(no subject)

Feb 18, 2008 22:55

And here's a late Valentine's Day log for everyone, in which Prowl gives Jazz the presents he got for the other.

Prowl: *Prowl is looking for Jazz, holding the presents behind his back. wonders, briefly, if this was such a good idea after all, and if he should just drop it off by/in Jazz's room and get back to his own. doesn't know how Jazz will react to it*

Jazz: *A Jazz is, as per usual lately, lurking in his room. Though for once, its not so much 'lurking' as 'decorating' and 'dancing around' at the same time, music blaring. The doors of his room are, oddly, open. It seems he's left them open to air the room out, because he seems to have painted the room a multitude of different colors, all bright and cheery and /much/ more in tune with Jazz's usual self. /Someone/ seems to be feeling a bit better...*

Prowl: *Prowl pauses when he reaches Jazz's room, figuring he'd best check there first to see if that's where Jazz was. He can hear the music and the new paint in Jazz's room. He begins to think, maybe, he should just leave the presents by Jazz's door. He doesn't want to ruin Jazz's good mood. He hesitates a moment, thinking, weighing the pros and cons of this.*

Jazz: *Jazz doesn't even notice anyone standing there, and continues on dancing across the room, sliding on backwards on the tire-heels, spinning with the beat, and just generally having a fun time, head bobbing with the music*

Prowl: *Prowl can't help but smile a bit as he watches Jazz having fun. He chuckles softly, not even loud enough to really hear...he hopes. He moves into Jazz's room a little ways, considering just setting the presents down where Jazz could see them later.*

Jazz: *continues on dancing, pulling moves out of thin air, bending and twisting as only a smaller bot can, oblivious to his audience as the music booms away*

Prowl: *hesitates another moment before making a small noise to make himself known. hates to interrupt Jazz, but wants to go ahead and get this done with so he doesn't have to be worrying a

Jazz: *Doesn't even hear Prowl then. It's only when the song comes to an end a moment latter, Jazz finishing his dance with lightly panting intakes, does he turn and is somewhat shocked to see.../Prowl/ in his door way*

Prowl: *looks a little nervous now...and maybe like he's a little shy about this and is starting to think that it was a bad idea* I...just wanted to stop by really quickly and... *shifts slightly* Happy Valentine's Day, Jazz. I wanted to give you these. *holds out the presents (a gift-wrapped box, roses, and a card), not actually looking at Jazz anymore*

Jazz: ....Ah. Prowl. How long where ya...? What..is all that? *stares dumbly, still shocked to see Prowl, feeling fairly foolish for letting his guard down so much*

Prowl: For a few minutes. I...wanted to give these to you...for Valentine's Day. *glances up slightly so he's kinda looking at Jazz.*
Jazz: Ah... oh, uh, thanks? I guess? *reflexively holds out his hand for the gifts, stunned and definately not looking like his usually confident self*

Prowl: *hands Jazz the gifts* I...hope you like them, Jazz. *shifts a bit, nervous still*

Prowl: *wonders if he should stay to see Jazz open the present, or if he should just go ahead and leave*

Jazz: *takes them carefully, ducking them against his arm and staring down at the items, blinking slowly* ...Ah. Should I open this one, then...? *points with a claw to the gift-box*

Prowl: *nods slightly* Well...if you want to. You don't have to right now...if you don't want to. *hopes that Jazz likes the two stuffed kitties he got.* It's all up to you when you open it.

Jazz: Oh. Okay...? I didn't exactly get you anythin', though... *shifts a bit awkwardly, and moves to hand the items back* This...this isn't really necessary, Prowl. I mean..

Prowl: *smiles a bit* Jazz, you don't have to get me anything in return, and I know it wasn't necessary. I did it because I wanted to, *voice turns into a whisper* because I care about you.

Jazz: I... Well.. Thank you, then. *Looks even more uncomfortable now then he did before, but slowly takes a pair of clawtips to the ribbon holding the present closed, undoing the bow and opening the box to show the two stuffed felines* Ah.. Well. *pulls one out of the box and looks it over, blinking over his visor and running a thumb over to soft faux fur* Thank you Prowl. *lip components twitch with amusement*

Prowl: *smiles a little again* I'm glad you like them, Jazz. *pauses before glancing at the door.* I suppose I should be going now. I should let you get back to having fun like you were. *chuckles softly*

Jazz: I..I guess so. Um, thanks again Prowl. *gaze drops to all of the stuff still sitting in his arms, suddenly embarrassed for reasons he's not entirely sure of*

Prowl: You're welcome. *smiles again. begins walking out, glancing over his shoulder at Jazz one more time before leaving the room*

Jazz: *Watches Prowl leave, before looking back down almost fondly at the presents in his arms. He doesn't exactly know that this means, or if it was even /wise/ to accept the gifts in the first place, but... he feels kinda good. Awkward, but okay. He sets all of the items on the berth gently, so he can look at them closer, before going over and closing the door*

prowl, log, jazz

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