Feb 12, 2008 04:48

So. I was given permission to post this.

The first Sunstorm/Blaster post -EVAR-.

In which Chromia and Blaster find out something new to turn on Sunstorm...

Frustration? Yes.
General Annoyance? Yes.
Jealously? A bit, yes.

Well, here ya go.

Oh, and BTW....this happens in the COMMON ROOM, of all places.

You have just entered room "cracktransic."
BLASTER: I ain't a flattah'.
SUNSTORM: *and sliiiides on in*
BLASTER: But I know style an' substance when I see it.
BLASTER: An' 'ey baby!
SUNSTORM: Hey, you!
CHROMIA: -laughs-
SUNSTORM: *wanders over*
CHROMIA: Hey, Sunstorm. :-)
SUNSTORM: Chromia, hey, what's up?
SUNSTORM: *is actually a bit more cheerful today*
CHROMIA: Not much. Blaster here's going to DJ for me 'n Firestar's party.
BLASTER: Indeed...
SUNSTORM: Oh, really? *grins*
BLASTER: I ain't meet 'er yet.
BLASTER: But....
BLASTER: I ad to meet here.
BLASTER: There's a party goin' down Friday
SUNSTORM: *grins* What time?
CHROMIA: I'm not sure yet.
SUNSTORM: *stands against a wall, just grinning at both of them*
CHROMIA: I'm thinking around...eight or nine, but haven't decided on a specific time yet. -sips at her cube-
SUNSTORM: hmm....any idea where this would take place? *crossing arms*
BLASTER: Well, is there any certain theme you want?
CHROMIA: Hmmm...I don't know. I just want to throw a party.
CHROMIA: But if you have any ideas!
SUNSTORM: Well, last time there was a party, I threw it outside...*shrugs, wings tipping up*
BLASTER: Yeah, and the raves are fun.
BLASTER: But we were thinking having a dancehall inside.
CHROMIA: Yeah....our little 'friend' outside...
SUNSTORM: ....I think that's an excellent idea. *smirks, and walks over to the bar for a cube* Y' want one, Love?
SUNSTORM: ..True...
BLASTER: y-eah..and please, baby.
BLASTER: Look, if ya wan't dancin' or if ya wan't talkin' music
BLASTER: I got both.
SUNSTORM: *grabs two cubes of high-grade...he thinks this is reason enough to celebrate, so out comes the good stuff! He wandered back over and held one out to him*
CHROMIA: Dancing music, definitely. -grins-
SUNSTORM: *he grinned* If my Bonded won't mind, I can help with the music here and there, or I can help out with the lights. *he took a sip* M'good with lights.
CHROMIA: Oh, you're more than welcome to help!
BLASTER: Hmmmm. *He takes a cube from his mate, and considers- supping it gently* So, yeah. We'll both help. An' I got some music that'll work for whatcha want.
BLASTER: Y'want hard beats or soft beats?
CHROMIA: Let me hear some samples of both?
BLASTER: Hm, alright.
SUNSTORM: *he grinned* I don't have nearly as large a collection as Blaster here....But I have some stuff...
SUNSTORM: *he grinned at his mate*
BLASTER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TDdN_ARBAI
BLASTER: This is a harder beat.
BLASTER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1pLuud2vpc
BLASTER: This one's a bit softer, though repedative.
BLASTER: And I've got lounge stuff too
CHROMIA: -listens to them, nodding her head and smiling- I like them both.
SUNSTORM: *grins, listening* ....Nice beats...*nods to them*
CHROMIA: Can you play a bit of each kind?
BLASTER: Sure..ya want sub woofah's or not.
BLASTER: *Even as he puts his cube down, and transforms*
SUNSTORM: .......
SUNSTORM: .................
SUNSTORM: *eyes him* ......
CHROMIA: Bass is good. Bass is very good. -griiiins-
SUNSTORM: *eyes Chromia*
BLASTER: *smirks at that, and begins to play the Tiesto song through his chassis, sub woofers making the room tremble with music*
SUNSTORM: ......................................>.<
CHROMIA: -sways her body to the music, loving it- Now that, I can certainly dance to.
SUNSTORM: *wings slide down a bit, but not sagging. He raised a finger to his forehead and offlined his optics*
SUNSTORM: Primus......*very softly*
CHROMIA: You alright, Sunstorm?
SUNSTORM: m'fine.......I'm perfectly fine......*does NOT look up....*
BLASTER: *smirks, and changes the song to Flashdance*
CHROMIA: -looks at him, a grin forming on her face-
BLASTER: ::Sunstorm, babeh..the strobes?::
SUNSTORM: *SFTU Chromia.....just STFU.*
SUNSTORM: ::Strobes...?:: *he still didn't look up...*
BLASTER: ::yeah..you know..flashy lights?::
BLASTER: *Hm...slides closer to his mate in blaster form*
CHROMIA: ::To Sunstorm: I won't say a wooord if you want to jump him right here and now~ Only Primus knows how many times I've done it to my mate. -teasing tone-::
BLASTER: *So that the sounds are throbbing JUST up those thrusters, cause you' know..Blaster = evil*
CHROMIA: ::Just tell me, and I'll leave you two alone~::
SUNSTORM: *growls at Blaster* .........::Lights...Right.....GLADLY:: *And Steps away from him, to TRY to calm the vibrations, and within seconds, little sparklies are floating everywhere...*
BLASTER: *smirk, haha*
SUNSTORM: ::Chromia?? Shush.:: *slight chuckle over the comm to her*
CHROMIA: ::What?:: -grins-
SUNSTORM: *just facepalms, shaking his head*
SUNSTORM: *ohhay, look! Sparklies everywhere!*
BLASTER: *And smirks, changing it yet again*
BLASTER: *Buttons*
SUNSTORM: *has an arm on the bar, and taps his fingers on it* ::You are doing this on purpose, aren't you, Blaster?:: *eyes*
BLASTER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lad9PVjKwOE
BLASTER: ::Maybe, but its fun to watch you squirm::
CHROMIA: ::Nice effect, there.::
SUNSTORM: ::......you aft.::
SUNSTORM: *sighs and shakes his head* ::Thanks, Chromia.:: *continues with the glitteries*
BLASTER: ::I love you too::
SUNSTORM: ::You're still an aft.:: *he glared playfully at him, alt form or not*
CHROMIA: -dances to the music- Mmmm. This is good music.
BLASTER: ::So, you think you can handle the music for the party. I got some other mixes along this venue- but I'll find what I can::
BLASTER: ::Who is your mate?:::
CHROMIA: ::Me? Firestar.::
BLASTER: ::I ain't met 'er either. I been in the Hole too long::
SUNSTORM: *wanders around, needing to kinda move around, sparklies following him aorund the room, blipping in and out*
SUNSTORM: ::Well, maybe I can keep you out of your hole this time, hmm?::
SUNSTORM: ::And WHY are we talking over comms again?::
CHROMIA: ::I don't know. I was just going with it.:: -laughs-
SUNSTORM: ::Works for me.::
SUNSTORM: *wandering around the room, listening to the music, blatantly -trying- to ignore the bass*
BLASTER: ::Because its fun watching Sunstorm turn the same color of red on his wings when he gets flushed::
SUNSTORM: ::Blaster!::
SUNSTORM: *grumbles and shakes head, trying not to laugh*
SUNSTORM: *Facepalms*
CHROMIA: ::-laughs- Like I said, Sunstorm...::
SUNSTORM: ::Chromia! You aren't helping!::*breaks out laughing*
BLASTER: :::I love you too::
SUNSTORM: *coughs, shaking his head, wings twitching -slightly-*
CHROMIA: -grins-
SUNSTORM: *sighs, and wanders to the couch for a few to just sit*
BLASTER: *He laughs, and slides back up, still playing music- though in mech form*
BLASTER: So, that got ya likin', Chromia?
CHROMIA: Definitely.
BLASTER: Good, I'll make a mix just for ya.
SUNSTORM: *fingers to the bridge of his nose, embarrassed, but trying not to show it*
BLASTER: What is it, babe?
CHROMIA: Awesome.
SUNSTORM: *he laughed and shook his head* ...Nothin' Love, I'm fine. *looks up and grins at him with that -look-*
BLASTER: ::Mmmhm. Don't worry, we'll take care of that later. I promise::
SUNSTORM: *glaringdaggers!* ....... *he shook his head and toned down the sparklies until just a few flitted about.....*
BLASTER: *and smirks as he walks over to Chromia*
BLASTER: *And blasting Flashdance again, begins to dance alongside her*
BLASTER: *And he's got some -moves-*
CHROMIA: Oh, okay. -smiles, and dances with-
SUNSTORM: *facepalms* ::Blaster you sonofa.....:: *private comm*
BLASTER: ::...Whaaaaaaaaat.. *innocent*::
BLASTER: *grinning as he dirty dances with her*
SUNSTORM: ::You know EXACTLY what!:: *Looks up to see him dancing......and....just stares....tapping his fingers on the arm of the couch*
BLASTER: *Yes, is dancing. Is dancing very well. See Blaster, See Blaster Dance. Dance, Blaster Dance*
CHROMIA: -is ttly dirtydancing with Blaster-
SUNSTORM: *See Storm be very FLUSTERED kthxbai*
SUNSTORM: *slowly lowers his face to his palm again*
SUNSTORM: *rubs his face*
SUNSTORM: ::Be glad I am NOT up there right now...::
BLASTER: ::Wannajoin in?::
SUNSTORM: ::.............::
SUNSTORM: ::I don't know if that's wise...::
SUNSTORM: *canyouhearthefrustrationinhisvoice?*
CHROMIA: ::To Sunstorm: I'll be happy to leave~::
CHROMIA: -dancegrindsway-
BLASTER: *Damn.*
BLASTER: *Dancegrindswayshakeitlikeyourmothergaveit*
SUNSTORM: *not jealous....okay NOW jealous...* .........*eyes*
SUNSTORM: *watching.....watching......if he moves and gets up there, Blaster won't know what hit him....*
CHROMIA: -griiiiinning-
SUNSTORM: *he curled his hand into a fist, right in front of his mouth, leaning to one side a bit, just watching Blaster* ......................
SUNSTORM: *wings twitching*
BLASTER: *He grins wickedly and turns his head to Chromia*
BLASTER: ::So, where's your mate?::
BLASTER: ::We should so bring her in::
SUNSTORM: *just staring......sliding down in the couch a bit, trying not to get up -right now-*
CHROMIA: ::Fire? She's recharging. Otherwise, I would. -evil laugh-::
BLASTER: *He slides a hand up her side..to rest - and smirks- dancing in unison with her*
SUNSTORM: *he sighed, the bass driving him nuts, and watching his mate with those moves....Primus he hasn't seen him move like that in MONTHS....*
BLASTER: *He hasn't been this happy in months, either*
BLASTER: *Swaying and grinding to the rhytjm*
SUNSTORM: *he tapped his fingers on the arm of the couch again, just watching, and yet, trying NOT to watch....but...unable....to...turn...away....Primusdammit.....*
CHROMIA: -ttly doing some naughty moves-
BLASTER: *o rly*
SUNSTORM: *growls softly*
BLASTER: *Sees yr dirty moves, and raises some of his own*
CHROMIA: ::To Sunstorm: Just tell me when~::
SUNSTORM: ::Chromia? I hate you both. You are BOTH doing this on purpose...Why!?:: *TRYING not to laugh...but the frustration is really there...*
CHROMIA: ::Why? Because getting laid is always good, and I'm helping you out. -smugly-::
SUNSTORM: ::Why you....:: *growls, more audible this time*
SUNSTORM: *hand still over face, wings twitching still....oh, hey, Blaster....look, sparklies coming back...*
BLASTER: *He laughs at that, not minding that they're talking about him*
BLASTER: *diping and swaying with Chromia*
SUNSTORM: *is watching Blaster from between his fingers* ..................
SUNSTORM: ::Blaster? Love? You're gonna get it later...:: *unable to resist saying that now.*
SUNSTORM: *taptaptaptap to side of chair*
BLASTER: ::Promise?::
BLASTER: ::or do I have to do worse::
SUNSTORM: ::............:: *he's almost tempted to say worse*
CHROMIA: -moving along with him, resting her hands on his hips-
SUNSTORM: *just to see what he can do*
SUNSTORM: *or see what it will take to get him up there and chase Chromia out of the room*
BLASTER: *And grinds right back against her, his hands resting against hers- fingers interlacing*
BLASTER: *And grins wickedly- shifting it to Closer*
CHROMIA: ::To Blaster: Wonder how much longer it'll take. -evil laugh-::
BLASTER: :: I don't know...he's twitching::
SUNSTORM: ::....I hate you.....:: *to Blaster* .... *he shifted, growling. He shifted his colors to the black and red, tapping his fingers...still*......*lookofdeathanyone?*
BLASTER: *grinds LOW with Chromia- sliding her around to the front of him..his hands resting against her hips- and chin on her shoulder*
CHROMIA: ::Huh. Black and red looks good on him.:: -grinds right back~-
SUNSTORM: *wow, low, dark growl....he's hating this, and yet, enjoying it. Wings flick backwards a bit, damn near getting up and chasing Chromia out*
BLASTER: ::I know.::
SUNSTORM: *He looked down, rubbing his face with his hand, and biting his lip slightly....*
CHROMIA: ::Awww, he's lasting longer than I thought he would... -audible pout-::
SUNSTORM: *one fang accidently punctured his lip, and he tasted half-processed energon* .........
SUNSTORM: *yeah, he's that frustrated that he bit his lip that hard*
BLASTER: *He smirks slightly as he offlines his optics- and continues to dance like its 3099*
CHROMIA: -grinds with Blaster, smirking-
SUNSTORM: *sitting there thinking, IHU, IHU, IHU BOTH*
BLASTER: *Well, he could be a complete aft- which he is, and it switches to Pump it- by the Black Eyed Peas*
SUNSTORM: *his entire frame slumps and he facepalms* ::Blaster? Love? WHY??::
CHROMIA: ::Sunstorm honey...your mate is quite the dancer. -sultry tone-::
SUNSTORM: ::......::
BLASTER: ::I like to dance?::
SUNSTORM: *Fingertaptaptaptap*
CHROMIA: -grindgrindswayhandsonhips-
SUNSTORM: *open comm to both* ::You are both tormenting me, and there is NO reason WHY...::
SUNSTORM: *notLOOKING....err, trying not to...*
CHROMIA: ::But there is! You know you want to jump him. Right here, right now.::
BLASTER: ::Can't say as the idea doesn't appeal to me::
BLASTER: *As he -grinds- against Chromia*
SUNSTORM: ::....That's BESIDE the poi----Arggg...::
SUNSTORM: ::But this is a PUBLIC PLACE!!::
CHROMIA: ::You've never interfaced in public have you? -teasing tone-::
CHROMIA: ::Oh, it's quite fun.:: -purrs-
CHROMIA: ::I know from experience.::
BLASTER: ::Well, its not that public::
SUNSTORM: ::Public enough........:: *colors waver a bit, going lighter, then back to black and red*
CHROMIA: ::Just give in. You'll thank me for this later.::
BLASTER: ::But not enough to warrent that much attention::
SUNSTORM: ::Chromia, you aren't helping.:: *He eyed Blaster, trying to ignore the fact that his mate was dancing dirty with another, and just watching the moves that he had* .................. *which, of course...didn't help, either....and neither was the bass*
CHROMIA: ::To Blaster: What else can we do to really drive him insane?::
BLASTER: ::Well, beyond of touching and straight out interfacing. If there was someone else we could get into dance with us::
BLASTER: ::I'm not entirely sure...:: *Sliding a hand over her abdominal area and pulling her in closer*
SUNSTORM: *see, the thing is, he's kinda worried about the whole public thing....but dammit, that's HIS mate....He growled slightly, biting his lip harder*
CHROMIA: -pouts- ::Fire's not responding to my comms. She's out.:: -arches her back slightly, messing with Sunstorm's mind-
SUNSTORM: *....twitch*
BLASTER: ::Hn..did she drop into recharge?::
BLASTER: *Working towards a supposed area of sensitiveness, drifting fingers over inseam*
CHROMIA: ::Yeah...otherwise she'd be here in a nanosecond. Girl would /love/ to help us.:: -grins, supressing a small shiver-
SUNSTORM: .............*yeah, that's it.* ::Chromia? Do me a BLASTED favor.::
CHROMIA: ::Yes, hon?::
SUNSTORM: *wow, are his optics flaring?*
SUNSTORM: ::.........................I think you know what I want you to do.::
SUNSTORM: * ........................*
SUNSTORM: *Growly*
BLASTER: ::Really...::
BLASTER: *Making sure to drag fingertips JUST right over a spot on her armor*
SUNSTORM: *coughs*
CHROMIA: ::Want me to leave?:: -keeps on dancing, not able to supress a shiver that time-
SUNSTORM: *his wings dipped at a dangerous angle*
SUNSTORM: *standing slowly, almost as if stalking now*
BLASTER: :Think he's upset?::
CHROMIA: ::Juuuust a bit.::
SUNSTORM: *circling...*
SUNSTORM: *The bass is STILL driving him nuts...*
CHROMIA: ::To Sunstorm: Say the words and I'll go~::
SUNSTORM: ::.........I would have thought you would have gotten the hint when I first mentioned doing me a favor....:: *Very low growl*
BLASTER: ::He's positively vibrating. Makes me wonder how mad he'd get if I made you moan::
CHROMIA: ::Oh really?::
SUNSTORM: *has no idea what they are talking about, damned closed comms*
SUNSTORM: *stalking around them, wings dipped down, growling softly*
BLASTER: ::Yeah...::
SUNSTORM: *hey, look a bared fang....frustrated and possessive Seeker is frustrated and possessive.*
BLASTER: *And smirks quietly to himself as he digs in his fingers just right to a sensitive seam- making energon flow to those places that had been devoid of it for a few seconds- warm spilling warmth returning to deadened areas*
BLASTER: *Not hurting of course, but enough to give her a pleasent tingle along the spinestrut*
SUNSTORM: *circling closer and closer each time, but still a considerable distance away, watching....growling*
CHROMIA: -shivers, and lets out a quiet moan; she could have held it in, but she wants to see what Sunstorm will do~::
BLASTER: *This should be HIGHLY interesting*
SUNSTORM: *wow, wings dipped even further, talons extended, and he glared at her, his optics now....RED* ..........out. *very softly, but deadly*
CHROMIA: -smirks, and extricates herself from Blaster slowly-
SUNSTORM: *his optics are on her only...and he's stalking her now....not happy...and very frustrated*
BLASTER: *He lets her go with trailing fingers over her chassis- and glances over at Sunstorm- and slides in between the two of them*
CHROMIA: Have fun~ -giggles and sashays out of the room-
SUNSTORM: *growling, eyeing her as she left*
BLASTER: ::I plan on it, babe.::
BLASTER: ::Tell Firestar her mate's got a cute aft::
CHROMIA: ::And you tell Stormie his mate's got some hot moves.::
BLASTER: ::: Will do.::
SUNSTORM: *growling softly, but darkly as she walks out* ......
SUNSTORM: *wings still bent back dangerously*
BLASTER: Sunstorm... *There's a lot of sultry tones in that one word, purring it*
SUNSTORM: *his attention was caught by that, and he looked at Blaster, his optics losing some of the dark red, and fading slightly to a more red-orange* ...............
SUNSTORM: *wings twitching*
BLASTER: *He stalks up to him- and slides fingers up his face to brush against his cheekplates*
BLASTER: *Then leans forward, glossa sliding over the tensors in the other's neck..nibbling just a bit&
SUNSTORM: *he fought back a growl, but the tease was too much, and he reached up, grasping at his shoulders, growling. He was about two seconds from pushing his mate into the wall...*
BLASTER: ::So, what do you want. Sunstorm. You had better tell me..or I'm going to walk out of this room. *and is fairly growling back::
SUNSTORM: *He growled back* ::Don't you DARE walk away from me now.:: *he pulled back away from the teasing just to lean forward again and catch his mate in a harsh kiss, taking a step...which ended up in him stepping forward until Blaster was against the wall.*
BLASTER: ::And if I do, what wo- ugh....::*He grins at that, and returns the kiss as harshly as its given to him- pressing back against Sunstorm fairly harshly*
BLASTER: *His hands tighten on the other, and he presses back as harshly as he can, drinking in his mate*
SUNSTORM: ::I would chase you down until I found you again, that's what.:: *said rather darkly, one hand still on his shoulder, the other trailing down his side, digging in to separations of armor, talons scratching long silver lines in red*
BLASTER: *He arches harshly at that, sucking in air through surprised intakes- and leans into his mate with a soft moan- much as the words and the actions are what are severely turning him on*
BLASTER: ::That a promise, or at threat::
SUNSTORM: ::That's a fucking promise. Take it as a threat if you want.:: *his fingers slid around to his lower back, talons sliding along his spinestrut, digging in possessively.* ::You are mine, you hear me?? Mine....and no one else's...::
BLASTER: ::Nnn..*His back arches hard at that, so that metal screeches against metal- and his own blue optics lock onto those reddish ones*::I don't have a complaint against that::
SUNSTORM: ::Good. Because right now, you don't have a choice, Bonded.:: *he smirked, nipping at his mate's lip, slitting it slightly. His other hand went down to meet the other, wrapping around him and possessively pulling him very close, kissing him rather hard*
BLASTER: *His field crackles at that, and there's a soft moan against the other's lips as his spinestrut arches a bit more- digging dents into the other's armor*
SUNSTORM: *he growled softly at that, pressing back against him, hands now trailing up Blaster's sides, talons slipping between armor edges as he dragged them up towards the other's chest, just for pure torment. He still held him in a kiss, keeping him pinned against the wall...*
BLASTER: *He wriggled a bit, trying to free himself from those ticklishly dangerous talons- but to no avail. Instead, it wedges them in tighter and illicts a cry from the DJ, who is trying to get himself under control- now whimpering*
SUNSTORM: *He broke the kiss and leaned in, his lips brushing against his audial softly* What do -you- want...? *he was purely enjoying the fact that he was making him squirm just from a simple touch. He leaned down just slightly, letting his fangs drag lazily across a fuelline in the other's neck, hands still trailing, and getting ever closer to his chest...*
BLASTER: *His fingers clench in spasms over the other's armor as those fangs move over delicate fuelines and cables. His optics shutter off, then on- and off again as he breathes what he wants against the other's audials*
BLASTER: *Which is, quite frankly- Sunstorm himself*
SUNSTORM: *the words alone made him moan softly, his wings trembling in anticipation, want, need. His talons trailed across the edges of his mate's tapedeck, as if asking...no, not asking.. -telling- him what he wanted.*
BLASTER: *He made a soft noise at that, and deftly slid aside the door to the deck to bare the spark chamber to the other, his own energy field beginning to spark just a bit*
SUNSTORM: *he made a soft, low growl, leaning down and biting at the armor on his mate's shoulder, fangs scraping and slightly piercing. The aura round him was already showing, soft gold surrounding him. One hand slipped across the edges of the deck, then slid inside, one talon grazing across various wires, cables and plating, finally brushing across the false back that the spark casing was behind.* ::....Love..::
BLASTER: *He shuddered at that- leaning over the other's hand- his cheek brushing against the shoulder vents that bookend Sunstorm's neck...nngh* ::Door locked?::
BLASTER: *Even as he leans harshly against him, shuddering each time that chamber is touched- his magnetic field fighting against Sunstorm's*
SUNSTORM: ::...I...mnn...I don't know...and I don't want to leave to find out...:: *his own frame shivered, his wings twitching downward, talons trailing and teasing, tormenting. His free hand trailed to Blaster's side, then to his hip, pulling him as close as he could...*
BLASTER: ::Yeah, but....if someone comes in, they'll try to stop it.:: *He moves closer anyway- his own hands sliding into the other's armor to tease the cockpit up*
SUNSTORM: Nnngg.....*he growled, torn between staying here, and going to lock the door* ::Primus....:: *the glass across his cockpit split and slid aside with his mate's touch. His whole frame shook to that touch, wanting more...almost...not caring at this point...but at the same time, he did...*
SUNSTORM: *torn emotions making this all the more heated...*
BLASTER: *His hand reaches in, and gently touches that chamber, pulling the other closer to him- and slides his face up to intiate a kiss*
BLASTER: *Glossa sliding past the other's lips to deepen it, and bring them as close together as he can*
SUNSTORM: *he nearly collapsed at the touch..it had been so long. He leaned into that kiss, moaning softly into it as his own spark chamber was caressed. His own fingers found that small indentation in the armor and pushed at it, sliding the small door to his mate's spark chamber open, revealing that soft pulsing light that comprised of Blaster's life...*
BLASTER: *He yelped at that, but not in pain- more surprise- and virtually collapsed into his mate's arms at the touch so close to his
BLASTER: spark. His fingers, having already dug in to seams, now create furrows as he slides down to his knees. The magnetic field that arches over his body is spitting blue waves of lightening- turning him violet in spurts*
SUNSTORM: *He in turn followed him to the floor, both of them now kneeling on the ground. He slid one arm around his mate's back, to keep him held up against him so he wouldn't fall further. His own aura was a brighter golden color, small sparkles beginning to blip in and out again. He caught him in another kiss, pulling him deeper into bliss, if he wasn't there already. His other hand sought out his mate's spark, gently brushing fingers across the bare surface of it...*
BLASTER: *He shudders hard at that- and slides fingers down, and threading through the other's as the first pulse is sent out- initiated by the other's fingers on his spark. His lips work against the other's as he pulls himself close to work spark to spark*
SUNSTORM: ::..Nnhh...Primus, Love..:: *he tightened his grip on Blaster's hand, bringing that hand up against the wall level with their heads. He withdrew his other hand from his mate's spark, sliding up to grasp firmly across the back of the other's helm, pressing him in closer, drawing that kiss deeper. He felt the wave wash over him and he nearly collapsed at that, whimpering softly against the other, wings and fingers twitching.
BLASTER: *He sighs softly- and begins the second wave of bonding- the feedback. He knows that this is faster than they normally do this- but he's needed the other for a while*
SUNSTORM: When that feedback loop connected, a shock of electricity washed over him, and he could feel Blaster's presence within his own...again...finally...*
BLASTER: *He curled harder in to the other mech as he felt his presence slide against Sunstorm's. His fingers tighten to keep the mech -RIGHT- where he is as he strengthens those pulses- claiming the other even as he is claimed*
SUNSTORM: *He whimpered softly, biting into the other's lip as they kissed, the hand behind his helm now sliding down under Blaster's arm and across the back, sliding across the shoulderplates, pressing his mate against him as much as he could. The energy around him grew brighter, the sparklies around him gaining strength, some even arching across his armor, and across to Blaster, enveloping both of them. He felt the connection, the pleasure and intensity flowing through him as their sparks connected and latched on to each other in a wave of energy...*
BLASTER: *He turns on his own internal radio- but its not Chasing Cars that plays, no- not this time. Its a different song- something with a harsher rhythm, but the words remain the same in context. "Self Control"- because its literal.*
BLASTER: *Sunstorm takes away every bit of self control he has, and turns it into something white hot and passsionate- and he wouldn't have it any other way*
BLASTER: *So, using the backbeats from the song- he attempts to drive his partner into spark overload using the rhythm*
SUNSTORM: *The energy from the pulses crashed over him, and he cried out, breaking the kiss and burying his face against his mate's shoulder. He continued to take every pulse, throw everything he had into it, and send it back, keeping in perfect tandem with the other's pulses, but he was beginning to struggle even with that. Primus, he missed this feeling, of being together, being as one....he opened up every barrier he had, letting his mind wash out and reach out, tenatively touching the other's mind, asking to be let in* ::...Love....::
BLASTER: *He's let in without words, and wholely- his fingers gripping tigthter as he presses himself so close that that they cannot be pried apart*
BLASTER: *He continues to send those pulses, making sure to push against the other's magnetic field as well. He wants no part of the other left untouched as he allows his own energy to spill out in white-hot flows*
BLASTER: *Spinestrut shuddering- and pressing his face harder into Sunstorm's chassis*
SUNSTORM: *his grip on Blaster's hand got tighter, the intense, sheer pure energy washing over him and threatening to take him over. Forced to the edge, his entire body shaking hard, he allows that energy to wash over him. To be engulfed in his mate's energy is possibly the most wonderful and intense feelings he had ever encountered. This was what he lived for now, what he looked forward to every day...not particularly -this-, but just being there with Blaster, to share things with him, to love and be loved by him. It was all he ever wanted. He reached forth with his mind and spark together, trying to pull him in as he hovered on the edge between here, and total and utter bliss and love*
BLASTER: *He opened up everything. His mind, his spark, his processor. Everything is laid bare before his mate in an effort to come clean about anything he may have done, and to just be honest with his mate*
BLASTER: *He doesn't hold back, he doesn't force anything to the side. It all comes out in a forceful wave of emotion, and raw unbridled feeling that envelopes the sun-kissed seeker in a raw wave of brilliance*
BLASTER: *It doesn't stop washing just once, but comes over like a recurring storm-surge, battling down anything and everything in its path*
BLASTER: *But instead of leaving desvestation, it leaves the other with a sense of being loved....and he's pushing that sparkpulse so hard- wanting to tumble over into a warm oblivion with his mate*
SUNSTORM: *it was as if it were the first time all over again. Pure happiness, love, a feeling of being wanted from here-on out. His body tensed up almost completely, almost as if wanting to draw this out further. But he couldn't and the intense emotions and raw power of the other's love for him sent him over. He cried out, fingers tightenting around the other's hand, his face buried in the other's shoulder, his other hand pressing hard into the shoulder armor. He felt as if everything went white within him, and his own aura pulsed a bright yellow, static charges arching between him and Blaster in bright yellow bolts.* ::.....Primus, Blaster.......I..love you...:: *his wings dipped, as he was overtaken completely..*
BLASTER: ::I love you too, my Sunstorm. More than you think ...:: *He finally let his own overload wash over him with the final force of the feedback by Sunstorm.*
BLASTER: *Its not an easy thing to be burned by the sun, and to be healed by it at the same time- however, Sunstorm manages it quite well. The heat blasts his circuits, heats his faceplate- and melds lips together*
BLASTER: *Smears of half-melted metal cast sunset and crimson streaks over red and crimson armor- marking each mech as the other's, and as core temperatures and processors fizzle from the sheer pressure*
BLASTER: *Then perhaps- its there that for a brief instance, nirvana is reached and both bots are borne aloft in neither air, nor earth- but love*
BLASTER: *And then that moment is gone- and his system begins to shut down from the sheer amount of pressure being placed on it for auto repair and to cool down, even as chassis shakes, hands tighten, field sparks to create a cocoon of power*
BLASTER: *And when the Autobot Blaster offlines, it is against his mate- with a death grip on that chassis- and the PIT damn any one that tries to pry the other from him*
SUNSTORM: *Everything he ever wanted, was right here in his arms; either high up in the clouds, or down here on earth...no matter where, Blaster would be there. Either in his spark or in his arms, it didn't matter. They were together, as one. Always. He collapsed against his mate, intakes whirring, fans coming online to try and cool him down. He fought offlining for a good minute or two, just to enjoy the feeling of being wrapped in his mate's arms, and being wrapped around him....always...*
CHROMIA: -peeks her head in quietly, a mischevious grin on her face-
CHROMIA: ..... -takes in the scene-
CHROMIA: Well. Didn't I tell you it feels amazing? -amused-
SUNSTORM: *He has no clue she's there, but he's just holding him, peaceful and completely---- wait....was that....? He groggily turned his head, saw her, and raised his hand, flipping her the bird.*
SUNSTORM: *buuuut...there was a slight grin on his face, his optics wavering as he was on the verge of offlining*
CHROMIA: -grins smugly at him- Awww, I love you too.
SUNSTORM: *he reiterated his previous gesture, and promptly fell offline, still wrapped around his mate*
CHROMIA: -flops down on a couch to see how long it'll take for them to come back online, feet propped on the armrest-
SUNSTORM: *it only took a few more moments, and the soft whirr of systems powering up filled the room. Blaster was still out. He breathed in....then breathed out slowly, pulling back and looking at his mate.* ...Damn, Love....*He brushed his fingers gently across the other's back. Sparkcasings already shut and closed off, looking as if nothing had ever happened, he was grateful for automatic responses while offline. He didn't know Chromia was still in the room. He sighed softly, and repositioned, sitting on the floor so that Blaster's head was in his lap now. He reached down, brushing his fingers across his mate's cheekplates softly, lovingly...* I love you.....*whispered*
CHROMIA: You really wore him out. -conversationally-
SUNSTORM: *he jerked his head up, looking in the direction of the voice, optics widening* ...Chromia! I.....what....I thought you left! *embarrassed Seeker is now embarrassed!*
CHROMIA: -laughs- I had to see if you actually did have your evil way with him. So. How was it?
SUNSTORM: *He coughed lightly, and turned back to Blaster, one of his wings hiding them from view just slightly..yeah, a show of embarrassment.* ......Interesting.....I think...um... *his wings dropped slightly, then he turned back to her*
SUNSTORM: I don't get it....
CHROMIA: Why what?
SUNSTORM: Why did you do all that...the torment, the teasing...the making me pissed off....??
SUNSTORM: *He just looked at her for a moment, kinda confused still*
CHROMIA: To get you to jump him in public. He wanted you to as well, otherwise he wouldn't have let me dance the way I was with him.
CHROMIA: Everyone should interface in public at least once.
CHROMIA: Just to say they have. -grins-
SUNSTORM: ......That's it? *he blinked at her*
CHROMIA: And it was amazing, wasn't it?
SUNSTORM: ......I....you pissed me off....for that? *he eyed her, with a rather stunned look on his face* ...... *he went to say something else, then gave up.* ...yes, it was.....*quietly, looking back at Blaster, still passed out on his lap*
CHROMIA: Helping a friend. :3
SUNSTORM: ...Helping? *he turned back, raising an optic ridge at her again* .....? *he laughed a bit and shook his head*
CHROMIA: -stands up and grabs a cube of highgrade, downing it quickly- Ah, that dancing did make me thirsty. -grabs another cube and walks over, handing it to him- Look like you need it.
SUNSTORM: *he smiled and nodded* ..Thanks. *He repositioned again so that he was leaning against the wall, facing Chromia, and Blaster now up in his lap, back against his chest, his legs on either side of Blaster's hips, cradling him gently. He was actually debating getting up and taking him to their room, and he figured he would soon. But at the moment...he didn't trust himself to walk just yet..*
CHROMIA: -stretches, arching her back, and smiles at him- I'm gonna head out. Night!
SUNSTORM: *He laughed and shook his head* ....Chromia....
SUNSTORM: ....He hid himself away for a long time...I missed him so much. I don't know what it was that brought him out...But Primus be, I am incredibly grateful. It makes me happy to see him out and about again, y'know? *he looked up at her, a soft smile on his face* ...I just....Thank you.
SUNSTORM: Even though you pissed me off....Thank you.
CHROMIA: You're welcome, hon. You two get some recharge in. -walks out, a smile on her face-
SUNSTORM: *he nodded, and after a few minutes, his own cube was gone, and he finally stood, lifting Blaster to his feet...poor mech was -STILL- offline. Slowly and carefully he carried him to their room, where he laid him down on the berth, crawling in next to him. He placed an arm over him, curling up tight against him, smiling softly.* ..Welcome back, Love...I missed you. *he kissed his cheek gently, then rested his head on his shoulder, falling into the best recharge he had ever had since first meeting Blaster...*

blaster, log, sunstorm

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