Feb 22, 2008 19:17

Sunstorm: .......Uhh....
Scavenger: *eeeps! and jumps* Ah!
Scavenger: O-oh, Vortex.
Vortex: *fidgets happily and massages his shoulders* Common room. Now. : D
Scavenger: O-oh okay.
Thundercracker: *is lost in his own little world, still dancing...though now...well, TC's got moves*
Thundercracker: *As Ironhide found out those months ago*
Scavenger: *smiles and allows himself to be led to the common room*
Sunstorm: *rubs head and finally manages to move inside the common room* .........
Vortex: *practically drags him in*
Vortex: LOOK!
Sunstorm: *stares at TC, still...confused*
Thundercracker: *...blink as he spots Sunstorm*
Megatron: *Wanders in to the common room*
Thundercracker: *Er*
Megatron: ....
Thundercracker: *blush?*
Sunstorm: *........*
Sarah: -wanders in, needing something to eat, and stares when she notices TC-
Thundercracker: *But..he doesn't stop dancing, either...though he's sliding up the pole*
Thundercracker: ...
Thundercracker: *ohshi-*
Blackout: -Almost runs into Megatron on his way in-
Vortex: *pointing ecstatically* :-D
Megatron: *blink*
Thundercracker: *Y'know, five minutes ago- there was NO ONE here*
Sunstorm: *....debates on if he should die laughing, or run out*
Megatron: ....*glances at Blackout*
Thundercracker: *....*
Megatron: I need to be drunk for this.
Scavenger: Okay!
Scavenger: Okay!
Sarah: .....well.
Thundercracker: ...*Y'know what, fuck this..he's gonna dance anyway*
Blackout: ....see, this is why I don't come here anymore. -Doesn't sound like he's leaving, though.-
Vortex: *snug*
Scavenger: *stares at the pole* W-what is t-that?
Megatron: Really drunk. *Heads for the bar!*
Sunstorm: *......and sits down at the couch near the pole, just for front row*
Thundercracker: *And slides up the pole again- this time...he idly wonders if he should install a second one*
Thundercracker: Hey, Scavanger, Vortex.
Thundercracker: I can explain ^^
Sunstorm: Yes.....?
Vortex: *evil thoughts, can you sense them?*
Thundercracker: ...*He was bored*
Blackout: -Megatron and his brilliant ideas! Follows him to said bar.-
Sunstorm: *grinning*
Thundercracker: ...I was bored.
Thundercracker: Wanna join.
Sunstorm: *chuckles*
Sunstorm: ....ME?
Sarah: Maybe I should have brought my purse. -shakes her head, and heads to the kitchenette-
Scavenger: *glances at Vortex*
Sunstorm: Wait...
Scavenger: Y-you're not g-gonna use that a-are you?
Sarah: I still have some ones in there.
Sunstorm: *grab and drag him up, yes?*
Sunstorm: o.O
Thundercracker: ...Yes, you.
Vortex: Not exactly ... >:3
Megatron: *pulls up a seat and unsubs some of the hard stuff*
Thundercracker: [Is now dancing to Yeah!, by Usher]
Sunstorm: .....Um......
Megatron: *Pushes one at Blackout*
Sunstorm: *looks around...*
Sunstorm: Um.....
Sunstorm: *looks back at him* .....uh....
Blackout: -Pulls out a flask. Sweet Primus he needs this so bad. Takes the one offered to him and mixes the two drinks.-
Sarah: -watches, amused-
Thundercracker: >>
Megatron: ...
Thundercracker: I need to install a second pole.
Megatron: Share?
Thundercracker: *And slides away- doing so*
Sarah: You guys never cease to amaze me.
Thundercracker: *...>>*
Thundercracker: *installinstallinstall*
Scavenger: *knows that look. Look is not good*
Thundercracker: *Second pole GO!*
Sunstorm: .......
Sunstorm: *blinks*
Thundercracker: *And...well, goes to the other pole*
Thundercracker: ^^
Scavenger: W-what are y-you gonna do?
Thundercracker: Free pole.
Vortex: ALRIIIIIIIGHT, TC. *is leading scav closer*
Blackout: -Smirks, and pours some of the flask energon into Megatron's.- Of course.
Thundercracker: *And slides back around it hands going over head to lift him up...upside down...and executing some flexible moves no Seeker should be able to do*
Scavenger: *kind of hiding behind Vortex, kthx*
Sunstorm: *eyes the second pole*
Megatron: *Swirls it around, then takes a sip*
Blackout: ...
Sarah: is he able to....
Blackout: ..
Blackout: -hiccups softly-
Vortex: You love me, right? :-D
Sunstorm: *eyes TC* ::I'm not getting up there unless you drag me up there, TC.....::
Megatron: ...
Megatron: *frown and smacks lips*
Scavenger: *nods* Y-yeah, of course.
Megatron: ...this isn't too bad.
Thundercracker: *SNAG*
Thundercracker: *DRAG*
Sunstorm: O.O!
Thundercracker: *So that Sunstorm will dance with him*
Blackout: You actually...isn't. -Tries some more.-
Sunstorm: *didn't think he was actually gonna do that!*
Sarah: -laughs-
Vortex: *Leans head on his shoulder* It would be soooo sexy if you did that
Thundercracker: ..*Y'know, TC really shouldn't know some of those moves*
Megatron: ...smooth, but with a bite. *Takes another drink, optics thoughtful*
Scavenger: *thinks it would be great if he sank into the floor, thanks* Uh..uh...I dunno V-vortex...
Sunstorm: *Cling! To other pole, freezes for a moment, looking around....and then picks up on the beat...and starts following some of TC's moves, though less extravagant at first...he's never done this before....*
Blackout: Bite? That's a nice term for it. -Snorts softly, taking another sip.-
Thundercracker: *He smirks at that, as they begin to pole dance in unison...which is fine. Seeker = Flexible!*
Vortex: Why? It would be so hot...
Megatron: *nods* You know...*drinks again* Humans have this things called 'mixed drinks'. From what I understand, they're made of several different liquors and drinks...and are usually quite powerful...
Sunstorm: *He slowly began to pick up on TC's rhythm, and followed...making quite a team*
Scavenger: B-but...e-everyone would be w-w-watching.
Sunstorm: *and suddenly, idly wondered what Blaster would think of him up on a pole like this...O.o*
Thundercracker: *He darkens his colors- making them black and blue- even as he continues to grind and sway in ways - that...well, y-eah*
Vortex: Including me~ :-D
Blackout: I am it never occurred to us. -Muses.- Imagine some of Bonecrusher's with some of this? I imagine that would be...quite exhilarating.
Sarah: Ooooh, mixed drinks?
Megatron: ....
Sarah: :3
Megatron: *pulls out a flask of Bonecrusher's stuff!*
Sarah: I love experimenting and making up new drinks.
Megatron: *Gives Blackout a knowing look*
Blackout: ...-Chuckles!-
Vortex: *purr-whine* Please~?
Blaster: *....And strides in*
Blaster: *Slowly blinking as he takes in the scene*
Scavenger: B-b-but...
Sunstorm: *doesn't see him at first....*
Megatron: You do the honors? *Hands it over, because honestly, Blackout knows more about refining than he does*
Megatron: ...Sarah!
Vortex: No one will care. Look at the seekers.
Blaster: ...
Megatron: *spies the little human*
Blaster: *smirks*
Blaster: *And slides into the middle of the floor- and transforms*
Blaster: *And the first strains of "Spin Spin Sugar" start playing*
Blackout: -Takes it, considering, and adds less of it than he had with his own. Best to test these 'waters' first, before diving right in.-
Scavenger: *whiiine*
Blaster: :: Not bad, babe::
Sunstorm: *swinging around, wings bent backwards.....and lets go in shock at the the floor*
Sarah: Hi Megatron! -waves up at him-
Sunstorm: O.o!
Vortex: *nibblenibble* It would make me so happy....
Megatron: *Reaches down and picks Sarah up*
Sunstorm: *blinks and looks, getting back up* ....::I....::
Sarah: -blinks, a bit surprised, but lets him-
Megatron: Blackout and I are experimenting with this notion of 'mixed energons'.
Thundercracker: *He's shuttered off his optics- and is just dancing- picking himself up by the pole, and swinging around horizontaly, one leg pulled up to the knee*
Thundercracker: *In all honesty, he doesn't particularly care if anyone sees*
Blackout: -Eyes the drink, watching it bubble and smoke for a minute, before it looks to settle.- ...
Sunstorm: *but rather than make a major idiot out of himself, he went ahead and joined back in, still rather surprised by Blaster being there...*
Megatron: Oooh...
Megatron: *Is looking at the drink too*
Sarah: -eyes the concoction-
Sunstorm: *finally deviating from TC's moves and making his own...*
Sarah: Be careful when you mix stuff. I know from experience.
Blackout: Well, it did not explode, so that is a good sign. -Picks it up, eyes it once...then downs it.-
Megatron: *finishes off what's left in his cube and pushes it across to Blackout* Half for you, half for me?
Blackout: ....half is good. -sounds a bit weak-
Blackout: -Can only HANDLE half.-
Megatron: *Gives Blackout a look* If you aren't mech enough, just fill my cube up. *playful smirk*
Scavenger: *soft whine* I-if you r-really want me to...
Vortex: I do! :3
Vortex: It'll be fine, really.
Blaster: *And smirks wider as the next song comes on- "You Spin Me Right Round- remix" by Marilyn Manson*
Blaster: *Putting it on the trance mix*
Sunstorm: *refocusing his attention only to Blaster, and even though his mate was transformed, he focused on dancing only for him...grinning at the music...*
Blackout: Since you are so tough, why not? -Passes him the glass.- I'll even bet five whole creds on it.
Scavenger: O-okay.
Scavenger: *sits down on a couch, waiting for a free pole*
Thundercracker: *And he -really- gets into it, including dips and pelvic grinds- concentrating on no one but the music*
Sarah: -is settled on Megs' palm, shaking her head at him and Blackout-
Sunstorm: *And focusing only made his dancing that much more erotic...*
Vortex: *announcing* OKAY! scavenger is next~!
Vortex: Got it?!
Megatron: Bet five creds on what?
Megatron: *Is taking the glass, totally ignoring Sarah's warnings*
Blackout: That you /might/ survive, Lord Megatron. -Grins.-
Scavenger: *shuffles up to the pole, staring at it dumbly*
Vortex: *encouraging nod!*
Sarah: .....if you end up dropping me because you're dead drunk... -quirks an eyebrow-
Megatron: ....*eyes the glass, then Blackout, then Sarah*
Sunstorm: *grinding, sliding, bending back, wings dipping as he dances, focusing on the music Blaster's playing..*
Vortex: You can do it, baby.
Scavenger: *grabs onto the pole half-heartedly and begins spinning a little*
Megatron: Bottoms up, isn't that what you humans say? *slams it*
Vortex: Like that!
Blackout: Do not worry little miss, I can catch you. -His expression says you probably don't want him to, though.-
Vortex: Yesss!
Sarah: -winces- Don't say I didn't warn you.
Blackout: ....
Megatron: *At first, it goes down like regular energon. But by the time it reaches his gullet, he starts to burn...burn like acid. His optics widen, then dim to an almost offline state. A fine, yet visible, tremor races over his body.*
Blackout: ...sir?!
Sarah: ...... -feels that tremor, and tenses up-
Scavenger: *spins a little more* C-can I stop n-now
Scavenger: *Everyone is staring at him! HE KNOWS IT!*
Vortex: No! Keep going!
Scavenger: Oh.
Megatron: *Yeah, not hearing you at the moment Blackout. Feels like insides are meeeelting at the moment.*
Scavenger: O-okay
Scavenger: *some more miserable spinning*
Vortex: You are a sexy bot, trust me.
Blackout: -Firmly grabs the other by the shoulder, wanting to keep him steady.- Megatron, /respond/!
Megatron: --COUGH--
Thundercracker: *And executes a rather neat spin upside down, grasping by ankles*
Megatron: *a smallish plume of smoke comes out of his mouth*
Sarah: you alright?
Sunstorm: *he ducks and twists around him, letting his hands slide over him as he passed around, then grabbed the pole again, still dancing with the music slowly....*
Vortex: Put some oomph into it!
Megatron: *Another cough and shudder, then his chest rumbles in what may or may not be a purr?* Primus *hack* that was *cough* amazing!
Thundercracker: *He debates adding a third- glad he brought some extra- and hey, does that!*
Scavenger: *half-hearted grind*
Scavenger: *looks really miserable*
Thundercracker: *So that there is a third pole now- so Sunstorm has one to himself*
Blackout: ...-Huffs, resting back in his seat again and releasing him.- Well, at least you did survive...
Sunstorm: *And hey! Moves over to that pole, taking it all for himself....*
Vortex: =/ What are you worried about? You're the sexiest bot here.
Sunstorm: *Hello, pole, how are you?*
Scavenger: I d-d-don't like being u-up here...
Thundercracker: *He pops one optic open*
Thundercracker: Give him a cube of energon, get him comfortable.
Vortex: Want me to join you?
Thundercracker: *then dims that optic- the first time he's spoken in a few moments- then continues to make love to that pole*
Sarah: -relaxes, but only slightly on Megs' palm-
Megatron: *Woozes a bit on his stool* Can you replicate that?
Sunstorm: *swings around, one leg hooked around the pole, other hand grasping it as he spins then pulls himself up against it, keeping in time with the music...*
Blaster: *Flings it over "Evil has Never"*
Blaster: *even as he's sorta recording this*
Blackout: Of course, but are you sure that is wise? -Is already recreating the drink. Should have gone to bartending school, obv.-
Megatron: *Is thinking Blackout could make bank creating and serving drinks, but keeps that to himself.*
Thundercracker: *grinding now, sliding up the pole as if it were another mech- hands grasping it behind him*
Scavenger: I w-wanna s-sit down.
Scavenger: .-.
Vortex: ..........alright.
Megatron: I'm alive. Though I'd put a three drink limit on those...*coughs again*
Thundercracker: *Yeah, TC...once a warrior- now you're just a stripperbot..that's amusing, but hey- its fun...and he hasn't had fun in a while*
Sunstorm: *and he has NO idea he is being recorded...*
Vortex: *sits on a couch*
Sarah: .......the most important part of creating a drink is naming it. -grins at Blackout- So, what will you call it?
Scavenger: *and scurries over to the couch as fast as he can(
Megatron: *Looks down to Sarah* Tell me...what sort of things do you humans mix with your drinks...?
Sarah: Um...lots of things.
Blackout: Three seems pushing it, but as you command. -Passes him the next glass, and proceeds to make one for himself. And what to name it, indeed?-
Vortex: *tight hug and begins to assault his neck and shoulder* Mmm--that was wonderful, though...
Sarah: Fruit juices, sodas, energy drinks...
Sunstorm: *he pulled himself up along the pole, then dropped down, listening to the music, his body bending and swaying in moves he didn't think he could do...*
Blaster: *For sheer crack, he slides in "Sexyback"*
Blaster: *So that the low throbbing beat changes, forcing the two mechs to slow their motions just a bit*
Scavenger: *eeps and squirms* V-vorrrtex.
Megatron: *No use sipping this kind of drink. Downs it again and waits for the burning to stop...though this time his thrusters actually whine from the pain. --COUGH- More smoke.*
Vortex: Whaat? :3
Sunstorm: *smirks at that, and changes his pace to match it, his actions becoming more...erotic...still only dancing for one..*
Sarah: Megatron, make sure you don't drop me. D:
Blackout: -Tries sipping it, but it's no good. Ends up just pouring it aaaall back and riding it.- Plasma...-Hacks.- This scrap should be called Plasma.
Thundercracker: *He slides up- grasping the pole- and hooks his right leg around it- then climbs up the pole to slide down upside down...grinding the entire way*
Megatron: *More woozing, optics flickering. But he manages to sit Sarah down on the table.*
Sarah: -edges away from him slightly, kind of afraid he'll collapse on top of her-
Sunstorm: *idly thinks that only seekers could look this good on a pole...*
Megatron: Plasma...*cough* Good name... *Nods, though it's uncertain if it's from agreement or if his head might fall off*
Sarah: -turns back to the dancing, watching with an amused grin on her face-
Blackout: -He makes another set, this next one making his rotor blades practically /curl/.-
Scavenger: W-we're in p-public...
Megatron: *Two for Blackout and...Megs has lost count already*
Megatron: *Grins and slaps a palm on the table* Sarah! *Yes, this is his big booming voice* Tell me of these 'energy drinks'?
Thundercracker: *He's thinking generally the same thing- and wishes he had someone to dance for, but its just a fleeting thought*
Sarah: -jumps as the table moves under her- Uh...okay?
Blackout: -Actually, two and a...or is it ten?-
Vortex: Want me to shield you like that one time? *the time they interfaced ont the couch* >:3
Sarah: They're full of caffiene, and this stuff called guarana that lets the caffiene hit the bloodstream quicker.
Megatron: ....
Sunstorm: *Whirls around the pole, shaking it a bit, but is finding himself not caring now...he's moving to the music, grinding, sliding...*
Blaster: ::..Y'know, from this angle- your aft looks really nice.::
Megatron: Huh... *Looks at Blackout* We have anything like that?
Sunstorm: *He nearly died at that, but didn't stop* ::Oh?:: *he smirked mentally, sliding up along the pole and turning around, pole to back, sliding back down, his hands behind his back grasping the pole...*
Scavenger: I...I....
Scavenger: *so embarassed*
Blaster: ::Oh most undoubtedly..I'm recording all this::
Vortex: *gentle pet* It's alright
Vortex: Everyone's acting crazy
Sunstorm: *he nearly froze at that*'re WHAT?:: *shocked, but, manages SOMEHOW to continue, though now somewhat embarrased again*
Scavenger: *whiinnnne*
Vortex: *releases him* >/
Blaster: ::Well, yes::
Blaster: *Switching it to Rapture, by Iio*
Sarah: -never thought she'd see giant alien robots poledancing-
Sunstorm: ::But...why??:: *laughs a bit, and swings around, wings bent back, almost as if pretending the pole were Blaster instead...*
Blackout: -You really ain't seen nothing yet, wifey.-
Megatron: *Has gotten himself another cube (regular highgrade) and his working that down now*
Blaster: ::I like the way you move::
Thundercracker: *And is -SERIOUSLY- working that pole*
Thundercracker: *In that -Don't-give-a-damn way*
Scavenger: *withers under Vortex's look* S-s-sorry...
Vortex: ....
Scavenger: J-just gonna g-go now....
Scavenger: *stands up to slink off*
Vortex: Don't go!
Blackout: -Once he's tried uber-grade up, it's never the same to go back. Is sticking to his flask. Or, at least, what's left of it.-
Vortex: *grabs his wrist*
Scavenger: Y-you're angry at me .-.
Sunstorm: ::Oh...? Hmm...anything you want to see me do, or are you just enjoying the show?:: *smirks and pulls himself up along the pole, and slides back down, twisting around, wings flattening so they don't hit the ground...*
Blaster: ::I like anything you do::
Vortex: ....I felt like playing. Don't slink off.
Megatron: *Would be drinking something harder if he had it...but doesn't, which is probably a good thing because his insides are still burning from the residual.*
Sarah: -is Megs gonna need a tank purge?-
Scavenger: I s-slagged up again....
Megatron: *Don't remind him of that!!! D:*
Blackout: -/Still/ hasn't seen a medic, so this kind of binge probably isn't the best for him, but as drunk as he is now? Couldn't care less. <3-
Vortex: Primus, just sit down. *tugs on him*
Scavenger: *sits obediently*
Sunstorm: ::Hnn...Fair enough.:: *He slid down along the pole, then pulled himself up, arching his back like a cat would, bending fluidly front to back, and swaying side to side, legs bending around the pole alternatively, fingers sliding...
Vortex: You have to chill out.
Sunstorm: over the pole almost seductively*
Vortex: Relax
Megatron: *His head is bobbing up and down with the music. Not sure if he can actually focus on the dancers, but he's trying to pay attention!*
Scavenger: I...o-okay.
Vortex: *pets his helm*
Vortex: You make yourself a wreck, babe.
Blackout: -Such amateurs! Then again, he is pretty much in the same boat as Megatron is as far as observation is concerned.-
Sarah: -eyes the distance between the table and the floor-
Thundercracker: *Is lost in what he's doing, utterly dancing for the pure joy of it*
Scavenger: *shrugs* O-okay...
Thundercracker: *Though he idly wonders if this is how Jazz feels sometimes*
Scavenger: W-whatever y'say, Vortex.
Vortex: *stares at him* ....don't you have ANY free will at all?
Sunstorm: *he was focusing only on Blaster, and blocking everyone else he was dancing for him and him alone, showing him some pretty intense moves....he shifted his colors to black and red, a bit more of a seductive look for him...*
Scavenger: Y-you got m-mad when I s-said no....
Scavenger: I want y-y to b-be happy.
Vortex: so do I but you act like a drone half the time. >/
Sarah: -sighs, and settles down on her stomach on the table, not wanting to risk injuring herself jumping down-
Scavenger: *wilts again* S-sorry.
Scavenger: I...
Scavenger: I'll t-try to d-do better.
Blaster: *He doens't mind this at ALL...and is indeed enjoying the show*
Vortex: Because I said something?
Scavenger: *blinks and nods*
Vortex: That's counter-productive, don't you think?
Scavenger: I...
Scavenger: Uh...
Scavenger: Whatever y-you say...
Vortex: .......Primus
Vortex: *sits back*
Sunstorm: *grins as he dances, the lights glinting off his black and red frame* ::You know....I am gonna have to see -you- do this one time....::
Blaster: ::Fine by me, I'll do it when ever you want::
Scavenger: S-sorry...
Vortex: *pets his leg idly*
Thundercracker: *He turns to power his optics on, and glances out over towards Megatron, and Blackout. He doesn't mind the decepticon leader, but Blackout still irritates him, though he's quieter about it now*
Scavenger: *cuddles up against Vortex*
Vortex: *holds him*
Vortex: =/
Scavenger: *yay, Vortex is happy!*
Scavenger: *cuddle!*
Sunstorm: ::Hnn....I think you should surprise me as to when. I like surprises, you know that...especially coming from you.:: *he whirled around the pole, leaning back, his wings dipping a bit as he leaned his head back, looking at.....
Sarah: Um...can someone get me down to the floor so I can get a drink? :/
Sunstorm: everyone, but not really seeing them...*
Thundercracker: *Idly wonders where Bee is?*
Bumblebee: *Bee is talking to Sunny*
Vortex: ::You are messed up. One day I'll hurt the ones responsible.:: *nuzzles*
Sarah: Yeah, down. -eyes him distrustfully-
Scavenger: ::D-don't hurt a-anyone!::
Vortex: ::Why not?::
Blackout: -Griiins.- Anything for you, wife of /Captain Lennox./ -Reaches to pick her up.-
Scavenger: ::T-then they'll be m-mad at y-you...::
Sarah: ...... -tenses up, but stays still, hoping he won't do anything to her in such a public place-
Vortex: ::No, they'll be terrified, and screaming in pain.::
Blackout: -Grabs her around the middle, his grip /firm/ but not crushing, and...sets her down. What a gentleman (in front of Megatron)!-
Scavenger: ::O-oh...:
Vortex: ::>/:: *plotplot*
Sarah: ....thank you. -whew-
Megatron: *Hasn't noticed! Is busy watching the dance floor and starting on his next cube!*
Blackout: Always a pleasure. -Deadpan. Another drink down the hole!-
Blaster: *And hasn't stopped with the music*
Sarah: -heads over to the kitchenette and digs out a soda, relaxing-
Scavenger: *snuggle?*
Sunstorm: *he slid back up and paused, stopping for the time being* ::Love, I'm gonna take a break....want to join me...?::
Thundercracker: *Misses mates.*
Vortex: *snuggle* *kiss*
Sunstorm: *he stepped down off the stage and paused next to TC, a hand on his shoulder* ..Thanks. I actually had fun. ::And if you want to talk later, we can. YOu know I am there for ya.::
Thundercracker: ::I'm good, Sunstorm. I'll continue dancing in a minute. Just needed a chance to give servos time to cool down.::
Blaster: *He, meanwhile- transforms and waits on his own mate*
Sunstorm: ::That's fine. I might join you again in a bit.:: *he grinned, then went over to the bar and grabbed himself two for Blaster should he want one...* ::TC, you want a cube at all?:: *pauses between the bar and the couch*
Thundercracker: *Meanwhile...eases back up to lean against the pole- nodding once to Bonecrusher, before readjusting it*
Thundercracker: ::I'm good, but thanks::
Sunstorm: ::Alright.:: *he moved to the couch, waiting for Blaster, sitting down, wings outspread behind him.*
Thundercracker: *Is now dancing to Poison*
Thundercracker: *Seekergrind, yes.*
Megatron: *Slow, drunken blink*
Megatron: *Mech knows not what he's gotten himself into!*
Sunstorm: *he watched TC for a moment, and raised his cube* GO TC!!!
Thundercracker: "You're poison, running through my veins. I don't wanna break these chains"
Megatron: Uh....
Bonecrusher: *And look who fucking shows up. Nick of time, huh. Though, of course, Bonecrusher gives the poles all of one glance, looking completely unimpressed by TC before going straight to the bar. >|*
Blackout: Come now, Lord Megatron. Do not tell me you are /afraid/ of a metal pole. -Practically purrs.-
Sarah: ..... -no way is Megatron going to...-
Megatron: ....
Megatron: *glare*
Blackout: -Makes an enticing finger wave- Or you can watch and /learn/, first. Whichever you prefer...
Megatron: 'Course not! Don't be ad..abr...silly.
Thundercracker: *Yeah, this is going to end in tears*
Thundercracker: *Shakes his head as he continues to dance- not really caring what they think of it, its his dancing- damn it*
Megatron: *Gets up, and does one of those drunken one foot in front of the other*
Sunstorm: *he cheers on TC, even as he leans lightly against Blaster *
Blackout: -Looking quite /smug/, he approaches the stage. Ah, his (true) calling!-
Vortex: *thrums* <3?
Bonecrusher: *yeah, right TC. Sure. Whatever you say. Mmm, energon - and ooh hey look free show~! Oh Blackout, don't pay any heed to your boyfriend lurking in the corner.*
Scavenger: <3
Vortex: *kiss*
Sarah: -omg he is-
Thundercracker: *STFU, Bonecrusher*
Bonecrusher: *not saying anything, defector~*
Megatron: *Makes it to the 'stage' area and stares at 'his' pole* .....

megatron, vortex, log, bumblebee, sunstorm, scavenger, roller, optimus prime, bonecrusher, lovetron9000, sarah, blaster, thundercracker, blackout

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