LOG: When Wheeljack met Mixmaster

Feb 03, 2008 22:51

Blurr: *rolls eyes* Must you make everything a battle?
Mixmaster: A battle? No.
Mixmaster: A contest?.../maybe/.
Mixmaster: *Smiiiiiiile*
Blurr: *giggles and sit on an empty bench* If you don't mind me asking, how did you and Wheeljack meet?
Mixmaster: Oh!~ We were lab partners at the Cybertronian College of High Science. *Sagenod*
Mixmaster: Ask him about our thesis paper. *Leer*
Blurr: *imagines Wheeljack and Mixmaster working together when they were younger. Shudders at the thought how many explosion there probably was*
Blurr: Do I wanna know?
Mixmaster: Let's just say that we made...ah...history. *Dreamly smile*
Blurr: *raises optic ridge*....Now I have to ask...
Mixmaster: Ask him!
Mixmaster: *Giggle*
Blurr: *is comming him now*
Blurr: *pouts* He told me to ask you.
Mixmaster: Oh, let me get him on the comm!
Blurr: He said you loved to talk about it...
Mixmaster: Yes, but he tells it better. *Pout*


Mixmaster: *Comm from Mixmaster*
Mixmaster: \\WHEELJACK!\\
Wheeljack: //Yes, Mixmaster?//
Mixmaster: \\You tell the story about our thesis paper better than I do, 'enlighten' Blurr as to why we were hauled up before the dean, why don't you?~\\
Wheeljack: //But here I thought you enjoyed telling it.//


Mixmaster: \\Oh, I'll just make this a three-way comm...\\ *Fiddlestatic* \\Aha, there!\\
Mixmaster: \\Everyone listening?~\\
Blurr: *sulks* ::So what was this thesis of yours? Mixmaster said it made history?::
Mixmaster: \\Go ahead, Wheeljack.\\
Wheeljack: \\I was so sure YOU enjoyed telling it, though. You always seemed to be the one who made it so much more interesting. Everyone liked your story better than mine.\\
Mixmaster: \\Well, it's kind of hard -not- to like the idea of reducing the pompous mech that called himself dean to a protoform.\\
Blurr: :: ...That doesn't explain your dreamy look... ::
Mixmaster: \\It made the yearbook. Thus, history! Forever immortalized....and quite nearly expelled.\\
Mixmaster: \\Pah.\\
Mixmaster: \\Good thing our fellow students were on our side.\\
Wheeljack: \\True. Honestly, though, I think you should tell the story.\\
Wheeljack: \\Blurr might enjoy it more without all of the extremely scientific terms that I constantly use and have to explain.\\
Blurr: :: Are you suggesting something Wheels'?::
Wheeljack: \\Hmm? No. I'm just saying that I use very...technical terms that those who aren't scientists or inventors might not understand...\\
Mixmaster: \\Hmph. Fine.\\
Mixmaster: \\Well.\\
Blurr: :: I just want an explanation please...::
Mixmaster: \\Wheeljack and I came up with the brilliant idea on designing our thesis about the makeup of the standard Cybertronian armor.\\
Mixmaster: \\You know. How its mass differs from the central protoform, and how it in itself can be made of different things, hence difference in armor alloys...\\
Mixmaster: \\...are you with me?\\
Blurr: *nods* :: Okay I follow ::
Mixmaster: \\All right.\\
Wheeljack: *is quite content to be listening to Mixmaster explaining it, rather than adding anything to it...for now*
Mixmaster: \\So, we're presenting upon it, and some loudmouth makes the cute suggestion of...actually, I don't remember what it was! Regardless, it brought up the subject on how to reduce it back to the protoform.\\
Mixmaster: \\A little theory which Wheeljack had been developing as a side-project.\\
Wheeljack: *is chuckling* \\Yes, that was an interesting project of mine, wasn't it?\\
Mixmaster: \\Indeed!\\
Mixmaster: \\I decide to show it to him, but before I could, apparently such is considered a hostile action and we were, of course, stopped, and then brought up to explain our actions.\\
Mixmaster: \\I then promptly demonstrated what I was going to do upon the dean.\\
Mixmaster: \\-quite a small protoform for such a large mech, if I recall correctly.\\
Blurr: :: I'me sure that went over smoothly... ::
Mixmaster: \\Oh, well, once the students got ahold of the footage, we were the most popular ones on campus!\\
Wheeljack: \\Yes. The reactions to that were entertaining, weren't they?\\
Mixmaster: \\Indeed!\\
Blurr: :: If you were that close what happened? ::
Mixmaster: \\The dean was set to expell us, but we were able to remain due to some...ah...manipulations. Albeit on a probation.\\
Blurr: ::That doesn't surprise me for some reason.... ::
Mixmaster: \\Oh, we worked around it!\\
Wheeljack: \\Yes, and they didn't like me having the information to do it again, so I had to get rid of that.\\
Mixmaster: \\Didn't mean you couldn't build a new one.\\ *Giggle*
Blurr: ::...you still have it some where don't you?::
Wheeljack: \\Granted...I may or may not have memorized my notes for that little project.\\
Blurr: :: I knew it... ::
Mixmaster: *More giggling*
Wheeljack: \\It's a rather useful invention, actually. Possibly a bit dangerous, yes, but useful.\\
Mixmaster: \\...\\
Mixmaster: \\We should use it on those clones!\\
Blurr: Would you be terrible upset set if I asked you to build one for to use on Shockwave?::
Wheeljack: \\We could use it on those clones.\\ *pauses* \\Why on Shockwave?\\
Blurr: :: I was lock in that lab with that aft fot two months...why do you *think* I wanna use it on him?::
Mixmaster: \\Oh, please, record it!\\
Mixmaster: \\I would LOVE to see!\\
Wheeljack: *chuckles*
Blurr: :: Gladly.... ::
Wheeljack: \\As to making you one to use...we'll see about it.\\
Blurr: *smirks evilly* :: *innocently* Thank you Wheeljack* ::
Mixmaster: \\So, then, Blurr! Does that answer your question?\\
Blurr: ::Yes but it does raise another. If you two were so close, what happened?::
Mixmaster: \\Hm?\\
Blurr: ::What happened to break you two apart? I mean Wheeljack is a Bot and your a Con. What changed?::
Mixmaster: \\Oh.\\
Mixmaster: \\Someone didn't put my name on our final report.\\
Wheeljack: \\I told you that YOU needed to do that.\\
Mixmaster: \\I told you to take care of it!\\
Wheeljack: \\And I told you that YOU needed to because I was busy.\\
Mixmaster: \\So was I!\\
Wheeljack: \\Not as busy as I was.\\
Blurr: ::You two essentially broke over a name?::
Wheeljack: \\...Maybe...\\
Mixmaster: *Indignant* \\Not just a name!\\
Blurr: *raises optic ridge* ::Maybe?::
Mixmaster: \\CREDIT!\\
Mixmaster: \\FAME!\\
Mixmaster: \\NOTORITY!\\
Wheeljack: \\Everyone knew already anyway.\\
Mixmaster: \\That was NOT the point, Wheeljack!\\
Mixmaster: *Angry*
Wheeljack: \\They all knew we were working together on it.\\
Blurr: ::Um...I don't know how much it really would have help you as Wheeljack is know as the resident crackpot amongst the other autobots...::
Mixmaster: \\History! Generations after us will look upon that and see only that WHEELJACK had worked upon it!\\
Mixmaster: \\Not Mixmaster, the greatest processor behind it!\\
Mixmaster: \\I don't know why I -bother-.\\
Blurr: ::Because you love science, *muttered* and Wheeljack ::
Mixmaster: \\-actually, I believe someone else did their paper on 'love'.\\
Wheeljack: \\...\\ *sigh* \\Well, we could always try it again, here and make sure we both get credit for doing it. Obviously this wouldn't be something for school, but...\\
Mixmaster: \\Silly thing.\\

log, wheeljack, mixmaster, blurr

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