: Just give me a moment to get there, it won't take too long, promise! :: *And to avoid spending too much time getting there, he transforms into his alt mode and roaring down the hallways, grinning - at least mentally.*
Silverbolt: ::No hurry! I'm not going anywhere.:: *But he's not terribly surprised to hear a car approaching at speed not long after. He even goes to open the door to meet him, anticipating his arrival*
Windcharger: :: Good! :: *quiets down as he focuses on navigating the hallways, driving faster than they were intended for, having fun with powersliding around corners and speeding up on the stretches. He screeches to a halt several meters past Silverbolt's door, transforming and backtracking to the open door* Hey! Hope I didn't take too long?
Silverbolt: *Grins as he holds the door ppen for the minibot* No, just long enough.
Windcharger: Great! *Grins widely, a bounce in his step as he walk inside, looking around with badly concealed curiosity.*
Silverbolt: *It's a room - neatly kept and clean, with little in the way of personal effects. Berth on the far side, with a table and two chairs sitting between it and the door. Silverbolt smiles a little, not self-conscious but curious about Windcharger's curiosity* Are you looking for something?
Windcharger: *Looks back at the Aerialbot commander at the question, perhaps a tad sheepish in his grin. He was a nosy mech (albeit innocently so, most of the time), which seemed to be the root of his problems in often enough.* Just looking! It's a nice room.
Silverbolt: Thank you. *He smiles and gestures to the table* Take a seat, if you want. I think I will. *And he suits action to words, sitting down - which also puts him more on a level with the smaller mech, incidentally*
Windcharger: *When in Rome, do as the... who was it again? Do as the humans? Eh, close enough! He follows Silverbolt's suggestion and sits down in the opposite chair, without too much trouble; he's used to being around bigger mechs.* Oh! That's right! *Lights up and reaches into a subspace pocket, pulling out the two cubes he brought with him and putting them on the table.* I think they're pretty good grade too, but you never really know till you drink it, which is really a big shame. I guess there's some way of figuring it out before doing that, but I could never get the hang of it.
Silverbolt: If it's at least decent, I don't mind. *He reaches for one of the cubes, sliding it closer to himself with a curious look at the contents. Glancing up, he smiles at Windcharger* Thank you.
Windcharger: I think it is. Hope it is! Real shame if it isn't, with all the trouble I had getting them. *Smiles back, brightly and with pleasure* You're welcome.
Silverbolt: *There's an experimental sip and then a grin, giving the minibot a pleased look* I'm not exactly picky about these things, but it tastes good to me.
Windcharger: *Beams back, and takes a healthy sip from his own cube, making a satisfied noise* Nothing's like a good drink in good company!
Silverbolt: I agree. *The Aerialbot settles in his seat a little as he takes a small drink from his own, seeming to relax somewhat*
Windcharger: *Practically radiates happiness, looking at the 'Bot with bright optics* How are you doing, my good mech?
Silverbolt: Good. Better for company, I think. *He smiles* And you?
Windcharger: Doing just great. *And he means it.* Even better now!
Silverbolt: *Smile widening, he nods* I'm glad to hear it. Do you want to keep planning, or do you want to talk about something else?
Windcharger: *Planning? Oh right!* Planning sounds good! *Grins enthusiastically* ...unless you want to talk about something else? *Damn you, afterthought*
Silverbolt: I don't know; we don't really know each other yet, right? We could plan until another subject comes up. *sip*
Windcharger: That's true... but we're getting to know eachother, right? *Right?*
Silverbolt: I would think so. *He looks vaguely sheepish, then somewhat by way of explanation:* I don't have a lot of casual conversation outside my brothers.
Windcharger: Oh... well, you do now! *Autobot optimism, yes, a healthy dash of it*
Silverbolt: Sadly, you're right - this is one of the longer conversations I've had in a while. *wryly* You're more talkative than most of the mechs I've met around here though, as well.
Windcharger: Really? *can't imagine what it's like to not have conversations shorter than this with someone you're friends with. He grins a bit self-consciously at that last part* I bet it's because they're too busy drinking.
Silverbolt: Probably. *He gives a lop-sided grin, lifting the cube in his hand* This is about my limit, usually.
Windcharger: One cube? *sounds surprised and maybe a little shocked* You get drunk after just one cube?
Silverbolt: I don't drink very often. *somewhat embarrassed* Mostly just to... you know, function.
Windcharger: ...huh. *mulls that one over, he's stumped by that* But that's how you make the best friends!
Silverbolt: *Silverbolt blinks, then frowns slightly in consideration* ...Maybe that's why, then.
Windcharger: That's why what? *puzzled*
Silverbolt: Why I don't have many friends. *Now he looks a little concerned - why does he have to figure these things out so late in the game?*
Windcharger: You don't have many friends? *tilts head in confusion* But you're such an awesome mech!
Silverbolt: Ah. *He pauses* Thank you. *Another small smile* I admit, I haven't made a lot of effort... But here, it seems like I should, if we're all staying in one spot.
Windcharger: Friends are nice, you know? You can talk with them and have fun and just hang out with them when you're bored, and they always make you feel better! I don't know how I would've made it through the war if it wasn't for my friends.
Silverbolt: *Nods, smiling* That's what I always had my brothers for.
Windcharger: Oh yeah, you have brothers. *thoughtful sound* Is that why you worry so much?
Silverbolt: *Chuckles* Probably. They're a lot more... prone to daring things.
Windcharger: Daring things? *Oh, he so had to meet Silverbolt's brothers some time* Like what?
Silverbolt: Flying like idiots, sometimes. *But his tone is very fond, belying his words* That's the usual thing.
Windcharger: *cue the grin/chuckle, no wonder Silverbolt was so full of worry. It fades away to a smile, though, almost wishing he could have someone using that tone about him as well* Drive you crazy, huh?
Silverbolt: All the time. But at least they keep me on my toes. *He has a small sip*
Windcharger: Some excitement every day does the spark good?
Silverbolt: I hope so. My spark must be exceptionally healthy by now, then. *wry*
Windcharger: *Grins* If they are like they sound like, you need a healthy spark.
Silverbolt: *He grins back* They're great though. Sometimes I'm not sure how I got to be with them, but Primus must've been feeling generous that day.
Windcharger: *expression and grin softens, engine a low rumble* Maybe he knew that you deserved them.
Silverbolt: *Silverbolt stills a moment, taken aback, and it's almost mechanically that he puts his cube aside and reaches forward. Windcharger's got plenty of time to object or pull away, but if he doesn't, then he's being pulled into a tight hug by a slightly overwhelmed Aerialbot*
Windcharger: *He's surprised, to be honest, most mechs doesn't hug him when meeting him for the second time, and while he's not a tactile sort of Autobot, he likes hugs, and has a hard time denying them. His motoric sounds turns into something resembling a purr, putting his own arms as far as they reach around the Concorde and hugging him back. Happy minibot is truly happy, now.*
Silverbolt: *Silverbolt lets him go shortly though, realizing it might be kind of odd to do such a thing out of the blue, and smiles weakly as he sets back down* ...Sorry, I just-. Thank you. It nice to hear that kind of thing, sometimes.
Windcharger: *Is wearing an oddly satisfied expression, engine still doing that purring thing, smiling back with no small amount of self-assurance - and perhaps some reassurance, too* You're welcome.
Silverbolt: I don't usually go around hugging people randomly. Sorry about that. *He grins slightly, embarrassed but not at all repentant, just genuinely happy as well, for the moment*
Windcharger: Don't worry, I don't mind hugs! *Smile widens to a more often-seen grin, and he remembers something* Did you know humans have a day just for giving hugs?
Silverbolt: They do? *Surprised, but intrigued*
Windcharger: They really do! And they're for free and everything, which is nice if you're poor, I suppose but I don't really get why hugs should cost anything in the first place.
Silverbolt: ...Do humans usually have to pay for hugs? *Now confused*
Windcharger: I don't know, but if it's so important that they're free I think they do, but maybe it depends on what kind of hug it is and who it's from?
Silverbolt: That's sort of sad... Maybe hugs are different for humans.
Windcharger: We should ask one if they are. Because it would be very sad if it turned out that they don't get free hugs all the time.
Silverbolt: I don't know any humans - though I think there are a few in residence, here. We could ask one of them. That still seems very sad if it's true, but maybe it's an organic thing, again.
Windcharger: They do a lot of things backwards, in my opinion, but maybe that's just because they have such short lives and organic matter for thinking with?
Silverbolt: It must be. What else do they do that's odd? *With a studious look - this could be v. important, maybe, if he should ever go on another trip like the Disney one*
Windcharger: They think the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42, though that's just a part of the population, I think. Not sure why, though, but I think it was a human philosopher who discovered it. *looks thoughtful as he tells the strange tales*
Silverbolt: That seems pretty arbitrary. *Also thoughtful, and a little awed - that's a big question, and them a young race* Maybe it's got some importance to them, somehow.
Windcharger: I don't know. It's just a number, you know? Though I guess I can understand the answer being a number - binary and coding, like.
Silverbolt: *'Bolt considers, dubious* But for organics?
Windcharger: ...maybe they think it's a good system? *offers a shrug, he doesn't really know.* I really should ask one.
Silverbolt: *smiles* That'd be the most accurate answer, then, if you did. At least, I would hope.
Windcharger: Maybe I should ask more than one. *Ponders on that a bit.* You know any humans? I haven't talked with any yet, I don't know if they're terrified of Cybertronians or not, but they should be alright with it, right? I mean, some of them has seen us before, right?
Silverbolt: There are some on base, I know. I would assume they've seen us, and they're staying of their own will. Any of them would be easiest to speak with, I think?
Windcharger: There are humans on base? *slight headtilit, he hadn't seen any so far. Maybe they didn't wander the halls much, what with big 'Cons wading around like they owned the place.* Those'd probably be best, yeah. Wouldn't want to transform in the middle of a town to ask questions. *chuckles at the thought*
Silverbolt: No, I think that'd be a little disruptive. *he grins though* You could see if any want to meet with you, maybe one on one?
Windcharger: It's worth a shot! I think I have to take notes on questions, though, just in case I forget or something. You never know, you know. I knew this mech once who forgot everything he was supposed to say to his commander. We all just laughed at it but I think he got really embarrassed.
Silverbolt: That's terrible! *but he's still grinning* I can imagine that'd be embarrassing, really.
Windcharger: He looked awful, like something was rusting up his tailpipe. I sure didn't envy him the feeling! It worked out all right, though, since it was just good news and only sorta official, so there wasn't that many mechs there, fortunately for him. He got really drunk that night, though. Managed to kick this thing and bend his armor.
Silverbolt: Did he get in trouble? *Curiously, and with a sympathetic look for the poor, unnamed mech*
Windcharger: For drinking? Naah. The commander at that base was kind of lenient with drinking, as long as you were sober when you're on duty. He had some odd quirks, that commander, though, so maybe that's why he forgot what he should say? I don't know. I saw him in the medbay though, but he looked a bit sheepish when the medic fixed his armor. I wonder what he walked into, because that must've been one heck of a thing.
Silverbolt: If he was drunk, he probably did something very silly, I'd guess. *amused*
Windcharger: Well, he had a pretty big 'Bot sitting next to him that I'd never seen before, maybe they got in a fight or something. Didn't look like it though, they kept looking at eachother and grinning. *grins himself at the memory*
Silverbolt: *Silverbolt looks confused for a moment, then his optics widen* Oh. Well... as long as they weren't upset about it...
Windcharger: *gets a little twinkle in his optics* I think they held hands when they got through the door, but I didn't get to see much before the door closed and the medic pinched one of my fuel lines. *grimaces. Cranky medics were a pain.*
Silverbolt: *He holds back a laugh, but the grin shows how much he wants to* Sounds like it all ended up okay, then.
Windcharger: He didn't forget what to say again after that. *a half-wink accompanied by a mischevious grin. Big mechs could be awfully cute at times.*

And then there were many more anecdotes, I'm sure.

silverbolt, log, windcharger

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