Old Log

Feb 07, 2008 20:02

Old log. Real old log. We're talking people were squishy old.

Fireflight: *tackle-hugs Sunny*
Sunstreaker: ::flail::
Fireflight: Hey Sunny. ^^
Fireflight: *gets up and runs*
Sunstreaker: ::chases:: Get back here, you!
Fireflight: *giggling madly*
Sunstreaker: ::swipe::
Fireflight: *swiped*
Fireflight: Yeek!
Sunstreaker: ::yoink::
Sunstreaker: Dare I ask?
Fireflight: I was in a hugging mood.
Fireflight: *beams at him*
Sunstreaker: Oh.
Sunstreaker: Well.
Sunstreaker: I guess I'll let it slide this one time.
Sunstreaker: Since you didn't muss my paint or anything.
Fireflight: *laughs and shoves him playfully*
Sunstreaker: ::pushes him back::
Fireflight: You're so worried about your paint job.
Sunstreaker: It is a very nice paint job.
Fireflight: Yes
Fireflight: But paint jobs can be redone.
Sunstreaker: That takes time.
Sunstreaker: I haven't seen you in a while.
Fireflight: Yeah
Fireflight: Been a bit busy.
Sunstreaker: Good-busy or trying-not-to-die-busy?
Fireflight: Sort of both.
Sunstreaker: That's sort of good, then.
Sunstreaker: So. Who do I have to kill?
Fireflight: No one.
Fireflight: Vok were bothering us earlier.
Fireflight: But they're sorta...
Fireflight: dead.
Sunstreaker: Oh. Damn.
Sunstreaker: Guess I missed all the fun then.
Fireflight: Sunstorm sorta blew up their home dimension somehow. ^^;
Sunstreaker: ...
Sunstreaker: If you tell me how, will I understand it?
Fireflight: I think he set the self-destruct or something. o.o;
Sunstreaker: Wait...dimensions have a self-destruct?
Sunstreaker: So we could go at any minute?
Fireflight: I don't know. o.o;
Fireflight: Ask Sunstorm.
Fireflight: Although that is a disturbing thought.
Sunstreaker: Maybe...we should just not think about it?
Fireflight: Yeah.
Fireflight: I like that plan.
Sunstreaker: That sounds like a workable plan. ::nodnod::
Fireflight: I agree.
Fireflight: Want to get something to drink?
Sunstreaker: Drinking is good.
Sunstreaker: I think I got some tequila in here...
Fireflight: Bleh.
Fireflight: What about energon?
Sunstreaker: Energon...lemme see...
Sunstreaker: ::checks subspace pockets:: Aha!
Sunstreaker: Regular or high-grade?
Fireflight: Either or!
Sunstreaker: ::pulls out high-grade, complete with twisty straws in the shape of rockets, hands one to Fireflight::
Fireflight: *blinks and takes it*
Fireflight: *siiiiiip*
Fireflight: Mmm.
Sunstreaker: It's from Divebomb.
Sunstreaker: Just don't ask how I got it
Fireflight: Oh. o.o;
Fireflight: OK.
Fireflight: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
Fireflight: This is really good.
Fireflight: *another long sip*
Sunstreaker: >.> Don't drink it too fast.
Fireflight: *has gone through about half the cube*
Fireflight: Why?
Fireflight: *siiiiiiip*
Fireflight: Mmm. Flavor.
Sunstreaker: Because you'll get drunk.
Sunstreaker: And you're too young to drink ::smirk::
Fireflight: *sorta glares at him and jabs a finger into his chest*
Fireflight: I am not too young to drink!
Fireflight: I, Sunny, am nine million years old!
Sunstreaker: ::smirk:: Perils of being sweet and innocent. Everyone thinks you're younger than you are.
Fireflight: Psh.
Fireflight: *finishes the cube*
Fireflight: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...
Sunstreaker: ::gives him another::
Fireflight: That was refreshin'. ^^
Fireflight: *takes it and starts drinking*
Fireflight: People think 'm stupid because I get distracted easily...
Fireflight: *siiiiiiiiiiip*
Fireflight: But 'm not!
Sunstreaker: Nope.
Fireflight: I jus like to think!
Sunstreaker: Trust me, I know stupid.
Fireflight: *nods sagely and drinks again*
Sunstreaker: I've been stuck with him my entire life.
Sunstreaker: You're not stupid.
Fireflight: Good.
Fireflight: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip*
Sunstreaker: You've never eaten a box of soap just to see what would happen.
Fireflight: Never in m' life. ^^
Fireflight: *drains about the half cube*
Fireflight: This is real' good.
Sunstreaker: Yep. Even better than Blackout's
Fireflight: I knoooow.
Fireflight: ^///^
Sunstreaker: >.> Don't tell me you're gone already.
Fireflight: *finishes off the second cube* gimme another.
Fireflight: Please.
Sunstreaker: ::pulls out another. How many of these does he have?::
Fireflight: *takes it and takes a very long draft*
Fireflight: Ahh...s'gooooooooooooooood.
Fireflight: *blinks optics*
Fireflight: Why aren't you drinkin'?
Sunstreaker: I am.
Sunstreaker: Just slower than you.
Sunstreaker: Someone's got to stay sober.
Fireflight: Oh.
Fireflight: Mk. ^^
Fireflight: *polishes off his third cube*
Fireflight: I could do this all day!
Fireflight: So tasty.
Sunstreaker: ::sigh:: I can't believe I'm doing this. ::gives him another::
Fireflight: Sweet energy. How do I love thee? *grins and takes it*
Fireflight: Doin' what?
Sunstreaker: Never mind. ::grin:: Keep drinking.
Fireflight: Mmmmmkay.
Fireflight: *drinkdrink*
Fireflight: ^///////^
Fireflight: *hugging the half-full cube against his chest*
Sunstreaker: What I wouldn't give for a camera.
Fireflight: I love you energy. Never leave me.
Fireflight: *and drinks again, leaving it about a quarter full*
Sunstreaker: Maybe you should slow down?
Fireflight: Whhhhy?
Fireflight: I like it.
Sunstreaker: Fine. When you throw up, don't say I didn't warn you.
Fireflight: 'm not gonna throw up. *and thus finishes his fourth cube*
Fireflight: Mmm. *smacks lips*
Fireflight: *starts shakily building a pyramid out of his empty cubes*
Sunstreaker: ::hands him another full one::
Fireflight: *takes it and begins drinking, a bit slower this time*
Sunstreaker: So how's everyone doing?
Fireflight: Everyone's doing good, I think.
Fireflight: Although TC n' Bee are upset about the whole him bein' human...
Fireflight: Bee...
Fireflight: Meh.
Sunstreaker: Yeah...that ain't too good.
Fireflight: Possessive glitch. -.- *drink*
Sunstreaker: Who? Why?
Fireflight: Bee.
Fireflight: S'like every time I was with TC and Bee, Bee'd be shootin' me these jealous little glances!
Fireflight: Like I can't love TC or somethin'.
Fireflight: *drinks*
Sunstreaker: You are sort-of bonded to him by proxy. So I think you're allowed.
Sunstreaker: But I bet 'Bee isn't too happy in general right now.
Fireflight: Yeah!
Fireflight: Well, this was before the Voks or wha'ever showed up.
Fireflight: *sip*
Fireflight: And when I talked to him 'bout he he just whines.
Sunstreaker: Ah.
Fireflight: "Is jus' the way I am! I can't help it!"
Fireflight: Hmmph
Sunstreaker: Yeah. That's 'Bee for you.
Sunstreaker: Well.
Fireflight: "Wahwah! Pity party!" -.-
Sunstreaker: ::tries to think of a way to put this nicely::
Sunstreaker: He...is young.
Fireflight: Better call Ratchet and get the Wahhhhhhhhhhmbulance, Bee!
Sunstreaker: He's not that bad.
Fireflight: 'm young too and y'don't see me whining about Warp an' stuff.
Fireflight: *drink*
Sunstreaker: No. You don't.
Sunstreaker: But 'Bee and him don't really hang out much that I see.
Fireflight: 'm secure in the knowledge that Warp n' TC love me, even if they occasionally stray!
Fireflight: *nods and drinks*
Sunstreaker: Sounds to me like the bossman and 'Bee need to talk.
Fireflight: They did.
Fireflight: He got the shame "It's the way I am! I don't know how to solve the problem!" responshe.
Fireflight: *drink*
Sunstreaker: Well then. 'Bee just needs to be smacked upside the head then.
Sunstreaker: That's what happens to me when I say that.
Fireflight: S'what Starscream shaid.
Fireflight: *drink and smile*
Fireflight: I like Starscream. ^^
Sunstreaker: He...has qualities.
Fireflight: He's nice ta me. And he helped me when I was all loopy from Un'cron.
Fireflight: ^___^
Fireflight: *drink again*
Sunstreaker: I know.
Sunstreaker: He likes you fliers.
Sunstreaker: ::puts another cube on the ground for him::
Fireflight: S'cause we can fly!
Fireflight: *finishes off his fifth cube and starts in on his sixth*
Sunstreaker: Flying is fun.
Fireflight: Yeeeeah.
Fireflight: *regards him for a moment*
Fireflight: S'nice. Wind over yer wings and it's soooo high up.
Fireflight: *leans on his hand*
Sunstreaker: So I hear.
Fireflight: Yeaaaaah.
Fireflight: *looks at Sunny for a moment, examining him*
Sunstreaker: Hm?
Fireflight: You have a nice aft. ^///////////^
Fireflight: *drinkdrink*
Sunstreaker: I know. ::smirk::
Fireflight: *slaps said aft*
Sunstreaker: ::shakes finger at him:: I'm going to let you get away with that once, because you don't know what you're doing.
Fireflight: Yesh I do.
Fireflight: You're so shiiiiiiiny.
Fireflight: *and hugs on him, nuzzling him in a semi-affectionate manner*
Sunstreaker: ::patpat:: Yes I am. I think you've had too much to drink. Or I haven't had enough.
Fireflight: Noooo!
Fireflight: I need more.
Fireflight: *finishes off his sixth cube and waves it at him*
Fireflight: See? Empty!
Fireflight: There is no liquid energy in my cube!
Sunstreaker: ::pulls out another cube:: Here ya go.
Fireflight: Yaay!
Fireflight: I loooooove you Sunny.
Fireflight: And I love you Energon.
Fireflight: You are liquid energy and make me feel good. You make my gears turn and my circuits spark. ^__________________^
Fireflight: *drinkdrink*
Sunstreaker: ::headshake::
Fireflight: *has his arms wrapped around Sunny's waist in a hug*
Fireflight: *turbines purring as he uses one hand to drink*
Fireflight: Sunny, you are so yellow.
Sunstreaker: Yes. I am yellow.
Fireflight: Like Bee. Only prettier and shinier.
Sunstreaker: Well, no-one is as pretty or as shiny as me.
Fireflight: Mmmm.
Fireflight: Warp is pretty.
Fireflight: Not as shiny though.
Sunstreaker: That he is. But all Seekers are.
Sunstreaker: Well, he's black.
Fireflight: Yeah
Fireflight: Sorta kills shininess.
Sunstreaker: Black is less shiny than yellow.
Fireflight: *nuzzles into him again, head on his chest as he drinks happily*
Sunstreaker: ::holds him up:: You doing alright?
Fireflight: I'm greeeeeat.
Fireflight: *finishes off the cube*
Fireflight: ^-^
Sunstreaker: Okay. ::fishes out another::
Fireflight: ooo
Fireflight: More for me?
Sunstreaker: You're not going to like me too much in the morning, I think.
Sunstreaker: Yep.
Sunstreaker: You can have as much as you want.
Fireflight: *reaches out a hand, tongue sticking out in concentration*
Sunstreaker: You're not a sparkling.
Fireflight: C'mere you little...
Sunstreaker: ::puts it in his hand::
Fireflight: Yay!
Fireflight: Thanks Sunny.
Sunstreaker: Anytime, wingling.
Fireflight: ^______^
Fireflight: *drinkdrink*
Fireflight: *on his...eighth?*
Fireflight: *gluglug*
Sunstreaker: You have a hell of a tolerance for such a little thing.
Fireflight: I am not little!
Fireflight: I am a Seeker!
Fireflight: *rattles wings*
Sunstreaker: Yes you are. What do you weigh, four and a half tons?
Sunstreaker: Nothing wrong with being little.
Sunstreaker: Makes you cute. And harder to shoot.
Fireflight: I have to be light!
Fireflight: I have to fly!
Sunstreaker: More reasons why being little is good.
Fireflight: Mmmhmm
Fireflight: *nuzzlehug*
Fireflight: Ok...
Fireflight: no more sweet liquid energy for me...
Fireflight: 8 is my limit.
Sunstreaker: I think your limit was somewhere around five and a half.
Fireflight: Psssssssssssssssssssssssh
Fireflight: *blinks and thinks hard for a minute*
Fireflight: Did you say I was cuuute?
Fireflight: ^///////////////^
Sunstreaker: Probably.
Sunstreaker: You are.
Fireflight: Yay!
Fireflight: *curling himself around Sunny now*
Fireflight: ^^
Fireflight: Thanks fer the energon
Sunstreaker: No problem, wingling. Thanks for the entertainment. ::smirk::
Fireflight: Ennertainment?
Sunstreaker: Yep.
Fireflight: Kay
Fireflight: *peck on the cheek, then curls up in Sunny's lap*
Sunstreaker: ::is not disturbed by this::
Sunstreaker: You passing out on me?
Fireflight: Naaaaaaah
Fireflight: *nuzzling his chest again*
Sunstreaker: Just sitting here?
Fireflight: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah
Sunstreaker: Okay. I can live with that.
Fireflight: Works fer me.
Fireflight: *nuzzleluff* <3
Fireflight: Shiny.
Sunstreaker: ::hugs him:: Yeah.
Fireflight: Do you think I could be shiny?
Sunstreaker: Sure.
Sunstreaker: All you need is turtle wax, and someone to help you get the places you can't reach.
Fireflight: I could ask Warp. <3
Sunstreaker: Hold on. I think I have some turtle wax on me.
Fireflight: Oooo?
Fireflight: Really? You'd do tha' fer me?
Sunstreaker: ::digs out a can of turtle wax:: Here you go. You and Skywarp can make each other shiny now.
Sunstreaker: Sure, wingling.
Fireflight: *squee*
Sunstreaker: ::grin::
Fireflight: He can reach all those hard ta get places, if you know what I mean.
Fireflight: *giggle*
Sunstreaker: Oh, I know.
Sunstreaker: I'm sure he's very good at that.
Fireflight: Mmmm...*optics offline for a minute*
Fireflight: Feels niiiice.
Fireflight: *wings rattle slightly*
Sunstreaker: I'm sure he does.
Fireflight: Yeah. He's so...great...<3
Fireflight: Wonner where he is...
Sunstreaker: I don't know.
Sunstreaker: He could be anywhere.
Fireflight: *pout*
Fireflight: I wan' my seeker. ;-;
Sunstreaker: Sorry. I don't know where he is.
Fireflight: Oh well...
Fireflight: Yer here.
Fireflight: And your shiny.
Fireflight: Even if you don't have wings.
Fireflight: *nuzzlenuzzle*
Sunstreaker: I make an acceptable substitute?
Fireflight: I guess...
Fireflight: I mean yeah, why not?
Fireflight: *nuzzle again*
Sunstreaker: I'm teasing you.
Fireflight: Ok.
Fireflight: You can still be a subsitute if'n you wan'.
Fireflight: *purrpurrpurr*
Sunstreaker: You're purring. ::amused::
Fireflight: Soooo?
Fireflight: Do me a favor an' pet me right behin' the audials, will ya?
Sunstreaker: ::pets him there:: Like this?
Fireflight: Yessss,
Fireflight: *purrpurrpurr*
Sunstreaker: ::headshake::
Fireflight: *looks content. Content and drunk*
Sunstreaker: You are slagged.
Fireflight: Yeh, so?
Sunstreaker: Just making sure you knew and didn't try anything like sub-orbital flight.
Fireflight: Why would I wanna fly righ' now?
Fireflight: Is nice here' ^////^
Sunstreaker: I don't know.
Fireflight: I think...I think Imma go to the common room.
Fireflight: *tries to stand up shakily, leaning on the wall for support*
Fireflight: Wooo...
Fireflight: OK, floor. Wanna be tricky, huh?
Sunstreaker: Are you going to make it? ::standing next to him, in case there needs to be a catch::
Fireflight: YEah. I just need to get the floor to stop movin'. *glares at the floor and takes a few shaky steps along, using the wall as a guide*
Sunstreaker: ::follows him:: The floor's not moving, you know.
Fireflight: Yes it is!
Fireflight: *still moving along, determined to make it to the common room*
Sunstreaker: ::following him, amused::
Fireflight: *tongue is out in concentration as he finally makes it to the common room door*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)
Mind you, he passed out in the doorway.

fireflight, log, sunstreaker

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